

Karyan sprinted through damp dungeons, the air thick with a musty odor. 

The cold, wet stone walls closed in around him as he sought an escape from the mansion. The stench of feces added to his urgency to go.

Karyan ran fast in the wet, cold dungeons, dodging shadows. The air smelled bad, and torchlight flickered, making his escape urgent.

"We're almost there," he spoke while catching his breath, "almost," he added as he leaned next to the wall.

 His vision turned darker, "I can't rest, not yet. I need to leave…" he gathered all his strength and forced his legs to move.

Coming into the open night, Karyan found himself surrounded by towering rock buildings, their jagged silhouettes casting blurry shadows in the moonlight. 

The empty streets echoed with the hollowness of abandonment, as if the town had frozen in time.

The silence of the night surrounded him, broken only by the distant howl of a lone wolf. 

Karyan pressed on, his footsteps were quiet and faded, almost like a walking ghost.

"I never thought I'd see the night so quiet," he mused to himself, glancing around the ghostly town. 

As he walked through the narrow, cobblestone streets, the rock buildings loomed overhead. 

A chilling wind swept through the empty alleys, "bbbrrr, it's cold!" Karyan's senses were heightened, and every creak and rustle intensified the suspense.

He whispered to himself, "Revenge comes at a cost, but I'll pay any price to make them suffer sooner or later." 

In the desolation, a person appeared from the shadows and with a mysterious voice broke the silence, "Looking for a way out, are we?"

Startled, Karyan replied, "Who's there?" The stranger stepped forward, revealing a face hidden in shadows.

 "Name's Elara. I've been watching your struggle. You're not the only one trying to escape this nightmare," she said calmly.

Karyan, still catching his breath, replied, "What do you want?" His tone was strict. 

Elara's eyes glinted as she stepped forward, a subtle smirk formed on her lips. "Karyan, isn't it? I've been observing your daring escape. Quite the spectacle."

Karyan, still on edge, narrowed his eyes, "How did you know it was me?" "Your desperation has a distinct energy," she chuckled. "I could sense it. Besides, your reputation precedes you."

His curiosity was now more of caution, Karyan asked again, "What do you want?"

 Elara's smirk widened, "What I want has no price, but revenge should be nice."

Karyan frowned, "Revenge? Against whom?" 

"Against those who turned this town into a prison," she replied, her eyes focused on the distant rock buildings. "They took everything from me, and I've been biding my time, waiting for the right ally."

Karyan, considering her words, hesitated before asking, "Ally? Why should I trust you?" 

Elara's expression turned serious, "Trust is earned, Karyan. We share a common enemy, and I have information that can help you escape. The rest, well, we'll figure it out along the way."

Karyan, still wary but intrigued, nodded. "Fine, but the moment I sense betrayal, you'll regret it."

 Elara chuckled, "Fair enough, K-a-r-y-a-n."

Karyan paused, Elara's motives were unclear, but then a soft whisper tickled his ear. "Ssshhh…" a voice murmured, and he turned slightly to find Sera.

Sera's eyes gleamed with assurance. "Ssshhhh," 

"Why should I trust her? Just look at her." 

"Ssshhh…" "Fine."

Nodding subtly, Karyan acknowledged Sera's wisdom. "I'll question you later," he whispered, "but for now, I need to get away from here."

Elara smiled. "I know the way. Follow me," she said, leading the duo through the labyrinth of empty streets and eerie rock buildings.

As they ran deeper into the shadows, a sense of unity replaced Karyan's initial skepticism, fueled by the hope he kept turning back to Sera. 

Elara guided Karyan and Sera through the desolate streets until they arrived at what seemed to be her refuge—a small, dilapidated house nestled between the towering rock buildings. 

Bricks of rocks, weathered and almost breaking, barely held the structure together.

As they entered, the air inside was stifling, and the smell wasn't the best. The flickering candlelight revealed a humble interior, with furniture worn by time and neglect. 

Dust danced in the feeble beams of light that managed to penetrate the gloom.

"This may not be much," Sera admitted, looking apologetic, "but it's safer than the streets, and you can plan our next move here."

Karyan, grateful for shelter but suspect of her statement, nodded, "me? I thought you wanted some revenge too."

 "I can't involve myself with humans; I don't have many days left here."

Karyan took a step back, "just who are you?"

 "Your friend, Sera," Elara pointed to her head, "she will explain to you further, but for now, rest." 

"Why should I rest in a stranger's house? Don't you think it's a bit odd that you appear out of nowhere and try to help me?"

Elara didn't answer but just walked to a glass jar that had some kind of green liquid in it and a dead mouse drowning inside. 

She opened the jar and started drinking the weird water, "eeew," Karyan frowned as he looked away. 

When she was done drinking the water, the rat that was inside slid down her throat. 

She swallowed it. "Geeeh!" She barfed.

 "Do you have no manners?" Karyan asked politely. 

"No, I don't need them here." 

"Just who exactly are you?"

"Well, I guess it's still rude to not introduce myself, after all, I'm someone you've met before, I'm the one who-"