
Rebirth: The Skeleton Summon's Reawakening to Godhood

In the magical world of Terra, a long-dormant skeleton summon reawakens. Once bound to a demi-god hero of the Lux Kingdom, the skeleton fell inactive after his master's betrayal and death. Now, he rises in a world both familiar and strange, driven by his master's final command: to destroy those who betrayed him, even if it means annihilating the world. As he awakens, a cold voice echoes in his mind: [System activating]. This system, a remnant of his former master's power, bestows new abilities and unlocks ancient mysteries. Yet, the skeleton harbors a powerful identity from his past that contradicts his master's wishes. Caught between his master's vengeful legacy and his own true self, he must navigate a transformed world where ancient grudges and new alliances shape the fate of Terra, not to mention the impending 'exitium'. Prepare for a tale of magic, vengeance, and identity in a world on the brink of chaos.

Sam_Reuel · Fantasy
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233 Chs

We are one

The gentle breeze brushed past the blades of grass and flowers in the large field, the flowers swaying, waving to the gentle breeze that passed by.

A pale-skinned beauty lay motionless on the flower-filled field, the silver and red flowers complementing her hair and clothing, respectively.

She seemed almost dead, as the serene look on her face was not one derived from having a good dream but from finally ending the gruesome journey of life. The slow and slight heaving of her chest betrayed that thought.

The sky above her, though platinum, was much paler, seemingly as sickly as her pale skin. The full moon was slightly chipped, yet it did not back down from its job, providing luminance to the world below.

"Bel... Bel..." The wind seemed to carry the soft, worried voice of a female, calling out to the girl who lay in the grass field.