
Reborn as a Dothraki (GOT SI) [haitus]

A man dies and gets to be reincarnated in GOT with 3 wishes. how will his wishes affect his fate and how will he alter the universe he is sent to is yet to be seen. *Its a story about a Dothraki, so the R18 tag is there for a reason, expect violence, mentions of R*pe and other things that were considered normal in medieval times. ******* The cover image I got from google, it belongs to you message me and i will remove it. Disclaimer: This is a work of fiction that draws heavy inspiration on the TV series Game Of Thrones, the book series A song Of Ice and Fire and elements of the Marvel Universe and other works of fiction like One Piece. Please support the official releases and authors and know I claim no ownership or credit regarding the existence of pre-existing characters or content that will be mentioned or borrowed for my story. This story might end up being a multiverse crossover. and its an AU universe with many OCs and some guests from other fictions.

OnanMaster · TV
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20 Chs

Chapter 13: Sorry. (18+ish)

NSFW posible content ahead. be Aware.

Chapter 13: yo ho all together.


I just sighted. "i'm sorry".

Way too much medieval world. I'm starting to get acclimated. and I don't like it. Bitch Slapping a woman was not ok in my book. at least not back in the day. its an Evil, a necessary one to get used to. in the world of murderers becoming one is quite common.

Shanks just nods and lets me go.

I felt so much shame. going against my own teachings. a hypocrite. I'm disgusted with myself what am I? villain? Hero? Do I even know?.

kinda a pointless existence if you think about it…

and what is there to live for? What is the point? Dropping on my knees I contemplate my existence.

"Connan, what is best in life?" And I just Sight realizing that Arnie was Right all long and that I became an Adrenaline Junky.

I'm in a fictional world with motherfucking Pirate Emperor Shanks. And i just start chucking like a madman because this is the definition of madness.

["The king and his men

Stole the queen from her bed

And bound her in her bones

The seas be ours

And by the powers

Where we will, we'll roam

Yo, ho, all together

Hoist the colours high

Heave ho, thieves and beggars, l

Never shall we die

Yo, ho, haul together

Hoist the colours high

Heave ho, thieves and beggars

Never shall we die

Yo, ho, haul together

Hoist the colours high

Heave ho, thieves and beggars

Never shall we die"]

I wanted to cry, to scream in pure rage. to curse at everyone. but I could not. I needed to be strong.

A Deep breath.

One two. One two. breathe in, breathe out,

"What was that?" Rahako asks and it makes me chuckle but the laugh sounds more like a painful cry than anything else.

"It was a song that reminds me of home" I answered. then walk away.

I need some time alone.

Walking into the distance can barely keep myself together,

What to do? what to fucking do.

The Leng woman was just standing there like a deer in the headlights. ripe for the taking. Can you even blame me? its a medieval society besides what do you expect me to do? ask permission?.

Fuck it. head on first. don't give a shit anymore.

Approaching the Elizabeth Debicki wannabe I just do what any straight man would. it all starts with a kiss. how long he did not know. but with time and synchronizing we went for quite a while.

It took some time to get used to one another but with time...

guiding her towards one of the tent I proceeded to ripping her robes off and I contemplated her body.

Why do they all look like film stars? is this a part of being in the Movie verse? gods be damned.

Time to be a scumbag, but at least I'm not an ugly scumbag.

kissing is not my forte. but the feel of her lips kissing back was a welcomed one. I was not the best kisser but I can tell when being reciprocated because I'm not a moran and he aint pushing me back..

This shit is questionable? with how our power structure is more than likely and the readers of this fanfic will bitch about it. I still dont give a shit.

then it all faded to black.


AN: I will try to write down Lemons down the line. but it aint happening yet. mentally I'm exhausted after writing this. and I was just describing a kiss. It will take time. but at some point I will manage. I'm just not used to it and coming back from a night shit to write things that make me uncomfortable its not a thing I enjoy doing, s*x is a part of life that I enjoy yet Im shy. Sorry for those that expected more from me. but Steamy R18+ scenes are not my forte.

So i have been writing like 15 words per day and then cringing myself to sleep.

I truly apologize if the 4rth wall brake was to much.

*alfred gif insert* Im sorry, you trusted me and I failed you.

Well I failed you all my perverted brother's and sisters.