
rebirth of the soul God: one piece

in 2023 you can see a guy with a black band that also had golden markings with the white hair and the six pack no shirt on and a black short pants battling someone with red hair and also a short black pants with a six pack as well however the person with the black band was decimating his opponent. BOOM BOOM BOOM!! He was sending punch after punch and then you could see him preparing for something while the opponent was also trying to get out of the way but also preparing an attack and both of the abilities crashed. Suzuki soul style: blooming Scarlet tree rising sun style: true blaze. The person with the white hair jumped into the air and informed his body in such a way it looked like a tree and everyone saw the illusion of a tree with Scarlet leaves however the opponent was backing up both of his fists while seemingly waiting to charge and you could see the illusion of a crimson sun behind him and him being covered with crimson flames. both of the styles crashed however the obvious winner was the white-haired one. The white haired person went down and people could see the illusion of hundreds of the Scarlet leaves coming from the tree and even some bark however the opponent was covered in crimson flame returned to all of those flames into the crimson Sun and his fist and charged however the Scarlet leaves somehow took effect in the real world seemingly being multiple air bullets. clashing with the opponents very well built body they kind of stuttered however managed to do a lot of damage however the white haired man's opponent was not done. He jumped into the air with the white-haired man already being down on the ground and finally used his technique charging down seemingly running on air with crimson flames acting as footsteps but in reality he was just dropping down at insane speeds increasing his temperature to the point where you could see flickers of those same crimson flames appearing around his body while he was still holding his fist back charging them up this whole entire time. after that the white haired man using the remaining air bullets seemingly kicking and punching air manipulating them to go towards his red haired opponent. The clashed however his red hair opponent still went on however then the white-haired opponent finally activated one of his techniques one that the audience had never seen before. Suzuki soul style Ryoma special: true Behemoth void tempest. was a long name that Ryoma the white haired man thought in his head after that you could seemingly see the illusion of a white dragon appearing as an aura around his body. it then along with Ryoma met the blazing fist and the crimson song and seemingly devoured it. this was the thing about most of the Ryoma special techniques they seemingly devoured their opponent's abilities because of this most people who actually knew about this and we're going to fight Ryoma in a match never used special techniques against his specials. even the strongest of abilities could fall to any of his. so after easily winning the clash Ryoma then kicked the face of his opponent knocking him out. however it may not have seemed like it but that battle lasted two whole hours after all they were some of the strongest brawlers in the world. you see on Earth there's a place called the brawler association a place where people use different fighting styles that they have honed to the peak to fight and win money and currently this would be Ryoma' final match. after saying goodbye to the audience getting a towel to get off all the sweats and the same GG to his opponent he finally left to go to his house however on the way he saw a black car was following him so he always had his guard up finally after he got in front of his house the black car stopped and came out of it were multiple people wearing business suits with guns. this was the work of the chairman of the brawlers association zaru and he of course was trying to make sure Ryoma still played but after failing...

genisis_gaia_boss · Anime & Comics
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6 Chs

destruction of the red Rex pirates[3]

______Ryu POV____

a bunch of pirates and one with red hair sitting on top of the Red Rex ship we're right in front of me.

using various techniques of the Suzuki soul style I took multiple of them down and it wasn't like it was an entire fleet it was barely just passing 50.

"crimson Rex fist!"

the captain of the red Rex Pirate shouted. suddenly his arm turned into red scales and it was clear to me he had a ancient Zoan fruit.

after transforming his hand into Red scales he jumped down and tried to punch towards me however I casually dodged and kicked his chest.

He flew back up however I could clearly see at the last second he covered his stomach and scales so he must have had quite a lot of battle experience.

it might have been too early to utilize it and it was just an idea that came in my head yesterday however I wanted to end this battle as soon as possible.

[half black haki suit][Archangel]

suddenly conquerors Haki covered my body but then materialized into multiple circles with a differing sizes going behind my back connected through tiny Haki dreams also connecting them to my hands which had black gauntlets.

of course it wasn't a completed version however it's still gave me enough of a boost to catch up to the still barely flying red Rex Pirate captain who I kicked the head of.

He was immediately sent flying down back to his ship however it wasn't over.


two sudden bursts of energy came from my hands sending them right towards the ship.

how I did this easy I just materialized conquerors Haki outside of my body and then set up multiple Haki strings by combining armament and conquerors Haki through this I turned those strings into massive energy blasts however I wouldn't be able to keep it up for long since it drained a lot of my Haki and stamina.


what sported out of my mouth I didn't know it would take so much stamina and Haki that it would cause blood to splirt out of my mouth over without a second thought I went to the pirate ship and began destroying all the pirates and took down the flag.

I purposely tried and successfully didn't actually destroy the pirate ship itself of course it still got damaged but it wasn't obliterated to the point where it couldn't set sail. after that I spotted the Red rex Pirate captain again and in me we go forward and without a second thought.


I couldn't inside of his body striking internal wounds making him sport out blood and he was soon going to die for the benefit of me absorbing his soul. it would be especially great for one of the projects I'm planning on doing which revolves around the Haki suits which are probably going to be my greatest assets however for now I just had to destroy the pirate's which is what I did.

'so easy they're definitely had to have been someone here helping them if not they definitely wouldn't have defeated my teacher being this week.'

after looking around a little bit I went to the basement of the pirate ship and there I found a single man wearing ragged up clothes all of that he was chained to the boat and had white hair with slits of red and black eyes. He seemed handsome but I really don't swing that way so all I did was release him by breaking the bars and breaking the chains.

"I have questions and you're going to answer them first of all with the pilot group being this week who helped them beforehand?"

The stranger didn't respond to me for a few seconds however after that he said" The pirate group was working for the Navy they said if they could find the spirit devouring orb they would get a big reward and a boost in bounty which is their biggest goal along with that any marine vice admiral and below most of the time would not have the authority to attack them so it was a win-win."

"then why are You here are you part of the pirate group or have you been locked up for some reason?"

The stranger replied in about 5 seconds with"No I'm not part of their pirate group I used to be pirate and after a few weeks I was already caught by the Navy and I already had a 1 million berry bounty after that I was sent to this pirate group since at the time they were doing the spirit devouring orb mission however the Red Rex pirates thought they didn't mean my help so they locked me up here it's also why I'm not relatively injured."

after that Ryu decided to reply with a thing he wanted to ask."then would you join my pirate crew I want to venture the seas I guess and currently I would be the captain and you would be the vice Captain is it a deal?"


"sure... I guess."

in a quiet tone he replied but not caring about it Ryu proceeded to say"then what's your name I can't keep calling you random person or something like that?"

"Nexus and my nickname is crimson Slayer having one defeated one of the weakest marine fleets in the east blue I got the title."

his voice seemed to get a little louder however again Ryu didn't necessarily care as long as he was happy and he joined the crew so after going upstairs and fixing up the ship in any way they could they proceeded to set sail.

"hey Nexus do you have any idea about nearby islands maybe an island we could train on or something?"

'I may be very powerful in the east blue however in anywhere else I'm stupidly weak I really need to go somewhere to train same with Nexus and he has similarly but a little weaker Aura so I'm assuming he's a little weaker than me.'

Nexus this time around decided to talk normally and said"the nearest island is on place known as dragon's cove it's a place where salamanders and even wyverns actually rest however I would sugg-."

"next destination dragon's cove!"without listening Ryu said that out loud and proceeded to steer the ship with the directions Nexus was giving him although he himself was mildly annoyed and was even scared of the place himself I mean if they were supposed to go somewhere to train wouldn't the dragons cove at the beginning be a little bit... harsh especially if dragons are there.

"I would really suggest not going to dragon's cove captain we may need to get stronger but we're already pretty powerful in the east blue we could probably just stay here or at least train somewhere else."

"I feel like the max efficiency we could ever obtain would be in dragon's cove especially since salamanders have very hard skins along with wyverns and dragons so it will be a little bit of a challenge to actually penetrate it which would give us a very good practice."

"along with that I have some future projects and hopefully I'll be able to finish one after we finish training and hopefully we can stay in dragon's cove for at least 3 months or above."

"whatever you say Captain."after that small conversation a few hours past and Nexus decided to ask a question"do we have any money or food I'm starting to get a bit hungry after all I haven't eaten in days?"

"yeah there should be plenty in the kitchen for the ship although I am decent at cooking I'm currently trying to get us to our destination and it'll probably take us at least another day to get there by your instructions."

*sigh*"All right captain"

'first we go to dragons cove second he's forcing me to cook I'm terrible at least he's decent!'Nexus is shouted in his mind however Ryu not knowing what he was thinking and probably not going to care anyways was actually focusing on riding the ship and.

:-would host the like to awaken isakai adventures system full of adventures and fun along with that becoming continuously stronger until reaching the peak of gods-:

'... I already have the spirit devouring orb which is plenty of a system and how come I'm awakening this now am I sure this isn't a hallucination or the doing of the spirit devouring orb if not why the cringe message.'

'it sure is convenient to have something that not only absorbs souls and gives me their power but also a full-on system to help my growth they sure is pretty convenient.'

'Yes I would like to awaken the isakai system.'

Mass chapter release [1/3]