
the last ingredient and a few bonus objects

Yuuji was now sitting in the X mansion , he was casually drinking tea as he watched the professor doing the same, he waited for the mutant to start talking , just as he was about to start getting irritated by the glares from a certain wolf like man, the professor started talking

"so, may i ask why you are searching for adamantium while you can easily obtain vibranium from wakanda?" he asked to which yuuji chuckled and said while pointing towards wolverine,

"can vibranium make him as indestructible as he is??" immediately the smile on charle's face was gone as he said

"why do you want to become indestructible??"

"it is not i who wants to be indestructible , for i am already far beyond the reach of anything this universe can throw at me, no , i want the metal to create a perfect vessel for one of my friends" he said to which the professor showed a surprised face,

yuuji had a hunch that the mutants actually existed in the same universe as the avengers in MCU, he used his persuasion to make fury talk which surprised him because his guess was right, SHIELD along with the professor had managed to keep the existence of mutants so much classified that there existed only handful of people in the universe who knew about their existence, fury and the ancient one being two of them,

"can you stop trying to read my mind, as i said before , nothing in this universe is strong enough to defeat me, in both physical, and psychological aspects, i am a sorcerer afterall!!" he said with hidden threat in his words to which the professor backed down,

"i know of a sorcerer myself, she is supposedly older than anyone alive-" charles was then cut off by yuuji

"the ancient one, i know, she may be called a sorcerer in this world , but from where i am from, she would only be known as a magic user" he said,

although she was strong enough to bend reality almost to the level of a reality marble, yuuji was technically right as she would only be called a magic user , because unlike a magus whose entire existence is dedicated to their magic, she prefers to use her power in much more practical aspects then something like reaching the root,


after he left the X mansion he headed towards a secret hydra base in sakovia where he knew hydra would bring the mind stone to be experimented on , he waited for a few months until hydra agents brought in the scepter, the reason why he was after the mind stone is because of it's peculiar properties, when he absorbed the energy from the space stone , his manipulation of the kaleidoscope has increased by so much that it was not even considered as a true magic anymore, it was now categorized as a crystallization of a concept itself , a power unique to himself , it has completely cut itself from the root and became a power belonging to him alone, meaning that no matter where he went , it would work the same without any problems and no one in the multiverse would be able to influence it,

that is why he was looking forward to absorbing the mind stone and the ether to gain full mastery over his psyche and his fourth true magic: lost reality, which was based around reality manipulation,

he left the time stone, the power stone and the soul stone alone, he had no use for the time stone as he did not possess the fifth true magic: magic blue, and he had no intention of acquiring it because he knew for a fact that if he looked into multiple pasts and futures of a world he would go insane with all the tragedy he would see, he did not require the power stone because it could not provide him with any improvements whatsoever , and he definitely did not like the idea of sacrificing someone he loves for the sake of the soul stone, of course he could forcibly remove it from the pocket dimension it was hiding in on voldmir , but then it would not be as strong as it should be as it derives aspect of the soul from the soul of the sacrifice,

he waited until hydra gave the maximoff twins their powers, or should i say awakened their powers as mutants using the mind stone, frankly, he felt pity for the twins, when he was waiting for hydra he had done some digging in their past, it would seem that their mother had actually had an affair with magneto when they were both drunk in a bar, even till the day of their deaths, the twins parents did not know that their father was not their true father , and neither did the twins, the death of their parents ,the hate they had for stark, it was all the circumstances that had forced them onto this path,

after that he watched as the events played out just like in the movie, the avengers destroyed the base and took the scepter, he has originally wanted to take the scepter just after the twins awakened their powers but stopped so that he can have some entertainment as he watched the events happen not as a movie but in real life, he even went do far as to hid himself with lost reality while he was sitting in mid air, he brought out a pack of popcorn and enjoyed everything from front row seat, he was slowly starting to understand why zelretch liked trolling people so much, it was damn entertaining!!

he watched as stark and banner used the scepter to make ultron, he watched the battle that ensued, thor receiving a clairvoyance, hulk vs hulkbuster, creation of vision all the way to the battle at sakovia,

it was at this time that he intervened , he used his power , the kaleidoscope to teleport the descending land mass into outer space, he then used heavens feel to bring back all the dead souls , including peter maximoff and used denial of nothingness to recreate their bodies , then e implanted their souls back to their bodies and essentially revived all the dead people while removing a apocalypse level threat from existence,


fury along with the other avengers watched with stupid faces as all this was happening, they simply could not understand just what had happened, one minute they were about to die along with the landmass which suddenly descended , the next moment they along with the rest of the population were inside the helecarrier safe and sound, dead people were back again and the landmass just disappeared along with ultron and all his puppets

right now they should be celebrating but they could not because on the outside they could see as vision was floating right in front of the mysterious man who had once again ended up saving them


yuuji watched with amusement as vision floated towards him,

"i thank you for your assistance in dealing with this problem" said vision to which yuuji chuckled and said

"i only did it for my own reasons , one of them being the stone on your head" he said while pointing at vision's forehead, he immediately became very but was then startled to realize none of his powers were working,he then said

"but if you remove the mind stone then i will cease to exist!!" to this yuuji laughed and said

"don't worry, i am a very capable man, i can quite easily sustain you without the stone" saying so he reached towards the now struggling vision and removed the stone from his forehead, he then immediately placed a jewel made from the zelretch's jewel sword to replace the mind stone, he then channeled his soul force into the jewel so that it could sustain vision until his conscious has stabilized enough to not depend on the jewel,he then teleported the unconscious vision to the carrier and then went towards his next target, the collector


it was relatively easy to take the ether from the collector , all he had to do was give him a low level mystic code capable of healing great injuries in exchange for the ether, it would seem that a treasure capable of healing a fatal wound was very rare around the universe, although it was also rare in his world, most of the noble families owned one such mystic code,

now that he had obtained almost everything he wanted there was only one thing left to find until he created his ultimate metal, but first he destroyed the mind stone and the ether with his cosmic energy and absorbed their powers for himself, just like the kaleidoscope, lost reality detached itself from the root and became his own power, while the mind stone boosted his already genius level intellect to ungodly levels,it had also helped incursio evolve from being a normal A.I. to a smart A.I. which made it possible for incurcio to become over ten times smarter than ultron or vision

he then headed towards his final objective, vibranium


he managed to obtain some vibranium from ultron whom he had thoroughly destroyed but it was not enough for him to completely analyze the metal, so he went to wakanda and stole the amount that he needed, although wakanda was in an uproar after the incident no one knew the culprit so they were unable to do anything other that seethe in rage


after he had collected everything he needed he came back to his portable dimension and started experimenting, it took him two weeks to completely understand the molecular structure of both the metals he had obtained, adamantium was actually formed when vibranium was combined with steel with an unknown catalyst, this process gave birth to what he now holds in his hands known as proto-adamantium, but yuuji did not want this metal because although rare , there were instances where this metal was indeed broken, so he decided to do something extremely crazy but also only possible to him,

he used denial of nothingness to reproduce the two metals , and then combined them together into a single metal with his cosmic energy infused blood as the catalyst, adamantium which was already an alloy of vibrannium ended up fusing relatively easily with vibranium but then the anomaly happened , yuuji's blood started to change the newly formed super metal into something else, it made the metal into an extremely flexible material almost like rubber, but it's tensile strength and density shot through the roof, it was now absolutely indestructible by anyone but yuuji himself, yuuji decided to name this new metal as god metal because of it's impossible properties,

now that the material needed was finally ready, it was time to introduce to the world, the reborn Adam and Eve

Next chapter