
Fifteen Seconds Of Fame

Translator: Henyee Translations Editor: Henyee Translations

As Lu Yanxue made her way toward the courtyard, she found herself amidst faces with strange and sometimes contradicting emotions. Some pretended that they didn't know her, some were confused, and some gave her an ingratiating smile. She heard people murmur:

"She is Chen Beixuan's woman."

Then the people who were unsure of her looked at him with fear and respect.

Three days ago, no one had ever heard of the name Chen Beixuan, three days later, it became synonymous to martial arts. A not even twenty year old boy from Jiang Bei had risen to power by killing the family lord of the Lu Family and the Medicine God Valley Sect Elder. News of the fight went viral and spread throughout the world of martial arts.

Lu Yanxue was offered to Chen Beixuan as a gift, because of that, her status in her family also rose with the reputation of Chen Beixuan. By then, even the family elders, her great-great Grandpa would speak to her with respect.