
Rebirth in Konoha: The Leaf Surgeon

"In this tale of rebirth and redemption, a surgeon exhausted by overwork is given the opportunity by a divine entity to be reborn into a world of ninjas and supernatural abilities. In his new life in Konoha, he not only has the power to continue saving lives, but also the chance to experience the camaraderie, adventure and happiness he had lost. Through his challenges and relationships in this mysterious world, he discovers what it really means to live and protect those around him, finding a new purpose and a chance to heal his own heart."

AraXiel_21 · Anime & Comics
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39 Chs

Ch34: Ninja Graduation Test

The forest of death was slowly awakening, illuminated by the first rays of sunlight filtering through the dense canopy of trees. In the clearing, two figures slept peacefully, enveloped in an atmosphere of serenity and companionship. The young boy, his face calm and serene, was resting on the white fur of the majestic albino leopard.

As the first glimmers of light caressed his face, the boy's eyes began to slowly narrow. A smile tugged at his lips as he realized that his faithful companion was still by his side, sharing the warm dawn with him.

With gentle movements, the boy sat up, feeling the leopard's soft fur under his hands. The animal, still sleepy, raised his head curiously, his red eyes glowing with affection and loyalty to his young friend.

- Good morning, friend," whispered the boy in a soft voice, tenderly stroking the leopard's fur.

The leopard gave a soft growl in response, as if greeting the boy in his own language. It moved closer to the child, gently brushing its cheek with its head in a gesture of affection and complicity.

The scene was a picture of peace and harmony in the midst of wild nature. As the boy and the leopard shared their awakening, the forest came alive around them, with the sounds of birds singing and the soft rustle of the wind through the leaves.

After a moment of calm, the boy stood up, stretching his arms skyward in a gesture of welcoming the new day. The leopard watched him curiously, as if ready to accompany him on whatever adventure the day would bring.

With a smile on his face, the boy turned to his four-legged friend.

- Ready to explore the forest today, buddy? -he asked eagerly, receiving a soft affirmative grunt from the leopard in response.

With the deadline approaching inexorably, Yasuke decided to return to the place where the confrontation with the prisoner had taken place. This time, he had the company of his loyal companion, the albino leopard, whose forest prowess and keen perception would be of great help in traversing the forest.

Thanks to the new movement techniques he had learned and the leopard's agility, they reached the place much faster than the first time. Upon arrival, Yasuke thoroughly examined the area, observing the marks of the confrontation that still remained on the ground and surrounding trees.

He noticed carefully that the place where the enemy had been in his last attack showed obvious traces of blood. This revelation made him realize that his attack had been, at least in part, successful. However, he did not know to what extent it had affected the prisoner. The only thing he knew for certain was that the wound would limit his adversary's mobility, which would give them a strategic advantage in the next encounter.

With that information in mind, Yasuke began to plot a plan to engage the prisoner once again. He knew he had to make the most of the advantage the enemy's wound gave them and prepare for any eventuality.

While Yasuke was immersed in thought, his feline companion began to stir restlessly, sniffing the air intently. Sensing the leopard's uneasiness, Yasuke was barely aware of his presence until the animal approached and rubbed its head against his, seeking his attention.

Although at first Yasuke was absorbed in his musings, the gentle brush of the leopard's head against his brought him out of his reverie. With a gesture of affection, Yasuke stroked the animal, acknowledging his attempt to communicate with it.

The leopard, having caught Yasuke's attention, moved in a specific direction, as if it wanted to lead him somewhere. Intrigued by his companion's actions, Yasuke decided to follow, trusting his instinct and the special connection they shared.

After a few minutes of walking through the dense forest vegetation, they came to a small grotto hidden among the rocks. The obvious traces of human activity in the area caught the attention of Yasuke, who paused at the threshold, assessing the situation cautiously.

Although his curiosity urged him to enter the grotto in search of answers, Yasuke knew he had to be cautious. Traps and dangers could lurk in the darkness, and he could not risk being ambushed. Cautiously, he decided not to enter beyond the entrance to the grotto, keeping his guard up.

The leopard, sensing Yasuke's concern, stood by his side, showing his support for the would-be ninja. Together, they silently observed the grotto, vigilant and prepared for any eventuality that might arise.

As he pondered the possibility that Haruki Takahashi had switched shelters to evade detection, Yasuke also considered the personality of the man they had faced earlier. He recalled the determination and haughtiness displayed by Haruki during their last encounter, suggesting that he would not hide easily unless he was seriously injured.

Yasuke inwardly admired Haruki's ability to hide and adapt, recognizing that if it weren't for his feline companion, he probably wouldn't have discovered the new shelter.

Looking at his leopard companion, whose presence had been crucial in discovering the new shelter, Yasuke felt a deep gratitude. Reaching out, he gently stroked the animal's chin, expressing his appreciation for his invaluable help.

-Thank you, friend, without you it would not have been possible to find this place," Yasuke murmured gratefully, noticing how the leopard responded with a growl of pleasure.

Yasuke, aware that he did not have the resources to face his target that day, made the decision to postpone the confrontation to the last day. Although it was a risky choice, he knew it was better to prepare adequately and increase his chances of success rather than act without the necessary means.

Despite having the help of his feline companion, Yasuke opted not to request his assistance in the confrontation. He recognized that this was a test that would determine whether he was truly ready to meet his fate, and decided that he must overcome it with his own strength and skill.

With this determination in mind, Yasuke turned to the leopard and stroked it gently,

- Are you hungry, friend, would you like to go hunting? -asked Yasuke.

The animal responded with a soft growl of excitement, rubbing its body against Yasuke's, showing its enthusiasm for the proposal to hunt together. The leopard's gaze glowed with anticipation.

In the dusk of the Forest of Death, Yasuke and his feline companion returned triumphant from their hunt. The golden light of dusk filtering through the branches of the trees painted a picture of peace and serenity in the clearing where their refuge was located. With the lessons learned from the previous night, Yasuke was able to contribute more effectively in gathering prey this time. Although the feline was still the main provider of food due to its hunting prowess, the collaboration between the two was palpable and enriching.

With their stomachs satiated, Yasuke and the albino leopard shared the shelter with an air of camaraderie. Yasuke used the time to review his strategies, mentally going over every detail of his plans for the impending confrontation. He checked his tools meticulously, making sure they were in optimal condition for the battle ahead. The scrolls of information he kept with him unrolled on the floor, revealing valuable knowledge gained throughout his travels and experiences.

Meanwhile, beside him the albino leopard rested serenely, his body relaxed and his breathing calm. His comforting presence filled the shelter with a sense of security. The gentle whisper of the night breeze mingled with the murmur of the surrounding vegetation, creating a soft, comforting melody that enveloped the two companions in incredible harmony.

Harmony reigned in the shelter as the two companions prepared for the challenges that awaited them. The soft rustling of the wind in the trees and the occasional rustle of branches created a tranquil melody that filled the atmosphere. At that moment, there was no room for anxiety or fear, there was only a deep connection between a young ninja and his faithful feline companion.

Thus they spent a couple of hours, immersed in the stillness of the night and preparing for the challenges that awaited them. Despite the uncertainty of the future, Yasuke and the leopard found solace and strength in their bond, ready to face together whatever fate had in store for them in the Forest of Death.

The calm and peaceful scene was interrupted by a sudden change in the albino leopard's demeanor. His ears, previously relaxed, began to twitch before erecting into an alert posture. The muscles in his body tensed, and his red eyes glowed with an intensity that conveyed a sense of impending danger.

Yasuke, alarmed by his companion's reaction, stood up quickly and approached the feline. At first, he tried to calm it with gentle caresses, but the animal remained on high alert, focused on some danger invisible to human senses.

Heart pounding, Yasuke prepared himself for the worst, aware that in the Forest of Death anything could happen at any moment. He gathered his ninja tools and adopted a defensive posture, ready to face whatever threatened his safety.

Silence became both an ally and an enemy as it amplified the tension in the air. Every second seemed like an eternity as they waited, senses alert and muscles tense, ready for any eventuality.

Finally, the enemy revealed itself in the form of a rabbit, which shot out of the bush with the agility of lightning. Yasuke, surprised by the appearance of the small animal, reacted instinctively by throwing a kunai towards it, in an attempt to stop its escape.

The kunai cut through the air with a whistle, barely grazing the rabbit's ear and leaving a small mark in its wake. The animal, startled by the attack, turned sharply and fled for safety, leaving Yasuke and the leopard with adrenaline still pumping in their veins.

After the brief but intense encounter, Yasuke allowed himself to take a deep breath, feeling relief that the threat had been neutralized. He stared at the bush where the rabbit had appeared, reflecting on the fragility of life in the forest and the importance of always remaining alert to the dangers that lurked in the darkness.

Yasuke, sensing that the false danger had passed, relaxed his defensive posture and turned to his feline companion with a smirk.

-Wow, buddy, with how imposing you looked during the hunt and it turns out you were scared off by a mere rabbit," Yasuke joked, trying to lighten the atmosphere with a touch of humor.

The leopard grunted in disagreement, though his muscles gradually relaxed, indicating that he had also sensed that the danger had passed. Still, he kept his gaze fixed on the location where the rabbit had appeared, as if expecting some other possible intruder.

Seeing the determination in the feline's eyes, Yasuke felt the urge to help him investigate the area, petting him gently in a supportive gesture.

-It's okay, buddy. Don't worry, I'll go check the area to make sure there are no more unpleasant surprises," Yasuke said in a calm voice, trying to convey confidence to his companion. You stay here and keep your guard up, I'll be back soon.

However, the leopard shook his head in denial, rejecting Yasuke's proposal.

Despite his companion's refusal, Yasuke decided to move on, letting the feline keep watch while he continued to scan the surrounding area for any further signs of danger.

As Yasuke focused on the bush to search inside, his senses were alert, but nothing could have prepared him for what was to come next. Suddenly, a thunderous roar echoed from the rear, causing Yasuke to startle. It was a roar from his companion, one that showed warning and clear concern, warning him of imminent danger.

As he looked up, he came face to face with an imposing sight: a huge bear loomed in front of him, its powerful front paws poised for a devastating blow. It was similar to the bear he had faced the first day in the forest, but this one seemed even larger and more dangerous. The bear's presence exuded a sense of imminent threat, filling the air with tension and danger.

Yasuke, feeling a shiver run down his spine, stood petrified for a moment, unable to react to the impending threat. Time seemed to stand still as the bear prepared to attack, its massive figure casting a menacing shadow over Yasuke.

Just when Yasuke thought all was lost, a flash of white flashed across the sky in a swift and sure motion. Before he could comprehend what was happening, the albino leopard lunged out of the darkness, charging straight for the bear's neck with breathtaking ferocity.

The clash was swift and fierce, with the leopard fighting valiantly to protect its human companion. Yasuke was impressed by his companion's speed and dexterity, amazed by the feline's determination to save him from a surely fatal fate.

As the leopard and bear engaged in a fierce fight, Yasuke took the opportunity to stand up and regain his composure. With his heart pounding in his chest, he prepared to assist his companion in the battle ahead.

To be continued...