
Rebirth: The Universe's Hidden Heiress

Yuka, reborn as the daughter of the universe's richest man, tries to live a simple life. She gets a big shock when she has to join Union University of the Alliance because of government rules. In university, Yuka picks an easy major, hoping to keep a low profile. But her plan doesn't work. She keeps facing tough situations that show off her smart mind and strong skills. Yuka tries hard to live normally but keeps getting pulled into extraordinary accidents. This is the story about how Yuka grows. It's about her trying to hide her real identity while dealing with a world that always challenges her.

Treein · Sci-fi
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163 Chs


"Feel free to customize your mecha," the guidance system announced, pulling up the mecha crafting interface. Yuka glanced over it and started by picking out the color for her mecha.

"Black, please," Yuka commanded aloud.

But her butler had other ideas. "Pink! It's gotta be pink!" it insisted, throwing a digital tantrum in Yuka's mind, almost as if it would burst into tears if she didn't agree.

Yuka sighed. Arguing with an AI was pointless.

With a reluctant swipe, Yuka switched the mecha's color to pink and then opted for a smaller model. When it came to weaponry, she hesitated before installing firepower on the right arm.

The left arm, she left mostly unaltered. After all, with Oniyon's psychic power control, it could morph into any weapon she desired. But to throw off any potential enemies, she picked a metallic whip from the arsenal and then hopped into the mecha's cockpit, selecting the "Arena Match" option.