
Rebirth Of The Strongest Support Class Player

Lu Feng, A legendary Support Class player in Multiplayer Online Battle Arena Video Game got Reincarnated into another world with his Support class healing skills! "Demonic Beast tide attacking your city? No problem, I'll heal you all!" "You got seriously injured? just give me a second, I'll heal you! " "World's Guardian Protector has fallen in the war? Don't worry, I'll revive him!" "Brother Lu, please Heal our Holy Saintess!" "Brother Lu, please cure my daughter's illness!"

HiddenCave · Eastern
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13 Chs

Immortal World

Lu Feng had been reborn into a new world, a consequence of the game that had brought him so much suffering in his previous life. As if that wasn't enough that game became the very reason for his current predicament.

At first, Lu Feng couldn't distinguish this world from his old one.

It wasn't until he walked six hours through a dense and lush greenwood jungle that he encountered a small human city. Before entering, he paused, reflecting on his journey so far.

The system that had brought him here had abandoned him in the middle of the jungle, leaving him without direction or any kind of beginner's assistance.

He had screamed for the system for hours, but it had remained silent, forcing him to make his way out of the jungle alone.

Looking around, Lu Feng noticed that the grass, trees, and even the chirping of birds were different from his past life. The vegetation was unlike anything he had ever seen, towering hundreds of meters high. This was truly a new world.

Lu Feng examined himself. He was wearing a brown robe and dark brown pants that were patched together, looking like a rug from afar.

However, the durability of these clothes was exceptional, even the otherworldly twigs and thorns couldn't tear them.

Thankfully, the system hadn't been entirely cruel.

Lu Feng's appearance had been drastically altered. His skin was now brighter, his hair a dark brown, and his physical height and build were different, giving him an unfamiliar confidence.

His eyes, now a striking golden color, glowed like embers in a calm white sea.

If not for these changes, Lu Feng would have believed he had been sent to this world as punishment for some heinous crime.

With newfound confidence and a calm demeanor that a shut-in had always dreamed of, Lu Feng walked toward the city. Compared to the cities he knew, this one was fairly large.

The city, sprawling and vast compared to those in Lu Feng's memories, was encircled by towering, durable walls.

Sections of these walls bore the scars of battle, partially crumbled, testament to a powerful assault they had endured.

Despite the damage, the walls stood strong, a testament to their resilience.

Lu Feng marvelled at the sight, pondering what kind of force could inflict such damage and what monstrous entity could unleash such an attack.

Lost in his contemplation, Lu Feng didn't notice the two city guards approaching him from the eastern wall.

The guards, taller than Lu Feng, were clad in mass-produced armor, a sign of their affiliation with a large organization. The leading guard, scrutinizing Lu Feng, saw a man in tattered clothes, his attire a testament to poverty, yet his demeanor spoke of a master, someone who had emerged from seclusion, taking in the world with fresh eyes.

"Hey, you there! Come over here!" The leading guard barked, with aggression.

Startled from his reverie, Lu Feng turned to face the guards, their presence finally registering.

The guards carried large sabers, a stark contrast to the spears wielded by the patrol on the wall, making Lu Feng realize their purpose.

"They belong to an army, possibly a kingdom," he thought, "it's unwise to provoke them. Especially since I have no powers."

Maintaining his composure, Lu Feng walked towards them: "Greetings. My name is Lu Feng. Did I do anything wrong?"

"You were just standing there, staring. Don't you want to enter the city?" the leading guard demanded.

"I do want to enter, but I can't help but wonder what could have damaged these walls." Lu Feng replied.

"Oh, this? It's nothing, just a beast tide, led by a Golden Core realm Demonic beast. It attacked our city last month. The repairs are still ongoing." The guard explained nonchalantly.

Lu Feng was dumbfounded. Beast tide? Golden core realm? Demonic beast? These terms were completely alien to him, heard only in those undependable novels that he read online.

The guard, observing Lu Feng's bewildered expression, assumed he was a naive country bumpkin visiting a city for the first time. His ragged clothes further cemented this impression.

"Hmph! Looks like this is your first time in a major city like this... and here I thought you were some hermit cultivator." the guard scoffed.

"This city is called Star Moon City, and it's located near the eastern part! A country bumpkin like you wouldn't even know our world is called the Immortal World!!"

"Our city is blessed by an immortal sect of powerful cultivators! They protect our city from demonic beast tides! It's our luck to have such powerful cultivators as our backing!!"

"Immortal sect?" Lu Feng looked at the guard with a curious gaze.

"Humph! It's not something a mortal like you should know. Now hurry over and enter the city. The sun is setting, and beasts might attack!" the guard warned.

"Unless you wish to become food for the beast tide, that is," he added with a laugh.

Lu Feng, shocked once again, hurried towards the city gate.

However, he stopped at the massive gate, constructed from an unknown metal, and asked the leading guard, "I don't have any money to pay and enter the city... is it possible to work this out?"

"Isn't this how it works in those online novels?" Lu Feng thought to himself, "The city guard denies entry to the MC, and the MC is forced to survive the beast tide alone in the jungle?"

"Huh? Who charges money to enter the city?" the leading guard asked, confused.

"This... isn't this how it works in novels?" Lu Feng questioned, still bewildered.

The leading guard assumed Lu Feng was so poor that he couldn't afford to stay in the city and was looking for odd jobs.

He reminisced about his early days in the city, struggling to become a city guard, and saw a younger version of himself in Lu Feng.

"Here, take these 10 bronze coins. This should help you in the new city. Don't get carried away!" The guard handed Lu Feng the coins and walked back to his post.

Observing Lu Feng's stunned reaction, the guard felt a sense of satisfaction.

Lu Feng, now possessing a total of 10 bronze coins, walked into the city.