
Reborn as a Death God

Everything changes when the abyss I have know for all this time, changes into a plane of wonders full of plants. Others that have been here, say something about me being chosen to be a death Origin, just like them? And that every death domain becomes an animal after they accept their role. This is all to confusing! what animal of the death domain will MC become what is a death domain? how did MC get in the abyss in the first place(you wont actually know lol) find out by reading! Writing is hard ok? :( *picture isn't mine* *WARNING* first time writing slight hints of dissociation Mc is actually nonbinary, I'm just choosing female lead because I had to choose either male lead, or female lead to make this. I got a great editor called 'cupcake with a top hat'. I couldn't have made this with out them, so most credit goes to them. updates may come out in a week or two.

Phoenixrider_013 · Fantasy
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5 Chs

Plant representation go brrrrrr

Taking this moment to calm myself all the way down I remember the breathing exercises I saw in a dream I had. 1, 2, 3, 4, I breathe in. 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, I hold. 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, I breathe out. As my sight returns I release a small gasp, as I look at what once was the abyss, it was now an elysian plane or heavenly paradise. The sky of the abyss has changed into a sky full of an unfathomable amount of stars forming constellations and galaxies. Two luminous bodies, moons I realize, float in the sky with eternal beauty, the ground covered in a thin layer of water reflecting the sky like a mirror, the water rippling every time I walk. It takes a second for me to realize that even though I can touch the water I never get wet. An itch in my brain tells me to look behind me, and so I do and what I see awed me.

In the distance, land with the softest grass I have ever seen on rolling hills that slowly shifts into a bioluminescent forest. But that wasn't what got my attention, what got my attention was the colossal sized Wisteria tree that looked as if it touched the sky, that towered over the other trees like there were ants. It looked like it was in the middle of the forest. Its glowing pink, purple flowers flowing down from its branches like vines radiating with calmness. I walk to the land feeling the giant tree calling to me beckoning me to come to the base of its trunk. Almost mesmerized, I pass through the strange forest slowly looking at all the new things taking it all in.

I see many different trees and plants. From what I know all of this flora doesn't live in the same place and some need special requirements to grow, but they are all here living, growing, and thriving eternally. I pass willow, ash, birch, and oak trees and smile as I pass through the forest and into a flower field. I feel like I left the weight upon my shoulders which I didn't even realize was there behind me. When I look around I feel like I have gained clarity and see that the water is like the outer shell, then the forest, then the flower field and only then can you reach the big wisterias tree's trunk, its branches cover the flower field entirely letting no sunlight through, if there even was any here.

As I walk through the field of flowers I see yellow chrysanthemums, red poppies, red spider lilies, and roses colored black, white and yellow along with many other flowers I can't identify. I feel a sense of acceptance pass through me, something bittersweet and regretful churns up in my gut but I can't remember why. As I get closer to the tree trunk I get to a big hill on which the tree is on, as I get closer I see four figures at the base of the trunk. I hear murmuring, likely the figures talking about something, but I'm too far away to hear. I keep walking up the hill, once I get to the top the ground is flat like someone cut the hill's top off and then planted the tree. As I got to the top the figures stop talking and all start to stare at me. The figures were all giant animals, there was a black and white cat, a butterfly with black & green colored wings, a dark red and purple colored snake, and lastly a white and light blue/purple colored stag, all of whom seemed to be waiting for me.

The cat walked up to me and said "Hello, child." the voice a pleasant low but feminine voice

"Hello? Who are you?" I say to all of them

"You may call us whatever you wish, we have many titles Nature, gods, daemons, grim reapers, devils, spirits and so on." the stag replied with a masculine and fruity voice

The snake interrupted "Yeah he really isn't a names kinda person, thinks titles sound cooler. Anyways you can call me Naga! I picked the name out myself!" a young high pitched and lisp-y voice said

"You may call me Cat if you want, but I prefer to be called to be called Bast" The cat said

"Call me crystal" the curt and monotone voice of the butterfly said

"Do you know where I am and why I'm here?" I said

"Ah yes I almost forgot" said Bast

"Where you are right now is our meeting place or as others may call it the center of everything"

"The center of everything? What does that mean?" i say

Naga interrupts what the Bast was gonna say by replying " This place is like a plane of existence that is in between four universes! Well I mean it used to be four but now it's five, and that's why you're here!"

"What? I'm so confused. What does another universe popping up have to do with me?" I say

"Guys your confusing them, let me explain this" the stag said

"What, noo I wanna do it!" Naga complained

"Wait I was explaining first I should be the one to finish it" Bast argued

This continued till they all got into an argument, crystal sighed and flapped over to me

"I guess I'll have to explain, these nimrods can't do anything without eventually starting an argument. Okay, so I'm gonna explain, and you're gonna have to wait till the end to ask questions, okay?"

"Uhh yeah, o-okay" I say

"Okay." crystal reinforces

"So we are all rulers over our own universes, which is our domain to rule with the roles or job we are given, we can only have one domain. Like Naga said, you're here because a new universe popped up and you were chosen to rule that universe. Which means you get your own domain. This place, which is the center, is our meeting place where we can keep tabs on each other and hang out, as well as give advice. When you're strong enough you are able to go to others domains, though the things you can do in another's domain is restricted. You will be reborn once you touch the trunk of the tree, this will be turning you into an animal of the death plane. Being an animal of the death plane means that it's your job or role to be the, as mortals would say 'god of death' of your domain. There are gonna be other rulers in your universe but you will be the only ruler of death in the domain." crystal concluded "any questions?"

Comment what you think the trees and flowers mean

So I would really like if people commented questions so I can put them down because I want other peoples point of veiw on what needs to be asked and what your confused about

I hope you like the story updates might happen once every 1 or 2 weeks

I'll wait to make 3rd chap till i get some questions

credit of editing goes to Cupcake with a Tophat

Phoenixrider_013creators' thoughts