
Reborn as a Diablos in fate?!

I am new but i will make this the best that i can make it. Jackson was going home from his work when the most cliche thing had happen, a child wanting to rush home had crossed the street not noticing the truck rushing down the street as though a mad man was behind the wheel, but Jackson noticed and reading those fanfic and novel had filled him in thought so he took his chance's in his belief and rushed to the child.

NUTTER_BUTTER · Anime & Comics
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23 Chs

The Weeks of a Diablos 1/3

"It has been quite some time since we met. I've been traveling around the cave I woke up inside of, not going very far from it since I've been spotted by that guy. But I've been thinking about that question I had before I was attacked by those griffins".

"And that river was a massive help in my thinking process because not only am I in a sandy place but also a massive river, I could only think of Egypt or I'm somewhere around that area, but I believe I'm near Egypt."

"Honestly I hope I wasn't born during the ozymandias era cause I would have to deal with moses as well. But Egypt shouldn't be super hard maybe. I don't really know Egyptian gods except that they all have animal heads and Ra is the god of the sun."


"Oh yeah about the system, I found out how the points work in it, I could gain points from killing things. I don't know the exact amount of points but the more powerful the chimera or phantasmal beast the more points I get from it."

[System Of Evolution ( Diablos Regular Variant)

* Beast Of The Sand*

*Upgrade section<

*Muscle 2/10

*Scales 1/10

*Bones 0/10

*Organs 0/10

*Check up section*

( 0.56 Points) ]

"Yeah I know you noticed it, my muscles have been upped to two and my scales are at one, that's because even though I said I haven't gone very far didn't mean I didn't encounter fights."

"I encountered those Chimeras a lot more, they seem to be just a common type of enemy but still dangerous if underestimated. But as you can see I've been destroying them."

"While I did keep killing them by just going underneath them and trying to pierce them or smush them with my tail, It worked that's all that matters also I've noticed something a small bit I've been getting a small sheen of black on me, it's not really noticeable it just looks like i've gotten a tan"

"My scales have also gotten more robust with a tip of orange on them but mostly that small sheen of black, I know what you've also been thinking about. My new title 'Beast Of The Sand' it really did shock me when i saw it for the first time"

"Because when It appeared It really cemented that I've been spotted and that the people of Egypt know something is possibly in the sands around them, the title doesn't really do anything for me though it's probably just there to look nice"

"And I've noticed something. I think someone is following me, each time I go out to hunt for something to increase my points, something would come after I leave the area and the amount following me would increase."

"At first it was three but slowly as the days passed it would increase from three to five and then to eight, I could only tell because there would be shadows up above and sometimes before the tracks would be covered up by the sands there would multiple claw marks on the chimeras and two paws on the sand."

"I could only think it was the Griffins that I ran from, but why would they be this vicious from one fight? I didn't do anything bad, I was just defending myself from them."

The Diablos would have the sand lift upward revealing Its horned head and it's scales that look like they've been rubbed lightly with coal but still able to see the ivory like color, he would blast air out of his nose lightly throwing sand up in the air, looking forward he would see the cactuses he'd been munching on for awhile.

"I really need to find another patch and maybe a new water spot. But I don't know about the water spot if I'm really in Egypt. I don't know any other spots except the Nile river and I doubt I could find an oasis. But I have a higher chance of finding more cactuses if I look around a bit further."