
Reborn As A Freakin' Zombie (Hiatus)

An unlucky guy got reincarnated into the zombie world as a zombie himself after his horrific accident. Watch as he grows stronger the further he goes, unlock some secrets in this world, find love I guess? I mean, of course he is. Anyway, better read it...or else. Just kidding. or am I?

DaoistGjXB80 · Horror
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46 Chs

Chapter 15: Invasion Part 3

Two beings are locked at each other in the empty alley way. Beside them is the carcass of a bulkier that has numerous bullet holes and missing chunks of flesh. On the left side is the companion of the dead bulkier. He held his club in a stance that leaves no opening for every living being that knows the art of violence. Despite its monstrous form, it was calm and silent. On the rights side is a being that's fully covered in armor. He held his massive sword upfront with a calculating look underneath his helmet.

I look at my opponent in shock and curiosity. This is a first. A talking zombie. Not that it's that surprising considering I saw those types back at my previous world. Although I only saw those at TV shows and comics but I still can't believe it. Just what type of world am I into.

"You can talk?" I questioned. It scoffs at me like I was an idiot. "Obviously", It replied.

"This is common knowledge around here. Either that you are living under a rock or you've just started your evolution", the bulkier said.

"What do you mean?"

"The latter it is and what makes you think I'm just gonna tell you anything? You've caused chaos on our nest and you think you're just gonna get some answers? Oh no. You are going to die and be fed to my master."

Okay, I did not like the sound of that and a big red flag on that last statement.

"I'll make you talk once I'm done with you," I said before I dashed at him with my sword ready to strike. He grinned at me and moved out of the way. My strike hit nothing but I didn't let up. I delivered him a barrage of continuous slashes and he evaded my strike with precise movements. This thing sure know how to fight well. Unlike the other ones that fight like an animal, this bulkier fights like a veteran soldier. His size might be enormous but he is surprisingly fast and nimble. I slash at him in a horizontal angle but he evaded and strike me right in the face with his club.

I was forced to look elsewhere by the strike. The sound of my helmet hitting the club rings at my ears. Son of a-


I was launched upwards by the second strike of the bulkier. It grab my right leg and proceeded to threw me towards the side of a small building. I was buried to the wall leaving cracks all around me that formed like a spider web. I got up and rushed towards him again. My zombie biology gave me immunity to pain but I still felt that strike. I slash at him at a rapid pace. My strikes are faster than a normal human and had more than enough power to bent a bus in half but my opponent is dodging and is able to parry at the same strength if not bigger. This will be tough.


I was sent to the nearby HG pod, bending it sideways. My armor has taken quite a lot of damage. Uh...I can't feel pain but I still can't help but grimace.

"Had enough yet? This is just pathetic coming from you. I didn't even hit you that hard."

I look towards him as I stood up. This thing is strong, period. Its strikes has almost the same power as I do but more precise, calculated...this thing is a veteran and had enough of experience to fold me in half. If others are like him, this small time war would be quite a hassle. However...

"You sure are cocky. I admit you've got some skills but you are not that big of a threat to me. You will fall and so is your master once I'm done with you."

"Hahaha ha. Big talk coming from someone who's going to die soon."

"I'm already dead."

I ran towards it. It grinned and dashed at me in return. It raised its club and strike at me but I parried the attack before delivering a side slash at it. It jump a few steps backwards and just barely avoided the strike of my blade. I continued my attack with a spartan kick. My metal boot hit its face that caused it to step back a few distance from me. I jumped at him and delivered a downward slash towards its head but it blocked my attack with its club. I spinned and tried to kick its head sideways. It tried to avoid my attack but my foot already connected to its head.


It was sent flying towards a pile of trashes and knocked down the nearby zombies. It stood up and looked at me with its eyes full of malice.

"Lucky shot. Better savor it because it will be the last time you will ever hit me."

Heh. Guess I angered the thing. "Nah. That was just the first one. There will be more incoming after that," I said before continuing our fight.

We exchange our strikes as my blade and its club clash. Unlike before, I'm slowly hitting it every time we exchange hits. The bulkier noticed this and increased its speed in its attacks. I have no choice but to match its speed in return. Our battle took us to many parts of the town. One of us would get sent flying from our opponent's strike and retaliate in return. I would hit him with a slash to its abdomen before getting kicked in the face. My armor would tank every hit I get though, some strong strikes would leave a small dent but it's nothing to worry about. The same can't he said with the bulkier though. Every strike, every slash, every kick, and every punch would leave the horned bastard visible damage. As our fight goes on, it's body got more and more bloody. Dozens of slashes would leave a mark on his body. Some of its horns are already missing and it won't be long when its head will roll to ground.

I let out a battle cry as I kick its leg. It lost its balance and dropped to the ground. I capitalized this opportunity and tried to decapitate the bulkier. It raised its damaged club and was able to stop my blade from barely reaching its neck.

I kicked the blunt of my sword. It generated a force at pushed the blade deeper to the club and sooner or later, the club was cut in half. I raised my sword again to deliver a strike but I was kicked in the gut. I was sent flying with a small distance before I rolled through the ground. I quickly stood up but my face was immediately hit with the bulkier's knee.

Damn it.


I was punched on the gut.


I was given a right hook to the face.


I was given a left uppercut to my jaw.


I got hit with a headbutt.


I got punched in the gut again.


Crap. I could barely make out my surrounding. The strikes are so fast that it feels like my body's being electrocuted.

Bam.Bam. Bam. Bam. Bam. Bam. Bam. Bam. Bam. Bam. Bam. Bam. Bam. Bam. Bam. Bam. Bam. Bam. Bam...

I was given a multitude of punches, knees, kicks, and elbows to my body. I'm getting fighting combo treatment that made me look like boneless carcass.

The bulkier then hit me with a strong side kick to the chest that sent me crashing though a house.

Ah damn. I look at my armor and noticed that some of the parts have been missing. My sword is still being tightly held at my right hand.

"Get him!"

What the?

Numerous zombies came running towards me. That cheating son of a bitch! I slashed every undead that came towards me but seeing as I'm slowly getting overwhelmed, I ran upstairs. The zombies followed me soon after. I need to lead them all in one place. I burst through a wall and ran at the hallway.

The howls of the Undead could be heard behind me. I continued on my way until I reached the dead end. Heh. Like that can stop me. I turn at my back and saw a large number of zombies approaching me.

My helmet opened like a flower showing my Undead face. I inhaled a lot of air before I fired my black breath. Every zombie that got hit was immediately melted. I poured my attack on them and soon they are nothing more but a pile of black goo.

Alright, now for the-

I was tackled on my side by my opponent. We crashed through multiple walls before falling at a great height.

Crap, a fall from this height would surely cripple me. It won't kill me but I may damage my body to the point of being immobile. I aimed my left hand to a nearby tower and fired my grappling hook. It pierced through the wall. I held it tight but I felt my right leg getting grabbed. I look down and saw the bulkier holding my leg tightly.

Why you piece of-

Hello, hope you all like the chapter. Please support my work. A little powrstone will be greatly appreciated. Anyway, bye.

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