
Rebirth : Lizard-man party leader

Do you know the one thing you should avoid at all costs? Pissing off the goddess in charge of your reincarnation. To bad no one ever told Jay. He broke the cardinal rule of look but don't touch, and now he has to survive in a fantasy world with a target on his back. Will Jay survive this world filled with dragons, demons, and the ineptitude of his party? Or will he just be vulture chow? Will have adult themes. Pic isn't mine, found it on Google.

Dracolupus · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
70 Chs

44. Minako part 2

Four hours after they started their wilderness hike, they were staring at a shoddily put up fort.

Well, he was looking, Minako was a sweaty huffing mess.

He pulled out a green potion.

She took it, downed it, and started feeling her muscles come back to life.

"Was that a stamina potion? I thought those were expensive!"

"They are expensive, but you'll do no one any good passed out from exhaustion. Now, shall we?"

She just nodded in agreement, too embarrassed to say anything.

After all, she should've been able to make that trek no problem, she just overexerted herself, but he just had to make that I'll protect you comment!

She had to push herself to her limits to stay ahead of him, and the jerk didn't even break a sweat!

She knew she'd have to really prove herself in the up coming battle, at this very moment he's probably judging her abilities!

At least, that's what she thinks he is thinking about, in actuality he's thinking about what he'll have for dinner after they're finished here.

Fried chicken or steak, or both?

Oh, well, he'll think of it later.

Minako, all set to go, strode forward, only to be stopped by him.

She looked back at him.

"Try not to kill any of them."

She was stunned for a moment, until she figured out why he said that a second later.

"Oh, I get it.

This is the real reason you brought me here, it's a test to see how strong I am!

To see if I'm skilled enough to capture them all alive.

Well, I am!"

"No, it'..."

She ran off before he could finish.

Was I this annoying when I was young? Naw, I was a delight.

He thought.

This is all her.

He slowly followed her, literally taking the time to smell the flowers.

The wooden palisade surrounding the fort is around three meters high, not the best, but at least too high to outright jump over.

Minako kept running straight at it.

"Oy, Joe! Some crazy assturd is coming at us!"

A young rebel yelled out, while standing on the wooden catwalk attached to the back of the palisade.

More people climbed up on the catwalk to watch as the hooded fool holding the hilt of a weirdly fashioned blade made his way to death.

Some of the more senior and mature rebels started firing arrows and bolts at the intruder.

Only for them to be dodged or slashed out of the way by the blade he is wielding.

After that display of prowess, more and more rebels started firing down on him.

Once the hooded figure got within six meters of the palisade, he threw his sword with extraordinary strength and precision.

When the sword was above the catwalk the hooded figure faded, and reappeared above the catwalk. As he - or rather she - fell down onto the catwalk her hood fell back, revealing her face to the rebels.

"It's just a girl!"

Before he could utter another word, Minako sheathed her sword, and struck him in the face.

His canine tooth fell out from the punch as he tumbled off the catwalk to the ground below.

"Get the bi... Ugh!"

She kicked the side of the woman rebel's face, letting her join her comrade on the ground.

Knowing she'd fail the test if she killed these wannabes, she decided to use aikido.

Ever thankful for her grandfather making her learn every possible fighting technique she could.

Where other girls had friends and boyfriends, she had tutors and senseis.

As the Watanabe conglomerate heir apparent - and only because everyone else died - she had to be strong.

Her grandfather wanted her to marry a suitable replacement for himself.

When told she'd rather do it herself because she liked girls, he smacked her, and told he to stop being selfish.

Unlike others, the Watanabe conglomerate stayed true to their traditions, any who tried to change that ended up dead.

Without needing to he reminded her that her father thought she'd make a better leader than her younger brother, and fought to make it so.

Up until that fatal airplane crash cost the lives of himself, his wife, and their son, ironically leaving Minako alone to rule.

Up to her dying day, she strove to be the perfect heir.

Not that it truly mattered, she ended up dead at nineteen.

But that's all in the past!

She might have failed in that life, but in this one she'll prove him wrong!

That there was nothing wrong with her, and she deserved his respect!

A rebel swung at her with an axe, she grabbed his arm, put him into an armlock, forcing him to drop his weapon, then she tossed him off the catwalk.

The next one came from behind her, trying to get in a cheap shot.

She swiftly stuck out her leg, causing him to trip forward, she grabbed his out stretched arm, used her other shoulder as a fulcrum, and tossed him over herself.

He landed with a thud and didn't get back up.

A woman with a spear climbed up next.

Knowing she'd be at a disadvantage, Minako jumped off the catwalk, landing on some poor sap who thought a rebel life was better than being a gong farmer, and took off into the central square.

The spear wielder leapt off the catwalk as well, but bumped her head on a rock, and got knocked out.

Another fool picked up the spear and charged.

Minako pulled out her bastard sword instead of her katana, but the energy from the katana still flooded into her.

Giving her explosive strength and better senses, this but one of the many cheats bestowed upon her by the goddess who reincarnated her.

She sidestepped the thrust of the spear, then brought her sword down on the shaft - breaking it in two.

While the idiot gasped in shock at his broken weapon, Minako hit him in the temple with the flat of her blade, KOing him.

At this point the rest of the rebels were wary of her, and gave her a wide berth.

"You see this! The empire fears us, and has sent a High-ranking paladin to take us out! This proves we're a true threat!"

One fool screamed out, totally wrong.


(Other fools)

"Yeah, but if she is a paladin, how are none of us dead?"

A woman asked.

"Because we are that awesome!"


(The same fools)

"But most of them are knocked unconscious."

The woman said pointing at her fallen comrades.

"Shut up Dimy! That's obviously because we are too powerful to kill."

Minako was really starting to regret not being able to just kill these morons.

After all, she'd be doing natural selection a service by preventing these fools from breeding.

Minako kicked a rock into the temple of a rebel who got tired of waiting, he fell out cold.

The talkative one stared at her, then the knocked out guy, her, then the guy, her, guy, her, guy.

Finally he stopped that, and decided to end this quickly.

"Release the secret weapon!"

Two people broke away and ran for a big wooden building.

"Are you sure that's a good idea? What if we can't capture it?"

"Yes, of course, we can capture it! We did the first time!"

"No, we didn't, we built the cage around it as it slept. Then, we brought it here."

"That's the same thing! And stop questioning me in front of the enemy! You're the worst little sister ever!"

"Yeah, I'm the bad one, for actually thinkin..."


A huge bellow sounded out, cutting the rebel called Dimy off.

A man burst out of the door smelling of piss, and running his ass off.

"It got Ted! It got...!"


Behind him the wall exploded outwards.

Standing there two and a half meters tall was a monster.

A monster with cloven hooves, a thick tail with a tuft of fur at the end, a hairy human body, strong hands, and a bulls head with sharp teeth.

A minotaur!

The beast charged the running rebel, impaled him with its horns, and flung him away.

Next it picked up a hapless rebel, and ripped her in two.

One rebel thought he should be a hero, he really shouldn't have thought that.

He ran up to the beast, and swiped at it with his axe.

The minotaur stared at the fool; then a quick stomp of the minotaur's hoof, and the man's leg was crushed.

He didn't suffer long though, the next stomp was on his head.

Panic rained supreme in the little rebel outpost.

Everyone ran to and fro, hoping to avoid the minotaur's wrath.

Everyone except for one, Minako stood fast, ready to engage the beast.

Green energy filled the bastard blade she is wielding, turning it harder and sharper than it ever has been.

The minotaur, sensing this unspoken challenge, stopped rampaging to face the tiny ground ape that dared to challenge his supremacy.


He bellowed his answer to his challenger.

He could smell the scent of female on her, his rage adding to his lust.

This one was strong, it would make a good offspring.

If, that is, it survived his domination, and then the mating.

He hesitated before he charged.

The last weak one he tried to mate with used some weird trick, he fell asleep, and woke up to find himself trapped in really hard stone.

Luckily, some foolish ground apes opened it for him.

He gave them a swift death in gratitude.

The ground ape was making grunts at him, probably scared at the sight of a being higher on the food chain.

The thought of making it his excited him even more!

Unable to contain his lust anymore, he charged.

She met his charge with one of her own.

Once they met, he swung his huge hand at her, and she blocked with her sword.

In that moment a battle of pure power occurred!

That is until she got flung back, her sword breaking into pieces.

She rolled a couple of times, but landed on her feet.

She looked at her broken weapon to just throw it away, curse, and unsheathe her katana.

The minotaur kept growing more excited the longer the battle drew on, this one was a fighter!

He broke its sharp rock, and it still isn't broken.

His heart beat even faster, pumping blood to overworking muscles, and to... ahem... other body parts.

Minako looked shocked, then disgusted.

"Figures, no matter the species, men are pigs."

"Hey! I resent that!"

A voice from the panicking mob sounded out.

"Shut up Joe! You are a pig!"

"Shut up Dimy! This is why dad tried to get rid of you by throwing you in that river!"

"Dad was an asshole! That's why I wish mom raised me!"

"Mom left us to be with Gregory a week after you were born! You were a loud-ass baby!"


Noticing this was neither the time nor place for an argument, they decided to put a pin in it, and finish running for cover.

The minotaur charged at his prey, kicking up dirt as his cloven hooves dug into the earth.

Minako also charged, when they got within three meters of each other she threw her sword.

The minotaur dodged it with ease, then swiped at her with his powerful hands.

Only to hit air, as she faded from that spot, and reappeared behind him.

The minotaur - confused at how his prey could just disappear - was stunned in place.

Using this, Minako charged up from behind and slashed its back.

Slicing the fur off, but only leaving a fine white line on its skin.

In the split second after she slashed him the minotaur spun around, and backhanded her.

She threw her sword into the air, and teleported before it fully connected.

As she landed she noticed the throbbing coming from her arm, if that hit actually connected, it would've smashed her arm!

Shaking her head, she banished those thoughts, she'd have to focus if she is going to make it out of this alive.


The minotaur was incensed!

It was just like the long-eared one, playing tricks!

But it is no matter, that's because in actuality he is one of the smartest of his kind, and he had a fool proof plan for victory!

Attack faster!

If she's defeated, she can't attack him with her tricks.

He truly was the paragon of the minotaur race!

He raced towards it.

He punched, it threw its sharp rock, and appeared above him.

It came down, its rock hitting his horn causing sparks.

It landed behind him, he spun to hit it, it dodged by sliding on its knees, and slashed his ankles.

He stomped at it, only for it to use its trick again, disappear, reappear, and slash at his belly.

He punched at it again, and it did it again!

Appearing behind him again to slash his back. It wasn't hurting him, but he wasn't hurting it either!

Every time it threw its sharp rock it would disappear and reappear behind him.

If only it wasn't so random, he'd have already pinned and fucked it!

Minako was holding her own, only getting scrapes, but she was tiring.

As she lost stamina, she gained wounds.

This is her toughest battle yet, she kept slashing it, but the best she got was shaving its fur off.

Knowing if she faltered now that she'd die, she kept attacking anyway.

Just as he was about to finally grab it, the leafless trees surrounding him burst inwards.

Out of the hole he made stepped another ground ape, this one with blue fur.

"Hey, nice job on not killing anyone. Heck, you even avoided killing this big guy."

"Just shut up, and actually do something, you moron!"

The female's scent changed when the new male arrived, the same scent prey gets when they make it to their burrows - relief.

This must be its mate!

He will not let him have the female!

But he did not attack, at least not yet.

The blue-furred ground ape is giving him the same feeling those big flying lizards gave him, it is dangerous.

Others of his kind would have still blindly attacked, but he would come up with a plan so intelligent it would make him invincible.

He thought as the apes talked with each other, not realizing that the male was about to breathe its last breath!

The minotaur was circling, waiting to enact his perfect plan.





In one swift motion the minotaur shoved his hands into the ground, and then flung them upwards, filling the air with dirt.

This, after all, was his ingenious idea.

The air is nothing, so he could see through it; but the ground is something, so he can't see through it.

By throwing the ground in the air nothing becomes something, and it makes him invisible!

This is why he is so long lived at a breathtaking twenty cold times passed, he used his intelligence to outwit his opponents!

He still remembers the time he was fighting another male minotaur, and came up with the idea to throw a hornet's nest at him and kill him whilst he was distracted.

Or the time he wanted to fuck a female minotaur, but she'd always fought him off. So he led a big cat to her cave, and knocked her out after she was tired from killing it.

And once again he'd succeed because he is the smartest being ever!

He punched with all of his might.

When the dust cleared the minotaur's punch was halted by Alaric's forearm, which was covered in an energy gauntlet.

The ground ape smiled smugly.

Angry, the minotaur punched him in the face.

But the moment before the minotaur's fist connected with Alaric's head, it got encased in an energy helmet, easily protecting him from harm.

Next, Alaric's other arm got covered in more energy armor, and he punched the minotaur in the chest.

The force of the punch visibly shattered the minotaur's mana barrier, fractured many bones, and caused many capillaries to burst causing it to bleed out of its eyes, ears, and nose.

It feel to its knees.

Alaric walked past it.

"That has got to be the smartest taur I've ever seen! Most would've just charged, not throw dirt to obstruct my view."

Using the last iota of its strength the minotaur forced itself to stand up, and attack Alaric from behind.

Before he could do anything however, the minotaur found a sword embedded into his heart, and attached to the sword's hilt was the hand of the female.

His natural protection was destroyed by the male, allowing her to kill him!

As death came to claim him he wasn't afraid, how could he be? He had lived for twenty cold times!

That was probably longer than most things could live.

Besides, he'd have the last laugh.

As the most intelligent being, he had figured out some of life's hardest mysteries, and when he died no one else would ever know.

Like why there is light times and dark times, it's because the ball of fire in the sky rotates around the ground.

This discovery led him to his next, if the ball of fire hides below the ground to make it dark, then that must mean the entire ground is flat!

The reason the sky is blue, is because it is reflecting the water which is also blue!

Also, you can separate life from other life.

Everything that swims is fish, everything that flies is a bird, everything that comes from the ground is a plant, everything that eats plants deserves to be eaten, and everything that eats those who eat plants are the rulers of everything else!

He had discovered many other things in his long life, but they all paled in comparison to his greatest discovery.

The cure to sickness!

He had discovered that the reason animals got sick was because they were around other animals that were sick, and by breathing the bad sick air the sick animals let out you got sick! So, the cure to it was holding your breath!

He might die this day, but without his cure to sickness eventually they'd follow him to the other side.

"Is it just me, or does that dying minotaur look smug?"

Joe said peeking out from hiding.

His sister responded to his question.

"Yeah, that's fucking weird."

As they were chatting Minako's katana started to glow.

A weird screen that only she could see appeared before her.


Species: Minotaur Class: C

Strength:C. Dexterity:D.

Vitality:C. Mana:F.

Absorb? Y/N


This was her main gift from the goddess.

Every enemy she defeated and her sword absorbed would make her stronger.

She mentally hit the Y.


New ability added: Shared attribute.

Anything absorbed by your sword will give you their most useful attribute(s).

Living subjects must willingly agree to share.


Power surged through her veins, her muscles grew, her skin thickened, and two sharp horns grew from the sides of her head and curved slightly upwards.


Alaric could feel the difference in her power from just a few moments ago.

She flexed.

"Now, this is what I'm talk..."



Her breasts exploded in size, easily topping an H-cup, and ripping the fabric of her top.

Freeing her breasts for all to see, and see they did.

The rebels that weren't knocked out or dead came out of hiding to stare.

"Hey, you killed it, good job."

Alaric gave her a thumbs up.


As she was talking, she felt a hand grab, and sink into her right breast.

Looking over, she saw a guy in his late teens.

He looked skeevy to a fault.

The kind you'd tip your drink away from.

She was so stunned by the balls on him that she didn't say anything.

He looked up from breasts with a smile plastered on his face.


She backhanded him, catching him right in the chest.

He flew back, only stopping after hitting the palisade.

"Well, he's dead."

Dimy stated.

"Yup, but for a few moments he touched heaven."

Her brother replied.

"Who put you kids up to this rebellion?"

Alaric asked, and when he said kids - he meant it.

None were older than twenty-two.

"Why do you want to know? We ain't no snitches!"

Alaric motioned to the entire fort.

"Because out of all the rebellions I've put down, y'all are the worst. I mean you're just objectively bad, and I'd like to go after the real mastermind."

Visibly offended by this, Joe decided to argue him down.

"If we are so bad, why did the empire dogs send not one... but two super powerful paladins to take us down?!"


(Fools... just... fools)

"Neither of us are paladins, and she's not even a Mid-rank!"

Minako was fumbling with her armor, trying to cover herself up, and failing terribly.

"Well, she might be closer now."

"The point still stands! Who are you to say we're bad?!"

"How about the fact that instead of running away - or at the very least hiding - you chose to confront the two people who killed the minotaur who was going to kill all of you easily."

Joe was going to respond, but after thinking about it, he realized that his life could actually be in danger!

He fell to his knees, clasped his hands, looked up at Alaric with big eyes, and ever so slightly tilted his head.

"What the fuck are you doing?!"

His sister screamed at him.

He glare at her, before deciding to respond in a condescending manner.

"I know this will be hard to understand with your small brain, but I've figured out why they're really here! They aren't paladins at all!"

Alaric sighed in relief.

"Finally, now we can..."

"They're assassins, sent to kill me 'cause I'm so important!"

Alaric tried to correct him.

"No, that's not..."

Only to be interrupted by Dimy.

"You fucking idiot! If they're after anyone, it would be me! I'm the true brains of the operation!"

"No, you fucking aren't! Onah met with me! Without me everyone else would still be shoveling the nobles' shit!"

"Hey! I wasn't a gong farmer!"

A random voice called out.

"Shut up Wayne, you were still a loser! And, yeah, you met Onah, but who recruited all of these guys? Me!

Who found the perfect spot to build our base? Me!"

"And look how that turned out! The assassins found me because of your picking skills!"

"Oh, so this is my fault?!"

"I'm glad you're smart enough to see that now! And when I'm dead, I just want you to know that I blame you!"

"Like I care! If this is anyone's fault, it's yours!"

"As if!"

"As... you were the one who convinced everyone to imprison that minotaur when you found it spelled in the woods!"

"My secret weapon plan was perfect! You must have fucked it up somehow!"

"Why yo..."

"So, the guy who put y'all up to this is called Onah, good to know."

Alaric said, hoping to put an end to the asinine banter.

Hopes that were soon dashed.

"How do you know that name?!"

"You just said it, in your very long rant."

"Great going idiot! You just gave him the name of one of the founding members of the new rebellion!"

"Shut up! He would have found out from you anyway, after you broke from the torture you're gonna receive."

"Bullshit! I'd never break! No valuable information would pass my lips, Kojo himself would be proud of me!"

"I was never going to tor..."

"It doesn't matter if you torture us!"

He cut Alaric off, and Alaric face-palmed himself.

"The true heir to Waldstaat will soon be born!"

"Hey, we weren't supposed to talk about the heir!"

"Don't worry, I'll go to my grave before he learns shit!"

"But you just told him about the heir!"

"Shut up! If you were a leader too, you'd understand."

"I am a leader! I've..."


Minako finally snapped, their arguing driving her to the very edge of insanity.

"I'm half naked, sweaty, and tired! I don't care about any of you! Just tell us where you have the kid y'all kidnapped, then y'all can go jump off a cliff for all I care!"


"If the next words out of your mouth is not what I want to know, I'll shove the biggest rock where the sun don't shine!"

Instead of answering, they pointed at the skeevy dude that she had belted across the field.

"Oh, fu..."


Minako was back in Saltwater a day later, the transformation had worn off after a few hours.

She'd have to learn how to control the transformation power.

She could still see the looks she got from everyone when they returned, and how Andrea attacked Alaric.

He just stood there taking her hits until five guards pulled her off of him, and Minako got a chance to calm her down.

Andrea still threatened him though; saying if Minako-san ever came back in this state again, no one would find his body.

He just laughed.

If it was anyone else besides Alaric, her attack would've been attempted murder at the very least.

But all in all the ability is still very useful, the strength boost it gives her when she uses the minotaur strength means she can fight Mid-ranks now.

Only thing left is finding clothes that won't get destroyed in the process.

She went to the water basin that's on the side of her room in the guard recruit barracks.

When she joined they gave her, Andrea, and Besian their own respective rooms.

Each room is bare; save a cot, basin, cupboard, and desk.

It reminded her of her own room back in Japan, except for the ton of books she had.

She washed her face, underarms, and undergarment area.

As she was cleaning down there she noticed it was getting more like a jungle every day.

She'd have to find a razor no matter what.

She tried before, but only found a really sharp knife she wanted nowhere near her mound.

She could ask Andrea, she didn't know how, but her's is trimmed.

She never before thought of shaving down there before, but she knows Westerners shave.

Does Ree ree think I'm gross?

She thought to herself.

Even knowing she could just ask Andrea how she shaves and whether she cares about her hair, she knew she'd chicken out.

It'd be too embarrassing.

She shook her head and finished getting ready.

Worrying about how she looked down there never mattered before she started dating!

She wondered how girls back home made these decisions everyday, and didn't go insane!

She left her room and headed for the aviary.

Yesterday Alaric asked her to meet him there.

When she got there he was leaning nonchalantly on the wall.

Dag was also there, screaming at him.

"I can't believe that you let them go!"

He didn't move a centimeter, not concerned at all.

"Why not? My mission was to retrieve the kid, not kill a bunch of kids playing rebellion, and we did just that."

"Barely! They beat him up so badly he was incoherently blabbering about a fertility goddess he got to touch the breast of!"

Minako felt a little bit bad about blaming them for hurting that asshole.

They were horrible kidnappers, and just let him roam about as he pleased.

She went up to them.


Alaric stopped leaning.

"Ah, Minako is here, guess we'll have to finish this later."

Dag nodded to acknowledge her.

"You wanted to see me?"

"Yes, I wanted to reward you for yesterday."

"But I failed the test, I ended up killing."

Dag hit him.

"You told her not to kill!"

He just waved her off.

"No, you did an amazing job, and your sword got broken in the process. Here."

Out of a capacity ring he pulled a wicked looked sword out, the blade looked to be carved out of bone while the hilt was a shiny type of metal.

"This is a svärdstav, a Northerner weapon for mounted warriors."

"It's for calvary? But shouldn't it have a longer blade, or hilt then?"

Instead of answering, he smiled and infused it with his mana.

The hilt extended until the entire weapon was around three meters long in total length.

"That's awesome!"

She snatched it from him.

"The blade is carved from behemoth bone, one of the strongest materials around. And the hilt is self-adapting metal, infuse your mana into it to change its form."

She did just that to shrink the hilt back to normal size, then did a few testing swings through the air.

"This is amazing, but why did you give me a weapon used for mounted warfare? I never fight on horseback."

He tilted his head in the universal gesture of follow me.

And both of them did, up to a plain looking stall.

He opened the doors, and inside is a smaller than average and odd looking griffin.

Its feline body is long, sleek, black, and covered in white spots, it has a long tail with tail-feathers on either side, it has four feline paws instead of the usual two feline and two raptor feet, its wings are narrower than other griffins, and its head is smaller.

"A griffin?"

"No, this is a falconyx, also known as the woman's griffin."

She angrily looked at him.

"Why are they called that? Is that a shot at women?! Or is something wrong with them?!"

He raised his hands.

"No, they're called that because they're the fastest type of griffin, but that speed comes at a cost. Namely, they're really light, so heavily armored men can't fly them, but women can with amazing results."

"They're the fastest griffins?"

"Yup, they even fly faster than Lulu."

The falconyx leaned forward to nuzzle Minako's face.

She in return petted it.

"She's perfect."


Dag stated while walking up to the falconyx to start petting him as well.

The falconyx cooed as the two women showered it with affection.

"What's his name?"

"Squall. He does have an issue though."

Alaric said walking up as well.

When he got too close, Squall tried to bite his head off.

Alaric jumped backwards, and looked at Minako.

"He absolutely hates men."

Minako hugged him tighter.

"He's perfect!"

If I didn't make it clear before, different reincarnators receive different abilities and/or systems.

It all depends on you.

Everyone out there have a great day!

Dracolupuscreators' thoughts