
Rebirth of the Demon King in an Interstellar Age

Demon king Lucifer, one who is feared by both god and man gets killed by tripping in front of the hero, his soul was trapped in the dark realm his powers were locked. Trapped there for millennials. Times have changed and humans are now living in space. He makes a deal with a dying soul to take control of his body while he recovers his powers and he would get revenge on the original soul's family. He is living a new life, engaged to the second prince of the empire. 'His highness looks like he wants to devour me. Help me!'

Nerdy_apprentice · Fantasy
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67 Chs

Chapter 66

Lucifer hears a knock on his door and immediately knows that what he had ordered has arrived. He opens it and sees a servant holding a box. "A package for you, Young Master Phoenix," the servant said, bowing as he handed the package over.

"Thank you," Lucifer replies, collecting it and closing the door behind him.

He didn't have any place to put any of the jewelry, he couldn't just hand it over to the people he wanted to give it to.

He made a total of seven pieces of jewelry. A ring, two necklaces because they are hard to make, and four bracelets.

It took him all night to make them. It would have been longer, but there were several instances where he had to slow time down to get them done.

What was meant to take days at a time took a few hours.

He ordered seven jewelry boxes. They were made of wood as well.

He looked at the instruction video on how to place the jewelry in each box.

Once he was done, he went to have a long, warm, relaxing bath to calm his aching body. He had to make everything from scratch. The molds were made of the handles of weapons with very intricate designs and sand from his pocket dimension. The metal was made of silver weapons, which he broke into chunks and melted with hell's fire. The hottest fire to ever exist came directly from the Nine Circles of Hell. He also managed to add a little bit of his aura to these weapons, so that if they were in danger, he would be summoned immediately, and they would let the other gods know who they were.

He gets out of his bathroom with a towel on his head and around his neck. He saw the gods in his bedroom with Hiro, who made an exclamatory sound and covered his eyes from seeing him naked.

"You can't be serious," Lucifer said, quickly wrapping a towel around his waist.

"Nice," Apollo said, smirking, and he felt someone poke his eyes. Lucifer was in front of him, and he had poked his eyes. "Ow!" Apollo exclaimed in pain, rubbing his eyes a bit.

"What are you guys doing here?" Lucifer exclaimed, his face was red with rage. He was angry with everyone, including Hiro.

"You are going to visit the Empress, and Apollo thought it would be a great idea to dress you up," Athena replied.

"I came to watch," Artemis said.

"And I came to help," Hiro said, still covering his eyes.

'Oh, my me!' Lucifer thought in frustration. "I don't need your help picking out clothes for me for this occasion," he said, trying to patiently explain to everyone.

"You have an awful sense of fashion," Apollo said, hissing a bit in pain. He stopped rubbing his eyes and blinked several times as tears fell from them.

Lucifer huffs a bit. "What's that supposed to mean?" he said defensively.

"Nothing," Apollo said, clapping authoritatively. "Artemis, ready the camera, Athena, Hiro, you two help me," he said.

"Wh-wh-wh--" Lucifer stammered, standing back. "I have to leave in an hour, and you want to video me?"

"Don't worry," Apollo said, winking at him. "We'll make you look great."

Thirty minutes later...

Lucifer was already dressed, and his hair was styled by Apollo. He sees himself in the mirror and says, "Wow, I don't look bad."

"Is that all you have to say?" Apollo said, waiting for a compliment.

Lucifer looks at Apollo blankly. "You're not getting any more from me, if you want a compliment, then keep my 'I don't look bad' as your compliment."

Apollo had a painful smile on his face. "You can at least say thank you to everyone here."

Lucifer turned to Athena and Hiro, smiled at them, and said happily to them, "Thanks, you guys."

He then turned to Apollo. "You too," he said blankly.

"I'll take that," Apollo said.

Lucifer walks to his bed and takes a box from it. "Here you go," he said, going to hand the box to Hiro.

Hiro was confused but collected it anyway. He opens it and sees a beautiful bracelet made of silver. It was a simple bracelet with flower patterns and obsidian encrusted on it.

"It's beautiful," Hiro gasped. "Thank you."

The three gods in the room knew what this meant. He's telling them he's one of my people. Hands off. Hiro is a child being protected by Phoenix in their eyes.

He then takes two boxes and puts them in a bag. "Breakfast is going to be ready in a few minutes," he said, leaving the room.

Forty-five minutes later, Lucifer was ready to go.

"Say hello to Her Majesty for us," Apollo said, waving as everyone waved at him as he left.

Once Lucifer was gone, Athena nudged Hiro. "Let's go," she said. Hiro nodded and left with her.

"Is anyone going to die today?" Artemis asked her twin.

Apollo smiled, closing his eyes. "Quite a lot," he said. "But they are probably irrelevant people."

"Lucifer is going to have fun today," he said in Greek.

Artemis didn't say anything she just went back inside. "Hey, do you want to see the remaining jewelry?" he asked.

"No," Artemis simply replied. "I don't want him to come at me with murder intentions," she said.

"You're no fun!"