
CHAPTER 43(The worst Quicksave point)

Read auxiliary chapter World Info before starting the story.

Please read the author's notes. (Examples and explanation of moves and changes etc)

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Standing a few miles outside of Konoha, Jin can be seen remaining completely still to completely refill his sage mode before the upcoming fight.

'I sense him directly below me, about, 60ft, barriers in the way. Can't sneak in so... time to go loud I guess'


As the force extends outward, the ground begins to format a crater as all the trees are pushed aside as if they were paperweights.

As the dust clouds the area, Jin drops from his floating spot directly down into the newly formed 200 ft pit.

'I can sense him, I couldn't for a second but then he came back, weird. Whatever'

"So... you were the clone then, I never expected that," Dazo says as he walks out of dust.

"Mhm," Was Jin's only response to his observations, "So mind explaining what this place is?"

"This... is root, while the hokage protects the village from the----"

Jin completely tunes out his cliche monologue as he focuses on the chakra signatures in the base.

'Some alive, most dying or dead, none fully healthy and none capable of ourtunning me, time to wrap this up,'

"That, is why when I am the hoka ACH!" Danzo suddenly yells as an invisible force sends hims rocketing into rubble. The instant the force hits his body all of his bones immediately shatter leaving him in a crippled state.

'Hmm, that was easy... what..." Jin wonders as he sees Danzo's body disappear, suddenly Danzo reappears in the same spot he was just standing in.

"What the hell?" Jin asks, completely confused.

"This is iza-ARGH!"

Another wave of force hits him, much harder this time causing the same effect.

'So he definitely died, a secret technique for extra lives or something? Whatever I'll just have to keep killing him' Jin thinks as Danzo once more disappears.

'Time for something new, SHURADO' Jin commands as his entire body becomes cybernetic.

'Now for the new rinnegan ability, Anti-Chakra Zone!'

Just after Danzo reappears the jutsu immediately takes effect.

Without missing a beat Jin sprints forward, no fancy ninja techniques just pure cybernetic enhanced physical might vs Danzo.

"Stupid kid, you had so much potential," Danzo says as he brings two fingers to his mouth and exhales.

'VACUUM SPHERE' he mentally commands, but nothing happens.


His Jaw and the fingers in front of his mouth immediately shatter as a metal inlayed fist shatters his bones.

"An old man with no chakra, useless," Jin mutters before rushing Danzo once more.

'GREAT FIREBALL' Danzo commands, but nothing happens.

He tries to leap backward, only for his usually chakra enhanced movements to completely fail him, the instinctive large leaps and quick movements shinobi unconsciously develop by always using chakra no longer support him, his normal 20ft small leaps barely make it 5ft before another fist meets his face, knocking some of his teeth out.

"ARGH!" he grumbles and he rolls across the floor, his body feeling weak, much worse than sickly in fact. As Danzo coughs up blood, he feels a strike to his right shoulder, as if a dozen sledgehammers were swung onto it.

As his shoulder completely shatters Jin immediately tears his arm off from the collar bone with a sick tear.

"So this was giving me a weird feeling earlier, what's under here?" he questions as he kicks Danzo in the chest, forcing him to roll over as he bleeds out.

Tearing the bandages off the arm, Jin was appalled by what he saw.

"No wonder you felt like a dozen chakra signatures, too bad none of these work in my chakra zone, and all you had to do was last a little minute with no chakra old man...hmm, your face is bandaged too, I wonder," Jin says as a sick smile spreads across his face.

As he steps onto Danzo's chest, the man feebly claws as his foot to get it off his chest. With a wide grin Jin quickly reaches down and tears the bandages on the elders face off.

"Ew, you're a moron," was all he said.



Danzo shrieks out as his eye socket is now empty. With no Hashirama cells at the nerves in this eye, the pain reaches him fully unlike his arm.

"Well, I sense ANBU incoming, I'll just take what I need and leave the rest here," Jin says as he reaches down and tears Danzo's head from his body in one quick motion.

'Hmm, desperate for power, you were honestly pretty close' he thinks before disappearing with the hand and extra eye in tow.


ANTI-CHAKRA ZONE: Can you last a minute as a regular human locked in a cage with a super cyborg terminator...this is how you find out, first unique rinnegan ability is revealed and since his whole thing is chakra control I'm keeping the there going, nobody including Jin gets to use chakra for anything but baseline body functions like we do IRL hence him activating his cybernetics before this ability ;p