
Rebirth of the Demon King in an Interstellar Age

Demon king Lucifer, one who is feared by both god and man gets killed by tripping in front of the hero, his soul was trapped in the dark realm his powers were locked. Trapped there for millennials. Times have changed and humans are now living in space. He makes a deal with a dying soul to take control of his body while he recovers his powers and he would get revenge on the original soul's family. He is living a new life, engaged to the second prince of the empire. 'His highness looks like he wants to devour me. Help me!'

Nerdy_apprentice · Fantasy
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67 Chs

Chapter 53

Athena and Hiro stood before Lucifer like he was a weapon merchant. "I have noticed that you don't have a lot of physical strength," Athena said to him professionally.

Hiro nodded. He, too, knows this. Just an ordinary warm-up felt like he was about to pass out. These weapons don't seem like they would improve his strength though.

"I'm not going to be training your strength," Athena said. "Your body would break down by the time we start, and it would take months to try to build your body," she said.

"But I can wait!" Hiro wanted to say, but he decided to wait for Athena to finish speaking.

"Instead, I'm going to teach you with speed and agility," she said. "It is perfect for your small weak fragile body."

She picks a rapier, a thin light, sharp-pointed sword, and swings it around. "The rapier, a sword created in the seventeenth century," she said. "A weapon used for thrusting and mostly used in duels, it was barely used on a battlefield, you need to be clever to use it and at the same time quick on your feet."

To be honest, when Lucifer was about to create this particular weapon, he wasn't sure what it looked like until Athena had to explain it to him. It looks very elegant, but it doesn't suit someone like Hiro.

"Next is the spear," Athena said picking a spear, Lucifer had created several types of spears, the one she had chosen had a curved blade on it. She stepped back and spins it. "Nice spear," she compliments Lucifer.

"Thank you," Lucifer said proudly.

"The spear is my personal favorite," she said. "It is very easy to use, it is one of the oldest weapons in history and very little skill is needed to wield it."

"Maybe that's why it's your favorite," Apollo said using the microphone.

"Shut up," Athena said closing her eyes in annoyance, before looking at Hiro again. "However, if you can master the spear, taking down an army would be easier than Phoenix devouring a hall full of cake."

Apollo, Artemis, and Alice laughed out loud when Athena said this. Rosemarie was visibly confused by this. 'Is this some kind of inside joke?' she thought bored. 'When will the training start?'

'The spear might be best for Hiro,' Lucifer thought. It's a long-range weapon and it would be difficult for enemies to attack him from close range, he might not need to kill, just simply remove the blade and use blunt force to knock out his enemies.

"Finally a short sword," Athena said looking at the weapon and then looking at Hiro who was looking at her innocently, his aura was very innocent and he hadn't unlocked his soul power yet. However, there's something Athena could see that she couldn't point her finger to.

'I can see a puppy turning to Cerebus,' she thought. "Phoenix, change this sword into two daggers," she said.

"What?" Lucifer exclaimed.

"Just do it," Athena insisted.

Lucifer sighed creating two small daggers. Athena collects them and hands them over to Hiro. "This fits you a lot," she said.

"Nope, nope," Lucifer said, heavily disagreeing.

Athena stopped him, and said, "Look at him properly," she said. "Don't you see it?" she whispered in his ear.

"See what?" Lucifer asked.

"A puppy turning to Cerebus," she said standing straight.

"You want to turn him into a killer?" Lucifer whisper-screamed standing on his toes to reach her face.

Athena pushed Lucifer's face away. "Would you like how to use it?" she said.

"But can't this kill someone?" Hiro asked worriedly.

"All the weapons  I showed you can kill, Hiro," Athena said.

"Not all," Hiro said. "The sharp blade of the spear can be removed and I could use it like a bo staff," he said.

"Exactly!" Lucifer shouts.

Athena ignores him and bends down a bit to meet Hiro's height. "I know that you don't want to, but I see potential in you I just want to unlock, you don't have to be a killer to use these weapons, but if you trust me, I'll turn you into the best version of yourself. I can also do so if you want to learn with a spear or bo staff, but it wouldn't be easy," she said.

Hiro looked extremely indecisive. Athena was a bit impatient. "How about a quick demonstration with Phoenix so you can choose?" she said.

Hiro leaves the training room. Lucifer was confused as to why Athena wanted to force Hiro to use a dagger all of a sudden.

Athena was with the two daggers created by Lucifer. She spins them and gets ready to use them.

Outside the training room...

"Are they about to fight?" Alice asked sounding a bit excited.

Rosemarie and Hiro were a bit worried for Athena, they both knew what Lucifer was capable of doing.

Apollo and Artemis knew what both of them were capable of doing at their fullest potential, but who knows how far they would go?

Lucifer shook his head and threw two devices at Athena. "Click the buttons at the bottom," he said.

Athena was confused, she held both daggers in one hand and caught the two devices thrown to her.

"What is this for?" she asked.

Lucifer was holding one of these devices only a little bigger, he clicked the button on his device and Baal was formed.

"I see," Athena said, tossing the daggers to the far side of the room. She clicks the buttons and two small blades made of plasma with a golden color appear.

"Oh wow," Artemis said, while Apollo whistled.

"That's impressive," he said.

Alice, Rosemarie, and Hiro had different surprised reactions. "It's about to get epic!" Alice said.

'Unfortunately,' Hiro thought.

'Phoenix wouldn't try to kill her would he?' Rosemarie thought afraid for Athena.