
Rebirth Of The Lightning God大

The Razo have been in conflict with the human race for a decade now. With the death of one of their elites, things are looking grim for the survival of their race. Young Seirron has just completed his evaluation. His might is already at the peak of individual power- S class! After being assigned to a special squad, Seirron must learn how to fill in the oversized shoes that were left for him by his predecessor. Follow Seirron as he grows in his path to liberating his race of the parasite as the human race! I will be republishing this book later on. Keep an eye out for it!

Nilo_A · Sci-fi
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5 Chs

Welcome to the Team

For the first time, Seirron got to witness the full expanse of a training room meant to withstand the powerful attacks of an S-class doing battle. The term 'training room' didn't do the facility enough justice. The place was basically a specialized battleground. It was at least twice as wide as a soccer pitch. Seirron stood at one end while Derrick stood at the other. Some hidden speakers broadcasted his voice through the whole area.

"I'm ready when you are." He told Seirron over the comms. With a spike in the dormant energy waves in the air, Derrick was lifted up above ground level. Seirron followed, using his control over his power to support his body.

"Wow, you can already fly. Not bad for a self taught S-class. Sadly, that's not enough to prove yourself worthy of being on my team. Ready? Go!" With a sudden burst of power, Derrick shot toward Seirron at a blisteringly fast pace. If Seirron was anything less than S-class, he would have totally missed it.

Lightning arced all around Seirron, bouncing off his body and streaking across the earth below him. An incorporeal barrier of energy condensed around his body; he waved his hand, sending an arc of light toward Derrick's speeding form. All this happened in the span of a single second, showcasing the amazing reaction time of an S-class.

Radiance bloomed as the arc of light collided with Derrick's innate barrier. He veered off course, but not before sending over a burst of highly pressured water in Seirron's direction. Seirron acted accordingly, dropping from his suspended position in the air, and then shooting forward to engage Derrick in a closer range. Although it may seem like he had the advantage in a ranged confrontation, he excelled in physical battles where he could put good use to all the condensed energy that was streaking through his body.

Wires of lightning and energy linked Seirron's body and the green patch of earth he shot over as he neared Derrick, leaving a blackened path behind him. His eyes glowed white and his dark hair stood on end. His blue-green crystal pulsed with a terrifying power as he shot out two waves of highly condensed energy.

A wall of ice was raised up, several meters thick in order to stop the advance of those two waves of light. The crumbled immediately, but nonetheless stopping the advance of those two terrifying attacks. In the wake of the cloud of steam that was raised by the terrifying attacks, several beams of water shot forward. They were so highly concentrated that they left a very clear searing path in their wake where the air trembled and shook, as though space would collapse in the wake of such an attack.

Seirron raised his arms, too close to avoid an attack moving at such speeds. A thick barrier of pure energy flickered into existence around him, glazed in a white sheen. The terrifying attack of compressed water slammed into the shield, completely halting his advance and pushing him back about a hundred meters.

Cracks ran all around the barrier when the steam enveloping his surroundings cleared up. Mane and Zeke drew in sharp breaths when the dust and steam cleared out. All around Seirron's energy barrier, the area within fifty meters was completely pulverized, and Seirron was at the bottom of a crater at least fifteen meters deep.

"That's enough!" Lana's sharp voice rang through the arena. Zeke and Mane looked behind them, facing Lana who had a hand on her waist while the other pressed the voice broadcast button that was in the corridor.

"A joy kill as always." Derrick muttered from his corner of the arena. He glanced over to the crater to check out Seirron's state. The energy barrier around him flickered for a moment before disappearing, letting the onlookers get a look at Seirron. What they saw shook them to their core.

From within, Seirron strode forward, his shirt in burnt tatters. The tattoos on his chest had seemingly come to life, flickering and dancing over his chest and torso. His skin was semi transparent, bordering the almost see-through green it turned to during his energy tempering sessions. His eyes were alight with lightning; snakes of lightning glided over his skin, sinking into him and resurfacing at other parts of his body. His very appearance embodied power.

A numb feeling settled into Derrick's skull as he set his eyes upon Seirron. An odd expression came over him as old, buried memories resurfaced for a moment before getting tucked into the farthest reaches of his mind. He snorted, eyeing Seirron one more time before turning and walking away from the arena, but not before dropping one last sentence.

"Welcome to the team, kid." He threw a non-committal wave over his shoulder and stuffed his hands into his pocket as he walked past Lana and the others.

Everyone's attention was firmly fixed on Seirron as the light in his eyes gradually died out. The flickering tattoos over his torso also eventually settled as his color returned to normal. Steam rose off him in waves as he walked over to the others who were still watching him with surprise.

He looked on in Derrick's direction a few moments longer until he couldn't hear the sound of his footsteps anymore before turning to face the audience of his 'friendly spar'.

"How did I do?" He asked, looking from Zeke, to Mane and finally settling on Lana.

Zeke patted his shoulder before abruptly pulling back his hand. "Man, that's hot." He whistled. "That was amazing!" He waved in the air with his hand, "Although I'm also an S-class, I'm not really suited for head on confrontations and all that. I would totally get crushed in I was facing either you or Derrick for real." He grinned widely.

"Mhm. You guys' energy fluctuations were off the charts. I thought you were newly advanced?" Mane chipped in with a raised eyebrow.

"Haha, yeah I am. I've just been practicing a lot I guess. My control over pure energy helps a lot, though." Seirron bashfully rubbed the back of his neck. He turned over to Lana again, wanting to know her evaluation of his strength.

Lana hummed and studied Seirron for a moment. "Although you just advanced, I would place your overall power at mid-level S-class. Although it might have seemed like you were okay there, Derrick could have crushed you if he intended to o so. Keep up the good work."

There ya go! Hope you guys enjoyed the chapter!

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