
Rebirth of the Strongest Monster Trainer

Aura finds himself transported to the past and makes the determination to become the strongest monster trainer.

AngelicAscension · Fantasy
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31 Chs

Laboratory, Fish

The following day, Lydian left on her own to contract her next monster. Aura had sent her all the details he could remember about the location, and Lydian was strong enough, so he wasn't very worried about her safety.

"Ariel, let's go check on Doctor Benedict. The new laboratory should also be useful to you," said Aura.

Ariel agreed to go. She was also interested in why Aura had decided to build a laboratory in the middle of nowhere.

After using the hovertrain and running for a while, the two arrived at a large building.

"You can probably feel a slight difference in the air. The laboratory is built on top of a mana spring," said Aura.

"Are there any benefits to this?"

"It helps aid the growth of monsters and herbs slightly. If we grow herbs or raise monsters nearby, it will be beneficial."

Aura made sure he had his mask on and entered the building. After walking through a hallway and passing by a few rooms where people were working on producing experience booster potions, they saw the doctor mixing together two solutions among a large array of apparatuses.

"Dr. Benedict, I'm glad you're enjoying working here," said Aura.

The doctor looked over. "Thank you! Those recipes you told me to research are brilliant! The use of mana in developing medicine is truly eye opening."

"Did you finish producing the aphrodisiac effective on monsters?"

"Ah yes, I have it here." Doctor Benedict fumbled through his table and extracted a few vials of a thin, pink liquid. "Be careful, it's quite potent."

Aura took it and rolled it around in his hand. It looked exactly like it had in his memories. "Excellent. You can have someone lead me to the pool I had you build. Next to me is Ariel, a talented alchemist. You two can exchange your researches."

Hearing that there was another person who understood alchemy, the doctor excitedly pulled her over and started an animated conversation. Ariel looked uncomfortable for a bit, but soon immersed herself in sharing their findings.

A young man in a lab coat walked over to Aura. "Hi, I'm Carl, the doctor's assistant. I'll lead you to the pool that you wanted constucted."

They exited the building and walked around to the back, soon arriving before a large pool of water. The pool was circular with uniform dimensions, and spirit jade was evenly imbedded in the floor.

Aura looked over it and nodded. It was built according to his specifications. He took out a large fraction of the water spirit stone and placed on the altar submerged below the center of the pool. He then took the large amount of Many Eyed Fish eggs and placed them underwater.

Recently, he had felt fluctuations from the eggs, indicating they had almost finished maturing and could be hatched soon. He had then ordered this pool built to see if these fish could be farmed.

Many Eyed Fish were a species of wild monster that could be sold for a large sum of money. There were a few reasons for this. One was that it was incredibly difficult to find them on Earth, they were only present in satisfactory numbers in a few spacial realms. Another reason was that they are quite useful monsters. With a powerful, extremely long ranged elemental attack, many monster trainers specializing in water monsters could use a Many Eyed Fish.

Farming monsters also required a few conditions to be met, which Aura just so happened to have. A mana rich environment, which the pool was. It was built near a mana spring and had spirit stones embedded in it as a supplement. The water spirit stone was a cherry on top. The monsters also needed to be raised from eggs. Mature monsters are too aggressive to be properly farmed. The last thing needed was sufficient resources to have a consistent supply of aphrodisiacs to have the Many Eyed Fish breed.

With him having the capabilities to farm Many Eyed Fish, this could be an excellent source of income for Aura as well as a potential benefit for people working for him.

Aura observed the wriggling eggs with great interest, then turned towards Carl.

"After the eggs hatch and the fish mature, make sure to add two vials of aphrodisiacs into the water every day." After writing down many more specific instructions regarding the care of the Many Eyed Fish, Aura summoned out Puppet and started his training for the day. How could he slack of when both Lydian and Ariel were working hard?

His main focus now was to increase the precision of control Puppet had over his Puppet Sprouts. With it having to control more and more Sprouts simultaneously as it levels up, maintaining the skills to properly control the Puppet Sprouts and have cooperation between them would be imperative.