
CHAPTER 44(Breaking the Stone)

Read auxiliary chapter World Info before starting the story.

Please read the author's notes. (Examples and explanation of moves and changes etc)

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---1 Month since the Stone refused any assistance from Unity Trading...

In a word, the capital was...messy. Trash could be seen on the streets as people hurried to grab anything they could and flee the country, the almost 400% increases in taxes to support the suddenly skyrocketing trade prices the Daimyo now had to pay scared away any sane citizens.

Iwagakure was constantly working overtime, their shinobi are loyal and still paid their standard fees, much to the dismay of the civilians, as the border nations banded together to lock the stone within their own lands, their systems continued to fall apart.

Rationing food left most of the resources to the shinobi as the Daimyo and Kage considered attacking the land of grass for their wheat, but they stayed their hand. They were trapped in a complete deadlock. The only way out of this was to either get all of the nations that have banded together to turn on Unity Trading... or fight them all.

Eventually, civil unrest forced tensions to the point that people began calling for outside help. The public begged for their neighboring nations to assist in some way, and all they got were scraps.

All of the stone citizens were beyond livid, they were ready to take up arms and attack their neighbors, to force their way into their lands. But that's when Jin released the final bit of news, the straw that broke the peoples' backs.

"The stone Daimyo has refused any Unity Trading assistance, stating that the stone is completely independent, therefore we cannot allow any Unity Trading resources to enter the stone even at this time for the sake of our people. We wish we could send more help but the decision is out of our hands, sincerely XXXXX"

This information spread like wildfire, the people immediately turned their attention from their neighbors, inward, to their daimyo. To the man, they trusted to make the best decisions, to the man that did make all the right decisions, but he simply underestimated his opponent. He never considered that his opponent would watch entire nations starve and tear themselves apart to force them to beg to join the alliance because he underestimated the cruelty...no, the DEVOTION of his opposition, he was usurped and his successor immediately joined Unity Trading, solving all the problems caused in the last month instantly. Support flooded in as the convoys were already prepared.

---1 Week since the Stone Submitted *Cough*, Joined, Unity Trading...

Sitting in his penthouse in the capital, Jin looks out over the capital of the land of fire as he reads a stack of letters.

"Hmm, Roshi and Han appreciate the care packages we sent them for the last month, did you send one out for Fu under the company name?" He asks Karin, the young woman sitting on the couch reading a scroll as she drinks her tea.

"Of course, mostly chocolate" she quickly replies.

"The land of lightning has officially opened a discord to negotiate terms, I think that's it for the main countries, Karin, the new Mizukage is requesting aid now according to these letters. I'll have one of my clones deal with that, I'm done playing politics for now. I'm expecting you to be responsible while I'm gonna and listen to my clones." Jin firmly says.

"What are you planning to do?" She asks, a hint of concern in her voice as a small frown form on her face.

"I need to go check on the farms before I head to the land of origins, the remaining pieces should fall into place now so me leaving for a few months should be fine, here take these," he says while handing her a stack of letters.

"Hmm, Gaara?Shikamaru, Shino, Kurenai, Hinata, Han, Roshi, Lady Tsunade," she questions.

"Send those letters tomorrow, it should excuse my absence. My clones usually do missions and other stuff like that and stay around the village but I won't just be able to keep resupplying clones other than the dozen I have moving around right now so I'm recalling most of them. After the lightning country joins us that's the last real question mark, and after that... smooth sailing. Mist is in tatters still after their mass genocide so they're essentially begging for help, I trust you and my clones to allocate resources then spread my control across the eastern continent." Jin confidently says while walking over to Karin.

"Do you really have to leave?" She asks, almost like a child trying to stop her dad from going to work.

"I promise, this is necessary," he says while giving her a small kiss on the cheek.

'Now I need to just pass by the farm and plant some new rods to give the crops nature chakra before it runs out, senjutsu batteries for crop growth was genius but damn I feel like a walking battery now'

He thinks to himself as he walks outside, taking the last few months before shit hits the fan to himself.

To the land of Origins, training camp time.


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