
Awakening and return to Earth


Today, was a festival like no other on our planet Krona, we were eating drinking and dancing, in the name of our king and creator Juno. It was he who had created this world from a single flower, and through his power created us. The engineers. Hailed, as one of the most advanced races throughout, the galaxy and of course our sister race the cybertronians who had, taught us what we knew today, and were also dubbed the IMMORTAL SOLDIERS, by lesser advanced planets.

We were all at the planets highest mountain, it's believed that after he created the world, he descended upon the planet, and put himself to sleep after fighting and killing the skyfathers, who were now in another cycle up and running, they held a deep grudge against our race due to our Lord's might, but that was nothing to think of as we had nothing to fear, we drank and ate the entire night shouting our Lord's name and singing praises. This was indeed a rare equation as to other races, we were viewed as higher beings, this was truly a night to remember.

Below the surface pov:

Here thousands, of metres deep underneath the mountain, there lay a being of unimaginable might. A celestial, known as Juno the searcher who remained here, for thousands of years. It was, incredibly dark, until a spark erupted and his mouth began to glimmer, with it's golden cosmic fire.

Juno pov:

I opened my eyes. How long had it been? decades, no centuries, I sent out a signal across the planet, and saw that my scythe remained deep within my planet, which was now called krona. I had to figure out a way, for me to get back to the surface without causing my planet, becoming a fiery waste land due to the tectonic movement.

I began to, cover my self in energy and slowly altered my molecules, so that i'd become intangible, I began to rise up to the surface, and with one final push I was out. I looked around and saw how the planet was so luscious and green, and how advanced my people were. Oh yeah. They could see me. I had to make a good first impression right?

JUNO: HELLO MY CHILDREN (well that was cringy). Do not fear me, I shall only observe and call upon those, who are strong enough to complete tasks of my choosing!.

They all, got down on one knee, I could tell that they were scared to speak but understood the intention of my words, it'd take time for them to get use to this but it's not like I would force them, to do anything they didn't want to.

I looked up and quickly teleported to space, there was something I needed to see. I called my ship towards me, and watched as it zoomed across space and halted in front of me. I plotted co ordinates to the one and only planet Earth.

Oh I nearly forgot. I raised my hand up into the air, and watched as my scythe erupted, from the planet, roaring across the seas and then flew upwards to me. I grabbed it, and placed it on my throne.

I began to zoom across the cosmos, one thing I had realised that through my absorption of the space stones energy, I had gained the ability of instant teleportation, which was pretty good if I were to ever encounter cosmic beings. Everything was peaceful until a planet my ship was passing, began to attack and from the planet came an armada of war ships firing beams towards me. This was, a perfect opportunity for me to test out, my anti matter cannon. I designed it to draw energy from the anti matter stone, and release specific amounts of antimatter.

Looks like, this planet would die today welp! There came a slight humming sound, from the centre of my ship as it began to glow a violent purplish red, the sound grew louder and louder which was surprising as that should be impossible. Well, this is anti matter were talking about.

After a few seconds, a loud KRA-KRA-BOOM could be heard, as the beam of antimatter began to descend upon the planet, I watched as it tore a hole in the planets atmosphere. It made contact, instantly sending multiple shockwaves which eradicated all life instantly. But, it didn't stop there after a while, a white light could be seen forming in the cracks of the planet. Storms and quakes erupted all over. It looked like, planet Namek when Goku and Frieza fought. It then went dark, a loud rumbling sound could be heard as the planet glowed white and began to implode on itself, a huge shockwave was created as it explode into eroding chunks of dirt.

Not being moved, by my kill count that would now be in the billions for the greater good, I moved on. It didn't take long until, I had finally reached it Earth. I looked towards the moon and saw that the watcher was now staring at me. I payed no attention and made my way towards Earth, it looked like it was still under developed but there was some one who I could speak to.

The Ancient One