
Rebirth Of The Lightning God大

The Razo have been in conflict with the human race for a decade now. With the death of one of their elites, things are looking grim for the survival of their race. Young Seirron has just completed his evaluation. His might is already at the peak of individual power- S class! After being assigned to a special squad, Seirron must learn how to fill in the oversized shoes that were left for him by his predecessor. Follow Seirron as he grows in his path to liberating his race of the parasite as the human race! I will be republishing this book later on. Keep an eye out for it!

Nilo_A · Sci-fi
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5 Chs

Getting Acquainted

Although Lena acted as if Seirron's strength was just a middling thing in such a casual manner, in truth, she was actually very surprised. She could not believe that as someone who had only just advanced, Seirron could achieve such strength. And not only that, but he had already started developing an Olympian Body!

An Olympian Body was the epitome of power that was known to all elites around the world. To develop an Olympian Body meant that the user was shedding their ties to mortality in order to take a step closer to the Elements. Hence, the reason why an Olympian body was the embodiment of the element that the user was attuned to.

As Seirron had started developing his Olympian body, that already put him ahead of the other S class fighters of the Razo race that had been in that class, but had not made enough progress to begin the final stretch of their journey.

Zeke and Mane, who had already been S class for a couple years, had only just began forming the base of their Olympian Bodies, and they were already being regarded as part of the geniuses of the current generation.

Now, Seirron had come and beat their record! Lena was not sure at all how she would report this matter to the higher ups of the organization.

In the end, Lena just decided to keep this to her chest for the time being. She would report that Seirron was strong for a newly ascended S class fighter, and that he had the potential to go farther, but for now, he would be placed in Derrick's team, nothing else.



"Wow, dude. You were good." Mane grinned widely, patting Seirron's shoulder firmly. The burly, brown haired man was in a jovial mood after seeing the prowess that Seirron had shown off. Zeke followed them with a grin of his own as he held his hand. After the burn from earlier, he was being a bit more careful than Mane to avoid getting burned again.

"Haha, thanks. I guess Derrick just went easy on me, huh?" Seirron rubbed the back of his head with a bashful smile. From the comments and praise he was getting, he figured that he did better than Lena was letting on.

"Wait, so you have an Olympian body?" Zeke suddenly asked, rushing up to walk on Seirron's other side.

"Ah, no. Not yet. I'm still working on it, but I have a few more hurdles to cross before I get that far." Seirron replied.

"But I thought you were about to release it during your spar against Derrick?" Mane suddenly froze with a frown on his face.

"No, no. That was just a simple release of energy. I'm nowhere close to being able to form my Olympian body yet." Seirron explained with a frown across his face.

Ever since he reached A class, his body had always turned to that partially transparent green crystal-like texture if he was releasing large amounts of energy. Since he had his island to himself, he had never interacted much with people, and so, he never asked them about this. Seeing how Zeke and Mane were reacting now was leaving him confused, though.

Seeing that Seirron truly did not follow what they were saying, Zeke decided to drop the subject. Instead, they could spend their time getting to know each other better.

"Forget about that for now. Lena had us come to the base so early so that we could meet you, but we actually don't have anything to do at the moment. We completed our last mission a while ago, and have been here ever since." The black and green haired man said. "How about we head out for breakfast? I didn't have enough time to eat something before rushing here."

"Sure." Both Seirron and Mane didn't mind. Together, they left the base.

"What about Derrick?" Seirron asked, taking a look behind him when the three of them stepped out of the elevator that brought them back to the association building.

"...Derrick is not coming with us." Zeke shook his head, but did not elaborate. It seemed there was a lot more depth to Derrick than what Seirron initially thought. He had already noticed that the man was distant from his squad mates earlier when they had first met, and then this. It was strange.

'Oh well, I guess I will find out later.' Seirron shrugged his shoulders and followed the two men to the air car that Zeke was leading them to.

"You brought your ride, yeah?" Zeke asked.

"Yeah. It's parked over there." Seirron replied, motioning to his own car.

"Alright, we'll come back for it when we're done. And then we can work on some practice. I want to test my mettle against you."

The three of them discussed random things related to work and their personal lives as they made their way to the restaurant.

As they left, no one noticed that Derrick was watching a live video feed of them leaving the building and making their way to Zeke's car. The man's eyes were trained on Seirron the entire time.

"A lightning user, eh? The vibes he gives off is similar to Roddick's..." The man sighed tiredly.

Ever since he had lost his old friend, he had held a certain sour spot towards lightning users. There were a couple more lightning users among the S class fighters of the Razo, but they all steered clear of him because of his sour attitude when relating with them.

Lightning users were rather reckless and disorganized, just like the element they possessed. This made them hot headed, or blunt, and whenever he compared them to Roddick, he just couldn't help but see how much they were lacking when compared to the legendary man. Seirron was different from these people, and that reminded Derrick of Roddick, so he was irritated.

"Ugh... Whatever, let's see how good he is first of all." The man grunted in annoyance.