
Rebirth In One Piece Is Vice Captain (One piece FF)

One-piece fanfic weekly chs / 14 chs Lin Tian, who had reincarnated into the world of One Piece ten years ago met Garp, who was on duty to eradicate pirates and become his student. In the past ten years, Lin Tian has lived his life as a Marine Soldier and has experienced many amazing adventures and battles in the Grand Line. However, due to the World Nobles incident that shook the world, he became rebellious against the Marine until seriously injured. He escaped and met Luffy, who had formed a small pirate crew, and became Luffy’s vice-captain in that pirate crew. He returns to the Grand Line and begins a new journey with Luffy as his captain. Lin Tian became accustomed to playing the role of a vice-captain who always made plans, had unreliable captains, and always acted before thinking what exciting things would happen… Disclaimer This fan fiction is not written by me, It is written by Day Suprise The cover art and FF is not my work I found this fan fiction on INMTI novel and found it pretty interesting and thought it deserved more views. I am only doing some little editing so it becomes readable. Author:Day Suprise

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122 Chs

Chapter 84: Run out

In front of a white building with the Marine badge painted.

Garp's entire group, led by Jonathan, came here.

"The 5th floor of this building is a place for you to rest. How about it? Not bad, right?", Jonathan introduced.

"Well", the Marines present involuntarily nodded. This environment is much better than sleeping in that dark cabin.

Jonathan flashed a hint of triumph when seeing everyone's expressions. This is my achievement over the past year. It not only renovated the entire Marine base, but also improved the accommodation environment for Marine soldiers.

In Jonathan's view, only a good environment can increase the passion of the soldier and thereby improve the battle strength of the soldier. The most basic and important thing is.

However, if Sengoku knew that Jonathan spent that huge military expenditure on this, I am afraid he would not be able to spare Jonathan.

However, among all the people present, there is one person who has been standing there quietly, neither making any statement nor saying anything, this person is-Vice Admiral Garp.

At this time, everyone also discovered the difference in Garp, just when everyone thought Garp was angry.

I saw that Lin Tian suddenly walked over, and in the eyes of everyone in shock, he patted Garp's shoulder vigorously.

Said a sentence that made everyone at the scene pounce on it.

"Smelly old man, here, don't sleep!"


There is a bottoming sound, could it be said that Vice Admiral Garp came here asleep all the way? This can fall asleep, Vice Admiral Garp, this is so awesome.

Looking at everyone's reaction, Lin Tian said indifferently, "make a fuss about nothing".

"Ah…" Garp woke up leisurely, looked at the people who fell on the ground, and said puzzledly: "What are you doing?"

Jonathan, hastily He got up from the ground and patted the dust off his body, "It's okay, we just fell accidentally."

"Hey!" Garp sighed deeply, shaking his head and walking inside the building, still muttering.

"You people, wherever you look like a Marine officer, you can fall when you walk."

The corners of everyone's mouths are unnaturally twitched, and they are obviously scared by you. You Senior are embarrassed to be here with emotion.

Jonathan said to the remaining Marine soldier, said with a slight smile: "You will rest here tonight. I will send someone to notify you when it's time for dinner."

"As for the cargo on the ship, you can rest assured, I will send someone to help you install it."

Seeing that others thought so thoughtfully, Ander and the others immediately felt a bit sorry. People like myself, at this moment, not only failed to help others but also caused trouble to them.

Ander said: "I really want to thank you."

"It's okay!" Jonathan waved his hand, "I have something to deal with, so I'll be out of company first."

Jonathan left, everyone also went to their room, everyone fought for a day today, and it was very tiring.

Now that there is such a good environment, of course, take the time to rest and regain strength.

Roberts was about to go in, suddenly, he found that someone behind him was holding him, turning around and looking, it turned out that Lin Tian was pulling him.

"Hey, Lin Tian, ​​why are you pulling me, what's the matter?" Roberts asked puzzledly.

Lin Tian put his right hand on Roberts' neck, smiling softly.

Looking at Lin Tian's smile, Roberts had a bad premonition in his heart, both hands crossed near chest, looking at Lin Tian with a vigilant look.

Lin Tian asked in a low voice: "Roberts, do you think we are good brothers?"

"Yes!" Roberts nodded, with a vigilant expression: "But this Does it have anything to do with the present?"

"Yes, why not, you say that I am usually good to you! You say…".

Before Lin Tian finished speaking, Roberts interrupted aloud, "Speak, what do you want me to do?"

What kind of person is Lin Tian, ​​Roberts I don't understand yet, saying so much, it must be something to ask myself, otherwise Lin Tian would not be like this.

Since it was revealed by Roberts, Lin Tian stopped playing emotional cards, said resolutely.

"I want to go out, you will help me hide in front of the smelly old man".

"No, no!" Roberts waved his hand quickly and disagreed. "Vice Admiral Garp said earlier that no one can leave the Marine base before leaving tomorrow."

Garp had expected that Lin Tian might sneak out and get involved in this muddy water.

So before disembarking, a special order was issued that no one can leave the base. This order was actually issued for Lin Tian.

Lin Tian slapped off the shaking hand in front of him, tightened Roberts's neck, and threatened: "This, of course I know, otherwise I ask you to hide it for me, just a word, help , Still don't help".

If you can't play the emotional card, then turn to threats!

"Where is this one sentence, obviously two sentences," Roberts procrastinated.

Thinking that if Garp finds out, he must have a fat beating, Roberts disagrees very much in his heart.

The power in Lin Tian's hand immediately increased a bit, and threatened again: "Help or not?".

Feeling the urgency from the neck, Roberts said quickly: "Help! But help! Definitely help."

Seeing that Roberts agreed, Lin Tian quickly raised a smile on his face and released the right hand.

"You guys, can you just say no? You want me to say that many".

Roberts rubbed his sore neck and said with a blank face: "You, you guys, you know you cheated me all day, and you will cheat me one day!"

For Roberts' dissatisfaction, Lin Tian is just Hey Issho, just this little thing, it still can't affect the deep friendship between the two.

At this moment, an energetic word came out of the building.

"Smelly brat, don't want to go out, give me obediently and honestly stay in the base today".

Hearing Garp's voice, Lin Tian's original excitement disappeared instantly.

Lin Tian didn't expect, although the smelly old man had been in the building, he secretly listened to his conversation with Roberts.

"Hey…" Roberts waved his hands, and said taking pleasure in other people's misfortune: "Now I can do it too, Vice Admiral Garp has been paying attention to you."

Looking at Roberts' face taking pleasure in other people's misfortune, Lin Tian fisted and fisted, but Roberts easily avoided him and ran into the building as soon as he slipped.

Staring at this building, Lin Tian knew that Garp was in a certain corner, staring at his own actions.

However, looking at the eyes that kept turning, I knew that Lin Tian did not at all give up the plan to sneak out.

I can't run out now, just wait a moment to find an opportunity, Lin Tian doesn't believe it, Garp can keep an eye on himself.

After thinking about it, Lin Tian flashed a smile in his eyes and walked towards the building. I found my room directly, lay down on the bed, and fell asleep.

In the next room, Garp has been using Kenbunshoku Haki to observe Lin Tian's movements.

Seeing Lin Tian asleep, not at all, he immediately lifted his Kenbunshoku Haki, but kept staring. Garp can't believe it, Lin Tian will lie down and sleep obediently and honestly.

"This stinky brat must be pretending to be asleep, and then waiting for one to relax his vigilance, and then sneak out," Garp thought secretly.

However, this time Garp seemed to be wrong. After waiting for a long time, Lin Tian still didn't move at all and was sleeping all the time.

Garp immediately feels puzzled. Is the smelly brat modified this time? I really don't participate in this muddy water.

But in a blink of an eye, Garp expelled this impossible idea from his mind. If Lin Tian would give up, then he would not be called Lin Tian.

"Not good!"

Suddenly trying to understand something, Garp slapped his thigh, got up quickly, walked out of the room, and walked towards Lin Tian's room.


Garp kicked open the door of the Lin Tian room, opened the quilt, and looked at it. Garp knew immediately that he had been tricked by Lin Tian's stinky little.

It turned out that as Garp had expected before, it was not Lin Tian lying in the quilt, but a dummy. No wonder I observed through Kenbunshoku Haki and found Lin Tian motionless.

Kenbunshoku Haki is distinguished by sound. It can only observe whether the object is moving, but cannot see the object.

Lin Tian took advantage of this loophole to find a dummy and used his ability to control this dummy to enter his room, making Garp think that he was himself.

"Smelly brat, you wait for me, I will not spare you later".

Garp's angry shouts echoed throughout the building, shocking the rest of the people.

At this moment, at the periphery of the Marine base, Lin Tian looked at the huge Marine base in front of him, showing a hint of a smile.