
rebirth of the soul God: one piece

in 2023 you can see a guy with a black band that also had golden markings with the white hair and the six pack no shirt on and a black short pants battling someone with red hair and also a short black pants with a six pack as well however the person with the black band was decimating his opponent. BOOM BOOM BOOM!! He was sending punch after punch and then you could see him preparing for something while the opponent was also trying to get out of the way but also preparing an attack and both of the abilities crashed. Suzuki soul style: blooming Scarlet tree rising sun style: true blaze. The person with the white hair jumped into the air and informed his body in such a way it looked like a tree and everyone saw the illusion of a tree with Scarlet leaves however the opponent was backing up both of his fists while seemingly waiting to charge and you could see the illusion of a crimson sun behind him and him being covered with crimson flames. both of the styles crashed however the obvious winner was the white-haired one. The white haired person went down and people could see the illusion of hundreds of the Scarlet leaves coming from the tree and even some bark however the opponent was covered in crimson flame returned to all of those flames into the crimson Sun and his fist and charged however the Scarlet leaves somehow took effect in the real world seemingly being multiple air bullets. clashing with the opponents very well built body they kind of stuttered however managed to do a lot of damage however the white haired man's opponent was not done. He jumped into the air with the white-haired man already being down on the ground and finally used his technique charging down seemingly running on air with crimson flames acting as footsteps but in reality he was just dropping down at insane speeds increasing his temperature to the point where you could see flickers of those same crimson flames appearing around his body while he was still holding his fist back charging them up this whole entire time. after that the white haired man using the remaining air bullets seemingly kicking and punching air manipulating them to go towards his red haired opponent. The clashed however his red hair opponent still went on however then the white-haired opponent finally activated one of his techniques one that the audience had never seen before. Suzuki soul style Ryoma special: true Behemoth void tempest. was a long name that Ryoma the white haired man thought in his head after that you could seemingly see the illusion of a white dragon appearing as an aura around his body. it then along with Ryoma met the blazing fist and the crimson song and seemingly devoured it. this was the thing about most of the Ryoma special techniques they seemingly devoured their opponent's abilities because of this most people who actually knew about this and we're going to fight Ryoma in a match never used special techniques against his specials. even the strongest of abilities could fall to any of his. so after easily winning the clash Ryoma then kicked the face of his opponent knocking him out. however it may not have seemed like it but that battle lasted two whole hours after all they were some of the strongest brawlers in the world. you see on Earth there's a place called the brawler association a place where people use different fighting styles that they have honed to the peak to fight and win money and currently this would be Ryoma' final match. after saying goodbye to the audience getting a towel to get off all the sweats and the same GG to his opponent he finally left to go to his house however on the way he saw a black car was following him so he always had his guard up finally after he got in front of his house the black car stopped and came out of it were multiple people wearing business suits with guns. this was the work of the chairman of the brawlers association zaru and he of course was trying to make sure Ryoma still played but after failing...

genisis_gaia_boss · Anime & Comics
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6 Chs

rebirth of the soul God [1]

P.S(if you want to know what leads until now please read the synthesis if not you're going to be left out because I am not doing that all over again especially since it was 4,000 flipping words)


The people coming out of the car or of course people working under Zaru and they had come to kill Ryoma or at least a bargain with him to make sure he would come back and keep fighting with brawler association however like the three times they had asked him before he answered with"No"

"Sir Ryuma we have come to take you back to the brawler sociation apparently this what's it going to be your last fight and if you don't accept we're going to have to kill you."

"do you think you can you do realize I have thought of potents whose abilities copied bullets and are probably even stronger than them and I either devoured them or straight up tanked."

"so do you think normal bullets can necessarily work on me along with that I have great senses.""so yes this is going to be my last fight and if I have to fight two on the same day I'm okay with that."

"...SHOOT!"it was unknown who said it however it caused all of the men to fire. The bullets were also not normal bullets and they were made with a metal called Arcadia it's a metal that even with the copy techniques that are stronger than bullets you wouldn't be able to match it let alone actually destroy them after all they won't be destroyed even worth 10 tons of metal being pushed on them.

so of course Ryoma couldn't defend there was blood spilling everywhere from the multiple shots on his chest after all even though the Arcadia boards are sure are heavy they were modified in such a way they would be much more lighter than usual so even with his amazing senses being able to tell where they were going to go He was unfortunately too slow.

"ARGAAH!"that was his very last shout and not even from a fair battle. He died even years after people were still grieving for his death however Ryuma himself was having a fun time because currently.

"Where the heck am I."

*Ryuma POV"

"I sure do remember getting shot by those Arcadia bullets although I never knew they would really waste those on me although I am pretty powerful to what stand literal bullets so kind of makes sense.""however this doesn't explain why I'm in a wooden house I mean it isn't the hospital 100%."

"is this going to be like one of those fan fictions where I get reincarnated into an anime or just reincarnated into a new world entirely?"

"if so I'm going to become so strong I can travel through dimensions and when I d-."

Ryu where are you you should be awake by now and I know you are for a fact so get down here and eat you need to go to the dojo!

someone called me Ryu I know that for a fact because I somehow still kept my amazing senses so I know no one else is in the house except for me and this person after all I can mildly sense blood pressure and if I really focus it can go about 20 km away so I really am superhuman.

I guess I need to go downstairs then.

Step step step kreeek.

'these doors sure annoying although to be fair for half of my life until I died I did live in a super expensive house with no almost broken stairs it's probably just my opinion.'

I look around and what I see is a pretty big wooden room with two tables one on the left side of the room the seconds in the middle seemingly for food I also saw a little TV that seems like it was from the '80s or '90s.

along with that there was about two cups of food on the table that was in the middle of the room. and on the right side of the room you could see a woman cooking specifically a person with black hair and blue eyes along with that they were pretty tall being 6'4 just a bit lower than my original height in my original world.

I also seem to possibly be currently 5'8 pretty short kind of and from the looks of my body I'm guessing I'm somewhere around 16 although for 16 to be this short I'm surprised they're not in the sixes but that's probably my opinion.

after that I could hear the voice of the woman saying"go eat your food I made your favorite miso soup so you better eat it fast before it gets cold."

for some reason my body automatically moved unlike before where I had control and then immediately sat down on one of the chairs and started eating.

pretty fast too and in a few big scoops I had already finished the soop.'The heck is happening I have no control over this it must be the bodies original hosts muscle memories wait how do I even know that?'

'and how would eating be a part of someone's muscle memories I also for some reason...feel scared of the mom...'

'what has this body been thro-?'

Ryu you need to go soon so hurry up I'm. The body that I was hosting and then proceeded to go upstairs and change pretty fast Walk all the way downstairs get some shoes on and walk out of the house where a decently big village was.

'I question my sanity is this a after-death dream or something?'The body I hosted then walked up to dojo where there was a sign in front of it Susuki dojo.

the same name my style holds. The body then walked in and you could see multiple other kids practicing multiple moves from the Suzuki soul style so it seems like the world I was seemingly trans my graded into also practice my own style but none of them were using the Ryuma special techniques.

some were fighting each other while some were just practicing techniques others were lifting objects doing runs etc etc just to improve their battle prowess. other than that the dojo was seemingly completely made of wood and at the end of it you could see an old man seemingly in his 40s with black hair wearing glasses and red eyes.

a large margin of the kids after a few minutes went up to attack him however all he needed to do was one single technique.

Suzuki soul style: legend of soul.

with this technique he bursted at the kids seemingly going faster than the speed of sound although he obviously wasn't going that fast just really fast where you can see after images of him appearing all around the place they were all fading away too seemingly appearing in other areas and then they all attacked and it seemed like the after images were actual clones.

they were attacking the kids and actually hitting not to mention they were kind of greenish as and the old man who seem to be the dojo master was in the middle battling the stronger kids and was easily defeating them.

of the kids used.

Suzuki soul style: purple asura dragon rain.

with this he jumped in the air and slammed his kicks down seemingly making the illusion of multiple purple dragons flying down aiming for the dojo master who easily dodged encountered with all of his after images or clones.

after that a few minutes past with all of the kids spamming their techniques however none of them could ever hit the dojo master and he easily beat them.

'if you want to inherit the spirit devouring orb you need to get better at this I know you're all just 15 to 17 but still the max age limit is 20 so if you can't do this by the time you're 20 you'll never get the devouring spirit orb.

'devouring spirit orb what the heck is hey I have control over the body now might as well check if anyone knows what that is.

after that he goes to one of the kids who had blue hair specifically light blue hair kind of Cyan and black eyes."hey do you know what the devouring spirit orb is?"

The kid responded with"Don't you know you should learn about this on your very first lesson the devouring spirit orb is a special kind of light green colored orb that kind of acts like a devil fruit. allows the user or host to devour the spirits of anyone near them as long as they're dead already and increase their own power. also anyone who gets the devouring spirit orb also has the potential to pass it down to someone else and the person to get the devouring spirit orb also rightfully owns the dojo and it's practically everyone's goal to obtain it."

"it should also be known that devouring spirit orb gives special abilities that are also similar to devil fruits depending on every user for example giving a person ice powers or giving them the ability to control clouds. Heck one time a person who had the spirit devouring orb inside of them got a biology manipulation ability."

'The spirit devouring order has powers similar to devil fruits don't tell me I'm in one piece!'

'this is great One piece has two power systems that I can work on first Haki especially if I can get conquers second devil fruits and if I get that spirit devouring or I'm going to become even more powerful it's basically the same as having two devil fruits well if you already have one and it would exponentially increase my growth as well.

___________One day______

___________third POV____

you could see a village on fire and multiple pirates surrounding it however in the center you could see Ryuma. during this past one day he had gotten really close to the villagers and maybe surprising but it was mostly due to the original soul of the original host of the body.

because of this he had a specialty gotten closer to his mom however she had died... apparently while he was sleeping pirates attacked the village is Mom woke him up and a few minutes later she protected him from some bullets the pirates were firing.

after that he wanted to go to the dojo and at least helps some people however everyone was already dead except for the dojo master who was holding the devouring spirit orb.

"Ryu take it it's the devouring spirit orb you won't need to help the dojo and you want to know your wish about being the strongest and having the funnest adventure along with fighting an infinite amount of opponents accomplish it for me and the rest of the village."

He then with all of his strength through the devouring Spirit orb at Ryu you got it and he could feel some sort of strange energy welling up inside of him. The devouring Spirit word was also disappearing seemingly being turned into particles that are being absorbed into his body.

after that the dojo master whose name was Aiden said"after you fully absorb the spirits of howling orb make sure to devour all the souls of everyone here and turn it into your power please have no regre-!"He coughed out a lot of blood and it seems like it was his last breath so he said his last words"Live life happily and however you want."

then he died but by the time he did died the spirit devouring orb was already completely inside Ry-no Ryu. after that he heated his dojo Masters wishes. it seems like the spirit devouring orb was doing it all for him as he could see multiple green orbs coming out of everyone's dead bodies returning to him eventually mastering the Suzuki technique with all of the information flooding into his head although it hurt a bit He also felt his physique changing becoming more accustomed to all of the power flowing inside of it his stamina endurance defense increased exponentially.

Revenge all that filled Ryu's mind