
Chapter 123 Marriage News

Xiao Dingfei's "low-key" horse made a tinkling sound as it walked along the way. At first, it made people feel a bit annoyed, but gradually they got used to it, and even felt a strange pleasure, as if injecting a particularly different color into this monotonous and boring journey.

As dusk approached, they finally arrived outside the city of Tongzhou.

Jiang Xuening remembered her plan to be with Zhang Zhe by the river at noon and felt a bit nervous as she was about to enter the city. Unexpectedly, Huang Qian, who was riding ahead, stopped his horse first and helped Feng Mingyu down from his horse. He said to the crowd, "Brothers, please rest outside the city for a while. We will wait before entering the city."

It only takes a few hours from the capital to Tongzhou, but now it has taken a whole day.

In the afternoon, not only Jiang Xuening and Zhang Zhe, but also Tianjiao's own followers and the bandits who escaped from the prison all felt that the speed of the procession was very slow, as if waiting for something and worrying about something.

This made everyone feel uneasy.

Especially for those who have committed serious crimes and have a criminal record, even if they are somewhat dissatisfied, they may say, "We have already arrived outside the city gate and have changed our ways. We can divide into several waves and go in separately. Why are we still waiting outside the city? What does this mean?"

Feng Mingyu and Huang Qian were the messengers of the Heavenly Cult. They escaped from prison without any trace of Gong Yicheng, so they released all the other people from the prison. Naturally, they had the idea of wooing these people and using them for their own benefit.

Just when I heard this doubt, I couldn't help but frown.

The members of the Heavenly Sect naturally obey their orders.

So Huang Qian was not worried about them, he just arched his hand towards the group of people who had escaped from the prison and explained kindly, "Don't be impatient, all heroes. Unlike in the past, the case of the Prince of Pingnan's party has just implicated the Yongyi Marquis's Mansion, and we have been released from prison. If only I, a member of the Heavenly Sect, would have entered the city directly, but all the heroes have a case at hand. Once we escape from the prison, we should still be careful.". The scout I taught has already set off early on the way to the city to gather information. If we come back later and say that the city is safe, we will naturally enter the city. I hope all the heroes can forgive me. "

Someone had a hot temper and heard some implied meaning: "Huang Xiangzhu, are you implying that we are dragging down your sect?"

Huang Qian's face changed.

Feng Mingyu, however, was an old fox and said with a smile, "I have no intention of teaching this. It's really just for the good of all the heroes."

The man who spoke had a strong physique, with angry eyebrows and eyes, clearly having a bad temper.

But now the situation is really stronger than people.

If there were no Heavenly Sect to break free from prison, they would still be in prison waiting to die.

Therefore, there was also a clever and quick witted person who was afraid of any conflict here, so he quickly grabbed this person and advised him with a smile, becoming a mediator: "Huang Xiangzhu is also a famous hero in the martial arts world. Brother Li, what are you talking nonsense about?"

Besides, this is really not the place where they can talk.

As the man surnamed Li furrowed his brows as if he was still not convinced, he quickly gave him a glance and turned his gaze to Meng Yang who had already sat down quietly next to him.

When they were resting in the village halfway at noon, the prison uniforms on everyone's bodies had already been changed.

At this moment, Meng Yang was wearing a gray robe.

He was locked up in prison for a long time, and the scars on his body couldn't cover them. They extended from his chest to his neck, and his originally messy hair was tied up with a cloth strap, revealing his calm face. He didn't even look too fierce in his eyes, but instead appeared ordinary.

He still heard this somewhat saber like argument, but when everyone's gaze fell on his face, he looked up with some confusion and smiled at everyone. His two rows of teeth were snow-white and he said, "Why are you all standing, not sitting?"

This can be called a refined and kind smile.

However, everyone who saw this smile couldn't help but shiver with excitement, feeling a bit of coldness that shouldn't have been there for no reason.

The group of extremely vicious and destitute people who had escaped from the prison were speechless. Even though they were quite dissatisfied with the slow and leisurely behavior of the Heavenly Sect, they all swallowed it and sat down obediently in the wilderness on the outskirts, trembling and afraid to speak.

Is it true that those who are horizontal are afraid of evil, and those who are evil are afraid of nothing.

In theory, these people didn't get into trouble, and Meng Yang seemed to be indifferent. The Heavenly Sect should have been happy, but Huang Qian and Feng Ming both frowned quietly when they saw this.

Jiang Xuening and Zhang Zhe both witnessed this scene and looked at each other very tacitly: the Heavenly Sect saved these people out to absorb them into the sect, but these people were all unregulated and not easy to tame. Instead, they secretly suppressed their dissatisfaction. Although they didn't say it explicitly, it was unclear that Meng Yang was the leader.

He and his wife are on their own.

After entering the city, although the court had reinforcements, the plan itself had risks, and no one knew what news the scouts from the Heavenly Sect would bring back. What I'm most afraid of is that these people in front of me are so rigid that I can't find any gaps. But now there are signs of mutual resentment, so it's worth considering whether we can use our strength to find some unexpected opportunities.

The two of them didn't speak, but it was a tacit agreement.

Tianjiao wants to stop, they have no objections and dare not have any.

Immediately dismount and sit with everyone.

People often stop outside the city, with thatched sheds set up beside them. People lead horses and tie them to the side to eat grass. As the sky darkens, a raging bonfire is set up outside.

The blazing flames ignited, dispelling a bit of coldness.

===Kunning Section 160===

When they left the village, everyone brought dry food and water bags, so they all sat down around the campfire. After a day, there was a sense of escape, and their speech became much more casual.

Zhang Zhe is cold and reserved, but Jiang Xuening is a articulate person inside.

After all, in my previous life, I also relied on one mouth to coax people.

Others, seeing such a beautiful person, are also willing to listen to her for a few more words.

Originally, Xiaobao was sitting on the other side of her, but after Xiao Dingfei threw off the saddle, he came up and drove Xiaobao away, shamelessly squeezing beside Jiang Xuening.

Jiang Xuening looked sideways at him as a scoundrel, who was the same as the previous generation, and felt funny: "I don't believe you, but I don't believe you. I've never heard that Tianjiao has an awe inspiring righteousness, sharing sorrow and happiness with the common people in the world, but you don't look like the members of Tianjiao at all."

Xiao Dingfei rolled his eyes and said, "Don't talk nonsense. My young master looks promiscuous on the surface, but he also harbors feelings for the world inside. How did you say that? First, what's in the world, then what's in the world..."

As soon as Feng Mingyu and Huang Qian walked over, they heard this sentence and felt a surge of blood rushing towards their forehead.

Feng Mingyu was so angry that he stared blankly.

Huang Qian was also afraid that others would think that the members of the Heavenly Sect were such good people, so he quickly came up and said, "It's' worry about the world first, and enjoy the world later. 'However, the doctrine of our sect is' Great Harmony in the World.' We must be joking with everyone, young master. Don't mind."

Everyone can't tell what kind of person Xiao Dingfei is?

Some people smile without smiling, while others nod for face.

Jiang Xuening was one of those who gave a lot of face, and I don't know if she understood or not. Anyway, she nodded and said, "That's really impressive. This is the ideal of ancient sages."

Huang Qianxin thought to himself that the little girl had some insight. Just as she was about to accept this compliment, she unexpectedly let out a sneer and said, "What kind of nonsense is there in the world? In this world, I think the teachings of your sect are really boring."

This voice is hoarse and rough, hitting the eardrums.

Jiang Xuening's eyelids twitched as she listened, and she followed the crowd in the direction of the sound. It was indeed Meng Yang who had previously been there, and she didn't know where to get a jar of wine. At this moment, she sat by the campfire with a broad mind, drinking and saying these words.

Feng Mingyu's wrinkled face suddenly showed a hint of fear.

Jiang Xuening didn't quite see the depth of this person, and only felt a bit of danger based on intuition.

No one answered for a moment.

But what Meng Yang just said also stirred up some people's emotions. After a while, someone shook their head and let out a long sigh, saying, "Actually, what Meng Yishi said is true? Nowadays, this world is really not like a word. When I was still in prison, I heard that the Yongyi Marquis's family was arrested and imprisoned in the heavenly prison.". That's a loyal martyr who has won countless battles for me during the Qianlong reign. He was labeled as a rebel and sent to prison for no reason. You came to rob the prison yesterday, but it was one step too late. The entire family of the Marquis's Mansion has been exiled to Huangzhou. It's really pitiful. The current court is in a state of incompetence, with heavy taxes and people struggling to make ends meet. Why do they say 'the world is united'? "

The name of the Brave Marquis's Mansion was known to the people of the Great Qian Dynasty to some extent.

After all, in earlier years, Marquis Yan Mu led troops to fight outside and repelled the repeated invasions of barbarians on the border, causing these barbarians to fear and submit to the Great Qian, which gave the people some days to rest and recuperate.

There has finally been business dealings on the border.

Recently, the lives of border merchants have become increasingly difficult.

It's okay not to mention this, but as soon as it's mentioned, some people inevitably think of some old things and laugh, saying, "I'm not afraid of your jokes. When I was forced to become a king on the mountain, I also thought about joining the army and joining General Yan's army. I heard that although Prince Yan was young, he inherited his father's aspirations and was not weak. Unfortunately, before he could make it happen, he was arrested by the imperial court to suppress bandits and imprisoned.". Who would have thought, hey hey, that his mother met General Yan in the prison! "

Speaking of which, there is inevitably a hint of desolation.

Meng Yang was drinking his own wine in the corner, but he didn't answer.

The man surnamed Li who had said he was angry with Feng Mingyu and Huang Qian once again, scorning to say: "The competent court defends against foreign enemies, but the incompetent court injures the loyal and good! Just 20 years ago, the three hundred righteous children's graves were not explained clearly, which caused a lot of trouble. It was said that General Yan's nephew also died without explanation. Now, the Yan family has sent him in, and the one sitting on the dragon chair may not be a warning to others. What the hell is it? The envoys of Tartars have entered Beijing, and dare to ask to marry our great princess. For the purpose of marriage, it's just fucking bullshit!"


Tatars, matchmakers, princesses.

Jiang Xuening had been listening to these people with her ears perked up, intending to learn more about the inner workings of the Heavenly Sect, but she never expected anyone to mention the matter of marriage.

The finger holding the water bag suddenly trembled slightly.

The person was still cursing, "What kind of thing is a Tatar? A barbarian tribe that drinks blood with their hair! When I die, my wife still wants to leave it for my son! It's a waste of human relationships! I knelt before us a few years ago to make peace and even offered annual tribute. Now that the Duke of Courage has collapsed, all kinds of demons and monsters are kicking their noses in the face. The court is now a soft egg! Making a marriage is just marrying a princess to make peace, and I also want to reward them with a bunch of good things. I'm sorry!"

As Zhang Zhe listened, he remembered the ending of Shen Zhiyi's previous life, as well as the coffin that the imperial princess, who would never smile again, was greeted by the civil and military officials of the entire court with tears in their eyes. He lowered his gaze, but couldn't resist and turned his gaze to look at the girl beside him.

She was completely unaware.

The person sat beside him, with thick and long eyelashes pressing down, covering the radiance of the fundus. The gentle cheeks, which were originally illuminated by the blazing flames, slowly faded their color and became fragile and pale.

Perhaps sometimes, leaving may not be so easy, right?