
Rebirth of the Blade Emperer Deus

On an auspicious day, Deus had come face to face with a giant army. They ask him to submit but, how could he? As the king of blades, how could he throw away his pride and go with them with his head hung low? He smiled and announced war on the army, after a long time the battle was finally over Deus was victorious, but Critically wounded. He collapsed to the ground as he closed his eyes. The next moment he wakes up in his old apartment in his young body. With the knowledge of Gods and the grit of an ant, he gets ready to conquer the world again

wH0amI · Urban
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12 Chs

Back home

"You could have used your fairy arts to run away from the goblins!", Dave asks as he questions the fairies. The fairies are surprised once again, one of them replies, "We tried but for some reason, we could not use them."

"Do you still have the pendent on you?", Dave asks while still on one knee. The fairy puts its hands behind its neck and detaches a thread, it then slowly lifts it, revealing a pea-sized stone hanging in the middle of it.

The fairy hands the necklaces to Dave, he looks at the stone keenly. "Surely it's a cursed stone.", He thinks as he gives the neckless back to the fairy, saying, "Keep it safe, it might contain a clue to get you back home."

Both of the fairies' faces light up. Dave then asks, "What are your names and how old are you both?" The fairies look at each other and one of them proudly answers, "I am 10 years old! And my name is Elvashi Da Gragur"

The other one replies while stuttering, "Ummm M-m-my name i-i-s Livari Da Gragur a-and I am e-e-eight years old." The fairy then quickly flies behind its elder sibling and takes a peek. "They sure are close", Dave thinks as he sees the adorable sight before him.

He then gets up and taps his shoulder while saying, "Hope on, I have some work to do, then I will take you to a nice and cozy place."

The fairies quickly fly and sit down on his shoulder. Dave says as he lifts his fist, "Hold on tight! It's gonna be a bumpy ride!", He then slams it into the wall in front of them.

*Boom a big hole appears in the wall as mud chunks fall to the ground. From the giant hole, they could see the entire slaughtered goblin's nest. Dave thinks, "Man it sure is easy to grind war goblins, they are organized and predictable, which might make them difficult to deal with for others but it makes them way easy of a target for someone of my level, they also give some nice xp!"

Dave then jumps down and dashes out of the nest, he then looks for a tall tree and then climbs on top of one, taking a look around he thinks, "1, 2, 3, 4, 5... hmm how much time do have?", he spots little goblin nests and looks at his band.

"Looting one small nest took me an hour, I think I can do 3 more.", Dave mumbles as he starts heading towards a goblin's nest like a monkey. Four hours go by. "Okay! I am finally done with the three nests, let's take a look at all the loot.", Dave thinks as he sits under a big tree.

"Human, you are a veteran at killing, aren't you? How many years have you been doing this?", Elvashi the bigger fairy asks. Dave puts his hand on his chin and says, "... I don't know, I stopped counting a long time ago."

The fairy gets a little angry and then says, "Hmm! Why are you acting so stuck up?! I only praised you a little, the worriers of my tribes are far more skilled and elegant than you! From what I can tell you are only 7 or 8 years older than m..."

before the little fairy could complete her sentence Dave says, "Quiet... I have work to do, and remember I was the one who saved you and I am still helping you."

The small fairy's lips get sealed shut. Dave then puts his hands in his pockets and empties them, he thinks, "3 dimension pouches, 3 C-rank monster cores, 167 E-rank monster cores, 12 jars of goblin chief blood, 2 D-rank magic weapons, 3 F-rank magic weapons, 2 D-rank magic artifacts, 2 E-rank magic artifacts, 189 bone daggers, 36 iron swords, 40 slingshots, 51 crossbows 24 iron axes, 18 stone axes and..." Dave turns to his right, "..two gnome smiths."

Dave goes towards them and speaks some broken language, both of the gnomes nod heavily. He then again stuffs the loot in his pocket and picks the two gnomes up.

Dave says to the fairies, "Hop on, we need to get going, we are going home." hearing him the both of them grab onto Dave's shoulder, and as they do, he jets forward.

After some time they reach the portal's exit, Dave then says to Elvashi, "I need you to do an important job for me... go outside and take a look, there will be a few hunks of junk guarding the portal you need to come back and tell me their positions."

The fairy hesitates a little but then shakes her head and exits the portal, after a minute she comes back and tells Dave about the bot's locations.

Dave thinks, "Hmm, I should get a clear pathway after 5 minutes." after 5 minutes pass Dave lunges into the portal and exits the dungeon, no bots get alarmed and Dave swiftly makes his escape by jumping over the wall.

As soon as he lands he hears an angry voice near his ear, "What were you thinking master Dave! That was dangerous you could have been killed! That aside if you had gotten cot sneaking inside there would have been major consequences, no no, letting them find out aside if it weren't for your pulse st...."

Before Ben could finish venting out his anger Dave says, "Calm down Ben, I will explain everything once we are home. Now let's hurry before we get caught."

Dave opens his vehicle door and throws the two gnomes in the back seat, the vehicle boosts off. The vehicle arrives at his place's gates, Dave coves the gnomes in his jacket and gives them a death stare, the both of them become terrified. He then signs the fairies to go into the jacket's pocket.

After checking everything Dave gets out of his vehicle and goes towards the reception. The receptionist notices Dave's arrival and greets him, he replies, "Thank you, I just returned from tending to a few things, and if anyone enquires about me let me know immediately."

The receptionist nods her head and says, "I will let you know at once! If there is any thigh else I can help you with, please make sure to let me know I will get it done immediately!"

Dave smile and says, "Sure, just do this one thing for now I will let you know when something comes up." he then turns around to leave

The receptionist says, "Have a good day sir" Dave replies "I wish you have a great one." while walking towards the elevator. A smile appears on the receptionist's face.