" Survival of the Fittest", a phrase which we hear many times in our life, is applicable in every domain of life. ---- Julius didn't know why he got selected, why was he given such power. Maybe he was lucky, or maybe the gods above wanted to play with his life. He was never an optimistic person. But for once, for once, he wanted to look at the positive side........ ---- Rachel always assumed that whatever happened, happened because it was written in their fate. She was a firm believer in destiny. A logical person, if you would say. But then she met someone who defied fate and defied logic in front of her own eyes and her world turned upside down.......... ---- Mustafa was a lone wolf, not due to choice. But due to circumstances. He longed for a companion, but never let it known to others. He learnt through the hard lessons given by life that trust is not something which should be given freely. But when a hand extends and tears through his fabric of loneliness, offering friendship, what can he do but accept it......... ---- Let us together embark on this journey of three lives, intertwined with each other by fate...... //// Author's Note:- I got sick and bored of reading the same system troupe, again and again, so I decided to do something about it....... I hope you will like this novel.... So, meet you in the novel Sayonara...
The forest was both peaceful and chaotic. Only the sounds of the footsteps could be heard through the narrow path built by travellers crossing the forest. But if someone paid close attention to the surroundings, they can hear the rich, flute-like voice of the Nightingale coming from far away, they can hear the sound of water flowing, indicating that a source of water is nearby.
The grass was moist with dew, Julius could feel the wet grass brushing through his ankles. His amber eyes darting through the surroundings, he removed a strand of blond hair blocking his vision and adjusted his black cardigan. His black cargo pants perfectly matched his light complexion.
" Ah, the night feels never-ending. It will be morning before I reach the city. Only if I could find a place to rest for a while.... wait a minute, what is that???"
His eyes fell on something which was glinting through the moonlight coming through the forest cover. Two, to be exact. And it was approaching him slowly.
" Ah, just when I thought I would get rest. No rest for the wicked, I guess..."
Even though it appeared as if he was sad, his eyes spoke something different, glinting with passion through the moonlight as he took out the double-edged sword from its scabbard while facing the grey wolf which had revealed itself.