

Two wine glasses clinked together. Ivan and Jilaya were sitting in chairs next to a pool. Jilaya had her hair tied into a bun with some of it hanging down. Just not as far down as usual. She was wearing a split neck top. Which was black at the top and faded into a dark blue. She had some simple jeans on under. Ivan was wearing a vanilla suit. Very similar to Axel's.

Ivan: Isn't it nice? We finally are able to sit back and relax for a while.

Jilaya: It's a party. Parties are to be enjoyed. Are they not?

Jilaya took a final swig of her wine glass. Ivan rushed to finish his.

Ivan: I'll get us refills.

Jilaya: No. I'll do it.

Ivan: Are you sure?

Jilaya: You may want me to be your little queen. But I can stand on my two feet.

Jilaya got up and stumbled a bit. Ivan got up and caught her.

Ivan: Clearly you can't.

Jilaya smiled at Ivan. And they kissed. She got to her feet. Perfectly fine.

Jilaya: I'm not that easy to get buzzed.

Jilaya went into the huge garage. Much bigger than their house. Almost like a warehouse. Where Axel and someone wearing one of Jilaya's work uniforms. She had long white hair and red eyes. They were both hard at work on the huge project.

Jilaya: Why don't you go outside Axel? Now's not the time to work on everything. Didn't we invite enough people to start socializing with?

Axel: Everyone I know I enslaved.

Jilaya: Then make some new friends. Talk to my soldiers. And there's tons of rich girls here.

Axel: Friends are for stupid people. Me and Four are not done working.

Jilaya: Then come hangout with me and your father. I'll let you have a glass of wine.

Axel: Is that a deal?

Jilaya: Deal.

Four: What about me?

Jilaya: Go hang out with everyone else. Some of your brothers and sisters are by the pool. Or helping cook.

Four: But I'd rather keep working.

Jilaya: Come on! Just be a little sociable today. For me!

Four: Fine.

Axel jumped down and went over to Ivan. Jilaya went inside and filled up three wine glasses. There were a bunch of people talking. All political figures of some sort. Erica walked into the kitchen and was grabbing plates.

Jilaya: What are you up to?

Erica: Food.

Jilaya: I'll take a reuben.

Erica: We have rubens. I'll get on that.

Jilaya: Hey, Erica.

Erica: Yeah?

Jilaya: Loosen up a little, won't you?

Erica walked away with the plates. A man walked up to her. He had some gray hair, but most of his hair was still black. He was wearing sunglasses and a suit. His golden watch stuck out like a sore thumb

???: Oh hello Jilaya. I don't know how to thank you enough for getting me out of the slammer.

Jilaya: Oh right, Grandfather. Correct?

Grandfather: Yes. I'm looking forward to working with you. Is that for me?

Jilaya: Er...no. For my husband.

Grandfather: Of course. Let us think of this as a reunion. To us working together.

Jilaya: Make sure to be gentle with my children.

Grandfather: Don't worry.

Jilaya walked away. Someone walked up to her. She had long, unkempt frizzly hair. And was dressed nicely with a dress she clearly overpaid for. It was six.

Six: I took all day preparing! Do you like my new outfit?

Jilaya: Of course! But one thing.

Jilaya snatched the knife out of Six's waist.

Jilaya: No stabbing today.

Six: Sorry! It's just an impulse.

Jilaya: It's okay. Just remember. No knives at parties.

Jilaya went back downstairs with the wine. She gave the drinks to Ivan and Axel. The kids of the various politicians were swimming in the pool. Lots of Integer's soldiers were spread throughout the party. 2-14. Soldiers who all had the same red eyes as Six. They were all dressed nicely for this occasion however. Erica stepped outside onto a balcony. Riley was out there talking with some of Integer's soldiers, Seven and Ten. Seven looked asian. And wore a long sleeve shirt that stretched down to her knees. With a black and purple sweatshirt over it. She had red eyes and blonde pigtails. Ten had a tank top on with wraps around his hands and forearms. He had long sweatpants and boots as well. With a red scarf to top it off. He had long black hair. Down to his cheeks. And vibrant red eyes.

Riley: You're so lucky Seven! You don't have to do any work. Unless it's a big guy.

Ten: That's why her name is Seven!

Seven: Seven's just a number. It doesn't mean anything special. It is nice when nobody bothers me and I can just do whatever though. It's almost boring. Nobody stands a chance against me!

Ten: Sucks for me. All I have is this shitty soul blade.

Riley: Yeah. And I work with Ivan. So we do the real heavy lifting.

Ten: Yeah sure. We still do stuff. You've just been chasing the dicks in the RV. I'm usually on riot control.

Riley: Riot control?

Ten: Yeah! There's slave camps all around.

Seven: There's not as many as you might think. Just stationed in either populated areas or wherever Jil's allies are.

Ten: But there's a good amount of rioters. Nobody likes metas and mutants being jailed up. But with the influx of metas there has to be some guiding hand. At least that's how ol' Integer puts it. Me and the smaller guys take down people who organize riots or hold back protesters or rioters.

Erica: I think it's a little much. Especially because mom wants peace. You can't have peace when you're starting the problems.

Riley: I wouldn't say she wants peace. But she doesn't want all out chaos. Sometimes it's hard to tell what she wants.

Erica: I almost wanna take a load off and go and do my own thing. I wanna do my own thing once I turn 18.

Seven: Hey, you do you girl.

- - - - - - - - - - - -

Jilaya clicked her glass. She stood up in front of everyone at the party with a mic.

Jilaya: First, I'd like to thank all of you for coming. I love and appreciate all of you. Most of you must know that this party is in remembrance of three soldiers who fought valiantly against the terrorist organization known as the blue coats. We almost smoked them out. But there are still remnants of them. We know of five of them who are out there right now. Terra Lorbia, Amelia Ashi, Millie Koruba, Leon Los and Amala Acosta.

Pictures of everyone appeared on a screen behind Jilaya.

Jilaya: If anyone has or can collect information on them it would be much appreciated. Those people are responsible. But this party is to commemorate Mary Enaj, Tess Paisley, and Fleet Jackson. I'm sorry for your families.

Not long after the party started to calm down. And everyone left except Jilaya's family, Riley and her soldiers. Erica went over to her room and laid down on her bed. She was tired. Axel walked by.

Axel: Hey, we aren't done.

Erica: Ugh. Can't we be done?

Axel: No! Just come down.

Erica: Can you come here Ax?

Axel: What is it?

Erica: You aren't tired of this shit. Fighting tirelessly against those guys?

Axel: Not until I defeat them.

Erica: I just want it to end. I want to be a normal girl. I mean, you're older and you could go off to college and make your own life. But you stay. Why?

Axel: I want to help mom. She's so inspired. Why don't you have her same inspiration?

Erica: I want to lead a normal life. Not this shit. I think I might be the only one who isn't a megalomaniac here.

Axel: Harsh, but true. I get it, you might want to take a load off sometimes. But we can't just give up.

Erica: It sucks because I'm doing it for mom and dad. I still love them. It's just…

Axel: Yeah. I may not agree with you. But I getcha. That doesn't mean I'm going to let off on you. Well, maybe just for tonight. But ONLY tonight.

Erica: Really?

Axel: Don't push it. If you say really again I'll probably say no.

Erica: Alright then. I'm taking a big nap. Night.

- - - - - - - - - - - -

Ivan and Jilaya sat down in their bedroom together.

Ivan: That was a helluva speech back there. Beck is fully covered up though, right. Nobody needs to know he killed Tess.

Jilaya: Well then I would be in jeopardy and considered unsafe. Beck had to take a little break. He'll have his time in the light.

Ivan: Indeed. Congratulations on your big day.

Jilaya: Don't forget today was also a celebration for dad coming back. The people didn't need to know that...I can't help but think everything I built for him won't be enough. What if it isn't?

Ivan: It uh...It will be. He hasn't seen you in so long. Of course it'll be enough.

Jilaya: You don't know my dad. He's hard to impress.

Ivan: You have control over most of the government. If you wanted to do something. You could do it. Think about it. You are good enough for yourself. Good enough for me. Good enough for your kids. Fuck your dad. If he doesn't like it. He can go back to the phantom zone.

Jilaya looked at Ivan in shock of the speech he just said.

Ivan: I'm sorry. I'm from the astral realm. Not really good with these new feelings.

Jilaya: No...It was perfect. We'll send off the kids tomorrow for the rest of them. Maybe to slow them down. Or kill one or two.

Ivan: We need to atleast get a read on them.

Ivan and Jilaya laid down next to each other. Jilaya clicked a button and made the ceiling transparent like a window. So they could look up at the night sky.

Ivan: A little stargazing? Now?

Jilaya: Maybe we'll be able to see dad from here.

Ivan laughed.

Ivan: I doubt it.

Jilaya: Wanna bet?

They both looked at each other and kissed.

- - - - - - - - - - - -

Axel and Erica had just suited up to fight.

Axel: You feeling good?

Erica: I feel kinda rejuvenated, I'm ready to tangle with those pieces of shit.

Axel: That's what I like to hear.