
Chapter 122 Abandoning Surnames and Surnames

Jiang Xuening will go back first.

Others were surprised that she had returned alone, so Jiang Xuening put on a surprised expression as planned and replied that she had not seen Zhang Zhe.

Xiao Dingfei pulled a straw core and held it in his mouth, feeling bored. As soon as he heard this, he looked meaningfully at Jiang Xuening, his eyes clearly stating: "I don't know what shameful thing to do. There is no silver in this place, three hundred taels!"!

But he pondered that these foolish people from Tianjiao were foolish and wouldn't think too much.

Sure enough, these people didn't really think much about it.

After a while, Zhang Zhe returned and asked if the two of them were going in different directions, but no one suspected that they had spoken privately. Of course, even if there is suspicion, it is at most similar to Xiao Dingfei, thinking about the "sibling relationship" between these two people and wondering what kind of love and affection they are doing.

The group rested here and then set off again for Tongzhou.

Jiang Xuening's mood is rare and good.

The afternoon sun shone out, even in winter, there was a hint of warmth. Tianjiao and his group didn't know if they had received any news. Compared to the somewhat nervous schedule in the morning, there was a feeling of being neither too tight nor too slow, but it seemed that they were not in a hurry to rush on their way.

She murmured softly, "This is really strange."

Upon hearing this, Zhang Zhe naturally whispered, "I'm waiting for the report from Tongzhou."

Jiang Xuening couldn't help but raise her eyebrows.

"They haven't fully trusted my identity yet," Zhang Zhe continued


For no reason, such a person emerged. Even if 80% of them believed it, the remaining two became stable and still had to go to the Heavenly Sect for verification, in order to be foolproof.

If you accidentally lead a wolf into the room, it will be uncontrollable.

As soon as Jiang Xuening thought about this, her eyebrows furrowed, inevitably feeling a bit worried.

Just walking with everyone, it's difficult to speak again.

If you have any questions, you can only keep them.

Xiao Dingfei, on the other hand, felt bored.

When he set off from the dilapidated temple in the morning, he invited Jiang Xuening to ride with him, but was mercilessly refused, so he rode his own horse all the way. I held back until noon and didn't say hello to Jiang Xuening. However, at this moment, he was leading the way and couldn't help but glance back.

This little girl is really beautiful.

When dressed in simple clothes, at first glance, it may not seem as impressive as those heavily makeup, but with facial features and facial features arranged there, taking a closer look will make it look better. That natural expression, the faint melancholy that had come all the way before, has changed a bit from jumping out of the cage, and there is a hint of relaxation in the corners of the eyes and eyebrows, becoming more graceful and beautiful.

Xiao Dingfei has always known that he is a vulgar person who looks at his face.

But occasionally he also hopes to have some backbone.

However, when such an unidentified woman appeared and didn't even want to talk to him, he found that it was too difficult to keep her backbone.

He finally pulled the reins and let the horse walk slower. Soon, he ran parallel to Zhang Zhe and Jiang Xuening, with a smile on his face, as if Jiang Xuening had never refused him in the morning. He seemed concerned and said, "We have to keep a low profile all the way, so we only have this outfit for the girl. It's really a bit of a neglect from our teacher. When we enter the city later, we'll dress the girl up beautifully."

Jiang Xuening noticed him coming a long time ago.

At this moment, upon hearing these words, my gaze only turned to Xiao Dingfei's crotch: the snow-white steed below is truly the mount of a playboy who will cause trouble for the Xiao family in the future. He is truly rich and powerful!

Under the horse's neck hung a red tassel, adorned with white jade pearls, and a golden bell.

The hooves of the horse move and the bells ring.

Everyone knows where he has gone.

Horses, like humans, dress up in a coquettish manner.

Zhang Zhe remained silent behind.

He is not a talkative person and has nothing to say with Xiao Dingfei.

Jiang Xuening gently tugged at the corner of her mouth and said, "I don't have to worry about it, young master. But you and your horse are really 'low-key'."

Xiao Ding didn't know if he had heard the sarcastic meaning in Jiang Xuening's words, but instead, as if he had received praise, he rubbed his nose and face, sat on a horse, swaying his body leisurely: "After all, when you're out there, there's something important to do, and you can't just keep a low profile and restrain yourself. Look at the two people in front."

He spoke in the direction of Feng Mingyu and Huang Qian in front, pouting.

Jiang Xuening looked at the two people in front.

Xiao Dingfei said, "Don't think these two look like dogs. They are just the ones sent by the sect leader to look at me secretly. Alas, life is full of joy. These people just don't know how to enjoy it. Why bother doing such dirty and tiring work all day long?"

If someone doesn't do some dirty or tiring work, they may not be able to enjoy it.

Jiang Xuening couldn't help but curse inwardly.

She smiled tactfully and said, "You must be joking, young master. Since you hold such a high position in the Heavenly Cult, you have probably experienced the hardships of hearing chickens and dancing, hanging bridges and piercing stocks, enduring hardships such as hardships, enduring hardships, and having to endure hardships such as food and clothing. You are truly humble."

Xiao Dingfei said in confusion, "What are you saying? Do chickens have courage?"

Jiang Xuening: "..."

She forgot that this person is uneducated and unable to understand such refined language.

The smile on her lips was slightly cracked for a moment, and she adjusted it in time. She said simply and clearly, "I mean, you must be someone who has endured hardships, that's why you have today's status."

Unexpectedly, Xiao Dingfei laughed a few times and waved his hand repeatedly, "Wrong, wrong!"

Jiang Xuening was taken aback and said, "Wrong?"

Xiao Dingfei's flamboyant eyebrows and eyes were filled with a hint of mischievous and unrestrained energy. The seductive taste was so crispy that it was hard to bear it. He casually raised his hand, although it was just a fancy gesture, he also had a hint of guidance. He only said, "I didn't suffer. The girl is not in my sect, but I don't know how difficult it is to make a living. Two out of ten people are left behind, and one of them has to lose half of his life. At the end of the day, some people are lucky and have a good reincarnation. For example, this young master, I don't know which corner of his parents gave me a very good face. I rely on my face to make a living, but I don't rely on my face to make a living. How about that?" Does it look good? "

Speaking, he also pointed to his own face.

Long eyebrows, straight nose, peach blossom eyes, high eyebrow bones give off a deep contour, thin lips with a slightly moist luster, and the corners of the lips always bend a bit, with a slightly less tame taste.

At first glance, I feel handsome and carefree.

But if you stare closely at the details of those facial features, it will give a slight sense of familiarity that is difficult to describe.

If someone else comes to listen, I'm afraid I won't be able to tell the depth of the words.

Jiang Xuening, after all, was a person who had returned from the previous life. What appeared in her heart were the faces of Xiao Shu, her younger brother Xiao Ye, and even the Duke of Dingguo Xiao Yuan. As soon as she overlapped with this face, there was a three part resemblance.

As for the rest

It is said that she is very similar to Yan Shi, the younger sister of Duke Yanmu, who was the biological mother of Prince Dingfei.

Eat by your face.

I also rely on shamelessness to eat.

This statement carries a profound meaning.

Xiao Dingfei relied on the fact that no one could understand him and was telling the truth. In the end, he even blinked at Jiang Xuening and said, "I am the son of fate. If you follow me, you can enjoy your happiness. Miss, don't you consider it?"

Jiang Xuening smiled faintly and said, "There is no pie in the world that has been wasted. If you give something, you must take something. The good fortune of the young master is something that others may not be able to afford."

If given, there must be taken.

Xiao Dingfei, who had been chattering incessantly before, suddenly fell silent, and his expression also froze. He didn't know what was on his mind, but there was a moment of melancholy. After a while, he hummed his whole life with displeasure. His chin lifted and he picked up that haughty posture, finally sneering impolitely, "You know what the hell!"

Jiang Xuening was not angry either, just smiled at him.

Xiao Dingfei felt a little scared for some reason. Although he had only seen this girl for the first time, she was neither seduced by him nor shy. Instead, she was open and generous, not afraid of her appearance, as if she could just squeeze his pulse.

At this glance, there is a feeling of seeing through people.

Make him think of that person surnamed Xie.

In those days, he was still a little beggar outside the Chenghuang Temple asking for money. He was poorly dressed and hungry. In winter, he wrapped a sack and was driven away. He fell on the ground and knocked his knees and forehead with blood.

I only realized when I looked up that I was in the way of a group of nobles.

The clothes of these people are not necessarily very rich. The first one is a man in his forties. He stepped on a pair of foundation make-up boots and wore a navy blue and Hangzhou silk round neck robe. They look very energetic, but their eyebrows are too calm. In the words of the blind fortune teller in the Chenghuang Temple, this is a face with evil spirit. The fate is very hard. It is incomparable for people to do things. When they meet people who absolutely want to avoid and walk away.

He was immediately shocked. He saw dozens of people behind him, as if he was going to the direction of the Chenghuang Temple, and hurriedly tried to escape.

Unexpectedly, someone suddenly asked him to stop behind.

He thought he was going to have bad luck and ran away without saying a word. Of course, he couldn't run far and was quickly caught. He was brought back to this group of people and immediately begged his grandfather to tell his grandmother to let him go.

The middle-aged man led by him glanced behind him.

The voice who had previously asked him to stop said, "Wipe his face clean."

===Kunning Section 159===

Xiao Dingfei's face was wiped clean by someone.

At this moment, he was pinched by someone's neck and forced to lift his face. Finally, he saw three steps ahead, standing not far from the middle-aged man


Or perhaps it is somewhere between youth and youth.

Not very easy to judge.

Because he was taller than an ordinary person, but also thinner than an ordinary person, his eyebrows and eyes were cold and stern, and his face was filled with a floating and violent aura. A hint of illness was even more entangled in it. When he saw his appearance clearly, his originally calm gaze suddenly turned into a cold frost.

More than a decade has passed, and Xiao Dingfei can't forget that look in his eyes.

That always reminds him of the cold looking eyes on his back.

At that time, he was so scared that he couldn't move.

Then he heard the middle-aged man call out, "Du Jun?"

The young man's gaze took a long time to retract before saying, "My adoptive father, he is the most suitable."

What is suitable?

He can't understand at all.

But what if I understand later on?

It doesn't seem like much either.

From beggars begging on the street to young masters of luxury, it can be said that they have gone from the earth to the sky. He has already suffered too much and doesn't want to suffer any more. People born next to me are kings, marquises, and generals, with hereditary titles. Why can't I please myself?

Besides, this is what that person doesn't want.

In the following decade or so, he was also immensely grateful that he had made the right choice.

Because the life of a person who loses this name is impossible for him to endure no matter how hard he grits his teeth.

Even though he was the beggar from a humble background.

"Do you know what giving up this surname means to you?"

"I know."

"Do we still have to abandon it?"

"My mother has passed away, my father is not worthy, and my name has become a disgrace. I hate having my surname crown me. I don't want such a name. I only appreciate the mercy of heaven, and when the situation is dangerous, I see my nature. Although I dare not forget my old surname in peace, I am willing to give up my old name and abandon my old body. Isn't heaven different from the common people? Even if everything is difficult, I will not change my mind."

Is Tianhuang different from the common people?

Despite all difficulties, I will not change my mind.

Xiao Dingfei thought to himself, "That person really hates these three characters, doesn't he?"?

For some reason, he suddenly felt a sense of waning interest.

Perhaps this beautiful girl is right, there are gains and losses under this name, but who said he was born a beggar? Is it better to live a life that is not as enjoyable as initially thought, or to suffer hardships like those unnamed people, with no life saved?

There's no reason to worry about any gains or losses.

He just said, "You know my butt," but Jiang Xuening didn't get angry either.

Just because she knew she had poked someone's pain.

Xiao Ding was too lazy to talk to her again. With a twist of his neck, a turn of his head, and a clip of his horse's belly, he only said "play the piano to the cow" and then moved forward again.

Jiang Xuening lowered her voice and said to Zhang Zhedao behind her, "Does Mr. Zhang think his name sounds familiar?"

Of course, Zhang Zhe knew: "I am definitely not the Crown Prince."

Jiang Xuening's calculations were lifted in her heart, only realizing that this was a great opportunity. If such a top-notch calamity could be arranged properly before she escaped from Tongzhou and sent back to the large family of Xiao, wouldn't it be beautiful?

She instinctively turned around to discuss with Zhang Zhe.

Unexpectedly, Zhang Zhe saw that she hadn't spoken for a while and was also looking down to see her.

On the same level, even if Zhang Zhejun and Jiang Xuening restrained themselves, leaving a fist's distance between the two, they would occasionally bump into each other due to the bumpy road, let alone this turn and bow of their heads?

Suddenly, Zhang Zhe's two dry lips brushed against Jiang Xuening's forehead and stopped at the corner of her forehead.

At that moment, both of them stiffened.

The girl's smooth and full forehead was like a carefully polished jade.

However, unlike the cold and rigid appearance on his face, the man's lips are not hard, just because it is winter and there is always wind blowing, making them appear slightly cold.

Jiang Xuening felt as if she had been scalded by a soldering iron.

My heart stopped for a moment, and then I started beating at a more intense pace, squeezing all my blood towards my face. My head went blank, completely forgetting what I had just wanted to say. Almost immediately, I stepped back and said, "I'm impolite." I raised my hand to stroke my forehead and quickly turned around, afraid of being noticed.

Just with his back to the person behind him, a pair of snow-white earlobes were already blushing.

Zhang Zhe's hand was still holding the reins, and his body, which had already relaxed a lot, tightened again. He sat stiffly on the horse and moved around for a long time.

Although Xiao Dingfei had left earlier, the thought of eating at Jiang Xuening's place still made him feel unwilling, so he couldn't help but look back.

As soon as I turned around, I saw this scene.

Suddenly, he cursed in his heart, saying, "A man and a woman with a strong sense of bravery will be ruined by the light of the sky." He also had a very displeased and angry expression on his face. Unfortunately, he was a bad embryo, and this scene aroused some impure thoughts.

Feng Mingyu and Huang Qian were talking about sending an outpost to Tongzhou to inquire about the news. When they turned around and saw him approaching immediately, their expressions were displeased and they couldn't help but be taken aback.

Xiao Dingfei couldn't help but say, "When will we be able to reach Tongzhou with this broken leg walking method?"

Huang Qian frowned.

Feng Mingyu, however, knew that this was an ancestor and couldn't afford to provoke him. He sighed and said, "I was about to send someone to investigate the news of the branch first. Is there something urgent, young master?"

Xiao Dingfei sneered, "Nonsense!"

Huang Qian chuckled and tried to say, "What do you need? Why don't you tell me so that the scout who went over can take care of it for you first?"

Xiao Dingfei looked at him and sneered, "I'm anxious to go to the city to have sex with prostitutes! How dare you let someone else take my place?"

Feng Mingyu and Huang Qian: "..."

Damn it, when is it? Why doesn't God strike a thunderbolt and kill this grandson!