
Qin Yi gave a bitter smile, not bothering to look at the group, as she could sense their blazing gazes.

 She did not know what Yun Huan was doing. Wasn't he a charming cold prince?

 Qin Yi was not the only one who was baffled. Lin Qing and the others were equally as confused. They all knew he considered Yiyi to be his younger brother, but Boss' treatment towards him was clearly not that of a younger brother.

 Everyone looked at each other and saw Yun Huan's slightly curved mouth. The words that were on the tip of their tongues were swallowed silently. Deciding to let it go since the Boss rarely got the chance to be happy, they choose to raise it up again sometime in the future.

 Xia Cai did not expect Yun Huan to not have any reaction, not when she had used her best technique. Could this man be useless? When he saw Yun Huan hugging Qin Yi, a brazen guess appeared in her heart.

 Is he… Gay?