
Rebirth: New Beginning

A new VRMMO called ‘New Beginning’ had just been released. It boasts a full 100% immersion and fully realistic NPCs. It has an limitless character development and world development. Alex an ordinary man with a troubled past decides to give this game a try. However Alex has a secret, he’s from the future. He knows that this game will affect more than just people’s entertainment. This game will bring about a new era, yet also hardship. Alex must get strong enough to protect himself and his loved ones. * My new book for this WPC has just been launched! Check it out and see if you find it intriguing! The Owner of Dawn: The Store * * Copyright 2023 Oliie. All rights reserved. * * Dropped*

Oliie · Fantasy
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56 Chs

029 * Bonus Chapter *

Alex watched as Theo rushed toward him with his great sword. Theo didn't leave Alex any time to react and threw a dagger to his right. Alex had already shifted his momentum to the right; however, he was able to roll, narrowly dodging the dagger. Theo merely smiled and followed up with his great sword while Alex was in an awkward position. This one-sided confrontation continued for 30 minutes, and Theo couldn't help but praise Alex.

"I must say your control over your body is excellent. Unfortunately, you are unable to predict where I'm attacking. What a pity."

Alex didn't want to be just in a one-sided beatdown, so he cast Stop and Accelerate. He was also casting Heal on himself simultaneously. Theo saw this happening and merely smiled. He slashed down with his great sword; however, the sword stopped at its peak. Alex blitzed Theo with a fast attack, while his scratches and bruises began to dissipate. Theo smiled in excitement, and as Alex was about to hit Theo, his vision went dark.

Alex woke up in front of the statue with Theo looking down at him. Theo's laughter rang out, and he explained what had happened.

"While that was a good attempt at an attack, it was superficial. You were too focused on my opening and neglected my body. I had swept your leg and threw a dagger to your neck. Well, you did do a good job, so you pass. Good job! Hahaha!"

Alex looked in shock, quickly checked his storage ring and level. When he noticed nothing had changed, he asked,

"Why didn't I lose anything if I died?"

"Well, that battle was a simulation and not an actual battle."


"Well, what do you choose? My sword or my skill?"

"I would like your skill."

"Very well!"

Theo's body began to dissipate, and his statue started to crumple. Alex checked his completion rate and his new skill.

[ Completion: 90% ]

[ Vanquish

Type: Skill - Active

Element: Holy

When activated, it will deal an extra 300% damage to Evil beings on your next attack.

Mana Cost: 100

Cooldown: None ]


Alex looked at the skill and wondered if there was a glitch. This skill was overpowered, yet it had no cooldown on its use. Of course, it was only usable against evil beings. This would include any demon, devil, or criminal. This would also apply to a few other races, however, demons and devils would be the main two. Alex then wondered if he should go for a perfect completion or not. He decided that he should strive for the best, so he began to head toward the last statue. Alex arrived at the last statue and looked at the displayed item. The item was a pair of blood-red daggers that had a black hilt. Alex walked up to the display and agreed to challenge the hero. Alex waited for someone to appear; however, no one appeared. He started to think that his trial had already started and became alert. He didn't know the conditions for this trial; however, he assumed they had to do with the class he represented. He looked all throughout the area and couldn't find anyone. That's when, after looking around for half an hour, he noticed a shadow in the corner of his eye. He had finally noticed someone hiding in his blind spot. He first tried to plan out his next course of action along with his opponent's action. When he was finally about to rush this mysterious person, he saw him disappear. Then he heard a voice behind him, without any emotion. The voice was monotone and seemed to not even try to put in any effort into his words.

"Good job, you found me. It took you 30 minutes and 37 seconds. A barely passable time. So? What do you choose?"

"I would like your skill."


The voice was the hero of this statue; he had no patience and got to the chase. The body then vanished, and the statue started to crumble down. Alex looked at his perfect completion and then at the barrage of system messages.

[ Child of the Night

Type: Skill - Passive

Element: Demonic

You are able to passively blend into darker areas, you recover 50% faster, you become lost in bloodlust if you don't feed every month, you are able to absorb a portion of a being's strength from their blood, you can passively detect blood around you, and you can manipulate blood. ]

[ Bloodlust

You lose all reason and attack everything and everyone around you. ]

[ Completion: 100% ]

[ Prove your worth!

Rank: Promotion ( Hero )

You've chosen a path filled with misery and hardships. Prove that you have the qualifications to stand on this path. Clear conditions: Defeat heroes of the past. 30% is needed to complete.

Percentage of completion: 100% ]

[ You've advanced to Tier 1. ]

[ You have completed the Promotion quest on Hero! ]

[ You have gained 10% mana purity, 100 status points, and the Hero's Seed. ]

[ Hero's Seed

Type: ???

Element: None

The Hero Seed is the first steps of becoming a hero. It is given by the System to those who have completed all the conditions. This seed will inhabit your soul and eventually, with enough resources, bloom. It brings many great benefits to its host and should be treated with care. This seed is the opposite of the Demon Lord's Seed. ]

[ You've received the class Master! ]

[ Class: Master

A class that is all-around and has no obvious weakness. They gain 14 status points extra, and 2 points in every physical and magical stat. Unlocks the hidden stat Aura. ]

[ You have gained the class-specific skills: Stealth, Weapon Mastery, Magic Mastery, Aura Blade, Golden Ratio, and Intent. ]

[ Tier 1

A being that has begun its journey. Instead of gaining 5 stat points for every level, you now gain 10. ]

[ Stealth

Type: Skill - Active

Element: Darkness

Lowers your perceived presence by 10%

Duration: 10 minutes

Cooldown: 1 hour

Mana Cost: 20 ]

[ Weapon Mastery

Type: Skill - Passive

Element: None

Increases damage from all physical weapons by 10%. Allows an easier time learning a physical weapon. ]

[ Magic Mastery

Type: Skill - Passive

Element: None

Increases damage from all magical elements you have a C rank affinity to by 10%. Allows an easier time learning a magical element. ]

[ Aura Blade

Type: Skill - Active

Element: None

Lets the user coat a mysterious energy called Aura on their weapons and body.

Aura Cost: 1 every minute (Can vary) ]

[ Golden Ratio

Type: Skill - Passive

Element: None

When all stats are in a 1:1 ratio, they increase by 10%. (Titles, Skills, Blessings, etc are not considered)

Exclusive to the Master Class and its evolutions * ]

[ Intent

Type: Skill - Active

Element: None

You are able to materialize your intent. Consumes your concentration.

Cooldown: None

Mana Cost: None

Exclusive to the Master Class and its evolutions * ]

[ You have accomplished a difficult feat and gained 1/??? Transcendence! ]

Alex was ecstatic about the system messages and the new skills he received. What he was confused about was the last message. He had never heard about anyone getting a message like this, however, he assumed it was a good thing. Alex had finally completed his promotion quest and was now considered a person with decent combat power. While he was still absorbing the information from the system notifications, Alex saw the outer area begin to dissipate. While he was startled and looked around, he noticed a door. It was the same door he had gone through to get into the promotion quest. He quickly walked up to the door and walked through. Just before he left, he looked back and noticed it had already dissipated to the inner area.

[ Time dilation has been set to 1:2 for user Lucifer ]





Hey everyone! Here's that bonus chapter from all the power stones. Have a good rest of your day or night!

If you like this book so far you should check out my other work, A Last Wish!