
Rebirth In One Piece Is Vice Captain (One piece FF)

One-piece fanfic weekly chs / 14 chs Lin Tian, who had reincarnated into the world of One Piece ten years ago met Garp, who was on duty to eradicate pirates and become his student. In the past ten years, Lin Tian has lived his life as a Marine Soldier and has experienced many amazing adventures and battles in the Grand Line. However, due to the World Nobles incident that shook the world, he became rebellious against the Marine until seriously injured. He escaped and met Luffy, who had formed a small pirate crew, and became Luffy’s vice-captain in that pirate crew. He returns to the Grand Line and begins a new journey with Luffy as his captain. Lin Tian became accustomed to playing the role of a vice-captain who always made plans, had unreliable captains, and always acted before thinking what exciting things would happen… Disclaimer This fan fiction is not written by me, It is written by Day Suprise The cover art and FF is not my work I found this fan fiction on INMTI novel and found it pretty interesting and thought it deserved more views. I am only doing some little editing so it becomes readable. Author:Day Suprise

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122 Chs

Chapter 74: Noble !!!

Boom, boom,…

The gunner on this Pirate Ship, the artillery technique is really bad. They fired dozens of guns in a row, and they didn't even hit a single shell.

Although the cannonballs are constantly coming next to the cruise ship, the entire cruise ship is still shaking and swiftly heading towards the Battleship ahead.

In order to survive, these crew members took out all one's strength and kept rowing, otherwise this huge cruise ship might not be so fast.

And Captain Locke behind, seeing his subordinates hit for so long, facing this slow cruise ship, he didn't even hit a shot, and Locke's face turned pale.

"Enough, don't open for me." Finally, looking at this situation, Captain Locke finally couldn't help but stop this useless behavior.

If it weren't for these people to be useful to deal with the next Marine, Locke really wanted to find people out and kill them now.

"You rubbish, even a cruise ship can't hit, stop me and prepare for the next close combat."


Seeing the anger on the ship's faces, the Pirates replied in horror, especially the Pirate gunners. They are even more cautious, for fear that the captain would accidentally kill them.

The cruise ship and the Marine battleship are only a few minutes away. At this time, the two ships are already close together.

Take, ride…

Several rope hooks flew out from the cruise ship, hooking the Marine battleship tightly.

"Hurry up, you guys give me hurry up,"

Although they are extremely angry, these people are nobles, and the crew can only hold back the anger in their hearts. Pull the rope fully.

Looking at these flying ropes, Marine was unhappy at the scene, not even understanding the most basic rules.


The two ships finally got close together, and the entire battleship shook violently under the collision of the cruise ship. The Marines present are all headquarters elites. Although the incident happened suddenly, they fell to the ground not at all.

Lin Tian stomped lightly, and these two violently shaking ships came to a halt under Lin Tian's ability.

I noticed that the cruise ship stopped suddenly, and everyone's eyes showed a trace of puzzlement. Seeing this Battleship right in front of him, the puzzle was instantly expelled from his mind.

These nobles rushed to the side of the Battleship, wanting to board this Battleship quickly to ensure their safety.

But the Marine battleship is for battle. The walls on the side are stronger and taller than ordinary ships, and they are not so easy to climb.

How can these nobles who lack training can climb up? After a long time, these nobles still stood on the cruise ship, cursing constantly.

"Those in front, let me get out of the way, I'm…the earl of the kingdom", a gorgeously dressed old man said from behind

a sticking out from nowhere Push the old man away with your hand, and a fat middle-aged man stands in the old man position.

"Earl counts as a fart, I'm still a duke, so let me go."

The crew members are all behind, looking at these ugly nobles with wicked mouths, their eyes full of contempt.

At this moment, there was a strange noise uploaded from Battleship, and everyone quickly looked up.

I saw that the muzzle of the cannon was slowly moving. What made everyone fearful was that these muzzles were not aimed at Pirate behind, but them.

Faced with this rapidly changing situation, everyone on board couldn't react immediately, and their faces were full of doubts.

"Is this Battleship not a Marine's battleship, but something Pirate pretended", the captain thought in fear.

On the sea, there is indeed a bad Pirate who pretends to be a Marine to deceive the passing ships. In the face of the Marine, most captains will relax their vigilance and then be killed by these fake Marines.


The neat and loud footsteps sounded from the boat. Then, a row of Marines appeared on it, staring at the people on the cruise ship.

Seeing that these are Marines, the captain quickly relieved, but his heart was full of doubts.

"These people are really Marine. Why would they point their guns at us".

Actually, Commodore had misunderstood all this. Seeing that the cruise ship hadn't approached, he hooked the Battleship with a rope trench.

At that time, Ander Commodore thought that this cruise ship was pretended by Pirate, and all these Pirates were acting in order to attack Marine. There are many such cases in Marine.

Therefore, Ender quickly ordered to stop the rescue behavior of the Marine soldier, and then the muzzle moved.

Looking at the people on the cruise ship, Ander knew immediately that he had guessed wrong. These people were wearing expensive clothes, which cost hundreds of thousands of Beli. How could Pirate be so rich?

Ander loudly said: "Are you all who?"

But Ander is not waiting for an answer, but yelling?

"What are you stinky Marines doing?"

"Hurry up and save us, don't you see Pirate behind?"

"We are all the nobles of various countries. If you suffer a little bit of harm, it is not something you can afford."


Hearing these words, Ande's face turned black in an instant. When we came to rescue you, we even dared to speak in this tone and yell at them. Such people are still nobles.

In my original heart, the guilt of misunderstanding that they were Pirates just now disappeared in an instant.

Seeing the actions of this noble fucks, the captain was also very angry. If it weren't for the captain's patience, he would have rushed forward and killed these shits.

Now we are asking for help from the Marines. Why are you so rampant in these fucker Nobles, noble status now has a shit.

"Assholes, a bunch of shits", the captain continued to curse in his heart.

Ande took a deep breath and roared loudly: "Be quiet, give me quiet."

The nobles below were startled by Ender's roar, and the scene fell silent at this moment, but this is only a moment that's all.

A man with golden-yellow curly hair and an aristocratic face came out and said proudly to Ander Captain.

It is a pity that the cloth strips on the clothes, the footprints, and the faint blood on the face make this aristocratic temperament ridiculous.

"Which branch of East Blue are you Marines? We are the nobles of various countries. We dare to yell at us. Believe it or not, I will find your Sir and tell you."

This man is a prince in the powerful kingdom of East Blue. Among this group of nobles, the status is in Peak. So when the man was talking, he didn't dare to interrupt alone.

In Lin Tian's eyes, these people are like clowns, performing like performances on the dance on the platform.

Ande's eyes are also full of disdain, and you low-level nobles also want to find our superior report.

Seeing that Ande didn't speak, the man thought these Marines were scared, and his tone became more frantic.

"I tell you, hurry up and invite us up, and prepare hot water for us when we can, and there will be a fine time. If you serve well, we can still not hold your faults".

"That's right!" The other nobles also quickly agreed.

The crowding just now was very painful for these nobles. The whole body was sore, so I had to find a place to rest as soon as possible.

hahaha…! !

Marine on Battleship, hearing this man's words, couldn't help laughing, his smile was full of irony.

Being ridiculed by these low-level Marines, the man felt ashamed and said angrily: "Okay! Okay! You Marine die for me is set, I will definitely not forgive…".

"Irritation!" The man was interrupted aloud by Lin Tian before he finished speaking.

Seeing a Marine little demon who was more than ten years old, he dared to scold himself. The man became even angrier and pointed to Lin Tian above.

"You little demon, dare to scold me, you are dead! You are dead! I will not let you go".


When he heard this man, he dared to threaten him, Lin Tian's eyes showed a trace of murderous aura, and this man was dead in his own eyes.

Lin Tian's right hand lifted, this man immediately followed Lin Tian's hand and hovered in midair.

With a light swing of the right hand, the man flew backwards like an arrow from the string.


The man crashed directly into a cabin and made a loud noise. The planks burst, the smoke dissipated, and the man was buried in a pile of planks.

All this happened in an instant, and the nobles below have not yet reacted to what happened.


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