
Rebirth in Konoha: The Leaf Surgeon

"In this tale of rebirth and redemption, a surgeon exhausted by overwork is given the opportunity by a divine entity to be reborn into a world of ninjas and supernatural abilities. In his new life in Konoha, he not only has the power to continue saving lives, but also the chance to experience the camaraderie, adventure and happiness he had lost. Through his challenges and relationships in this mysterious world, he discovers what it really means to live and protect those around him, finding a new purpose and a chance to heal his own heart."

AraXiel_21 · Anime & Comics
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39 Chs

Ch24: Consequences

In the waiting room, the atmosphere was a mixture of relief and anxiety. Minato, Nonoe and Yasuke, all three from the orphanage, were sitting together, sharing their recent experiences. Minato, with his usual enthusiasm, was narrating in detail how he had taken on a chunin on his own.

-And then, I used the kunai to create a distraction! -Minato exclaimed, his eyes sparkling with the excitement of the memory. -I never thought I could take on a chunin alone!

Nonoe, with a gentle smile, shared her own story.

-We had our share of action, too," she said. -Even though it was pretty scary, we made it out of it. Thanks to Kushina.

Yasuke, sitting quietly, listened and nodded to her stories. Although he appeared calm, inwardly, he was worried about the possible consequences of his and his friends' actions.

Meanwhile, in the next room, Matron Nora was slowly waking up. Tsunade, who had been overseeing her recovery, briefed her on recent events.

-It has been a chaotic day, but your children have shown incredible bravery," Tsunade explained with a tone of respect.

Nora, still recovering from shock and weakness, took in the information with a mixture of concern and pride.

-I always knew they were special," Nora replied, her voice weak but full of affection.

Back in the waiting room, Yasuke finally spoke, sharing his experience of Nora's treatment.

-It was a difficult situation, but I learned a lot," he said, his voice revealing his seriousness. -Although I still worry about whether we made the right decision.

Minato patted him on the back, trying to cheer him up.

-You did great, Yasuke. We all did. Together, we're a great team.

Nonoe nodded, his expression reflecting a similar sentiment.

-Yes, together we can face any challenge.

The conversation in the waiting room continued, with everyone reflecting on the day's events and what they meant to them as individuals and as a united group.

In a corner of the hospital, Shikaku was being scolded by his mother, who grabbed his ear and scolded him firmly. Her expression was a mixture of regret and annoyance, typical of a young boy caught in mischief.

-Oh, Mom, it hurts!

-That's what you get for getting into trouble! With your lazy personality, can't you just sit still?

Mikoto, for her part, found herself receiving a gentle admonishment from her grandmother. Although the words were gentle, the disappointment was evident in the old woman's eyes, causing Mikoto to lower her gaze, feeling guilty.

- Mikoto, you worry me when you do these things.

- I'm sorry, grandmother. I didn't mean to cause trouble.

Tsume stood in front of a stocky, muscular man with unkempt hair and facial markings under his eyes that resembled fangs. He wore a vest that exposed his muscles and worn gloves, complemented by basic combat pants and ninja sandals. At his side, a slender, large black and brown dog, with pointed ears and savage fangs, accompanied him.

-I see that you are still a puppy to get out of trouble, we'll talk at home," the man, who was his father, said to Tsume.

-Yes, daddy..." Tsume replied shakily.

Then he turned and left, with the dog following him, leading Tsume carefully by the collar of his shirt.

Choza, on the other hand, cried as his mother punished him without sweets for a week.

-No sweets for a week!

- But mom! - Chouza tried to reduce the admonition.

His father, off to the side, hissed trying not to be included in the reprimand.

Meanwhile, Inoichi and his mother were chatting about how peculiar their friends were, with a mixture of concern and amusement. Inoichi's mother, though worried, couldn't help but smile at her son's adventures.

-Your friends are a special case, eh, Inoichi?

-They're unique, Mom. But they're good friends, the kind that won't abandon a companion.

In the previous waiting room, it had been decided that for the patient's safety only one visitor could visit at a time, first Nonoe, then Minato and finally Yasuke.

While Yasuke was inside the room visiting Nora, Minato took the opportunity to ask Tsunade, whom he respected for her strength, if he was ready to graduate from the academy.

-Tsunade-sama, do you think I'm ready to graduate from the academy? I even defeated a chunin!

Tsunade, with a smile, replied unexpectedly.

-You still have a long way to go, Minato. Don't get ahead of yourself. -Tsunade said with a chuckle.

Minato, a little offended, refuted her.

-But I defeated a chunin!

Tsunade, with a knowing smile, proceeded to clarify several points that surprised Minato.

-First, the chunin you faced had just been promoted from the chunin examination. They do not yet have the strength of an average chunin; rather, they are like slightly stronger genin.

Minato, processing the information, wanted to continue to defend his point.

-But, what about the fact that I was able to.....

Tsunade interrupted him gently.

-Second, did those chunin use some kind of jutsu?

Minato, thinking it over, shook his head.

-No, not that I recall.

-Exactly," Tsunade continued. The chunin probably realized they were academy students and therefore civilians. Ninja are forbidden to use destructive force and jutsus against civilians unless they receive direct orders from their superiors. They limited their strength.

Minato listened attentively, surprised by the revelation.

-Third, the two jonin from the teams were present and hidden in the hospital," Tsunade added. They were watching how their teams responded. If they had noticed any real malice in you, they would have intervened. But when they identified that it was just mischief, they let them act.

-I had no idea..." Minato was surprised that he now had confidence in his sensory sense and had not noticed anything unusual.

Finally, Tsunade pointed to one of the windows.

-And finally, a certain perverted teacher who can observe everything that happens in the village was already aware since you and Yasuke sneaked in.

Minato remained pensive, taking in the complexity of the ninja world and the number of factors he hadn't considered. The conversation with Tsunade was a valuable lesson in the realities of the ninja world and the road he had yet to travel.

-But don't be discouraged, Minato," Tsunade said with a warm smile. In fact, you have impressed me. Unlike the other children, who come from great clans and have family jutsu, you, who have no such advantages, have proven to be even stronger in some ways.

Minato looked up, surprised by Tsunade's words.

-Your wit, intelligence and battle sense are exceptional," Tsunade continued. You have used what you have with creativity and courage. That is what makes a great ninja.

Tsunade's words infused Minato with a renewed sense of purpose and confidence. Although he still had much to learn, the words of a ninja as respected as Tsunade meant a great deal to him.

-So don't give up," Tsunade concluded. I am sure that, with time and effort, you will become an amazing ninja.

Minato nodded, his spirits lifted by the encouraging words. Although the road to becoming a great ninja was long and full of challenges, he was determined to press on and do everything he could to achieve his dream.

Inside the room

Yasuke and Nora stared at each other, a charged silence hovering between them. Finally, Nora turned her gaze to the window, contemplating the sky.

-What did you mean by that, Grandma Nora? -Yasuke asked, his voice tinged with bewilderment.

After a heavy sigh, Nora seemed to gather her thoughts before speaking.

-"I'm telling you because you're the most mature of the three of us, Yasuke," Nora began, her voice reflecting a mixture of resignation and sincerity. I hate ninjas.

Nora's words echoed in the room, leaving Yasuke surprised and confused. The statement was unexpected, especially coming from someone who had cared for and supported young aspiring ninja.

-But grandmother, why...? -Yasuke tried to probe further, but the words got stuck in his throat.


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