
Rebirth of the Demon King in an Interstellar Age

Demon king Lucifer, one who is feared by both god and man gets killed by tripping in front of the hero, his soul was trapped in the dark realm his powers were locked. Trapped there for millennials. Times have changed and humans are now living in space. He makes a deal with a dying soul to take control of his body while he recovers his powers and he would get revenge on the original soul's family. He is living a new life, engaged to the second prince of the empire. 'His highness looks like he wants to devour me. Help me!'

Nerdy_apprentice · Fantasy
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67 Chs

Chapter 67

Lucifer got to the palace, feeling nervous for some reason. He's the demon king, why is he being nervous?

He was escorted by the servants of the palace to the gardens where Isabella was with Mitchell. He held the jewelry closely, hoping they would like it.

"Phoenix!" Isabella said happily standing up and running to him. Behind her was Mitchell.

The empress was wearing a white t-shirt with colorful flowery patterns on it, she also wore a skirt with the same patterns on it and white block heels, while Mitchel simply wore an off-shoulder top with trousers with black boots.

"Hello, Isabella," Lucifer said stiffly as she hugged him.

"I'm glad you could make it," she said happily. "You know Mitchel, Alexander's older brother's fiance," she said then turned to Mitchel. "This is..."

"Alexander's fiance, Phoenix, I know," Mitchel said, she sounded gentle, but her eyes were sharp. "Nice to meet you," she said stretching out her hand for a handshake.

"Likewise," Lucifer replies, "I got you guys something," he says raising the gift bags with names labeled on them.

Isabella covered her mouth in surprise. "Oh my goodness, Phoenix," Isabella said feeling touched. "You shouldn't have," she said.

Lucifer smiled and said, "No, I made them for you, it would be a waste if you don't take them."

isabella teared up feeling touched. "Thank you," she said collecting the bag from him.

Lucifer handed the bag to Mitchel, she looked at the bag and then at Lucifer who was smiling innocently at her. He could sense reluctance coming from her. 'She doesn't trust me,' he thought.

Mitchel collected the bag as if expecting something to happen. When nothing happened her aura relaxed. Lucifer squinted his eyes at her a little bit. 'She knows something.'

Isabella took the jewelry box and pulled out a beautiful necklace with flower patterns on it and small pieces of black obsidian planted in it. "Oh my goodness," Isabella said touching the obsidian. She immediately saw a vision of a winged person standing in front of her with long white hair.

She blinks and she sees Lucifer in front of her. "Thank you," she said smiling softly.

Mitchel took out the present and saw a simple bracelet with the same black obsidian in it. "Thank you," she said, with a small smile.

Lucifer smiled back at her. "Help me wear it," Isabella said, handing the necklace to Mitchel.

Mitchel complies and helps her to wear the necklace. She touched it gently. "Does it look good on me?" she asks.

Lucifer nodded. "It does look good on you," Mitchel said.

Isabella clapped happily. "That's great because we're going to be going out on a wife trip!" she said.

'Huh?' Lucifer thought. 'I thought we were having tea ad cakes, what trip are we going for?'

"Oh," Lucifer said in a relaxed voice as he was getting a massage. The treatment of a lifetime. "A little more to the left," he said.

He doesn't even know why he was so against this before.

Isabella had taken him and Mitchel to a spa to get the relaxation they all needed. When it was time for the massage, Lucifer was strongly against it, nearly hissing and scratching those who touched him.

With a little bit of bribery, he complied. When they touched him at first he was going to react by killing the person who had done so, until they began the massage and he relaxed.

"Feeling good, Phoenix?" Isabella asked in a daze.

"Mhm," Lucifer replies happily.


"Yes,' Mitchel replies groaning in a daze.

After the body massage, next was a hair wash. "This is the best day of my life," Lucifer said, as he smelled the scent of rose and honey.

Next was a clay mask with a manicure and pedicure. "Would you like your nails to be painted?"

"Yes," Lucifer replies happily.

"What color?"

"Black and red," Lucifer replies.

After the day at the spa, Lucifer was glowing. He wondered how he would look like with his original appearance would he still glow as much?

"So how do you feel Phoenix?" Isabella asked.

"Amazing," Lucifer replies. "I thought I would melt like butter," he said happily.

"That's good, I'm glad you enjoyed yourself," Isabella said.

Lucifer smiled happily. "So where to next?" he asked.

"The palace," Isabella said, "the cakes and tea should be ready already."

"Yay," Lucifer says excitedly running to the car.

"Phoenix, wait," Isabella said in amusement but didn't run after him.

Lucifer grins and just as he was about to enter the car, he felt something was wrong. He heard a sharp sound and the car exploded while he was near it.

The empress and Mitchel were surrounded by bandits almost immediately, "I didn't think the empress would be here! Imagine how much we would get--" Before the sentence could be completed, a spear pierced the skull of the person speaking throwing him several feet back.

Then a sadistic chuckle was heard. "I was enjoying my day peacefully," Lucifer said sounding a bit angry. "I hope you've booked your spots in hell!"