
Rebirth: The Skeleton Summon's Reawakening to Godhood

In the magical world of Terra, a long-dormant skeleton summon reawakens. Once bound to a demi-god hero of the Lux Kingdom, the skeleton fell inactive after his master's betrayal and death. Now, he rises in a world both familiar and strange, driven by his master's final command: to destroy those who betrayed him, even if it means annihilating the world. As he awakens, a cold voice echoes in his mind: [System activating]. This system, a remnant of his former master's power, bestows new abilities and unlocks ancient mysteries. Yet, the skeleton harbors a powerful identity from his past that contradicts his master's wishes. Caught between his master's vengeful legacy and his own true self, he must navigate a transformed world where ancient grudges and new alliances shape the fate of Terra, not to mention the impending 'exitium'. Prepare for a tale of magic, vengeance, and identity in a world on the brink of chaos.

Sam_Reuel · Fantasy
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233 Chs

Quest and a dark Omen.

[Quest available]

[Retrieve the Devil's Cloak]

[A cloak made by Master Francesco]

[Duration: 24 hours]

"24 hours, is the cloak close?" Ossa asked internally, remembering the last time he was given a quest with a duration, the quest to retrieve the blue lavenders.

At the time, the quest was so difficult he almost failed the time limit, making him suspicious of a similar quest after all these years.

[It's 200 miles away.]

"How far is that?" The skeleton, not a mathematician, asked, unable to estimate the distance of 200 miles.

[At most, a week's distance.]

"That's if I walk, right?!" Ossa inquired, hoping he was right. If not, he couldn't fathom how he would complete the quest of his master, one that seemed to be of importance, as it involved his master's handiwork.

Francesco, who wanted to fight his fate, dabbled in many skill sets, including artifact forgery—a skill now required by all grey-robed mages and above.