
CHAPTER 56(Debrief and Decisions)

Read auxiliary chapter World Info before starting the story.

Please read the author's notes. (Examples and explanation of moves and changes etc)

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---Hokage's office...

"Are you sure?" Tsunade asks as she reads over the mission report.

"Yes, I felt his chakra fade beside us, sorry," Jin's voice was solemn, respectful even.

"This is a problem... he was the only person that could suppress the Kyuubi, well..." her eyes rise from the paper onto Jin.

"I agreed not to go after Sasuke, I'm not changing my life to accommodate him and Naruto, princess," back to his normal annoyed tone when speaking to her.

"I suppose it was a bit much to ask for you to babysit him, but you won't be assigned many missions that aren't pertaining to the current threat of Akatsuki or Orochimaru, unfortunately, you're too valuable to just wander outside the land of fire on regular missions, we can't afford to get caught off guard."

"Understood, anything else?"

"No, that's all, dismissed."

"See ya, princess," Jin says as he leaves the room.

"I can't stand him," Tsunade mutters as she pours herself a drink.

"Me too," Shizune can't help but agree.

Later that week at training field 8, Jin was sitting under a tree as team Kurenai were training their team formations.

Occasionally Jin would glance at Kurenai, if he hadn't known better he would have thought himself to be going mad, but no he really was feeling a second life force in the woman. Senjutsu enhancing a sensor at his level really was scary.

"Hmm, why is she here..." he thought aloud as he felt a familiar chakra signature approaching.

A minute later and Ino lands in front of him, blocking his view of the training shinobi with her much more pleasant figure.

"Can I help you Ino?" he raised a brow at her smiling face.

"Nope, but Asuma sensei asked me to come get you, something about Naruto," she informs him.

"They sent my favourite blonde to get me for the other blonde, great," he groans while rising to his feet.

"Oh, so I'm your favourite?"

"Favourite blonde, of three that I know, congrats," he shrugs at her cheery smile.

"Still the favourite!"

"Yeah well, don't let it go to your head princess, "there is was again, that word, 'princess'. But when he said it to her it was much lighter, almost flirty. He casually takes her hand as they walk into the village.

As they make their way through the streets Jin chooses to ignore the blush on Ino's face as he doesn't let go of her hand, seeing her flustered was a favourite pastime of his recently.

"We're going to the hospital?" he questions as it's the only major building on this street.

"Yeah, we're meeting with Kakashi sensei in his room for this."

"I don't like where this is going, team 7 is nothing but a pain in my ass, damn it."

"Be nice, they're our friends, we can't all be Jounin like you and have things figured out, some of us need time," she gives his hand a light squeeze as they enter the building.

Arriving at the hospital room, Ino slides the door open to see teams 10 and 7 gathered around with Kakashi sitting up in his bed.

Letting go of Ino's hand a second too late as everyone already noticed, Jin walks in as if it were the most normal thing in the world.

"Yo," he gives them a small wave.

"Jin, good to see you again..." Kakashi's words sounded jovial, he was a professional liar.

"We've gotta stop meeting like this Kakashi, but at least this time I wasn't the one who put you in the hospital," Jin chuckles lightly as Kakashi glares at him.


"So, what's with the big meeting?"

"I'm treating both teams to Bar-b-que, and you since you... are solo right?" Asuma asks, not exactly sure what Jin is.

"Yup, Jounin Captain that goes where he wants, and occasionally that happens to be where I'm needed," he gives them a wide smile.

"Right, well I need your help with something for real, it's about Naruto," Kakashi got everyone attention.

"Yeah, Kakashi sensei needs your help with some super good training for me!" Naruto cheers excitedly with stars in his eyes as he stares at Jin.

"Huh, 10 years and now you wanna train with me, really?"

"It's not like he could do this training before anyway, and with Yamato gone you're the only one in Konoha that can make this possible, at least in the time I plan for it," Kakashi tells him, the mood dropping quite a bit at the mention of Yamato.

"What's this training for Naruto?"

"To catch up to Sasuke!" he announces shamelessly.

"Mmm, any other time I'd refuse, I already told the old lady I'm not babysitting you since I only agreed not to leave Sasuke to you. But I'll bend just a bit since I feel responsible for Yamato, but I'm only helping a little, what do you need Kakashi?"

Everyone in the room waited with bated breath for Kakashi to break the big news to them.

"I assume you know the part that only you and Yamato could have helped with," Kakashi alluded to suppressing the Kyuubi.

"Not gonna help with that, too big a risk, try something else."

"Your alias, Jin of the five elements. You have perfect chakra controls and you have five chakra natures on top of that---"

"Six, Yang release helps me with taijutsu," he corrects.

"Right, well I want Naruto to develop a stronger Justu using his own affinity, I think you can help with that," he makes his request.

"Hmm, Naruto has wind element."

"Really, how---"

"I can sense affinity when people use neutral jutsu," he cuts off Kakashi," he has Rasengan so I've got a jutsu he can use, I'll show it to him but that's it, sounds good?"

"Will I get anything better?" Kakashi asks.

"Probably not."

"No choice then, when can you show him?"

"Now," he casually holds out his hand in front of him, everyone takes a few steps back as he prepares the demonstration.

"Alright Naruto, this jutsu should be classified as forbidden so I've never really had a need for it before, be careful with it alright?"

"Uh, I dunno how I feel with Naruto having that then," Sakura points out, earning a few nods in agreement.

"He'll be fine, alright step one is Rasengan which you already know," A Rasengan forms in Jin's palm. "Step two is mixing your elemental chakra matching the swirling flow of the neutral chakra, watch," his Rasengan becomes red and emanates heat in the room. "Fire see."

"You, you did it... even lord fourth couldn't do that," Kakashi's voice made it clear that he was in awe.

"Yeah well I'm a freak, I've got it in all the elements, Wind is the only forbidden one. The slicing effect cuts chakra itself, countless razors slicing chakra at a cellular level, very deadly.

"Uh, maybe you shouldn't---"

Before Asuma could stop him, a small Rasengan with swirling shuriken blades spinning around it formed in his hand.

"Rasensuriken, you can't throw it so if it goes off it also affects your hand with the same slicing hits," he dissipates it in his hand.

"You really are something else..." Kakashi wasn't sure how he felt about this new discovery.

"Yeah, I get that a lot," Jin's tone was bored.

"To think you surpassed me by that much," caught everyone else off guard as Kakashi admitted this fact.

"That's good right, means you get to go home from all the fighting early, because we can take over earlier," Jin offers him a soft smile.

"That's one way to look at it..."

"Anyway, Asuma said he's paying for dinner so let's go!"

That night teams 10 and 7 were accompanied by Jin to a tabletop bar-b-que restaurant.

Choji and Naruto sat on one side while Ino and Jin sat opposite them with Sakura and Shikamaru at the heads of the table.

"Man I kinda miss having missions like you guys, just regular missions," Jin whines as he eats some pork.

"I'm just glad chunin exams are over, now team 10s finally back together, although I feel like Shikamaru's gonna find an excuse to visit the sand," Ino says with a devious smirk at her friend.

"Wait what kind of missions do you even do when you're not helping us anyway?" Sakura asks Jin.

"Meh, boring stuff honestly. The last one was to deal with two dozen chunin across the sea and get something back, I honestly spent a day at the beach on the way back and just relaxed, then I got back and sent a clone to visit Gaara," he shrugs as if it were the most normal thing.

"Awe, a beach day sounds great," both the girls mused at the thought.

"You miss your old team?" Choji takes a break from stuffing his face to ask.

"Yeah they were fun, but we get more stuff done this way right, plus I've got a feeling they'll be taking things a lot slower pretty soon, just a hunch," he smiles mostly to himself.

"That's ominous," Naruto shivers a bit at the statement.

"Happy reasons I swear."

"Did anything fun happen at the exams in Suna?"

"Boring and hot," Shikamaru said.

"I asked about the exam, not you and your girlfriend."

"ACH!" Shikamaru chokes on his drink as the table descends into a fit of giggles.

"You're not exactly in any position to tease people ya know Jin," Sakura gives him a mischievous grin.

"Yeah well, I'm only starting recently with my favorite blonde, best to take it slow given how dangerous my current assignment is," he gives Sakura a firm not.

"Should I be worried?" Ino asks.

"My current assignment doesn't let me go on any mission or get too far from the village," this caused everyone to lean in curiously, "the old lady has me on call to deal with anything Akatsuki related, it's a pain but it makes sense so I can't be mad," Jin shrugs while everyone just stares at him.

As their meal went on, Jin couldn't help but steal more and more glances at the woman beside him.

She really is beautiful, and this 'New' Ino because of him, was much more pleasant.

Would it be a good idea, yes, right now, no, he'd have to wait until he deals with the looming threat of Pain. But if he's putting in all this work for this world, he deserved his own little slice of happiness too. It's only fair, he suffered through one world, this one he'll get a happy ending to his story.

Silently he holds her hand under the table and gives her a light squeeze, yes, he wants his own happily ever after too, just his bit of selfishness.