
The doctor's explanation about choon-hee's condition

"Dad? You said she's fine. But look, what's going on right now? You made it an experiment!!?" Edwards growled angrily, but Brandon tried to calm his son down

"Relax, the percentage comes back to 20%. And it will increase over time! Mommy used to be like that, too. She wasn't even 20%. Mommy had no hope of living, but Daddy believed. And see? come back alive!" Brandon said again.

Edwards was silent. Deep in his heart, he did want Choon-Hee to come back to life.

"Doctor? Please continue what you described in the Choon-hee Case today." Brandon said to the Doctor again so that Edwards could understand what was happening at this time.

"Mr Edwards, in this research. We did a lot of experimentation and thought. Many animals can hibernate, and they still look fine. When the animal is hibernating, its organs seem to die: its lungs look like asthmatics, and its brain shows the signs of Alzheimer's patients. But when you wake up, the hibernator can reverse this condition, and Everything goes back to normal. We compared the effect to drinking ten cans of energy drink, so quickly, the health condition returned.

This study also revealed that polar bears are the only mammals that do not lose bone mass in hibernation. Pregnant wild polar bears can withstand the effects of six months of hibernation better than brown bears. It's unclear how, but understanding the mechanism could help research and treat osteoporosis in humans.

We have carried out many processes, one of which is the Cryonics process, which is the latest technology in medical science that aims to save lives by involving cooling the bodies of 'dead' people using liquid nitrogen where physical decay will stop, with the hope that further scientific procedures can bring them back to life. Return these people and restore them to good health.

The cryonic preservation state is sometimes described as a deferred time of death, or 'delayed death,' because the state of the cryonics patient's condition does not change at all until it is time to come back to life — like a time machine. In countries where cryonics is legally enforceable, those responsible for the process can only perform it on the dead—until recently, performing cryonics on people who were alive and well and in good health was illegal.

In addition, cryonics technology does not only provide cooling services for the human body. Neuro Cryopreservation is one feature of cryonics services that refers to removing the head — yes, the director only! — from someone who has been declared legally dead. In theory, the brain stores infinitely important information, however trivial it may be, and a new body can be created by a clone or the original body can be regenerated in the future. In some cases, this refrigeration process is also used to ensure the species' future sustainability by freezing the sperm and eggs of endangered species.

That's why when Miss Choon-hee was declared dead ten years ago. We can still do the hibernation process because her brain hasn't died yet, and we freeze her body immediately. Until two years ago, we were able to make a device to revive brain and nerve cells. She was bringing dead people back to life. Mrs Douglas was the first human we brought to life. And now? Miss Choon-hee will be the second human.

Mr Edwards, you see the screen showing Miss Choon-hee's brain cells here? It was clear that Miss Choon-hee's brain was usually working. She can feel the circumstances around her. She can hear your voice because her brain is alive properly. It's just that her limbs still need further research." The Doctor's words made Edwards wipe his tears and look at the monitor screen.

"Are you sure? My wife can hear what I'm saying?" Edwards asked hopefully.

"Yes... You see, the brain is yellow, which means it responds to whatever is around it. Because we know the brain is one of the most complex organs in the human body. This organ comprises many supporting tissues and billions of interconnected nerve cells. A covering protects the brain, called the meninges and skull bones and is connected to the spinal cord.

This nervous system then works with the peripheral nervous system to allow humans to carry out various activities, such as walking, talking, breathing, eating and drinking. So far, Miss Choon-hee's brain is very active, and this could keep her fine until her body can respond to life." The Doctor's scientific explanation Edwards could understand.

"When my mom goes through an active brain like this, how long does it take for her to wake up and be okay?" Edwards asked again.

"6 months. The process took that long. With the help of some drugs to make her body's nerves react quickly. We provide Everything." said the Doctor.

"Can I talk to her?" Edwards asked again.

"That's important. That's why we asked you to come here. The brain will work more actively when she senses something familiar. Your voice and your presence make her more sensitive in sensing her surroundings, which we hope can wake up Miss Choon-hee. Because this is the last alternative Mr Brandon has been doing for six months." Edwards immediately looked at his father. He had time to get angry at his father because he saw Choon-hee, who was made the object of testing.

But his father brought Edwards here because this made Choon-hee wake up quickly.

"Dad?" Edwards said, who was about to cry again.

"We will leave you here and give you the best time. You can enter the room and be next to the tube. But don't touch it, because it's not allowed. You can say anything to make Choon-hee's brain respond Everything you say." Brandon patted his son lightly on the shoulder, and then he chose to leave.

Meanwhile, the Doctor had helped Edwards into the room. He left Edwards alone with the canister containing Choon-hee's body.

Edwards was crying. The first thing he did was cry. He couldn't hold back all the longing in his heart. In front of him was the woman he loved. The woman he had thought had gone to heaven. It turned out to be here. For ten years, Choon-hee tried to come back to life. If Edwards had known earlier, maybe his life wouldn't have looked so miserable.

He looked again at his wife's face, the woman who had taken part of Edwards' heart to another world.

"Hi... My dear, you are so beautiful! Your face doesn't age at all! You are lovely and so adorable. You look like the Queen, our daughter. Do you remember? They're just ten years old. But their intelligence and maturity will make you proud." Edwards began to take a stool to tell his wife many things.