
Rebirth in Wilderness

Li Mei has been reborn. She was a senior high school student and used to be bullied at school and at her part-time work. The day she rebelled is the day she was murdered. After being reborn, she is a farmer's daughter in Qinxi, ancient China and her family is bullied by the whole village. She has 3 siblings: 2 elder brothers and 1 younger brother. After much bullying, the whole family is chased from the village and takes refuge in the mountains. There, they manage to discover a cave that opens the door to an immortal world. They learn martial arts and gain strength and knowledge. But they can only stay for 20 years and move back to their old village. 20 years in the immortal world are 2 days in the village world.

WeiAnji · Fantasy
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24 Chs

Challenges of Immortality

The Li family became part of a more immense and mysterious world called immortality. Their journey changed how they think about life, work, and the idea of being immortal. As they prepared to explore more of this eternal landscape, they considered how important their journey would be.

As they had learned, immortality was a complex existence with unique challenges and deep responsibilities. It was a gift that promised to last forever but also made people think about how we remember things, who we are, what is right and wrong, and what our purpose is. The immortal realm was a whole of stories and wisdom about the blessings and burdens of living forever.

As the sun rose over their new home, Li Mei gathered her family to discuss what to do next. "Immortality is more than just surviving time. It's about understanding and navigating its depths," she said. "Let's look at what it means to live without end and the challenges that come with it."

With a renewed sense of purpose, the family was ready to face the complexities of immortality. They were eager to find out how it allured them and how it tested them.

Li Mei stood in their beautiful garden as the morning light spread across the infinite world. The family gathered together, and everyone felt peaceful and excited about their forever home. Li Mei looked around, her eyes deeply considering their chosen path.

She said immortality is more than just living forever. It's about understanding the weight of eternal existence. "It brings with it endless time, as well as endless questions and responsibilities."

Her family looked at her, both curious and severe. They were together on this journey, learning and adapting to the realm's mysteries.

"Today, we explore what it truly means to live without end and the challenges that come with such a gift," Li Mei continued, her gaze sweeping over her loved ones. "We will delve into immortality's ethical, emotional, and existential aspects to better understand our place in this timeless realm." 

The garden around them listened and smelled like immortal flowers as they got ready to discover the secrets of their eternal existence. Li Mei's wisdom and leadership helped them. 

The Li family went deeper into immortality to learn more about it. They were guided by a peaceful landscape that told them old secrets. They met Shen Jun, an ancient immortal, in the Archive of Echoes, a library that held the memories of millennia. Shen Jun had eyes that showed the endless cycles of life and death. He offered to share his experiences of living through many ages. 

Shen Jun said, "As immortals, our memories are both treasures and burdens," with a voice that echoed for many years. He led them through the aisles of the archive, each shelf filled with artefacts that made them think about past times. "Imagine watching the stars change their paths in the sky and knowing each change marks a century." 

Li Mei listened carefully, thinking about it for such a long time. Shen Jun stopped in front of a book with dust swirling around the shafts of light. He continued, "This book contains memories from my first thousand years." It is precious to me, yet each page reminds me of all the loves I have lost, the friends whose lives have flickered out like candles in the wind." 

He opened the book to see the faces of people he loved and the landscapes of places that no longer existed. The Li family watched Shen Jun tell stories of great joy and deep sorrow. His life was a tapestry of human experiences. 

Li Jietang, touched by the vivid recounting, remarked, "It must be challenging to carry such a multitude of memories, to not let them overshadow the present." 

Shen Jun nodded and smiled. "It is a delicate balance, indeed. One must learn to live with the past not as a burden but as a foundation upon which to build the future." 

As they went through the archive, Shen Jun told them a surprising story. "There is a ritual," he confided, "known only to a few, that allows an immortal to forget. To release the memories that weigh too heavily upon the soul." 

Li Mei's interest was piqued, and she saw the potential lesson in this revelation. "A choice to forget? Is it not feared that too much would be lost?" she questioned. 

"Indeed, it is not a choice to make lightly," Shen Jun replied. "But consider it: Isn't there a form of freedom in choosing what to carry forward and what to leave behind? True mastery of immortality might lie in such choices." 

The Li family left the Archive of Wuaxua with much to consider. The idea that they could choose to forget added a new understanding of the challenges of immortality. It showed how memory, identity, past and future, and burden and freedom are connected.

In immortality, where time ebbs and flows like a lazy river, stagnation becomes a poignant reality for those who live indefinitely. Li Jietang and Wei Chu learned that eternity often led immortals to a sense of timelessness that could dull the vibrancy of life. The older immortals felt this more strongly because they had watched events and ideas happen over many years. 

Li Jietang and Wei Chu attended a council meeting to discuss these older immortals' concerns. The council hall echoed with the quiet murmurs of beings who had seen the rise and fall of stars. 

One by one, venerable immortals told their stories. "Time, though boundless, has become a cage," lamented a sage named Zi Zheng, his voice echoing softly in the high-ceilinged chamber. "What once thrilled now barely stirs the heart. New experiences are mere echoes of old joys and sorrows." 

Another philosopher named Jia Huan added, "Our challenge is not just to live, but to live meaningfully. How do we find purpose when all seems so endlessly repetitive?" 

The council listened, and everyone felt tired. Then, Li Jietang shared a perspective inspired by their discussions on memory and the burden of eternity. Maybe our approach to time needs to change. If we see it as a chance to renew our relationship with life, could we not rekindle our engagement with life? 

Wei Chu proposed a practical solution to this philosophical problem. "What if we created new traditions? Rituals that renew our sense of wonder and participation in the realm's life? Just as the earth rejuvenates with seasons, we could too." 

The council members liked this idea and were curious. Jia Huan replied thoughtfully, "A ritual to renew... This could be a way to frame our immortality as a series of phases, each with its significance and beauty." 

The meeting ended with a decision to explore this idea more and plan workshops and activities to bring back the immortals to experiences they had forgotten about. This new way of looking at time offered a fresh perspective and a chance to rejuvenate their immortal existence. 

Li Jietang and Wei Chu left the council meeting feeling renewed, motivated by the possibility of changing how time was seen and experienced in the immortal realm. 

The immortal realm was not without ethical problems, especially regarding the endless extension of life. Within this community, the question of immortality's moral implications loomed large, touching on resource allocation and how it would affect younger generations, who awaited their turn to shape the realm's future.

A symposium was organized to discuss the ethical layers of eternal existence. Li Mei and Li Jin were invited to participate, providing a valuable perspective on life's transient nature. 

The atmosphere was charged with intellectual fervour as the symposium began in the Hall of Deliberations, a grand amphitheatre made of luminous stone that shimmered with ancient wisdom. The first topic on the agenda was how to share finite magical resources equally, even though the lives that use them are infinite. 

"Immortality should not lead to complacency in how we manage our resources," argued a venerable immortal named Mao Cheng, her voice echoing softly through the hall. "We must consider not only our survival but also the legacy we will leave for the new immortals." 

Li Mei replied thoughtfully, "Because life is short, it makes us feel like we need to take care of it as soon as possible." Perhaps understanding that resources are limited can help immortals appreciate and manage them better. 

The conversation turned to how the old and young immortals interact. As they became immortal, they had new ideas and innovations that sometimes clashed with the old ways. "How do we balance respect for ancient wisdom with the bright potential of new blood?" asked a young immortal. 

Li Jin explained, "Balance is key in martial arts, as in life. We respect the old ways while taking on new ones. The same idea can be used here: combining tradition with new ideas. 

As the discussions progressed, issues such as the ethical implications of eternal life on mental health, societal roles, and the philosophical aspects of perpetual existence were heatedly debated. Li Mei and Li Jin's contributions were very touching. They helped us understand the difference between what we know now and what we know forever. They added new ideas and wisdom from their own experiences. 

The symposium ended with a consensus to set up a new committee to continue these discussions and test proposed reforms. This progressive move was seen as a step toward evolving the immortal society in a way that was ethically sound and respectful of all generations, ensuring that the realm remained vibrant and just for eternity. 

Finding a sense of purpose in a world where time is infinite can be challenging. For immortals, an endless life raises questions about meaning and fulfilment. The Li family tried to figure out how to keep a sense of purpose over many years. 

The Li family visited the Vibrant Quarter, a lively area known for its culture and ideas. They met a group of immortals who wanted to learn and make art. Known as the Eternal Seekers, this group consisted of artists, scholars, philosophers, and poets, each using their immortality to push the boundaries of creativity and understanding. 

Li Mei and her family were introduced to Shen Jun, a painter whose canvases showed the universe's evolution. "Each brushstroke represents a century," Shen Jun explained, his eyes alight with passion. "Art is my way of keeping each moment significant, a testament to the era it represents." 

Next, they met Lin Xinyi, a poet whose verses showed the deep depths of existential reflection that were only possible from the perspective of time. "Poetry is my dialogue with eternity," she shared, reciting lines that pondered the meaning of existence in an immortal realm. Her words resonated deeply with Li Mei, who often asked the same questions. 

The group then attended a lecture by a philosopher named Liang Lang. He discussed how immortals could find happiness in an endless life. "We must create our own purpose, continually defining and redefining what makes life worth living," Liang Lang proposed. "It's about embracing the journey of constant evolution and discovery."

Inspired by these encounters, the Li family gathered in a quiet garden to think about what they had done and what their legacy might be. Li Jietang, influenced by the scholars, wanted to tell the family's adventures and insights. "Perhaps our story can inspire future generations," he thought. 

Wei Chu was impressed by the artists' hard work. She thought about using her healing abilities to help people in the immortal realm become healthier. She combined old remedies with new magical methods. Meanwhile, Li Enle was captivated by the idea of eternal, imagining a future where he could explore endless realms of knowledge. 

As the day ended, the Li family felt motivated and inspired by the idea of being immortal. They realized that finding meaning wasn't just about finding a single purpose but about making a tapestry of fulfilling things that could last them through the years. 

Li Wei and Li Enle felt a deep purpose in mentoring new immortals. This role helped newcomers adjust to eternity and understand their own immortality. Their sessions in the Assembly Grove became a cornerstone for those transitioning to the eternal realm. 

In these meetings, Li Wei discussed the practical aspects of being immortal and gave advice on how to handle the new feelings and abilities that come with ascending. "Remember, learning to control your new powers is like learning to walk," he explained patiently to a group of wide-eyed immortals. Take one step at a time and ask for help from others who have done it before you." 

Meanwhile, Li Enle, with his vibrant and approachable manner, encouraged open discussions about the emotional adjustments needed. "It's okay to feel disoriented or nostalgic about your past life," he reassured the young immortal who struggled with losing her mortal ties. "These feelings are part of your journey and can help you connect with your new identity." 

Li Wei and Li Enle reflected on how teaching others made them accept the immortal lifestyle. They realized mentoring was about helping the new immortals find their way into the realm. Each meeting improved their lives and made them feel like they were part of a bigger group. 

As the family gathered under the twilight canopy, they thought about the challenges and insights unfolding. Immortality had revealed its layers, each woven with lessons on memory, ethics, purpose, and mentoring. 

Li Mei addressed her family and said, "We've gotten to the heart of what it means to live forever. Each challenge has tested our resolve and taught us about this endless existence." 

Jietang nodded in agreement and said, "We've learned that immortality is more than staying the same. Every challenge can teach us something valuable." 

Wei Chu, always the empathetic soul, said, These experiences teach us to appreciate the depth of our eternal life. Every day is a chance to learn, help others, and make a difference." 

Li Mei concluded, "Embracing our immortality as a journey of continuous self-discovery and contribution has allowed us to see beyond the horizon of time. We are not just living through eternity, but actively shaping it." 

The family sat together in quiet contemplation, each member thinking about the endless possibilities ahead. As the stars reflected in the sky, it became clear that they were not just facing difficulties but also turning them into opportunities for their ongoing journey of discovery.