
Rebirth in Against the Gods with The Ultimate System

In a modern world, a devoted cultivator sacrificed himself to save his beloved. Fate granted him a second chance as a shinigami in the "Against the Gods" universe. Equipped with the Ultimate System, he became Yun Che, a pivotal character. He now seeks not only personal power but also a way back to his love, defying the rules of the universe itself. Join him as he pushes the limits of power, challenges gods, and reshapes his destiny to reunite with his beloved.

Nora_Danish · Games
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191 Chs

Chapter 45: Return

Everyone in the Xiao Clan was minding their own business as usual. Since the Yun Che event a year ago, everyone, especially the clan elders, has been on high alert. It was part of their plan to have one of their own challenging Yun Che during the wedding. What they didn't expect was his retaliation.

It was destruction on their part. They lost their ultimate backup, the clan leader Xiao Yunhai himself. Then, they lost their secondary backup, Xiao Kuangyun, because of the retaliation of Xiao Lingxi and Xia Qingyue. They had no choice but to submit to Xiao Lie and Xiao Lingxi. Some of the elders tried to suck up to both of them and tried to obtain the secrets of the blue barrier they used, but it was indeed futile. Despite being elders, Xiao Lie didn't even give face as they never did give him any when Yun Che still had a disability.

As the clan leader, some clan members are still considered innocent in their eyes, and Xiao Lie stays behind. The reason the father and daughter remained within the clan was to protect the innocent ones from being corrupted and also protect them from Yun Che's vengeance. They could leave the family once Xia Qingyue left for cultivation, but Xiao Lingxi insisted that they stay behind as she was indeed close with the children and didn't wish them to become Yun Che's mark to kill.

As the man they once knew was no longer the man they knew.

Yun Che's threat the other day caused everyone some discomfort, even now. Almost half of the members had already ditched them, fearing Yun Che's retaliation or Xiao Kuangyun's should he manage to capture Yun Che. Xiao Lie held no vengeance against them, as half chose to exile themselves, but he did give the order as if they dared to return that Xiao Lie himself would have them executed for treason.

Those who remain think the clan will spare them if they please Xiao Lie or Xiao Lingxi. However, it was not the case. Both father and daughter didn't bother with them as they showed themselves during the wedding. Some even supported the fight between Xiao Yang and Yun Che. What they didn't expect was the outcome of that fight.

However, Xiao Kuangyun didn't return for almost a year, and Xiao Lie assumed that he had met Yun Che and met his demise. He knew his grandson's bravado a year ago wasn't just a show. Some clan elders retorted that the prominent sect would come here because of Xiao Kuangyun's disappearance. Still, Xiao Lie was sure the main sect wouldn't find any traces of him in this city.

If Yun Che's plan works, Xiao Kuangyun's greed will lead him to his demise and his remaining attendants stationed here as watchers won't dare to return as they would face punishment for not joining him in death.


"Do you think Xiao Che might return here one day?" One of the disciples asked.

"I don't know. From what I heard from the other disciples, he sliced that mountain's peak the on the day of his own wedding." He said while looking at the nearby sliced mountain from a year ago.

"Yeah, that power. It frightened me when Xiao Che killed those two back then. He even killed the sect master and the second elder. No hesitation."

"If he returns, what are we going to do?"

"You tell me… you used to bully Xiao Che."

"You…. Don't say that out loud. Let's hope the clan leader can appease him. If not, I'll regret not running away a year ago." The disciple shrinks in fear as he is one of the disciples who used to beat Xiao Che up since the latter was an easy target back then. He was pretty much an easy target for everyone, event the servants.


Suddenly, the Xiao Clan manor was greeted by two dozen soldiers wearing similar fashion, and everyone had the cultivation of peak Spirit Profound Realm. The surrounding disciples instantly knew what that attire meant.

"The main clan." The surrounding clansman swallowed a mouthful of saliva as these soldiers were not ordinary. They are the main sect's elite soldiers and are here for one thing.

The soldiers lined up to form two-line men to the main door of the manor. It wasn't even a while before Xiao Lie and Xiao Lingxi emerged from the main door to greet their guest. The former sighed as the retaliation of the main clan had come meant his grandson's plan worked, and Xiao Kuangyun went missing. The main clan came to this manor as this was his last destination before he went missing. Judging from the number of soldiers, this can be considered the Xiao Sect's military force.

Then, a middle age man dressed similarly to Xiao Kuangyun entered the manor's gate on horseback alongside another two elite soldiers behind him. The clansman gulp again as these elite soldiers can be considered Earth Profound Realm cultivators. They might be early levels, but these people can be considered deities in the remote clan.

Xiao Lie kept his composure as the clan leader and greeted the middle age man. The man dismounted his horse before walking towards Xiao Lie with the air full of authority. "I am Xiao Tian, the fifth elder of the Xiao Sect."

Xiao Tian was a middle age man who had the cultivation of an Early Earth Profound Realm. He wore the same dress robe as Xiao Kuangyun's attendants when he came here almost a year ago.

"Holy hell, the main clan's elder." The surrounding clansman gasped as an elder as worship as a god back in this remote city. People were practically begging to join the main sect. To see elders here can only be a blessing or a calamity.

Xiao Lie bows his head. "Xiao Lie, the current clan leader of the Floating Cloud City, Xiao Clan."

Xiao Tian kept his composure but indeed wondering. The supposed clan leader supposed to be Xiao Yunhai. "Isn't the current clan leader of this clan should be Xiao Yunhai? Where is he?"

Xiao Lie expected this and relayed some sort of truth. "An Emperor Profound Realm cultivator, unfortunately, killed Xiao Yunhai. It seems he offended the warrior to the degree that he and his son were killed in retaliation."

"That's impossible. There are only two Emperor Profound Realm cultivators in this Empire, and they won't bother coming to this remote area."

"I am not jesting. The warrior appears to be a hermit who cultivates in seclusion and comes out to the world. His destination was this city. His son, Xiao Yang, offended him, so that he killed him in retaliation. In the end, Xiao Yunhai tried to take revenge but only ended up killed by the warrior. He crippled the third elder." Xiao Lie narrates the story but anonymizes his grandson's involvement. The surrounding soldiers and the fifth elder of the Xiao Sect widen their eyes as they don't know whether to believe Xiao Lie or not. If his statement is true, another Emperor Profound Realm warrior emerges from seclusion.

Xiao Tian was stupefied. He will try to recruit such warriors to their cause if he can. Xiao Sect can finally become a sect with several Emperor Profound Realm cultivators, further boosting their position among the four prime sects. However, this Xiao Yunhai somehow offended the warrior and got himself killed. His perception of the Xiao Sect will surely go down. Should he meet this warrior, he will try to butter him up to join the Xiao Sect, even if he has to annihilate this remote clan to appease him.

He'll cross that bridge when he arrives, but he has a mission directly from the sect master himself. He composed himself as he spoke, "Then, I'll cut to the chase. Please tell me where is young Master Kuangyun. He was sent here to recruit the new young generation. He did not report to the main clan for a year."

"He came here but was on a mission to bring my grandson here." Xiao Lie answered, keeping his composure.

"Your grandson?"

"My grandson married the flower of this city almost a year ago, and he disappeared on his wedding night. However, Xiao Kuangyun had taken an interest in her, but she outright rejected him. So, Xiao Kuangyun set on a quest to bring my grandson here to have him divorce her." Xiao Lie kept relaying the truth. From this point on, lying might put them in a bad position than it already is.

"Rejected him? Who did she think she was? Who is this flower of the city?" Xiao Tian demanded as he didn't know the existence of Xia Qingyue.

"According to my granddaughter, she left the clan after Xiao Kuangyun to join a sect. She is long gone from this city."

"That Xiao Kuangyun, despite having so many wives, still wanted more to add to his collection." This thought was the thought of Xiao Tian, but it still doesn't tell him where is the sect master's son. Looks like finding this grandson is his only lead.

"It seems that you won't tell us more about the whereabouts of Xiao Kuangyun." This time the elite soldiers behind Xiao Tian slowly drew their weapons.

"I already told you everything." Xiao Lie replied.

"He's the one who hides him. Xiao Che is the one who had Xiao Kuangyun killed! The Cyan mountains, that's where he's headed last time. " A voice suddenly sounded behind Xiao Lie and Xiao Lingxi.


"Is this true, boy? What is your name?" Xiao Tian asked, and the boy immediately answered with an excited tone.

"Xiao Chengzhi, elder." The young man bowed down and cupped his hands as he waited to get back at Xiao Lingxi for denying Xia Qingyue from him. He appeared when the Xiao Sect's people prepared to select a disciple from the Xiao Clan, and he was there when the Blue Barrier activated and blasted Xiao Kuangyun away.

Xiao Chengzhi is an arrogant young kid who thinks the world revolves around him. He wasn't present during the wedding but was furious when Xiao Che married the city's swan and was indeed jealous of him. At that time, he was out of the city but rushed in when he heard about Xiao Che's wedding.

Seeing Xiao Lingxi with Xia Qingyue, he decided to take his chance to earn Xia Qingyue's favour. Still, the former ultimately denied him, but he could not do anything since Xia Qingyue had the same opinion as her.

He called her a mere attendant, and Xia Qingyue immediately slapped his face. Then, Xiao Lingxi decided to get even by calling him a toad, lusting after a swan. Since Xiao Lie protected her after Xia Qingyue, he couldn't get even in the same room as her. He even tried to attack her, but only for him to be blasted away by her barrier. Now, an opportunity rose, so he could use it to get to the main sect and leave this godforsaken clan. If he could get the barrier necklace, his position even might skyrocket once in the main sect. He can even become an inner disciple.

Xiao Che? In front of the main sect, he's nothing.

Xiao Tian went towards Xiao Chengzhi and asked him again. "What do you mean Xiao Che killed him?"

"Xiao Che was the one who killed Xiao Kuangyun. He came to the clan to take her and his wife, but they outright rejected him. She even possesses a heavenly barrier that deflects even Spirit Profound Realm." Xiao Chengzhi revealed Xiao Lingxi and her father's priceless treasure.

"A heavenly treasure?" A spark of greed suddenly shows in Xiao Tian's eyes.

"Bastard!!" Xiao Lie was about to attack, but the elite soldiers had already pointed their weapons towards him.

"Impudence…." Xiao Tian jumped before Xiao Chengzhi, and Xiao Lie immediately returned as soldiers surrounded them.

"So, your grandson killed young master Kuangyun judging how badly you wanted to shut the boy's mouth." Xiao Tian had his answers. The clan master is the accomplice in murdering the sect master's son. He turned towards Xiao Chengzhi and spoke, "You will be rewarded later."

"Thank you, elder!!"

"You…" Xiao Lingxi was about to speak her mind before the elder silenced her.

"Silence… looks like we can start by asking your clansmen around for the whereabouts of this Xiao Che and his Floating Cloud City wife. Starting with your daughter…." Xiao Tian was about to grab Xiao Lingxi, but Xiao Lie immediately shielded her.

"Old man… do you know obstructing an elder is punishable by death? This impudence means we can authorize your execution." Xiao Tian spoke again before the surrounding soldiers surrounded him and Xiao Lingxi. The father kept calm, but as for the daughter, she held the necklace given to her and hoped that it would protect them just like it protected her and her friend. However, she feared it would crumble under the attack of so many elite soldiers.

Deep down, she hoped that her Little Che comes to her rescue.


"Ah, Floating Cloud City. Still standing after almost a year." Yun Che walked through the city gates after missing for almost a year. He had Retsu set down Minazuki in the distance before proceeding on foot towards the gate. Jasmine decided to reenter the inner world and watch from the inside as she was not in the mood for sightseeing despite having her own Gigai.

"Ufuuu… It is such a nice city. To think that this place was your rebirth hometown." Retsu's sweet voice sounded underneath her veil. To avoid similar situations back in Cyan Town, Retsu had to wear a veil on her face. However, her unique kimono gained the attention of surrounding people to the point that people were looking at her even though she wore a simple kimono with minimal design.

Retsu wore a dark white kimono with pale grey flowery patterns and a black obi around her waist. Her hair was braided to the front matching her original look back from her previous life. Normally, she would braid her hair to the back, but after her sync with Yachiru, she wanted to try to braid her hair to the front this time. Since the scar on her chest had disappeared, she had no reason to braid it like this, but there was no harm in trying.

As for Yun Che, he didn't forget people were also looking at him since he wore a modern adventurer's outfit. They avoided their Shinigami attire after his skirmish almost a year ago, and those outfits might spark a reaction. So, they switch into normal outfits but normal to them is quite uncommon for this period.

They ignore them unless someone has the galls to offend both of them.

"Yeah, sort of." Yun Che said with a sheepish smile. He might not have Yun Che's old memories, but what he read was enough to spark anger within him. According to the system, pretty much everyone in this city looked down on the old Yun Che to the point that he was bullied almost everywhere. Be it servants, merchants, and even bad people who beat him up for fun. He was even beaten up so often that he feared going out. The city's profound strength was the lowest of the low, but he was the lowest. So, a good reason for people to shun him.

Poor bastard.

It reminds him of Naruto's early days. A nice city to him but more like a cesspool of a city to the original. If Yun Che's memories were still with him, everywhere he goes will trigger a bad memory. Since he doesn't have them, he won't have to worry about cringe or panic attacks from those memories.

It was his chance to look at this city since he flashed step past this place back then. He had to depend on the system's navigation map as a guide. Since Retsu was connected to the system well, she had her navigation map. It was easier for them to navigate this place since it was still big despite being the weakest and lowest city.

It had strong walls, colourful markets, and grand palaces, including the Xiao Clan's manor. The streets were lively, traders selling various goods, and temples and pagodas added to its spiritual charm. Floating Cloud City's rich history and legends made it a special place, leaving a lasting impression on all who visited.

If only it weren't located in such a remote place.

As they were walking, Retsu's eyes glued towards a skewer stand not far from them. "Ara… a skewers. Young master, can I have some of them?"

"Sure… It's been a while since we had street food. Nice change for a pace." Yun Che spoke before he started petting Retsu's head affectionately. "My Retsu is a glutton."

She leans into the pat. "Eheee… I am your glutton, after all." Then, they buy many of those skewers, shocking the living hell out of the vendor and the people nearby. Retsu wasn't kidding when she called herself his glutton. Since he had a lot of money from his tax reclaimant from the Xiao Clan, he is on a food spending spree for himself and Retsu.

The vendor was gawking at Retsu despite her veiled herself as it was his first time seeing a beauty comparable to Xia Qingyue, the number one beauty of the Floating Cloud City. That beauty is also a heavy eater as she continuously gobbles up those skewers like it is nothing. When he turns towards Yun Che, he scans him up and down before he sighs. "Ah…. It's one of you boys again."

"You boys?" Yun Che widened his eyes as the vendor spoke of him as if he dressed stereotypically.

The vendor sighed as he replied, "Another Xiao Che want to be. You're the tenth one I've seen today."

"Xiao Che want to be?" Retsu wondered.

"*Sigh, ever since he made trouble inside the Xia Manor, most younger generation wanted to be like him. Black outfits, raven-shaped hair and some even carried a big black and white sword. So, the city has many kids dressed up just like him. I don't know if the real one would like it. I can't believe the city's most bullied boy ended up as an influential figure." The vendor explained, and Retsu was clueless about the events here a year ago.

Retsu turned towards him and said, "Ara… I didn't know you had a fan group, young master."

"You and me both." It is the first time Yun Che hears this. To think that he was idolized instead of shunned. He pretty much did a stupid thing, though.

"You pretty much look like the real deal, youngster. I am impressed how you wanted to be like him."

"I am him." Yun Che gave him a straight and true answer.

"Ahh, another one. Well, have a good day, 'Xiao Che'" The vendor pulled another lazy sigh as he didn't believe that the young man in front of him was the real Xiao Che. The one who caused trouble almost a year ago. That man is pretty much an emperor. A man like that won't even touch a skewer, much less buy them.

Ironic, but he wouldn't show himself here as it would ruin the surprise later.

"…." After thanking the vendor, they made their way towards swallowing the fact that many youngsters in this city idolized him. Not that he minds, but to the point of following his dressing? The vendor was right. There were many youngsters or low-level young cultivators who were following his style. They even made a makeshift outfit with a white cloth tied around their waist. These guys are pretty much cosplaying as him. This thing started to annoy him even more.

So even if he wore his Shinigami attire alongside Retsu, no one would bat an eye.

Since the city produced no Sky Profound Realm warriors, it was deemed the weakest city. Now that he emerged as a rumoured Emperor Profound Realm, every youngster wanted to be like him. Since Xiao Kuangyun was deceased, many of them started cosplaying him.

Pretty much ignoring everything, they made their way towards the Xiao Clan manor, hoping to surprise them with his homecoming, but many people were standing not far from the gate into the clan. The manor took one-sixth of the city and was pretty huge.

"Anything going on?" Yun Che asked the nearby passerby as the people made quite a crowd.

"The Xiao Sect brought their elite armies to the city. I don't know why. Almost two dozen Peak Spirit Profound Realm soldiers, and they even brought Early Earth Profound Realm elite soldiers."

"Rumor has it that they wanted to find Xiao Che."

"Probably looking for young master Kuangyun."

"Or worse, do they come here to destroy the clan for offending Xiao Che? You know, to recruit him?"

"Look, even the influential families are here." Yun Che turned his head towards the said family, who were indeed there. He most read about the Yiwen, Situ, and Han families….

Not that he bothered with.

"But none of them dare to go in." Another passerby said.

Hearing the speculations, Yun Che can come up with one thing. "Well…. Well… looks like bringing in soldiers is a form of intimidation. Guess the news went out faster than anticipated." Most of the soldiers are indeed on level 40, and their levels have already achieved high enough to surpass any Earth Profound Realm soldiers. He already gained his original level's strength from a year ago but not the level just yet. It's more than enough to wipe the floor with these guys.

"Mouu… a year is a long time," Retsu replied. By calculation, Xiao Kuangyun should be dead for almost seven to eight months. No wonder they sent the cavalry to find him.

"Now that you mentioned it…" Yun Che wondered. This moment is the perfect time to cause trouble for the second time, as these Xiao Sect chickens are harassing his grandfather and aunt. At first, he planned to use his Shinigami form and blast the gate as knocking, but it was quite over the top.

"Well, we better knock on the door to see if someone's home." Yun Che spoke before pushing the crowd aside to go right to the front, and Retsu followed behind him. Then, the moment he stepped out of the crowd. Every eye started to look at both of them. Even influential families had eyes on them as well.

"Who are they?" One of the influential family members spoke.

"Looks like another Xiao Che wants to be. There's a lot of them in the city nowadays."

"That woman is really pretty. You think she's one of the daughters of the influential family?"

"A want to be is just a want to be. In the end, they are merely here to show off."

Yun Che kept quiet as he couldn't tell whether these people pitied him, ridiculed or even praised him. There's no point telling everyone that he is Xiao Che, but instead, he'll show everyone here who's boss or, worse, the real Xiao Che himself. Some even marked him as crazy.

"Looks like they won't even open the gate for the real 'Xiao Che'. Retsu commented after turning deaf on the claims from the people of this city.

"Well, my Retsu, we can adopt a nicer way to knock. When we swing by for a visit, it's only natural for us to knock." He slowly walks to the gate's front door before giving it a few knocks but since no one answers. His hand forms a fist and pulls it. Then, he pulls a deep breath.

The expression of the surrounding people slowly turns dread, but before they could stop him...

"Anyone home!?!" Yun Che cheerfully shouted before releasing his punch.



The main gate of the Xiao Clan manor explodes into a million pieces. The explosion alerts all the clan members to the entrance, including the attacking prominent clan soldiers. After Yun Che's stunt, no other clans dare to attack the Xiao Clan in fear of him. However, even with the presence of the main clan, someone dared to attack them.

The soldiers that wanted to force them to submission instantly sprang into defensive mode seeing someone dare to attack this place the moment members from one of the main sects of the empire were here.

Xiao Lingxi widened her eyes as she saw the man who destroyed the gate. Her father also had a similar reaction. The clan members and the surrounding soldiers looked at the gate as two figures slowly walked into the main gate.

The young man wore an odd black and white outfit, considered uncommon in this city. Even more shocking, another figure was following him. It was a veiled young woman wearing a different outfit compared to him. They were shocked because that woman was beautiful, comparable to Xia Qinyue despite being veiled. No, she was much more beautiful than her.

She was indeed a heavenly beauty with a mature aura. She was so beautiful that the surrounding men forgot the dreadful moment as the braided woman graced them with her presence.

However, the man's face slowly entered the minds of the clansman. Most of them started to sweat nervously because all of the members of the Xiao Clan knew this young man very well. They knew their clan faced an ultimate calamity if the young man returned.

"Well, it appears that we have a distinguished guest. Guess I picked the wrong time to return here." The figure spoke to himself. Looks like he scared them enough.

Feeling dreadful, the elder threatened Xiao Lie and acted towards the young man and the beauty. He had the soldiers surround them in an attempt to overwhelm them. "This one is Xiao Tian, the fifth elder of the Xiao Sect. May I ask who you are and why you act brazenly by destroying the gate? Do you even know who we are?"

Yun Che didn't care as he gave a boring look and pointed a thumb towards him. "No… and The name's Yun Che. The prodigal son of this clan right here."

"Long time no see, Xiao Clan," He casually spoke while simply raising a hand, scaring the hell from the members of the Xiao Clan.

"Xiao Che?!" Xiao Chengzhi, the young man from before, shouted, earning the attention of the main sect elder.

"Xiao Che? This young man? He didn't even have a speck of cultivation. How in the world was Xiao Kuangyun lost to this brat?"

"Who're you?" Yun Che looked at this young man with a cultivation of Level 7 in their eyes. He had never met this man before, and the system suddenly pulled a notification.



Name: Xiao Chengzhi

Age: 18

Cultivation: 7th Level of the Elementary Profound Realm.

Position: Grandson of the third elder, Xiao Ze.

Description: Just a nobody who likes Xia Qingyue.


"Haah…. Just some kid who likes Xia Qingyue." Yun Che gave a flat look as someone jumped in front of them.

"This one… he is the one who killed Xiao Kuangyun." Xiao Chengzhi immediately accused Xiao Che of Xiao Kuangyun's disappearance. He refused to believe that the expert everyone was talking about was Xiao Che. He returned home and brought another beautiful swan, much more beautiful than Xia Qingyue.

"Ara…" Retsu sighs as the situation might escalate since this kid is somehow accusing her lover of murder. Little that she knew, it was indeed the truth but not entirely since a hollow swallowed the poor man, and the latter was pretty much witnessing it.

"Chengzhi!!!" The third elder, Xiao Ze, shouted as he was present during the wedding. He warned his grandson about Xiao Che, but the latter did not believe his warning. He even called his claims a bit exaggerated. He went in, and Xiao Ze failed to stop him. He thought his grandson might have the chance to enter the main clan, but now that Xiao Che is back.

"Xiao Che… you will not escape the wrath of the main clan today!!!" Xiao Chengzhi should have the upper hand today if he managed to have Xiao Che beaten by the main sect. He can take this woman with the help of the sect.

Retsu couldn't help by feeling a lustful gaze come from Xiao Chengzhi, the soldiers and even Xiao Tian himself. It took her patience to prevent her from slaughtering everyone here, but Yun Che's gentle grip on her hand reassured her.

As she blushed, Yun Che showed an offensive middle finger towards Xiao Chengzhi, earning his curiosity as he didn't know what the gesture meant. Instantly, he switches his middle finger into an index before pointing it towards the poor Xiao kid.

Bzzt!!! A white strap shot from Yun Che's finger before pushing the poor kid to a nearby tree and bound him to it. The strap even binds his mouth shut.

"Shut up, junior. The adult is talking over here." Yun Che spoke with a bored look.

The rest of the soldiers widen their eyes in shock as this boy uses art to bind someone to a tree. It was instant, and no one could even dodge it. The elder Xiao Tian suddenly went all high alert, and two dozen soldiers immediately surrounded them. Both of them immediately sweat drop as these soldiers try to kill them.

Xiao Tian drew his sword before he said what he wanted to say. "You... Is it true? You killed young master Kuangyun?"

Yun Che sighs before simply stating the truth in a mock tone. "Yeah… Xiao Kuangyun was buried back in Terralingua. Still got the shovel."

"You…. Do you understand what this means? You just killed the young master of the Xiao Sect."

Showing a bored look again, he spoke, "Let me guess. You'll try to kill me, force me to surrender, and murder my family in front of me?"

"Xiao Che, we now detain you for the murder of Xiao Kuangyun. Men, arrest him." Xiao Tian immediately orders his men to attack, but instead of retaliating, Yun Che turns his head towards Retsu and smiles.

"Retsu? Will you do the honours?"

"Hai~~~" Retsu nodded while showing her signature closed-eyed smile earning the charm of all men in the clan. Suddenly, massive pressure descends towards the two dozen soldiers surrounding them, forcing them to their knees alongside Xiao Tian with a dreadful expression on his face. Those who were near slowly backed away as the pressure that haunted them a year ago was here again, and it didn't come from Yun Che. It came from the woman who had the most beautiful smile. Yun Che instructed her not to pressurise Xiao Lingxi and her father, and she understood it.

There's more than one of those monsters?

It was so heavy that their backs carried weights beyond their strength. Xiao Chengzhi was brazen just now and suddenly scared beyond his wits. Looks like the rumours weren't lies or exaggerated. The Yun Che he tried to pin the blame on was the actual emperor from back then. Now, Xiao Chengzhi could only piss himself.


"To think they can't even stand this low-level pressure, weak as you say. Young master." Retsu said while looking at the Xiao Sect soldiers on all fours because of the massive pressure. It's not fun killing an opponent who can't even move. The Xiao Clan members wanted to puke blood when they heard her. None of them dare to say anything.

"Now, I believe I have a debt to pay. Am I right?" He slowly raised his hand as a massive wrapped sword appeared in his hands. All the soldiers, including Xiao Tian, were scared shitless right now. Elite Earth Profound Realm cultivators? They were merely jokes in front of them.

"You…. The main sect won't let this go." Xiao Tian tried to use the main sect 'talk no power' technique, but Yun Che was unfazed.

"Oh, they can send the main army here, and I'll still destroy them. If not, I'll still come by the Xiao Sect and remove them from the face of this planet. Look, man, I didn't kill Xiao Kuangyun, a hol… I mean those white mask beasts. Still, if you still pin the blame on me. I will eliminate you guys right now and be done with it. It is not like the main sect bothered to lose a dozen soldiers and an elder just because the young master didn't report back."

"...…." None of the pressurized soldiers said anything.

Seeing this, he lowers his head towards the prostrating Xiao Tian and creepily smiles. "If they care, you won't mind if I wiped out the main sect from this planet, right? I bloody hate the Xiao Sect, you know."

"Then, I'll get straight to the point….." Yun Che instantly unwraps the wrapped Zangetsu before stabbing it on the ground. The surrounding clan members started running as the last time he released the sword's power, and the mountain peak was entirely decimated.

"So, anyway, for us to settle this?" Yun Che shows them a grin. The surrounding soldiers were scared out of their wits. If what the clansmen were saying were true, it meant the Xiao Che in front of them was truly a throne, Xiao Sect only had a single active throne, and another was in close-door cultivation. If left alone, he can outgrow the Xiao Clan's main power and wipe them from this star's face.

The sect never told them about the existence of another throne in this remote city.

"Please…. Magnimiguous emperor, please spare our lowly lives. We swear that we won't bother this clan anymore." The elder, Xiao Tian, begged for their lives. To think that an elder like him and two dozen elite soldiers were prostrating to the ground like this. At first, Yun Che considered letting them go as he didn't plan to cause trouble for now. It's enough that he threw this city into chaos back then. Now, rumours are probably circulating about the moment of his return. Moreover, the Xiao Sect has two Emperor Profound Realm cultivators. If he beats one, the other should go into hiding, but he also plans to wipe out the Xiao Sect.

"How would I know you won't come here and cause trouble again? I can easily kill you right now as you are hefty of experience points. Would be a shame to let go all of you."

"We swore on our souls that we won't tell a soul what happened. Please…"

"Che-er" "Little Che" He looked at the source of the voice, and he finally saw his grandfather and Little Aunt approaching him.

"Little Aunt, grandfather…" Yun Che's expression immediately softened.

"Che-er, I know you have a vengeance against them, but please let this one go. Just grant this request from your grandfather. If you kill them, the main sect will cause trouble to us. They might not be able to raise their hands against you, but maybe to us and the people of this city."

Yun Che was confused for a moment. "Who said I was going to kill them?"

"You won't?" Xiao Lie had a shocked expression.

"No, just planning to give them some reassurance." Yun Che eye's suddenly turned red with a single tomoe on his pupils. Then, he began. With a single blast, he instantly waves an illusion into the minds of the soldiers and Xiao Tian causing their eyes to go blank before passing out a few seconds later. It was instant, and Xiao Lie and Xiao Lingxi had no idea what he was doing.

"Retsu, remove the pressure." Yun Che ushered his partner.


The elder Xiao Tian was slowly waking up, and the rest of the soldiers followed suit. Then, the elder pats the dust off him before turning towards Xiao Lie. "I see. It appears Xiao Kuangyun went to the mountains to recruit an expert. We will try to look there before calling off the search. I am sorry for bothering you on this fine day."

"Send my regards to the sect master." Yun Che shows them his cheeky grin.

"Understandable, have a nice day." The elder Xiao Tian cupped his hands before leaving. These people might have hefty experience points, but he can let them go for now.

Xiao Tian cupped his hands towards Xiao Lie and Yun Che, followed by all the soldiers, before turning towards the exit. They were walking away as if nothing happened. Both Xiao Lie and Xiao Lingxi were entirely speechless.

"Little Che, what did you do?" Xiao Lingxi asked.

"I changed their minds." Yun Che wasn't kidding; he changed their minds using the Sharingan basic illusion. He planted false memories that Xiao Kuangyun was still alive in the Cyan Mountain Region. They won't find anything there, so Yun Che sends them on a wild goose chase, and they don't even realize it. Still sending those memories took a toll on his mind as this was the first time he tried using his Sharingan abilities. It was a good thing their minds weren't protected by illusion counters, or else ending their lives might ensure their mouths were sealed shut. It wasn't as powerful as Kotoamatsukami, but it's all he had for now without actually killing them. So, he just threw them out of his trail.

It was a gambling skill, as his illusion was only a basic skill. It could still be broken if those people realized it, as the brainwashing was minor. Judging from their looks, these people probably didn't cultivate any illusion-countering skills, which can benefit him. In any case, the mini brainwash works.

Both Xiao Lie and Xiao Lingxi were stupefied for a moment. They saw his eyes turn red for a moment, and suddenly, the soldiers calmed down and walked away like nothing happened. Their Little Che here can mind controlling anyone to his bidding.

"Well, Little Aunt and Gramps…. I am back." As soon as he spoke, Xiao Lingxi was the first to jump into his arms and hug him with all her might. He just saved them in the nick of time. Retsu watched from the side, concluding that this family was the one her lover was reincarnated to.

Xiao Lie immediately hugs his grandson. "Che-er, you have grown. After a year, you finally returned, grandson."

Yun Che puts up a smile before rubbing the back of his head. "It was long, but I came to visit."

Xiao Lingxi gave him a friendly punch. "Little Che, *sniff *sniff. You finally returned. Do you know how much I miss you? You could've woken me up instead of disappearing like that."

"Aha… I am sorry." Yun Che rubs his head.

However, Xiao Lie's expression turned serious. He was afraid of one thing should his grandson come home. He steeled himself up before begging him to reconsider his vendetta. "Che'er, are you here to visit or….."

Seeing his expression, he gave him a grin before petting his grandfather's right shoulder. "Ahha… you don't have to worry about that, gramps. I am not here to level this place. I am just here for a friendly visit to you and Little Aunt. Oh, uhhh… sorry about the gate."

"But… the people and the bullies…"

"Well, I am kind of over it." Yun Che shows a sheepish smile. He had no memories of the original Yun Che, so he didn't have the necessary hatred to commit a vengeful slaughter against them. So, he can't kill these people for no absolute reason.

If Yun Che or Yuuki did, he's the same as any cold-blooded killer, and it wasn't the way he wished to embrace.

These people feared him, and it was already enough instead of going in guns blazing. Besides, he had his foster family here, and he didn't wish for Retsu to hate them just because he hated their clan. Then again, the current Xiao Lie and Xiao Lingxi might be someone he just met back then, but they're one of the good people from the original story. Besides, some clansmen were innocent, and the system warned him about slaughtering innocents. It was stupid for him to slaughter the clan just because of someone else's memories.

"I see… thank you, Che'er." Xiao Lie patted his grandson's head as the boy released his vengeful vendetta against his clan. The nearby clansman saw the interaction, and they were crying with gratitude when they heard it. They thought that today might be the day they would perish, but they could keep their lives.

Slowly letting Xiao Lingxi go, he ushered Retsu in front of them before introducing her to his grandfather and Little Aunt.

"Grandfather, I was returning to my original training zone, and I'll explain it later. You probably wanted to know about how and when I gained my cultivation. I pretty much didn't tell you anything back then. During my time there, I decided to bring someone from that place. Little Aunt. Meet Retsu; she is my current partner and my fiancée." He introduced Retsu to his foster family while hiding his blushing face.

Retsu was stunned momentarily as she tried her best to hide her happiness. She never knew her young master introduced her as his fiancée. She only thought of herself as his lover, but did he introduce her as his wife? She just jumped multiple levels, as they hadn't even had their first kiss. She was incredibly happy that she wanted to jump and hug the living hell out of him. However, she regained her composure and bowed to both of them.

Retsu slowly bows her head and greets them most sweetly. "Greetings, dear grandfather and sister Lingxi. I am Unohana Retsu. I may be incompetent, but please take good care of me."

"The honour is mine. Lady Unohana. This one is Xiao Che's grandfather." Xiao Lie bows his head as well. If she came from the same place his grandson completed his training means this woman probably had the same strength as him. He is standing in front of two Throne Level warriors. Her name also sparks curiosity among the father and daughter as her name is quite different from the ones they have heard of. They could assume that Unohana was her family name.

"Please, dear grandfather, it's just Retsu." Retsu suddenly returned to her clumsy mode as she tried to prevent him from bowing. Yun Che just gave a sheepish smile.

Xiao Lie was quite shocked by this. He didn't expect after one year of being married to Xia Qingyue, and he would have another fiancée with him. He knew a capable man could have more than one wife but not after a year. It was understandable that their first day together ended in shambles. His now fiancée was even a top tear beauty, comparable to his wife, Xia Qingyue.

Xiao Lingxi realized that it was her turn before clumsily bowed. "Ahhh…yes…I am Xiao Lingxi, little Che's aunt. Pleased to meet you, lady…"

Retsu immediately holds her before the aunt even bows. "Mouuu… please… Just Retsu, sister Lingxi. I am no lady. I am just an ordinary cultivator like my fiancée." Retsu smiled simultaneously and looked lovingly at Yun Che in gratitude for revealing her as a fiancée. Then, she slings her arm on his own further cementing her claim.

Xiao Lingxi was pouting. She knew Yun Che proposed to her a year ago but didn't expect him to have a fiancée even before he married Qingyue. She couldn't help by feeling jealous after seeing this woman up close. This girl was beautiful as a celestial maiden, with long front braided hair, well-toned skin and a well-developed body. She was a woman that women dreamed of being. No wonder little Che took an interest in her.

Xiao Lingxi knew she couldn't even be compared to her. She was prim and proper and respected Xiao Lie despite being weaker than her. Even if she was jealous, she couldn't help but feel happy for her Little Che. He has a heart big enough for everyone he loves. She knew despite having Retsu as a fiancée. He had his heart on her as well.

As Xiao Lingxi pondered, Yun Che hugged her again and said, "And how are you? My Little Aunt?"

Xiao Lingxi was right. Her little Che was little Che despite not feeling like he used to be. Now, she can finally settle the question that has been bugging her all this time.

Retsu was smiling when she saw this. She was born alone in her previous world. She might leave it behind, but she had a feeling about it. All she ever wanted was a loving family, and this was her chance to have a family full of sisters. As well as a loving husband.

But she never said about giving up the position of the main girl easily. She wanted to be his number one.

A massive rewrite. - 2023

Nora_Danishcreators' thoughts