
power levels

hey guys so i saw that some of you have lost track of all the abilities yuuji has so i made this chapter for that

yuuji emiya(corvin)

strength: EX


magecraft : ?????(immeasurable)

luck :E- EX (depends on the situation)

mana resistance: ????(immeasurable)



parents: emiya kiritsugu, irisveil von einzbern,??????(secret revealed in the future)

siblings: illyasveil von einzbern, chloe von einzbern, shirou emiya, kuroe emiya,miyu emiya(satsuki)

girlfriend/wife? : ange/gilgamesh (queen of heroes), ????????(secret!!)

adoptive brother/brother in law?: gil/ gilgamesh(king of heroes), seigfried,diamruid,lancelot

friend/follower: hassan,chiron

friend/enemy?: merlin (his pranks cause a headache to yuuji)

adoptive sisters : rin, luvia, sakura,taiga, leonardo, brynhild,

teacher/ enemy : zelretch



riding: EX

item creation:????(immeasurable)

territory creation :A+++

1st true magic: true denial of nothingness(enhanced by the concept of creation from eternity,not dependent on the root)

2nd true magic: true kaleidoscope( enhanced with space stone, not dependent on the root )

3rd true magic: true heavens feel(enhanced with the soul stone,not dependent on the root)

4rth true magic: true lost reality ( enhanced with reality stone{ether}, not dependent on the root)

cosmic energy manipulation:????( immeasurable)

soul force manipulation:A-EX ( depends on his mastery over the power)

world bearer(martial art): ????( becomes more stronger the longer yuuji fights)

pocket dimension:???( infinite space to store things and go into it himself)

mystic eyes of death perception(false) (artificially created by fusing the concept of death with his eyes)



incursio: the demonic dragon armor , rank:EX and beyond(anti-personal,anti-unit,anti-fortress,anti-world)

Excalibur:the light of potential , rank :EX(anti-personal,anti-unit,anti-fortress,anti-world,anti-divinity{post destruction of a divine golem})


????????????????????? ,rank:?????


so that is it , his stat sheet, i am planning on him gaining two more noble phantasm soon so look forward to it, also can you guys give me a suggestion for a power which will enhance his denial of nothing ness, the limitations are such

1. it has to be a power purely focused on creation

2.it has do derive power from the universe itself

3. it has to be on par with the infinity stones