
Rebirth in Against the Gods with The Ultimate System

In a modern world, a devoted cultivator sacrificed himself to save his beloved. Fate granted him a second chance as a shinigami in the "Against the Gods" universe. Equipped with the Ultimate System, he became Yun Che, a pivotal character. He now seeks not only personal power but also a way back to his love, defying the rules of the universe itself. Join him as he pushes the limits of power, challenges gods, and reshapes his destiny to reunite with his beloved.

Nora_Danish · Games
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191 Chs

Chapter 47: New Things in Life

The next day, the front gate of the Xiao clan bustled with people eager to catch a glimpse of Xiao Che or Yun Che. Passersby and fans alike gathered, some seeking business opportunities or connections. Ultimately, Xiao Lie decided to allow a select few to enter, especially those who held prominence within the Floating Cloud City. One of these prominent figures arrived in a carriage, passing through the manor's main gate which was currently under repairs. Accompanied by his entourage, a middle-aged man emerged and warmly greeted the current leader of the Xiao Clan.

"Brother Lie!" he exclaimed.

Xiao Lie internally sighed, reflecting on how Situ Nan, the vice-mayor of the Floating Cloud City, hadn't shown such courtesy when he first came here. Suppressing his inner frustration, Xiao Lie extended a friendly hand, replying, "Brother Situ, it has indeed been a while."

"No need for formalities. We're brothers after all. Come, Xi'er, greet Grandfather Lie," the vice-mayor encouraged his beautiful daughter to address Xiao Lie as a grandfather. This unexpected display of familiarity stunned Xiao Lie. He hadn't even met his own grandson yet, and yet this man was already treating him as family. The daughter introduced herself with utmost courtesy, aware that her purpose here was to be introduced to Xiao Lie's grandson.

"Shameless bastard," Xiao Lie sighed under his breath.

The parade of clans and families continued, all addressing Xiao Lie as "brother," and these were not insignificant names. Representatives from the Mu Family, Zi Family, and even the city's esteemed mayor, Yuwen Tuo, joined in the chorus of brotherly greetings. Their intentions were clear: they were not here to meet Xiao Lie, but rather to meet his grandson, the so-called "Emperor" they had been seeking. The title of "brother" was merely a flattery to gain Xiao Lie's attention and facilitate their introductions to the grandson.

"Dear guests, let us convene in the hall before engaging in conversation," Xiao Lie suggested, his eyes rolling at the audacity of these shameless old men. They brought gifts aplenty and even brought their daughters along. The hall became a spectacle of gathering powers and, for some, gathering potential suitors. Disciples nearby widened their eyes at the presence of these beauties—each vying for the position of the top ten beauties of the city after Xia Qingyue's departure.

The hall transformed into a captivating scene as these ten beauties moved gracefully, capturing everyone's attention. The room buzzed with compliments and curious glances, resembling a gathering of stars, each contributing their unique radiance to the evening and leaving an indelible mark on all in attendance. The presence of the Floating Cloud City's top ten beauties turned the hall into a celestial sight, enchanting the onlooking disciples.


Inside the hall, more than ten family heads had gathered, accompanied by their prized daughters or, as the younger generation called them, the top beauties of Floating Cloud City. Only the mayor, Yuwen Tuo, sat alone. The other men smirked, deeming the mayor's daughter too old for this gathering of potential suitors for the Emperor, given his preference for youth.

However, Yuwen Tuo shamelessly projected confidence, declaring, "Well, isn't this a splendid gathering of elites? Perhaps you all should step back, for I alone am sufficient to forge a connection with the Xiao Clan."

"Shameless… Do you believe the Emperor would choose your daughter over my precious child?" One of the old men retorted. Despite his mayoral status, only the top families and the Xiao Clan dared to challenge him.

Yuwen Tuo remained composed and responded, "Certainly, she holds the current title of the most beautiful in our beloved city. Do you not agree that only the fairest should triumph?"

"Then, where is this daughter of yours? I've never heard of this ranking… Are you self-proclaiming that your daughter is the most beautiful?" countered the head of the Mu family.

As the old men engaged in verbal sparring, a similar scene played out among their daughters. They were well aware of Xiao Che's exceptional capabilities and had prepared themselves to vie for his attention. Now, an unseen competition arose among them, each becoming rivals for the Emperor's affection.

Amidst the squabbling men, Xiao Lie sat at the forefront, observing as the old men quarreled. None of them had considered his or his grandson's opinions before arriving. They had simply used their relationship with him as an excuse.

"I must say," declared the head of the Mu family, mischief sparkling in his eyes, "that my Yun'er would make the ideal wife for any man. She possesses the diligence of dawn and a voice capable of soothing even the wildest tempest. Furthermore, she ranks third in beauty within the city."

"Ah, dear Mu family head, clearly you haven't witnessed my Xin'er's dancing," retorted another, a glint of mischief in his gaze. "Her grace rivals that of swans in a nearby pond. A man who chooses her would enjoy elegance by his side. Given the Emperor's preference for grace, he would require such a companion."

Awkward laughter spread through the group as they continued to sing praises of their daughters, each attempting to outshine the other. They resembled poets crafting verses of admiration for their beloved girls while simultaneously vying for dominance.

Situ Nan, the vice-mayor, added his voice, "You may discuss grace and diligence, but my Xi'er possesses a smile capable of brightening even the gloomiest days. Her smile could warm the coldest heart. The Emperor's previous marriage faltered, and he needs my Xi'er to bring light to his days."

And so, the banter carried on, with each man fervently championing his daughter's qualities. They extolled beauty, kindness, intelligence, and talents they believed would make their daughters the ideal choice for Xiao Che.

Unable to remain silent, Yuwen Tuo, the mayor of Floating Cloud City, interjected, introducing strength as a merit. Though his daughter was absent, he confidently asserted that his daughter would be chosen, based on their long-standing acquaintance since childhood. This, he believed, improved his chances of winning.

"Behold, my friends, the epitome of strength and resilience embodied in my daughter. Can you find other women with the strength of a First Level Nascent Profound Realm, combined with unparalleled beauty? Can you even compete, considering she is the Emperor's first love?"

"Hmph, Brother Yuwen. While she is indeed beautiful, isn't your daughter nineteen years old? Isn't she too old for this gathering? Does her previous connection with the Emperor truly matter?" countered the Mu family head.

Anticipating this, Yuwen Tuo fired back, "An emperor requires a strong and beautiful spouse. Should he be absent, isn't it the wife's duty to safeguard the family? An emperor of his stature should focus on enhancing his strength and would thus need a robust partner. Do you not agree?"

Silence fell over the other families, their daughters being swans of elegance yet still lacking in strength. The highest cultivation level among them was the fourth level of the Elementary Profound Realm. Observing their reactions, Yuwen Tuo turned to Xiao Lie.

"Brother Lie... You may decide for us which of our daughters would be suitable for your grandson."

"Each of your daughters possesses distinct merits," Xiao Lie responded, "and while you may be certain of what's best for them, remember that true happiness resides in discovering a kindred spirit, not in winning a competition of beauty or strength. Moreover, it is not for me to decide. You should ask the man himself. Speaking of whom…."


The morning arrived, with the ongoing gatherings and conversations going unnoticed by a couple who peacefully slept on the bed. Retsu was the first to wake, her beautiful face illuminated by the morning sun. After glancing around, she stretched and turned her gaze to the man sleeping beside her. Gently nudging him, she whispered, "Young master, wake up. It's morning."

The man smiled briefly and spoke, still half asleep. "Just a few more minutes, Mum. I'll make it to school on time."

Retsu sighed, her disappointment evident. Then, she sweetly smiled, poking his cheeks a few times. This man was now her lover, and the sight of him sleeping next to her was heartwarming. She then looked around, making sure they were alone, and hesitated for a moment. "Is it alright? I think it's fine…." She slowly puckered her lips, leaning towards him, but her actions were abruptly interrupted by an unexpected voice.

*Knock knock "Little Che! Wake up!" A female voice sounded outside his door makes the man grunt in his sleep.

"Eeep!" Retsu's attempt was thwarted, and she quickly hid under the blanket.

Xiao Lingxi was thoroughly annoyed, having knocked on the door for several minutes. Unable to wait any longer, she burst into the room and yanked the blanket off him. "Muuu, Che'er!! How long do you plan to laze around in bed?"

"I'm up... I'm up, Megu-chan..." The man groggily rose, still half asleep. He even pretended to slump back down to irk Xiao Lingxi.

"Mouuu…" Retsu sighed in disappointment as her plans were foiled.

Xiao Lingxi let out a sigh and drew back the curtains, allowing the morning sunlight to stream in. "It's well past time, almost noon. Eeep, Retsu, you're here too." Xiao Lingxi was surprised to find her Little Che's current fiancée sleeping in his bed. Retsu, now awake, presented her best innocent expression. "Yes... I was sleeping next to him."

"Shameless!" The aunt shouted while pointing her finger at them.

"Nothing happened, Megu-chan. In fact, it was the most restful sleep we've had in days. Who knew cuddling could be so rejuvenating?" Yun Che stretched and looked toward his fiancée, despite just waking up, she appeared quite lovely. "So, did you sleep well?"

"Ufuuu...yes, very well. It was the most comfortable sleep I've had since I was reincarnated. I could get used to this. Thank you for the wonderful sleep." Retsu smiled.


[Ding… Fully Rested perk unlocked. Your HP and Spirit Force are now restored to full power, including Retsu's. This only applies when sleeping with the woman you love in the same bed. If not, the Fully Rested perk will not be applied. The host can now gain the full benefits of sleep. An upgraded version will be unlocked when sleeping with someone you love and are married to.]


Yun Che's eyes widened, impressed by how rejuvenated he felt despite his time in the forest. He could certainly get used to this. "We should get up. It's getting quite late."

Retsu snuggled closer to him, employing her puppy eyes. "Mouuu.... Can't we stay a bit longer? Please~~~"

He was tempted to give in, but resisting those eyes took considerable willpower. "You'll have plenty of time with me from now on."

"You two are so absorbed in each other that you're practically ignoring me." Xiao Lingxi sweatdropped at how affectionate these two were.

With a teasing look, Retsu decided to playfully tease her. "Ufuu... maybe Megu-chan wants to sleep together with the young master."

A blush instantly spread across Xiao Lingxi's face. She always slept beside her Little Che, but this man was not him. For the first time, she hesitated. "No, I don't. Muu... stop teasing."

"You can join in too, Little Aunt. You might experience the best sleep of your life." Yun Che joined Retsu in teasing his Little Aunt. If she accepted him, he wanted her to feel comfortable in his presence.

"Muu... you tease, pervert, rapist!!" Xiao Lingxi playfully protested.

"Rapist is a bit much! Anyway, it's getting late... Let's freshen up and maybe cook some breakfast." Yun Che just sweatdropped at the accusation while Retsu giggled.

"But it's nearly noon," Xiao Lingxi remarked, gazing out the window.

"No, it's not. It's only 9:05 or something. It's quite late," Yun Che stated, referring to the time displayed on his system HUD.

"It's 9:06, young master," Retsu corrected, also referencing her HUD. Unaware that it was Xiao Lingxi who had questioned them.

This left Xiao Lingxi perplexed. "How did you both determine the time just now?"

"We... well..." Yun Che realized he was referring to his system HUD, a concept not present in this world. "Don't tell me this world lacks methods for telling time? You don't have a clock in this world?"

"What is a clock?" Xiao Lingxi ask as if it was a new word.

Hearing her answer or question, he knew that he got the answer he needed but decided to ask the question anyway. "Then, how do you tell time in this world?"

"We can only discern morning, noon, dusk, night, or dawn." His aunt replied honestly, as the ancient way was the only way to measure time.

"It's a primitive world indeed. The study of time doesn't exist here beyond observing day conditions. Well, this planet is three times the size of Jupiter, but its rotation rate is similar to Earth's. Additionally, it takes 365 days to complete a year, so I can confidently say this is a super-sized Earth. The swift rotation is unusual for a massive planet, and the energy of heaven and earth probably shields its surface from complete destruction. Even its orbital speed around the sun is swift for a massive planet. I'm surprised the world hasn't met its end." Yun Che deduced unaware that his modernized language isn't easy for ancient humans like Xiao Lingxi can understand.

"Yuuki, I can hardly understand what you're talking about. You seem to possess a wealth of knowledge. I wonder how much information is stored in that mind of yours." Xiao Lingxi tilted her head in confusion.

"Neither do I, Megu-chan. Sometimes, I struggle to comprehend when he delves into topics that interest him." Retsu sweatdropped.

"Anyway, let's freshen up first and then have some breakfast. After that, I'll teach you how to tell time as done in my world. Trust me, it's a valuable skill." The man decided to teach his Little Aunt how to tell time in this world, hoping it might prove useful.

Both girls nodded and stepped outside to wait.


After freshening up, or rather taking a morning bath, Yuuki, also known as Yun Che, decided to help Retsu take care of her hair following her bath. Now that they were lovers, he was committed to maintaining Retsu's alluring beauty exclusively for himself. To accomplish this, he became her personal stylist and groomer. He enjoyed this role, as it allowed him to work on Retsu's hair, something he preferred over just staring at it.

Xiao Lingxi watched as he skillfully used his abilities to dry and recondition Retsu's hair, leaving it silky and smooth. Retsu seemed to revel in his touch, and it was clear that he was better at caring for her hair than she was herself. Xiao Lingxi, curious about the special treatment he was giving Retsu, reached out to touch her hair and was genuinely surprised.

Whether gathered into a delicate braid or flowing freely, her hair maintained its silky allure. Its texture invited touch, encouraging one to experience its softness and revel in the sensation of indulgence. Silky smooth hair served as a testament to nature's craftsmanship, a texture that stirred the senses and left an unforgettable memory of its exquisite touch.

"Incredible…" Xiao Lingxi exclaimed as she felt Retsu's hair, genuinely astonished.

"You're right, Megu-chan. Young master takes better care of my hair than I do myself," Retsu smiled, simultaneously running her fingers through her hair as if she couldn't stop touching her hair.

"Well, a woman's hair is the embodiment of her beauty. Taking care of it enhances one's appearance by at least 20%. Since Retsu's beauty is natural, she needs no makeup. Essentially, women aspire to be like her, and her hair simply accentuates her inherent beauty."

"Do you think... you could..." Xiao Lingxi twirled her finger, implying she wanted him to pamper her similarly.

"Of course I can... you'll be my future wife, right? And Retsu's future sister." Yun Che teased his Little Aunt.

"Muuu…." Xiao Lingxi blushed.

Then, Yun Che noticed something odd. Had something changed about his Little Aunt? She appeared somehow different. Last night, she had only reached his shoulder in height, but now she was nearly as tall as Retsu. Her figure had also developed significantly in the front and back. Her hair had grown, almost reaching her waist. Could it be that he was so unaccustomed to her appearance that he didn't notice the transformation? She had undergone a complete change, though she currently appeared a bit disheveled.

"By the way, Little Aunt? You look different. It's like you've grown taller since last night."

Xiao Lingxi looked all around and gave herself a twirl. "Really... I hadn't noticed..."

"Yes, Megu-chan. Even your face seems a bit different. You seem to have become even more beautiful compared to yesterday," Retsu observed.

"Could it be that the Heavenly God Spiritual Veins altered your appearance?" Yun Che pondered, having failed to recognize the extent of Xiao Lingxi's overnight transformation. She now exuded the aura of a mature woman, a far cry from her usual meek demeanor.

"I don't know. I didn't notice when I woke up. Some of the servants were giving me strange looks this morning, as if I were someone else. Could it be..." Xiao Lingxi speculated. Meanwhile, Yun Che quietly asked the system for more information, and a notification appeared.


[Ding.... The activated Heavenly God Spiritual Veins have somehow tapped into her dormant powers. Her body is undergoing a reawakening process. Please note that Heavenly God Spiritual Veins were common veins in the ancient realm of the gods. They likely served as the trigger for this awakening.]

[Xiao Lingxi's Awakening Process: 2%]

1) Spectrum Essence Insight – Completed (Activated at birth)

2) Heavenly God Spiritual Veins – Completed (Activated by the host.)


"What happens when she reaches 100%?" Yun Che asked internally.


[She will revert back to her original Ancestral God form. To reach 100%, she must complete a series of awakening conditions. Currently, 98 awakening conditions remain to be fulfilled.]

"Damn, the Heavenly God Spiritual Veins were one of the conditions? What else?"


[Ding.... The system currently lacks this information. Attaining the Realm of The Gods is necessary to initiate another update.]


Yun Che sighed, realizing that all he could do now was allow Xiao Lingxi's transformation to unfold naturally. The system only possessed information about the Blue Pole Star, and details about the Realms of The Gods were derived from the original novel. To access information about this world and beyond, he would need to achieve a divine level of senses, which was currently beyond his reach. Consequently, he lacked information about the remaining ninety-eight awakening conditions.

With 2% of her dormant powers awakened, Xiao Lingxi's body had matured to accommodate more of the awakening powers. It was as if her body had a mind of its own, gradually enhancing itself to become stronger. Presently, Xiao Lingxi appeared somewhat disheveled, as if the cleansing from the previous night had not completely removed all impurities. Her body was still continuously expelling them.

"Hmmm, why don't you take a bath? I'll help you freshen up afterward. You can use mine," Yun Che suggested, handing her a dry towel. Xiao Lingxi nodded, realizing she hadn't taken a bath that morning and deciding to do so now. She noticed that her smell was a bit rancid so she immediately took off to his bathroom.

As both he and Retsu took a closer look at her, Both were astonished. Overnight, Xiao Lingxi had transformed, seemingly triggered by the infusion of those veins.

Furthermore, his "Little Aunt" was no longer so little. She had experienced growth in certain areas of her body. Perhaps he shouldn't call her "Little Aunt" anymore, given the changes she had undergone.

Her beauty had instantaneously skyrocketed, much like what had happened to Xia Qingyue when he had infused those veins into her. The same was true for Retsu. While already a supreme beauty, the addition of those veins had elevated her to the embodiment of beauty itself. Yun Che began to question whether he had truly given them the Heavenly God Spiritual Veins or if it was something else altogether.


"Speaking of him…," Xiao Lie was about to continue, but the sound of footsteps entering the hall diverted his attention. Following the man's entrance, others followed suit. The top ten beauties were particularly entranced by his arrival. A handsome man walked into the hall, exuding confidence with his poised demeanor and well-groomed appearance. His chiseled features, expressive eyes, and neatly styled dark raven hair combined to emit an aura of charm and intrigue. Dressed in a perfectly tailored modern adventurer's outfit, and sporting an approachable smile, he emanated both physical appeal and charisma. It was evident that his presence held a captivating charm, especially for the women in the room.

Whispers, giggles, blushing, and hair-playing among the beauties indicated that he had truly captured their attention. Instantly, they formed a determination to make him their husband. Who wouldn't want a man like him?

Even Xiao Lie was impressed by the aura emanating from his grandson. It was as if he was a heavenly cultivator. His grandson's warm smile shone as he approached his grandfather, greeting him with casual familiarity. "Morning, gramps! Sorry, I needed my beauty sleep last night." He then turned his attention to the gathering of men in front of him. "Oh… we have a lot of guests… who are these guys?"

"Che'er, these are…" Xiao Lie began to introduce, but he was cut off as the mayor of the city moved forward. Annoyance flickered across Xiao Lie's face, having been shoved aside by the mayor's eagerness to address his grandson.

"Greetings, Emperor Xiao Che. I am Yuwen Tao. I am…" The mayor started to speak before Yun Che interrupted him, his tone flat and direct.

"The mayor, I noticed. Nice to meet you. What brings you here?" Yun Che spoke as if he was mocking him.

Yuwen Tuo was momentarily taken aback but quickly regained his composure. "Uh… I… well, let me get straight to the point. You're of marriageable age, correct?"

"Hmmm… I just turned eighteen a few days ago," Yun Che replied, anticipating the mayor's line of questioning.

Retsu is not going to like this.

"So, I assume a healthy young man like you is interested in finding a wife to settle down. A fine man like you surely wants to have many children, right?" Yuwen Tuo continued.

"Not really. I'm not sure about becoming a father at my age. I don't even have a proper job," Yun Che responded, his logic shaped by his experiences from his previous world. However, that logic went over the head of the excited mayor as excitement gleamed in Yuwen Tuo's eyes. "Then, I would like to recommend my…"

"No, Emperor. I recommend my…"

Other voices chimed in one after another. The hall became filled with old men recommending their daughters, extolling their virtues, talents, and beauty. Yun Che found himself less than impressed. He had come to find his grandfather, and these old men were turning the hall into a clamor.


The sharp sound of Yun Che's hands coming together echoed through the hall, silencing the chatter. He addressed the crowd with a flat tone, "I refuse."

The old men were taken aback by his response, but before they could react, Yun Che continued, "You all have exceptional daughters, but I have my own choices. Furthermore, I am already married to the former beauty, Xia Qingyue."

"Then, why not take them as concubines?" One of them shamelessly suggested. Yun Che flatly rejected the idea, firmly against the notion of having concubines. He was committed to the idea of having only wives, not mistresses or concubines.


"Mistresses?" Another voice ventured.

Growing increasingly frustrated, Yun Che exclaimed, "Hell no! Look, I'm already engaged to someone. I have to decline your lovely daughters. I'm sure there are other men they can consider…"

"No!" This time, the nine beauties stepped forward, each vying for Yun Che's attention.

"Please, dear emperor. I have perfect qualities as a good wife and I can bear you lots of children."

"I have multiple talents in arts. I can draw, sing and even dance. Surely you wanted performance in your wife's talent, right?"

They showcased their qualities and virtues, speaking over each other in an attempt to gain the upper hand. Before Yun Che could respond...

Another entrance caught his attention.

As the remarkable beauty entered the hall, time seemed to momentarily stand still. Her presence illuminated the room, capturing the attention of everyone present. The nine beauties from before clicked their tongues in acknowledgment. With flawless features, captivating eyes, and an enchanting smile, she moved gracefully, akin to a character from a storybook. Her attire perfectly complemented her beauty, and whispers of admiration fluttered through the air. It was clear that she was no ordinary guest – she was a living masterpiece, leaving an indelible impression on all who beheld her. As for Yuwen Tuo, a smile graced his lips, for this was the person he had been waiting for.

Meanwhile, Yun Che felt indifferent toward her. Her entrance didn't evoke any special reaction within him; she appeared to him like any other beauty in the room.

Approaching Yun Che, the stunning woman offered a respectful bow and spoke in a soft voice, "Xiao Che, it's been a while."

Yun Che tilted his head, confusion evident in his expression. "You are?" he questioned in a normal tone, devoid of affection or enthusiasm.

"I see why you don't remember me. Do you not recall? I'm the one you admired when we were children. I'm Yuwen Lin, Mayor Yuwen Tuo's daughter. It's been quite some time since then. I hope you understand my actions from back then and won't hold them against me." As she spoke, the room's occupants widened their eyes in realization. This was Yuwen Tuo's daughter, currently the number one beauty of Floating Cloud City after Xia Qingyue.

"Huh?" Yun Che's head tilted in confusion once more, and he inwardly mused, "Seriously, who is this lady?"



Name: Yuwen Lin

Age: 19 years old

Level: 11 (First Level Nascent Profound Realm)

Description: She is currently recognized as the top beauty of Floating Cloud City, following Xia Qingyue. She shares a history with the former Xiao Che, having known him since childhood. Her presence here suggests an intention to pursue marriage with you.

PS: This individual emits negative vibes.


"Bad vibes, huh?" Yun Che sweatdropped.

"My father was right from before. You wanted a strong wife to protect your family in the future, right? I have a good cultivation myself. Please consider me, Xiao Che. I am sure I am going to be a great wife to you." Yuwen Lin stood in front of him, showing a sincere expression of love. She bowed politely with a smile. "Please forgive me for what I did to you back then. I know I was harsh on you when we were little, and I utterly regretted it. At that time, I was only focusing on my cultivation. Now, I am ready to learn to love you."

"I have given her a harsh punishment for that time. Please forgive her and accept her, Lord Xiao," Yuwen Tuo spoke again.

The other beauties clicked their tongues, and one of them immediately spoke out, "Maybe Lord Xiao has moved on, Yuwen Lin. It was unforgivable for what you did to him. Maybe he needs someone who can shower him with love instead of wine."

"You…" Yuwen Lin flinched as one of the ladies mentioned that horrible memory.

Another one of the women chimed in again, "May I remind you that you even slapped him back then? I'm surprised he hasn't unleashed his wrath on you."

"She did?" Yun Che spoke, widening his eyes. It was hard for him to live without his previous self's old memories. Now, he just had to play like he remembered everything from back then. "Now that you mention it…"

Yuwen Lin's expression suddenly turned dreadful as the memory from back then resurfaced. If he didn't have any temperament, she might have ceased to exist right then or, worse, any of his previous affections for her would have been lost forever. "Lord Xiao, please… it was a spur of the moment. I didn't mean it. I liked you too, but I didn't mean to slap you back then. I only did so because I was embarrassed by your confession. Yes, that was it."

Yun Che was playing along, but Yuwen Lin's expression revealed more than he had anticipated. "Hmmm… Could it be that this girl did something bad to the original Yun Che?"

"These shameless ladies..." Yun Che sighed, recognizing the ulterior motives behind their pursuit. It was evident that these women were seeking more than his affection; they were practically offering themselves to him, and Yuwen Lin's presence only added to the confusion. Was she his former girlfriend or something? Regardless, Yun Che had his own choices and preferences.

"Look, I have my own choices and preferences. I refuse to marry someone I don't know and someone I don't love. So, I have to turn you all down." His words echoed in the hall, disappointment etched across the faces of the beauties. The surrounding disciples were astounded—he had just declined marriage proposals from all ten beauties of Floating Cloud City.

Yun Che then turned towards Yuwen Lin, her face initially brightening with hope, thinking he might have a different sentiment toward her. However, his next words shattered that optimism. "Including you."

Even as disappointment clouded Yuwen Lin's expression, she attempted to plead her case. "But, I... I am fond of you, Xiao Che. If there's anything I can do for you to forgive me for that time, I will do it."

Unmoved, Yun Che decided to change the narrative, hoping to put an end to this persistent pursuit. Maybe, just maybe, they would cease their advances if he played his cards right. He sensed the presence he had been waiting for approaching, and it was time to redirect the attention in the room.

At that moment, two enchanting figures entered the grand hall, a hush fell upon the guests. Their magnetic presence stole the breath of everyone present. The opulent surroundings seemed to dim in comparison to the radiant glow emanating from these extraordinary women. The top ten beauty titles became inconsequential in the face of such transcendent elegance, making onlookers feel a sense of inferiority. Whispers of admiration echoed through the hall, marking this moment as a rare convergence of unparalleled beauty.

Unohana Retsu made a graceful entrance into the Xiao Clan's main hall, adorned in Xiao Lingxi's mother's former martial dress. The garment, not originally crafted for her, seemed tailored by the spirits of elegance to harmonize with her regal presence.

Her ebony and silver hair, intricately braided to the front, framed her face like a crown of midnight blossoms. Each plait and hairpin added sophistication, swaying gently with her fluid steps. The dress gracefully traced the contours of her slender yet powerful figure, enhancing both strength and grace.

Retsu's eyes, pools of wisdom and mystery, gleamed beneath her hair, reflecting the experiences of a soul that had witnessed the tranquility and chaos of countless worlds. Despite battles and hardships, her gaze carried serene wisdom. Her face, a canvas of timeless beauty, bore features that seemed to defy the conventional boundaries of age. The smoothness of her skin radiated a natural glow, untouched by the passage of time. Delicate lines at the corners of her eyes hinted at the countless smiles she had shared, while the arch of her brows conveyed a quiet strength and resilience.

The martial dress accentuated both her elegant body shape and the seamless blend of strength and grace. Its embroidered patterns told tales of battles and victories from a distant past. As she walked, every eye turned toward her, captivated by the unexpected beauty that unfolded. Unohana Retsu, a serene and formidable figure, chose to wear the echoes of another's legacy, blending the histories of two worlds into a seamless dance of elegance and strength.

Following closely behind was Xiao Lingxi, and a collective gasp swept through the hall as the guests were met with a sight that surpassed all expectations. Draped in the ethereal elegance of her late mother's gown, Xiao Lingxi stepped into the spotlight with a newfound confidence that demanded attention. The dress, once a relic of the past, now clung to her transformed form, accentuating the contours of her blossoming beauty.

Waist-long black hair, a cascade of glossy ebony, framed her face, adding an air of mystery to her already mesmerizing presence. Xiao Lingxi's eyes, once filled with a quiet innocence, now sparkled with a self-assured glint that hinted at the woman she had become.

The room, already captivated by the earlier entrance of Unohana Retsu, found itself doubly enchanted as Xiao Lingxi unveiled a beauty that transcended her previous self. Whispers of awe rippled through the hall, and even her father, accustomed to the sweet, meek Xiao Lingxi of the past, couldn't conceal his shock. The transformation was more than physical; it was a testament to Lingxi's newfound strength and confidence.

"We're sorry, young master. We needed some time to get used to his new dress. The area around the chest is a bit tight," Retsu spoke with a soothing tone that melted the men in the hall.

"Muu, I never knew my late mother's dress was this tight. Then again, this dress was her favorite back then," Xiao Lingxi remarked as she donned the dress given to her by her father. At that time, she wasn't sure if she could wear it just yet, but now it fit perfectly on her new body, as if the dress were tailored to suit her.

"Xi'er. This is...." Xiao Lie, her father, stood frozen in the midst of the main hall, his eyes widening in sheer astonishment. He had been unaware of the breakthrough his daughter had undergone, and the sight before him left him utterly flabbergasted. It was as if Xiao Lingxi had transformed into a beauty on par with Xia Qingyue herself.

The changes were seemingly instant, and he couldn't help but doubt whether this ethereal beauty was truly his daughter. Her body shape had undergone a remarkable transformation, accentuating her curves and giving her an allure that surpassed any expectations. Even her hair, once of moderate length, now cascaded down her back in a lustrous waterfall.

Xiao Lie's shock was palpable, and for a moment, he questioned if he was in the presence of an otherworldly being. His gaze remained fixed on Xiao Lingxi, struggling to reconcile the radiant woman before him with the image of his daughter that he had carried in his mind for years. The sudden and profound change left him momentarily speechless, and the hall itself seemed to hold its breath, captivated by the remarkable transformation of Xiao Lingxi.

The disciples in the hall widened their eyes, captivated by the newfound beauty before them. Some of them felt a pang of regret for how they had treated Xiao Lingxi in the past. The allure of the martial dress and the transformation of Xiao Lingxi's demeanor left an indelible impression on everyone present.

"Right on time my dears." With a confident smile, Yun Che watched as the two important women in his life, Unohana Retsu and Xiao Lingxi, made their grand entrance into the hall. Their mere presence was enough to alleviate any concerns or pressures he might have faced from the persistent inquiries about marriage.

"I'm already engaged to both of them," Yun Che declared with a subtle smirk, his words resonating like a melodic refusal that echoed through the hall. The announcement sent a ripple of realization among the gathered beauties, sinking in as an acknowledgement of the unspoken bonds he shared with Retsu and Xiao Lingxi.

It was a powerful statement, one that effectively closed the door on any lingering suitors' hopes. The defeated glances and subtle gestures of resignation from the other beauties were palpable, acknowledging the futility of their advances against such formidable competition.

At that moment, Yun Che's words were not just a rejection; they were a proclamation of commitment, a declaration that his heart belonged to these two extraordinary women. The air in the hall shifted, and the lingering tension surrounding Yun Che's romantic entanglements dissipated, replaced by a newfound understanding that left no room for further speculation or interference.

As Yuwen Lin observed the entrance of Unohana Retsu and Xiao Lingxi, a subtle sense of inferiority crept over her. The radiant charm and confidence they exuded overshadowed her own presence, making her top-ten beauty title seem inconsequential. The collective gaze of the room shifted seamlessly to the new arrivals, leaving Yuwen Lin with a palpable awareness of being eclipsed. The pride she had taken in her accomplishments now felt insignificant in comparison to the timeless elegance and newfound confidence displayed by Retsu and Xiao Lingxi. In that moment, Yuwen Lin grappled with an unfamiliar sense of inadequacy, realizing that true beauty encompassed more than external appearances—it was a combination of grace, strength, and an intangible allure that transcended titles and rankings.

"However, if you can even withstand her aura, then I'll consider your offers," Yun Che spoke, referring to Retsu, who was quite confused at the moment. The old men from before suddenly had high hopes. Yuwen Lin probably had an aura lower than a Nascent Profound Realm since the highest in this city was just at the Spirit Profound Realm. They could easily match her aura and prove that strength was more than just beauty.

Yuwen Lin's eyes brightened again. These girls probably had a cultivation lower than hers. If she could withstand Retsu's aura, it meant she still had a fighting chance to show that brawn was better than beauty. If she pulled this off, Xiao Che would surely look at her again.

Yun Che walked towards Retsu, whispering, "Retsu, use your suppression on them. Just don't go overboard."

"Um… I don't really understand what's going on," Retsu said, confused.

"They're offering their daughters to be my concubines and mistresses. Their daughters are now competing to show me who's the best among themselves. I've refused, and they keep pressuring me. Why don't you show them why you're my main girl?" Yun Che spoke quietly. Xiao Lingxi quietly grabbed his arm; she refused to let her Little Che be swayed by these so-called beauties, or more like harlots. She knew them quite well.

Especially that Yuwen Lin.

Xiao Lingxi remembered well what Yuwen Lin had done to her former Little Che that night. The night that changed him until the day he died. These beauties were present during the gathering of the elites organized by the former clan leader. Xiao Lingxi remembered how her father was treated as if he didn't exist by these men. She also recalled how haughty these beauties were; some of them treated her like a servant or an attendant. Now, these same beauties wanted to be her Little Yuuki's wives and concubines? Over her dead body.

Retsu smiled and nodded. So, they were here to marry their daughters to him, without her approval? "Ara~~~ That won't do. Then, I'll show them my stance in this hall." Retsu smiled brightly and followed Yun Che's instructions. She made sure not to suppress the innocent ones, like his grandfather or Xiao Lingxi. She activated her 'Suppression Aura' skill to show these men and harlots who was the main girl. Since she could suppress two big realms above her, she matched her aura with her current level.

"This… Pressure…" The pressurized aura enveloped the entire hall, raining down on the old men and the beauties, causing them to fall as if they were carrying heavy weights on their shoulders. The absolute beauty who had entered the hall released a pressure so devastating that it cracked the surrounding area with her presence alone. The flowery ambiance had been replaced by an eerie aura of damnation. She smiled sweetly, standing tall, but behind that smile lurked the demeanor of a demon. It lasted only a few seconds, and she released them, causing everyone to kneel in fear on the ground.

Moreover, the woman's aura was comparable to a Spirit Profound Realm cultivator's. She appeared to be the same age as Xiao Che. Who was this woman?

Seeing all the top names kneeling on the ground, Yun Che thanked them for coming and ushered them out. "So, thank you all for coming."

Xiao Lie decided to kick the fallen family heads while they are down. "Brothers, we can discuss business on other days when you're free. Unless you want to discuss directly with my grandson."

"Yes, Brother Lie. We better get going. Thank you for having us." The fallen men who was now full of fear decided to leave this place as soon as possible. Now, another one of those dreadul demons appeared. They thought they had to deal only with Xiao Che but now, this demonic beauty.

"Gramps! Be sure to reject any marriage proposals, or we'll have another pressure wave incoming." Yun Che grins again.

Yuwen Lin struggled to stand up slowly, only to fall down again. In the end, she stood up with the help of her father. She took one last look towards Yun Che. "Xiao Che…"

He noticed her gaze, as if she were asking for a final chance. However, he didn't owe this woman anything, and he didn't even know her. He smiled and spoke, "I don't know what happened between us back then, but I'm sorry; I've made my choice. Consider this an act of mercy for what you did back then."

Then, he turned towards Retsu and Xiao Lingxi and thanked them. As Yuwen Lin was escorted by her father and guards, she took one last look at him. Tears slowly fell from her cheeks. "He didn't even look back," she murmured softly.

It seemed that her attempts to win him over were, in fact, nothing more than a fool's dream.

"Young master, they are quite rude, trying to marry you under my nose." Retsu huffed, and Yun Che nodded in agreement. He was relieved that Retsu had held back from harming them too severely.

"Indeed, those women wanted to marry my Little Yu… Che… Uh, thank goodness you stopped them, especially that Yuwen Lin," Xiao Lingxi chimed in.

"Right? I came for breakfast only to be dragged into a marriage interview. I mean, I already have two future wives. Both of you are more beautiful than swans and fairies, especially in those outfits. I admit I couldn't help but admire you both," Yun Che blushed, rubbing the back of his head.

"Ehee. Young master, you're so sweet," Retsu giggled, linking her arm with his.

"By the way, Megu-chan, it seems you have some history with her," Yun Che asked, noticing Xiao Lingxi's somewhat sinister expression when she looked at Yuwen Lin.

Xiao Lingxi took a moment to calm herself before explaining, "Well, Little Che had a crush on Yuwen Tuo's daughter, Yuwen Lin. He was pretty straightforward about it and confessed his feelings to her in front of everyone at a gathering."

"And let me guess, it didn't go well?" Yun Che guessed, understanding the usual pattern in such stories.

"Hnn… She slapped him and even splashed wine on his face. Little Che was embarrassed and humiliated, laughed at by the entire hall. Even those so-called beauties were laughing and making fun of him. Those same girls were here just now and were also there that night, laughing at him and calling him a toad chasing after a swan. I remember he locked himself in his room afterward and refused to come out. I couldn't even coax him out," Xiao Lingxi continued, her tone tinged with both sympathy and indignation.

"Then, he tried to see Yuwen Lin again, only to find her being embraced by some man. Little Che was devastated when he returned, and he cried the entire night," she continued.

Yun Che suddenly fell silent, his thoughts whirling. "My man got 'NTR'ed? What the hell is this?" he thought inwardly, his annoyance apparent.

"Maybe I should pulverize that woman." Retsu spoke with a visible annoyance in her smile.

Seeing Retsu's killing intent flare up, he gently held her shoulders to reassure her. "Nah… you don't have to worry about her, Retsu. She was Xiao Che's crush, not mine. I don't even know her. Seeing her rejected expression just now was a bit satisfying, though." He admits, it felt somehow good. Like watching or reading a version where cheaters get their karmic justice.

"It was sad for Little Che, but you showed that girl that Little Che's heart isn't as fragile as it seemed," Xiao Lingxi added, her smile returning. She didn't know what she might have done if Yun Che had been serious about Yuwen Lin. She felt a deep desire to protect him from heartache.

"Well, well, son-in-law. It seems someone has changed over the last year," an old voice interjected, drawing the attention of those present. Yun Che and Xiao Lingxi recognized the speaker immediately: it was Xia Hongyi, Yun Che's father-in-law.

"Xia Hongyi," Xiao Lingxi murmured, and Yun Che greeted him as well, "Uncle Xia?"

Xia Hongyi corrected him, "Xiao Che, you know you should call me 'father-in-law' now."

"Nah, I'm used to calling you 'Uncle Xia.' I've also changed my surname to Yun. But what brings you here?" Yun Che replied, his refusal to call Xia Hongyi 'father-in-law' evident in his tone.

"I'm here to visit my son-in-law, the one who seems to have stirred up trouble again. Is it not appropriate for me to visit you?" Xia Hongyi explained his reason.

"It's not a problem, but I'm fine with it. By the way, this is Unohana Retsu. She's my fiancée from my training zone," Yun Che introduced Retsu to Xia Hongyi.

"Unohana Retsu, desu. Pleased to meet you, Xia-san," Retsu bowed politely.

"It's nice to meet you, Lady Unohana. I've heard that Little Lingxi is also your fiancée now," Xia Hongyi replied, also bowing in acknowledgment. Yun Che found it amusing how Xia Hongyi showed no special reaction to Retsu's divine beauty. Well, it was because his family was indeed surrounded by beautiful women, apparently his wife and daughter.

"And this…" Xia Hongyi's gaze shifted to Xiao Lingxi. "Don't tell me you've become engaged again?"

Yun Che corrected him, realizing that he didn't recognize Xiao Lingxi's altered appearance. "Actually, this is my Little Aunt, Xiao Lingxi."

The father-in-law was momentarily speechless. Xiao Lingxi, who used to have a timid appearance, had transformed into someone more captivating, almost on par with his own daughter. "You look different from how you usually do."

"I had a cultivation breakthrough last night," Xiao Lingxi explained vaguely, not delving into details.

"What kind of breakthrough could change you so dramatically?" Xia Hongyi's curiosity was piqued.

"We've asked her, but she doesn't know the details either," Yun Che chimed in, sharing his curiosity about her sudden change. Ultimately, they decided to move on and change the topic. "By the way, I was adopted by the Xiao Clan. I thought you knew?"

"It seems you've discovered your heritage," Xia Hongyi smiled, acknowledging that Yun Che now knew the truth that had been hidden only from him and Xiao Lie.

"Part of it," Yun Che replied, realizing that his knowledge matched the information he had obtained from the system and his grandfather.

"I see. Can we talk somewhere private?" This intrigued Yun Che, who could guess the topic of conversation.

"Can my Little Aunt and Retsu come along?" Yun Che requested, wanting both Retsu and Xiao Lingxi to be present for the discussion.

"But Xiao Che, this involves Qingyue… I…" Xia Hongyi hesitated, unsure about having Retsu or Xiao Lingxi present.

"These girls will be her sisters someday. Xiao Lingxi is her only friend, and Retsu should also be informed. Trust me, Qingyue needs more support than she's getting, whatever you're going to tell me. If you don't let Retsu join us, she'll just eavesdrop on our conversation later. She's impressively stealthy, you might not even notice she's there," Yun Che explained his reasons, persuading Xia Hongyi to relent.

Xia Hongyi was left speechless but eventually agreed to the arrangement. Yun Che patted his father-in-law's back and escorted him out of the hall. "Just trust me, Uncle Xia. Join us for breakfast in my private courtyard. We can talk there. Grandfather is busy with other guests and might not be able to join us."

Arriving at his courtyard's entrance, Yun Che led him inside and indicated a small pagoda by a makeshift lake. "Uncle Xia, you can wait here while I prepare breakfast for the four of us."

"A cultivator and a chef, quite a capable son-in-law I have," Xia Hongyi commented with a smile before heading to the pagoda.

"Yuu… I mean, Little Che… you can cook?" Xiao Lingxi asked in astonishment after Xia Hongyi left. She never knew that this new Little Che was actually a chef as well.

"I've always been a chef. One of the best," Yun Che responded, revealing another facet of his former self from his previous world.

"He's right, Megu… I mean, Aunt Lingxi. I became his apprentice and sous chef as part of my preparation for becoming his wife. I'm still a novice, though," Retsu added, acknowledging her culinary skills were still developing.

"Sous chef?" Xiao Lingxi queried, unfamiliar with the term.

"An assistant cook. And she's more like a culinary prodigy. She mastered all the master chef techniques just by observing them once, a process that took me years to accomplish back then. She learned all the spices, ingredients, and techniques from the manual I gave her. While she's still developing her techniques and recipes, it won't take her long to catch up. Trust me, Little Aunt. Retsu is a culinary genius," Yun Che praised Retsu, impressed by her cooking abilities. With Retsu's natural talent, they could both master the Divine Cooking Manual together and revolutionize modern cooking. The countless recipes stored in his memory were ready to be shared with her.

Retsu blushed at Yun Che's compliment. "Young master, you're embarrassing me. But your dishes are delicious. I especially loved your curry rice. It was so good I almost fainted just from the taste."

"Though it was more like a foodgasm," Yun Che recalled, amused by the memory of her moaning in ecstasy after tasting his cooking.

"Sniff… sniff…" Xiao Lingxi's expression changed suddenly, and she began to cry, as if a precious memory had been triggered.

"Megu-chan?" Retsu asked with concern, hugging Xiao Lingxi gently to console her.

It took a moment for Xiao Lingxi to compose herself before she began, "Little Che used to be a cook as well. Since he couldn't cultivate, he immersed himself in cooking. He worked hard to improve, but he was often beaten by the servants and chefs for messing with the kitchen ingredients. He was even banned from the kitchen, but that didn't deter him."

"He must have been a good cook, undoubtedly," Yun Che said, a fond smile on his face, reminded of a certain anime character.

Xiao Lingxi continued to share stories of the original Yun Che's cooking endeavors as they made their way to the kitchen. However, the story's ending wasn't as happy as Yun Che had hoped. "One day, he just stopped cooking. He returned home badly beaten and reeking of urine. He had lost his precious cooking knife and all his ingredients. After that incident, he never cooked again until the day he passed away. Sigh… I wish there was something I could have done to help him."

Both Yun Che and Retsu were rendered speechless. The original Yun Che had endured physical abuse and humiliation to pursue his passion for cooking. To be beaten and humiliated to such an extent, even peeing on him... If he had his hands on those bullies, they would regret ever laying a finger on him.

"To see you cook again is like having Little Che back, even if just for a moment. Thank you for bringing back his presence," Xiao Lingxi smiled, her eyes glistening with emotions.

"I am him, just not…" Yun Che began, but Xiao Lingxi finished his sentence, "The Little Che I knew, right? You are still him, Yuuki."

Arriving at the kitchen, the servants respectfully made way for him. Seeing the array of ingredients and materials, Yun Che decided to demonstrate the cooking skills of Chef Yuuki. "Well, let's put an end to the story of Chef Xiao Che and showcase the skills of Chef Yuuki. Have you ever tried pancakes?"

"What are these pancakes?" Xiao Lingxi asked, intrigued, as she had never heard of the dish before.

"You're about to find out. Retsu, let's get the kitchen sizzling and prepare the best breakfast for Little Aunt and Uncle Xia," Yun Che said, his enthusiasm evident as he and Retsu set the kitchen in motion.

"Hai~~~~" Retsu replied with excitement, a happy smile on her face as she joined him. Xiao Lingxi watched with joy as her Yuuki and her new sister worked together in the kitchen. This Yun Che might be different, but he was gradually becoming the man she had fallen in love with.


"Che'er… what's all this?" Xia Hongyi asked in bewilderment, gazing at the tower of pancakes that had been prepared for breakfast. Unaware of his son-in-law and fiancée's voracious appetites, he was taken aback by the sheer quantity of food before him.

"Pancakes," Yun Che grinned, introducing them to the pancakes from his original world.

Xiao Lingxi was astonished by how seamlessly the two of them worked together in the kitchen. Retsu, who had never prepared such a delicacy before, was in charge of preparing the ingredients. The spectacle of their teamwork caught the attention of some of the Xiao Clan's chefs, who were equally amazed by the speed and skill with which they operated. They had never expected the captivating beauty to possess culinary expertise. As they worked, Retsu quickly learned the recipe and began working alongside Yun Che, effectively doubling their pancake production.

Initially, Yun Che faced challenges in preparing a significant amount of pancakes, as this world lacked the concept of producing flour or baking powder. Thankfully, the System Creation Mode allowed him to effortlessly create anything, provided he possessed the necessary materials and knew the proper methods. He used this feature to craft flour, baking powder, and butter, even producing sugar, powdered sugar, and syrup for toppings. The clan's kitchen provided the remaining ingredients. After teaching Retsu the recipe, their teamwork led to a remarkably efficient cooking process. Since both Yun Che and Retsu had appetites beyond the norm, they prepared extra portions.

Knowing that Jasmine demanded each new dish, he also prepared some for her, sending them to her in the inner world through his inventory. This way, she could enjoy the pancakes and stop pestering him. To express gratitude to the servants and chefs for allowing them to use the kitchen, he also made pancakes for them. As for beverages, he steamed milk to create the base ingredient and then utilized the System Creation Mode to obtain coffee beans, which he transformed into espresso coffee.

Presenting the spread to Xia Hongyi, Yun Che plated the pancakes and added mouth-watering toppings that captivated Xia Hongyi and Xia Qingyue's appetites. Retsu, too, found her stomach rumbling at the sight of the delectable pancakes.

"This…" Xia Hongyi was astounded, his hands moving faster than his thoughts as he eagerly consumed the pancakes.

"Oishii~~!" Retsu squealed in delight, devouring the pancakes with an enthusiasm that amazed even Yun Che. He had been concerned that preparing nearly 300 pancakes might be excessive, but her voracious appetite proved him wrong.

"These are so delicious," Xiao Lingxi agreed as she relished the pancakes with their delectable toppings. The pancakes, fluffy and soft, slightly crisp on the edges yet tender inside, were enhanced by the sweetness and warmth of the syrup and the smooth richness of the butter.

"I'm glad you all enjoyed them," Yun Che grinned, joining them in savoring the meal. Then, he displayed another culinary skill, pouring three large cups of espresso.

"And for beverages, enjoy my specially crafted Caffè Latte," Yun Che spoke with enthusiasm, inadvertently using terms from his original world. He then used steamed milk to create intricate patterns as he poured it into the espresso, forming delicate flower designs.

"Caffè Latte?" Xia Hongyi, Xiao Lingxi, and even Retsu tilted their heads in confusion. Xiao Lingxi hesitated at first, worried she might ruin the delicate design, but ultimately took a sip.

Their expressions remained perplexed. The Caffè Latte combined robust espresso with smooth, steamed milk, resulting in a balanced and comforting flavor. The coffee's boldness was complemented by the creaminess of the milk, producing a cozy and satisfying taste that was both robust and mild.

"This is so delicious!" Xiao Lingxi exclaimed after sipping the latte, clearly enjoying the new experience.

"Umai~~~~, hey, young master! How did you make this? Please teach me!"" Retsu's excitement was palpable, as she had never encountered a beverage so delightful.

"Che'er… how do you know all of this?" Xia Hongyi was genuinely puzzled by Yun Che's ability to create such simple yet delicious offerings.

"I'm a cook, after all," Yun Che's grin grew wider as he acknowledged that his culinary knowledge surpassed that of even a high-level chef. Seeing the joy his cooking brought to both of his fiancées made him feel fortunate to have them in his life.

"Sigh, it's a shame Qingyue isn't here to taste this," Xia Hongyi thought privately, savoring the rest of their breakfast.


After enjoying their meal, Yun Che nodded at Retsu, and she responded by raising a small mute barrier around them. This barrier ensured that any words spoken within it wouldn't be heard outside, allowing for a private conversation.

"Amazing, so this is your capability now?" Xia Hongyi marveled at the mute barrier's effectiveness. Xiao Lingxi shared his astonishment.

"It's a bit more than that," Yun Che replied with a hint of a smile, implying that his abilities surpassed what they had just witnessed.

"Che'er, are you really a cultivator at the Emperor Profound Realm?" Xia Hongyi questioned, his disbelief stemming from the strength Yun Che had displayed, making him seem like the city's Emperor. He recollected how people had treated him with respect due to his connection to Yun Che, with some even offering gifts to curry favor. He admitted that he had never experienced such an influx of friends before, all thanks to his son-in-law's status.

"No, I'm far from that level. I'm probably around the Peak Spirit Profound Realm, though my capabilities might match a peak Sky Profound Realm cultivator when I go all out. Retsu, on the other hand, recently broke through to the First Level of the Spirit Profound Realm," Yun Che clarified, downplaying his true strength.

"…" Xia Hongyi was taken aback, as was Xiao Lingxi. They both struggled to reconcile Yun Che's statement with the power he had displayed—such as pulverizing a mountain peak.

"But isn't your strength closer to that of an Emperor Profound Realm? You shattered a mountain peak," Xiao Lingxi argued, finding it hard to accept that Yun Che's power was only at the level he claimed.

"While I'm not quite at the level of an Emperor Profound Realm, I do have my ways," Yun Che evaded further explanation, avoiding revealing the source of his overwhelming strength.

"Then, I have no regrets marrying Qingyue to you," Xia Hongyi grinned, taking another sip of the latte Yun Che had prepared.

"Now, onto our main topic. What did you want to discuss in private?" Yun Che changed the subject to their main agenda.

"Che'er, I understand that your marriage seemed sudden a year ago, and I know that Qingyue wasn't too thrilled about it. However, she complied with my wish to have you two married. It was a promise I made with your father before," Xia Hongyi recalled the pact he had with Yun Che's adoptive father, agreeing to marry their firstborns if they were of opposite genders. He explained that it was a way to repay the debt he owed Yun Che's father for saving Xia Qingyue's life.

Yun Che nodded in understanding. "I have an idea about that. Grandfather shared some details about my past with me. I'm sure my adoptive father and you had your reasons. It's just that being thrust into a marriage like that wasn't the most enjoyable experience."

"Please don't hold it against my daughter. She cultivates for a reason," Xia Hongyi's voice paused briefly, and then he continued, making sure the recipients of his revelation could bear the weight of it. "Everyone, what I'm about to disclose has been a secret I've carried for a long time."

Everyone fell silent as Xia Hongyi began, "Qingyue wished to bring her mother back. Years ago, her mother regained her memories and chose to leave us. She believed it was to protect us and entrusted Qingyue and Yuanba to me when Qingyue was just a child. I remember the tears Qingyue shed as she watched her mother ascend, knowing she'd never return."

Continuing with a heavy heart, Xia Hongyi said, "I waited for her return for years, but over time, Qingyue became more and more distant. She transformed into the opposite of what I had hoped for. After her mother's departure, Qingyue changed, dedicating herself to doing whatever it took to bring her mother back. As a mere human, I was powerless to stop her, despite my pleas and begging. I searched for her for many years, and I understood that ascending to higher realms meant only one thing."

"A Divine cultivator," Yun Che interjected, causing all eyes to turn toward him.

"What..." Xia Hongyi was utterly shocked. A Divine cultivator? This meant that Yun Che was aware of such a place. The spark of hope within him reignited.

"Divine Cultivators?" Both Xiao Lingxi and Retsu asked in unison. "What are they?"

"It refers to cultivators who have surpassed the Sovereign Profound Realm and entered the realm of the Divines. There are higher levels beyond our plane of existence. These cultivators can be considered demi-gods, as they possess the power to create and destroy worlds at will. Their perception extends across numerous realms. Once they surpass the peak of the mortal realm, they can ascend to the realm of immortals and uncover the world's secrets," Yun Che explained, his knowledge transcending the ordinary.

Divine cultivators—a level above Sovereign Profound Realm, where one could create and destroy worlds at will. Such individuals could be considered half-gods, their senses extending across multiple worlds. Yun Che's knowledge about this elevated realm startled them all.

"I've always known about these concepts. It was my goal to become a divine cultivator and ascend to the heavens. I didn't arrive here without a purpose. While I lack certain elements at the moment, I'll eventually attain them," Yun Che provided the safest response.

"Do you know where my wife is from?" Xia Hongyi asked with renewed hope. "The Realm of the Gods." Yun Che relayed the words that shocks even all of them including Retsu. Even the name cause them to widen their eyes in disbelief. It was a realm where gods dwell. Xia Qingyue's mother is from such a place?

"The Realm of the Gods? What is that?" Xiao Lingxi inquired, her voice tinged with unfamiliarity regarding the concept.

Yun Che took a deep breath, preparing to explain this intricate matter. "It's a realm beyond the mortal plane of existence, a place containing countless worlds within this dimension." His tone held a depth of knowledge that went beyond the ordinary. "It's a realm where individuals can reshape and obliterate worlds with a mere gesture. Those who surpass the peak of the mortal realm can ascend to the realm of the immortals, gaining insight into the mysteries of the universe."

Xiao Lingxi's expression showed her intrigue. "A plane of existence above the mortal realm? A realm containing countless worlds within it? A place where individuals possess the power to reshape reality itself?" Yun Che continued, revealing his understanding. "Our star would be but a speck in that vastness."

Xiao Lingxi was genuinely puzzled and asked, "Che'er… How do you know all this?" She was aware that Yun Che had revealed his origins in a parallel world the previous night, but now he was sharing knowledge of these elevated realms, making him seem like an enigma with a wealth of incredible information.

Looking at Xiao Lingxi, Yun Che sensed her concerns and quickly addressed them. "It's not what you think, Little Aunt." He then turned to answer Xia Hongyi's questions. "Let's just say I know things beyond the level of a mortal, so let's keep it at that."

Xia Hongyi, his curiosity piqued and excitement evident, posed a barrage of questions, eager to explore possibilities and find a way to bring his wife back.

Yun Che swiftly tempered his enthusiasm, cautioning, "Woah, calm down, Uncle Xia." His words acted like a fire extinguisher, dampening the hope of easily reuniting with his wife. "Someone weaker can never survive in that Realm, myself included." Yun Che knew the realm's dangers and that Xia Hongyi's adversary held a vendetta against him. Entering that realm would undoubtedly expose him to severe risks.

Xia Hongyi's initial excitement turned to disappointment, his face slumping into a dejected expression. He realized the harsh reality – that reuniting with his wife was a distant dream, fraught with peril.

"You're right," Xia Hongyi admitted, his voice tinged with resignation. "I could never hope to see her again." His tone held a sense of helplessness, of acceptance of the truth. "I just don't want to see Qingyue lose her smile because of her absence, or lose her time in this world to cultivation. You have every right to hate her if she's cold towards you. If her mother is somewhere up there, I just hope I could see her one last time before I die, even if I have to beg and grovel before her."

Hearing his words, Yun Che gently assured, "I don't know if I hate her, Uncle Xia." He explained that he had sent her away to focus on her cultivation a year ago and was unaware of her circumstances since. "As for her mother, I am not strong enough to enter the God's realm just yet." Yun Che acknowledged his limitations, adding, "When I am, we'll bring Qingyue there and we'll bring her mother back. I hope I'll be able to reunite you and your family, even if only for a short while."

Xia Hongyi, perplexed, asked, "We?" He sought clarification on this 'we' Yun Che mentioned.

With a confident smile, Yun Che responded, "Who else would I go with? Retsu and my Little Aunt. One day, we'll ascend into the Realm of the Gods and rescue Qingyue's mother together, alongside Qingyue."

Xia Hongyi's heart was both touched and reassured. "Eh? Me? Little Che, it's a little too much for me," Xiao Lingxi denied in disbelief, surprised at the prospect of such a grand undertaking. While she had transformed overnight, it was still hard to believe she was ready for such a monumental quest.

Retsu, on the other hand, responded to the idea with enthusiasm. "It might be fun, young master. How strong will I become if I ascend to the realm of the divines?" Her excitement overshadowed any reservations she might have had.

Yun Che reinforced their determination, "Right? Imagine surpassing the Peak Sovereign Profound Realm and entering the Divine Profound Realm. The possibilities will be endless."

Seeing their eagerness, Xiao Lingxi sighed playfully, her skepticism giving way to optimism. "You two… I'll cultivate as much as I can to catch up to your levels." She considered the idea of achieving the Divine Profound Realm and wondered if it was possible.

Yun Che comforted her with a reassuring touch on her shoulder. "Don't worry, Little Aunt. I'll provide you with everything you need." His confidence radiated as he spoke. "You just need to let your new body do the work. With luck, you might reach that level in a few years."

Skeptical but hopeful, Xiao Lingxi mused on the possibilities. Then, unexpectedly, Xia Hongyi's voice broke the silence, drawing their attention.

"All of you, you don't know how much it means to me to hear that," Xia Hongyi began emotionally. "One day, our family will be together again, and my wish will be granted." He expressed his gratitude for their ambition and hope. "I can only hope I can live to see it."

Touched by his sentiment, Yun Che nodded empathetically. "I understand, Uncle Xia." He sensed that Xia Hongyi had unburdened himself by entrusting them with his mission.

Then, Yun Che inquired, "What are your plans now?" He encouraged him to shape his life in light of this newfound knowledge.

Xia Hongyi's face lit up as he shared, "Yuanba has started cultivating in the New Moon Profound Palace." He recounted how he had utilized his connections with the Vice Palace Chief to facilitate Yuanba's training. "He said he wants to become as strong as you, and he even dresses like you now." A chuckle escaped Yun Che at the image of Yuanba emulating him as a Shinigami.

"As for me, I think I will travel to the capital and join the Black Moon Merchant Guild as a merchant." Xia Hongyi continued, a sense of determination in his voice. "I am relieved knowing that my wife is alive somewhere among the stars." He confessed his plans, demonstrating a newfound sense of purpose. Maybe he can gaze on them as he might knew his wife might gaze back.

Xia Hongyi's gaze turned serious as he leaned forward and addressed Yun Che directly. "Promise me this, my son-in-law: protect Qingyue with all your life." His tone carried a weight of urgency and trust. "You too, Lingxi and Lady Retsu." He extended his plea to Xiao Lingxi and Retsu, recognizing their significance in Xia Qingyue's life. "To think that Qingyue has friends who care for her is indeed a blessing. She never had friends or someone to talk to. Please guide her until the very end."

With a deep sense of respect, Xia Hongyi bowed before them. "I entrust her to all of you, as I have entrusted you with this secret." His demeanor exuded a blend of hope, gratitude, and determination. He had placed his faith in them, believing that their combined strength and friendship would lead his family to a brighter future.


[Ding… Xia Qingyue Spouse Quest Triggered…]

Quest: Reuniting the Xia Family

Objective: Bring Xia Qingyue to the Realm of the Gods and rescue her mother by any means necessary. Reunite the whole Xia Family together.

Recommended Level: 150


1) Xia Qingyue must be a party member.

2) (Optional) Xia Yuanba can be added as a party member.

3) Ensure the safe return of Xia Qingyue's mother. (ALIVE ONLY)

Rewards: ???

Experience Points (XP): ???

System Points (SP): ???

Time Limit: 20 years


1) For Mother: Reunite Xia Qingyue with her long-lost mother.

2) For Family: Successfully reunite all members of the Xia family.

3) ??? (Hidden Achievement)

System Note: This quest is a significant challenge, requiring you to navigate the perilous Realm of the Gods and reunite Xia Qingyue with her mother. Optionally, having Xia Yuanba in your party can offer extra assistance. The rewards and achievements for this quest remain undisclosed until accomplished. Approach with determination and caution, hoping for heavenly favor on your journey.


"There's a time limit? Damn… 20 years to achieve Max Level Divine Profound Realm is quite a stretch. Then again, it's not impossible for the system and a hidden achievement?" Yun Che mused internally, pondering the challenge presented by the main quest.

Seeing this spouse quest, he knew he needed to step up his game. While 20 years might be considered short, it was still within the time limit. "Hnnnn, I promise. I will bring her and her mother back to you. Count on that," Yun Che declared with unwavering determination. He was resolved to accomplish this mission for his spouse. He desired to see Qingyue truly happy, beyond their marriage, and believed reuniting her with her mother might bring about positive change, perhaps thawing her heart.

After a while, Xiao Lie finally joined them, having managed to chase away the persistent guests. His reaction to the pancakes and latte mirrored Xia Hongyi's. With only Xiao Lie remaining, they engaged in conversation while Retsu accompanied him, walking alongside Xiao Lingxi.

Retsu was the first to voice her thoughts, attempting to digest Xia Hongyi's story. "Young master, I can't help but feel pity for Xia Qingyue. I had no idea she had such a sad past."

"What you heard is just a portion of it. One day, I 'll take her to the Realm of the Gods and bring back her mother. As for now, we must carry on with our lives and focus on leveling up. Even though we're aware of this information, there's little we can do at the moment," Yun Che responded, conveying the somber reality.

Xiao Lingxi's heart ached for her friend. "To think that she's carried this burden all this time. Qingyue…" Her hand instinctively went to her chest, her determination to aid her friend growing stronger. Xia Qingyue was no longer just an acquaintance; she was now her sole friend, and Xiao Lingxi was committed to supporting her every step of the way. "I want to help her, Yuuki. If this is truly her father's story, then please train me until we reach the Divine Profound Realm."

"Don't worry about that. You can cultivate here while looking after Gramps. I'll give you a little boost until the next time I return," Yun Che reassured her, gently patting her head. With the quest's details revealed, he now had a purpose to focus on and was determined to prepare for the challenges ahead.

Yun Che spent the remainder of his free time with Xiao Retsu and Xiao Lingxi, fulfilling his promise to teach them how to tell time in this world. Instead of introducing them to the numerical values from his original world, he used the numerical system of this world's language. Coincidentally, the written language in this world closely resembled Chinese due to its Wuxia setting. However, the spoken language had its unique quirks.

Utilizing the System Creation Mode, he skillfully assembled small gears to construct the internal mechanism of a clock, including its hands. Essentially, he adapted the mechanism of a modern wall clock to fit into this ancient world. Xiao Lingxi and Retsu observed in astonishment as he expertly combined the gears to create a functional mechanism. Both were left completely stunned by his ability to create such a complex device solely for the purpose of telling time. Even people from his original world would struggle to comprehend the intricate mechanics of a five-dollar wall clock.

As for the clock's power source, Yun Che employed the System to recreate a rechargeable AA battery using the information stored in his memories. It turned out that he could fashion modern items as long as he had the appropriate materials. The most advantageous aspect of the System Creation Mode was that after creating an item for the first time, the system would include it in its shop, available for purchase. In other words, he only needed to craft an item once before the system made it available for others. The rechargeable AA battery was now being sold by the system for 1SP each, a unique feature being its ability to be charged using profound energy.

Problem solved.

Upon plugging in the battery, the clock's mechanism came to life, causing Xiao Lingxi's eyes to widen in wonder as the clock's hands began to move.

"Incredible. Is this one of the inventions from your world?" Xiao Lingxi inquired, clearly amazed.

"Sort of. This is called a 'clock,'" Yun Che explained, introducing the new invention to them – essentially the world's first clock.

Curiosity piqued, Xiao Lingxi further questioned, "How does it work?"

Unbeknownst to him, his initial explanation had been too complex. Realizing this, Yun Che simplified his explanation, "The wall clock operates using a battery and a small piece called quartz. The quartz vibrates when electricity passes through it. These vibrations are converted into a ticking motion by gears and a specific mechanism. These gears move the clock's hands at the appropriate speed to display the correct time on the clock's face."

Both Xiao Lingxi and Retsu looked at him sheepishly, unable to grasp the technical terms he had used.

Coughing to clear the air, Yun Che simplified it further. "Basically, the battery powers the gears inside the clock, making it move."

Retsu then asked, "What's a battery?" Yun Che handed her one of the rechargeable AA batteries.

"It's a rechargeable battery. A battery is a storage container for power, where you can store your profound energy to charge it. In essence, the battery converts profound energy into the power needed to move the clock's hands," Yun Che explained. Retsu tested it by recharging the battery with her Reaitsu, confirming its functionality.

Impressed, Xiao Lingxi exclaimed, "Wow," recognizing the clock and battery as modern technologies from his world.

He proceeded to explain to both Xiao Lingxi and Retsu. While the latter was accustomed to digital clocks, learning about the analog version could still be beneficial. "Now, the long, big hand indicates minutes. The long, small hand indicates seconds, and the short hand indicates hours."

Confusion clouded Xiao Lingxi's face. Similar to when he had taught Jasmine and Retsu about time in his previous world, Yun Che patiently simplified his explanation for her. "The long hand shows seconds. That means it takes 60 seconds for the big hand to move one minute. And it takes 60 minutes for the short hand to move one hour."

Yun Che and Retsu teamed up to guide Xiao Lingxi through understanding the clock's hands and their functions. Finally grasping the concept, Xiao Lingxi ventured, "So, it takes 60 hours for a day?"

Yun Che corrected her, "No, a day consists of 24 hours."

"But the clock has 12 numbers on it," Retsu pointed out, observing the clock's face. She was aware that a day comprised 24 hours. So why didn't he design the clock with 24 numbers?

"True, but two rotations of the clock make it 24 hours," Yun Che clarified.

"Ah, so 12 hours for day and 12 hours for night," Xiao Lingxi deduced.

"Exactly. Can you tell me the current time?" Yun Che tested her newfound knowledge.

Studying the clock's face for a moment, Xiao Lingxi finally responded, "It's one 'o' eight in the afternoon?"

"Spot on! You're a genius, Megu-chan," Yun Che praised her, impressed by Xiao Lingxi's grasp of time reading. He marveled at the fact that while people in this world could determine the number of days in a week, month, or year, they couldn't discern the time of day. They simply relied on their observation of the day's conditions. It was a rudimentary yet effective method. By teaching Xiao Lingxi to read time through the clock's hands, he enabled her to estimate the duration of her tasks more accurately.

In the end, he had introduced three modernized concepts on his first day back at the clan: pancakes, Caffe Latte, and the wall clock.

A massive 12,000+ chapter remake. - 2023

Nora_Danishcreators' thoughts