
Rebirth of the Demon King in an Interstellar Age

Demon king Lucifer, one who is feared by both god and man gets killed by tripping in front of the hero, his soul was trapped in the dark realm his powers were locked. Trapped there for millennials. Times have changed and humans are now living in space. He makes a deal with a dying soul to take control of his body while he recovers his powers and he would get revenge on the original soul's family. He is living a new life, engaged to the second prince of the empire. 'His highness looks like he wants to devour me. Help me!'

Nerdy_apprentice · Fantasy
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67 Chs

Chapter 52

Lucifer was greeted by the servants immediately, which was a bit unusual. They don't usually greet him in the garage.

"The princess came to visit," a servant said.

'Oh,' Lucifer thought his face brightening a bit. He remembered who the princess was now, she was quite rude at first when they first met, but then she offered her dessert as a peace offering to him and Augustus gave him his as well.

"You have an in-law?" Apollo said wiggling his eyebrows a bit.

"Keep your hands off her Apollo," Lucifer said, sneering. "Or else I'll castrate you in front of your father."

Apollo sweated a bit. "I was only joking," he mutters as they enter the house.

Alice was sitting on the couch talking to Rosetta and another servant when they came in.

"Good evening, Princess," Lucifer greets Alice first, walking to her and bowing slightly.

"Phoenix!" Alice said, smiling, then getting up to hug him a bit. Lucifer wasn't expecting this, so he stiffened a bit before hugging her back and patting her back for her to let go. "It's nice seeing you again," she said.

"You too," Lucifer replies, smiling.

"Good evening, princess," everyone else greets her with respect.

"Hey, Hiro," she said waving at him.

Hiro waves back at her. "Hey, Princess," he said.

"Who are they?" Alice asked walking towards the A-siblings and Rosemarie.

"Old friends of mine," Lucifer said, before turning to Rosetta who was still seated. "Hey!" he said happily. "I brought your beloved niece," he said.

"I can see that," Rosetta said with a soft smile. "Rosemarie," she said calling her.

"Good evening, Aunty Rose," Rosemarie replied.

Alice turned to Rosetta. "She's your niece?" she said in surprise before looking at Rosemarie. "You are beautiful," she said.

Rosemarie blushed in embarrassment. "Thank you, Princess," she said, quietly hiding behind Athena.

Alice giggled before turning to the A-siblings. "Good evening, princess," they all said at the same time.

"We are good friends of Phoenix," Athena said, she smiled politely. "My name is Athena," she said.

Artemis proceeds to introduce herself. "I'm Artemis," she said.

"And I am Apollo," Apollo said, fighting the urge to wink at the princess in an attempt to woo her a bit.

"You have the names of the ancient Greek Gods," Alice said excitedly. "Was your father also interested in Greek mythos?" she asked excitedly.

This struck a nerve in the siblings. Mythos? They are the real deal! However they can't punish her for being ignorant, Lucifer was looking at them with a weird gaze.

"Yes," Athena replies as if she was being forced to drink venom.

"My favorite is Aphrodite, the Goddess of Love," Alice said, smiling.

Lucifer choked on air when she said that. "What?" he exclaimed, making everyone turn to him. "Sorry," he apologized, looking embarrassed.

Athena led Hiro to the training room to train him. Lucifer went in with them because Athena wanted to use him in case there was a need for any demonstrations. They all wore tracksuits, Lucifer wore what he usually wore whenever he decided to train, Hiro wore a light blue tracksuit, and Athena wore a tank top with her tracksuit trousers. Athena was also holding several bottles of glucose mixed with water.

"So," Athena started. "We'll start with a quick warm-up," she said. "In the meantime, Phoenix create every weapon you know of."

"Okay," Lucifer replies and begins creating several weapons.

"First of all, we'll begin with a few stretches to relax your muscles," the Goddess said stretching.

Outside the training room, Apollo, Artemis, and Alice were watching from outside.

Alice was concentrated on Lucifer as he was creating and laying out weapons. "Isn't he creating quite a lot of old-style weapons," she said.

"It won't cut off Hiro's hands once he uses it," Apollo said.

Artemis' eyes widened when all of a sudden Lucifer began creating magical weapons absentmindedly. She pokes Apollo a bit calling his attention and pointing at Lucifer. Apollo's eyes widened as well.

Lucifer was surprised to hear Apollo's voice from the speakers. "No, she didn't mean those weapons, are you trying to kill him?"

He frowns then he looks down and then realizes what he did. "Oh sh--" he said tapping the magical weapons and they all disappeared.

He was thinking of what weapon might Hiro most. He doesn't have the guts to use any stabby weapons that could make someone bleed out and potentially kill them like a sword or spear or dagger, and he is also too weak to use some blunt weapons that break bones and also potentially kill them.

Hiro doesn't need to become a bloodthirsty monster like him, it would break his non-existent heart.

"Okay, we're done warming up," Athena said.

Hiro felt a bit sick, his face was very flushed and quite sweaty. He was breathing heavily and he swallowed his saliva. "Are you sure you still want me to train you?" she asked coldly.

Hiro looked at her and nodded. "Yes," he said breathlessly. "Please just give me a second."

Athena frowns. 'His physique is weaker than I thought.' she thought as he was breathing heavily.

"She might not be able to teach him," Apollo said. "Her patience is not thick enough for that," he said.

"Don't underestimate your sister Apollo, she might be a female but that doesn't mean you can underestimate her," Alice said, scolding him a bit.

'I can't tell if I like or dislike this girl,' Apollo thought.

"Before I start training you," Athena said. "Do you want to learn hand-to-hand combat or weapon mastery?"

"I get to choose between the both of them?" Hiro asked.

"Yes," Athena responds.

"Weapons," Hiro responds without a second thought.

"Really," Athena replies raising an eyebrow. "Okay," she said shrugging.

At first, Hiro was nervous thinking he made the wrong choice, he sighed in relief that he didn't choose wrong. If he wants to learn something like hand-to-hand combat, then he'd rather let Phoenix or Xavier teach him.

"If you want to learn how to use a weapon, then the best choice for you is either a spear, a short sword, or a rapier," Athena said.

"Are you kidding me?" Lucifer exclaimed from where he was standing. "Then what is the point of asking me to create all these weapons?'

"Sorry," Athena apologizes.

"Whatever," Lucifer grumbles as he puts all of his other creations away.

Hiro's heart began beating in excitement. His parents don't know what he is doing, he never told them he was going to learn how to fight. They would be so angry with him. "That is not how an omega should behave," he could hear his mother say. But he didn't care right now, he's going to learn it and know how to do it.