
Chapter 4 - Cabin in the… Sea?

I lifted myself from the bed and made my way over to the door.

My fingers hovered over the symbols of unknown origin, I then gently touched one of them.

The hieroglyphic character glowed a calm luminous indigo, a faint whiff blew passed my nose, the smell of the sea, the salty smell that tickles the nose, The old fisherman that stinks of squid ink, and the taste of fresh crab.

I took a step back from the door in reposte of the familiar senses tickling my nose in this unfamiliar environment.

Even though no sounds seemed to exist in this space, I felt as though I could hear waves beyond the door which only void lay.

I stole myself and took a tentative step towards the door.

I pushed open the door, but instead of falling forward as it had done before, It opened like a regular door.

Suddenly a wave of senses erupted, the smell of salt and sea life, the sound of waves crashing against a nonexistent coast, An array of colors washed into my eyes, as though I was a blind person given sight for the first time.

I felt it in my being, that where I was, was a place that was familiar, a nostalgic location full of memories. Yet the more I looked out the door, the less familiar it felt. No sun was in the sky to blind me, clouds lay in perfect parallel with each other, and the waves were in perfect uniform with the motion of the wind.

I felt as though I have stepped into a place that should not have existed.

I walked forward to the shore.

But there was no shore, almost as though gravity had reversed, the water had gone straight up. It was so high It appeared to touch sky and the space above.

Standing awestruck at this sight, I looked around and noticed a path.

Walking to the strange, almost tunnel like entrance, I caught my breath.

For hundreds of miles, maybe more, I saw saw a path through the ocean as though Moses had split the sea.

I hesitated at the entrance of the path for a bit before walking ahead.


I don't know how long I walked for, perhaps hours, days, but even then I never got exhausted, my legs never felt sore and the sky never changed.

I walked past a school of… are those mermaids? Having walked for what felt like an eternity, I started to notice a variety of strange and unexplainable things, the wind and waves than I thought I first heard when I entered was now completely gone, as though It had never existed to begin with.

However, even that was nothing compared to the shear off-puttingness this place seemed to have, No birds flew in the sky, no noise could be heard, not even my own footsteps made a sound.

It felt as though the world was dead.

The endless ocean was never changing, the same blue hues, the same clearness. No matter how far I looked into the ocean nothing changed, no creatures, unexplainable or otherwise, lay in its beauty.


As I walked ahead I noticed that the path, which was once level, was now inclined at a slight downward slope.

I peered ahead, looking for a reason as to why the path was going down, and there I saw, floating the air, above a giant chasm, was a lone, plain, oak cabin.