
Rebirth in the South Indian Movie verse - Allu Arjun Edition

Mir, an ordinary Indian boy with an unremarkable life, meets an unexpected end when he dies peacefully in his sleep. However, death is not the end for Mir; instead, he finds himself reborn into a fantastical movieverse filled with action, drama, and romance. Mir is now Virendra Anand, the elder brother of Viraj Anand, the protagonist of the movie "S/O Satyamurthy." Virendra's new life begins with the tragic death of their billionaire father. As the elder sibling, he inherits not just the family responsibilities but also an extraordinary set of abilities. Blessed with a peak and adaptable human body, Virendra's strength, agility, and intellect grow with practice. Additionally, he possesses a unique sign-in system that grants daily rewards. This something new i am trying 1 chapter a day same as other fanfic Everything in this Fac Fiction belongs to the original owners i only own my OC

Alak_Samba · Movies
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18 Chs

Chapter 10: The Big Meeting

Morning dawns bright and clear over the Anand mansion. Virendra wakes up feeling a mix of excitement and anticipation. Today is the day they finalize the partnership with Priya. He quickly triggers the sign-in system, eager to see what today's reward will be.

[Sign-In Complete! Today's reward: Executive Business Attire Set.]

Virendra chuckles to himself. The system always seems to know what he needs. He heads to his walk-in closet to find a meticulously tailored suit, shirt, and tie laid out for him. He changes quickly, feeling the confidence that comes with looking sharp.

Downstairs, Viraj is already at the breakfast table, reviewing their presentation one last time. He looks up as Virendra enters, nodding in approval at his brother's attire.

"Nice suit," Viraj comments. "Ready for the big day?"

"Absolutely," Virendra replies, taking a seat. "Let's go over the presentation one more time."

They spend the next hour fine-tuning their slides and discussing potential questions Priya might ask. Once they're satisfied, they head out to the meeting, taking the Lamborghini Urus for the added touch of sophistication.

Arriving at Priya's office, they're greeted warmly by her assistant and shown to a sleek conference room with a stunning view of the city. Priya enters shortly after, looking poised and professional.

"Good morning, Virendra, Viraj," Priya greets them with a smile. "I'm excited to see what you have for me today."

"Good morning, Priya," Virendra replies, shaking her hand. "We believe you'll be very pleased with our proposal."

They dive into the presentation, showcasing their plans for the tech investments, the strategic use of the advanced financial analytics software, and the development of the prime real estate property. Virendra and Viraj take turns explaining their vision, highlighting the potential for significant returns and long-term growth.

Priya listens intently, occasionally nodding and asking insightful questions. By the time they finish, her expression is one of clear interest and approval.

"I'm impressed," Priya says, leaning back in her chair. "Your plans are well thought out and ambitious. I see a lot of potential here."

"We're glad you think so," Virendra replies. "With your support, we believe we can achieve great things."

Priya smiles, standing up. "Let's make it official, then. I'll have my legal team draft the partnership agreement. We can sign it by the end of the week."

Virendra and Viraj exchange excited glances. "Thank you, Priya. We look forward to working with you."

As they leave Priya's office, Virendra can't help but feel a surge of satisfaction. This partnership is a major step forward for their business ventures.

Back at the mansion, they celebrate their successful meeting with a toast. "To new beginnings and successful partnerships," Virendra says, raising his glass.

"To our future," Viraj adds, clinking his glass against Virendra's.

The rest of the day is spent coordinating with their team about the next steps for their projects. Virendra arranges meetings with architects and developers to discuss the real estate development, while Viraj dives into the financial analytics software to optimize their investment strategies.

In the evening, Virendra receives a message from Sameera.

Sameera: Congratulations on the partnership! How about a celebratory dinner tonight?

Virendra: That sounds perfect. I'll pick you up at 7.

At 7 PM sharp, Virendra arrives at Sameera's place. She's waiting for him, looking radiant in an elegant dress. They drive to an upscale restaurant, where they're greeted with impeccable service and a table with a view.

Over dinner, they talk about their respective projects and share their excitement about the future. Virendra is struck by Sameera's passion and determination, qualities that mirror his own.

As the night progresses, they move to a quiet corner of the restaurant's rooftop terrace. The city lights twinkle below them, creating a magical backdrop.

"To your success," Sameera says, raising her glass. "And to ours."

"To ours," Virendra echoes, clinking his glass against hers.

They lean in closer, their faces illuminated by the soft glow of the city lights. Virendra cups Sameera's face gently, their lips meeting in a kiss that feels both tender and electrifying. The world around them seems to fade away, leaving just the two of them in that perfect moment.

When they finally pull away, Sameera rests her head on Virendra's shoulder, and they stand there in comfortable silence, enjoying the view and each other's company.