
Rebooting Life: Survival of the Strongest

" Survival of the Fittest", a phrase which we hear many times in our life, is applicable in every domain of life. ---- Julius didn't know why he got selected, why was he given such power. Maybe he was lucky, or maybe the gods above wanted to play with his life. He was never an optimistic person. But for once, for once, he wanted to look at the positive side........ ---- Rachel always assumed that whatever happened, happened because it was written in their fate. She was a firm believer in destiny. A logical person, if you would say. But then she met someone who defied fate and defied logic in front of her own eyes and her world turned upside down.......... ---- Mustafa was a lone wolf, not due to choice. But due to circumstances. He longed for a companion, but never let it known to others. He learnt through the hard lessons given by life that trust is not something which should be given freely. But when a hand extends and tears through his fabric of loneliness, offering friendship, what can he do but accept it......... ---- Let us together embark on this journey of three lives, intertwined with each other by fate...... //// Author's Note:- I got sick and bored of reading the same system troupe, again and again, so I decided to do something about it....... I hope you will like this novel.... So, meet you in the novel Sayonara...

A_Normal_Guy_SKP19 · Fantasy
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19 Chs

Power of Elements

Julius stared at the Rosaria herbs while pondering over the situation. Now he did not want to eat the Rosaria herbs just like that. The system did not tell him how to eat it. It just told him to eat the Rosaria herbs and Julius was fine with that. He was both excited and nervous. He was excited because he knew the power which he could gain by having control over Mana. Now he was not a power-hungry person, not at all. But he was a warrior after all, and warriors respected power. He was nervous because he knew the implications of gaining such power. First of all, the power to bend Mana at their will was only wielded by the lineage of the royal family. At least, that was what he believed until now. But now, he was doubtful. What was so special about the royal family? Was it in their blood? But then, many previous kings married commoners whom they liked or had children with them. But then, if it is in their blood, shouldn't it get diminished or reduced over time, as the blood gets diluted? There are also some rumors about some of the royal family members leaving the royalty to live among commoners. Then how come nobody from the commoners has awakened the power of wielding Mana? Many questions and theories were running in Julius' mind with no plausible answers to them. He took the Rosaria herbs and ground them in mortar and pestle until they were crushed into a juicy pulp. Then he added some water to it to reduce its pulpy nature. After that, he put them in his brass mug and stirred it using a spoon to make it juicier. Then he added some honey to it to sweeten it up a bit. After mixing all these things, he took a spoonful of it and put it in his mouth. It tasted both sweet and bitter. It seems he took the right decision in adding honey to the Rosaria juice. After he drank the whole juice, he felt a tingling feeling in his stomach. It felt as if thousands of butterflies were trying to escape from his stomach. He felt a warm sensation throughout his whole body. It felt as if power was coursing through his veins. He could feel something foreign yet familiar thing trying to integrate into his body. He felt as if the nature was trying to connect with him. After feeling some pain in his abdominal region, the power slowly started getting acquainted in his body. It was getting stabilized in his body. He looked in front of him. His eyes had a different glow in them now. It looked deeper shade of amber. The whole process got imprinted in his mind. He felt as if he was learning how to control the elements since his childhood. He extended his hand in front of him and tried bending the Air element. A soft breeze passed through his hand. A sweatdrop formed on his forehead as he tried comparing his breeze to the storm which he had seen being controlled by the previous king in the battlefield. He was a young teen back then and had been very fascinated by it, not knowing of the havoc it wrecked on the battlefield. Next he tried controlling the water in the glass. All he did was spilling the water out of the glass. Next was the turn of earth. He tried moulding the earth to his will but all he formed was a disfigured object which looked like....he couldn't even begin to describe what that object was. Lightning was the most difficult one. He could not even form a small static in the air. He had seen the king summoning Lightining Spears from the sky which had caused devastating damage. The Fire was something he tried controlling at the last. All he formed was a small spark which could not even burn through a small piece of paper completely.

"Ah, this cannot even harm a small fly, let alone using it in fight."

He sat on the chair and started thinking about how to increase the potency of his Mana. He opened his system interface and opened the Stats tab. It showed something like this:

Strength: 14

Mana: 1

Agility: 12

Points : ×5

"Hmm... So Mana is at the lowest value.

I should invest my points in Mana. It is next to non-existent. He said as he invested all his points in Mana. He felt his reserves grow and felt the potency of his Mana grow stronger. He looked at the evening sky as the sun started setting with determination filled eyes.


Author's Note:-

I am using Mana and Ether interchangeably. Please bear with me. I tend to be confused with the names. So...umm..well, I can't do anything.
