
Rebirth in Against the Gods with The Ultimate System

In a modern world, a devoted cultivator sacrificed himself to save his beloved. Fate granted him a second chance as a shinigami in the "Against the Gods" universe. Equipped with the Ultimate System, he became Yun Che, a pivotal character. He now seeks not only personal power but also a way back to his love, defying the rules of the universe itself. Join him as he pushes the limits of power, challenges gods, and reshapes his destiny to reunite with his beloved.

Nora_Danish · Games
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190 Chs

Chapter 164: Heaven's Child - The Smol Nezuko

The next day marked the eruption of rumors about Nezuko, the heavenly child, spreading like wildfire throughout the Blue Wind Imperial City after the conclusion of the Youngster's Hunting Festival. The news of a small five-year-old possessing the cultivation of a First Level Earth Profound Realm had sent shockwaves through the city, shaking the very foundations of cultivation.

A wave of disbelief swept through the city as rumors of Nezuko, the heavenly child with First Level Earth Profound Realm cultivation at the tender age of five, circulated. Skeptics dismissed her as a mere fabrication, deeming it impossible for a child to attain such prowess. However, the Profound Measuring Pearl's verdict put those doubts to rest, authenticating Nezuko's age and cultivation, making her an undeniable prodigy.

Envy simmered among onlookers who couldn't help but marvel at the idea of her father possessing such a heavenly genius under his care. Whispers of speculation filled the air, with people wondering about the sect that would be fortunate enough to claim her as a disciple. Nezuko had become the center of attention, and the city buzzed with anticipation about the extraordinary path this young prodigy would carve in the realm of cultivation.

Various sects spared no expense in acquiring information about the Heavenly Child and her family. Artists were commissioned to perfectly depict her image, and rooftop traversers scoured the city in hopes of catching a glimpse. However, the elusive man, concealed under his straw hat but identifiable by his facial hair and remarkable movement speed, had raised suspicions among the sect elders. If he, himself, was this powerful, what could be said about his family, clan, or sect?

Meanwhile, Cang Yue was aware of the Nezuko rumor but chose not to reveal her presence in the palace just yet. Wondering how the court would react to Nezuko roaming around, she felt reassured by the fact that her father, Yun Che, was already prepared for Dracule Mihawk's daughter to join them. She was certain he would shield her from prying eyes.

Relaxing in her room after a rigorous morning of training to master Rokushiki, Cang Yue reflected on the week's events. From preventing her father's execution to restoring his position as the Emperor, to the shameless recruitment attempts by the three great sects thwarted by Yun Che's impersonation of Dracule Mihawk, the past week had been nothing short of hectic. Opting to focus on mastering the Rokushiki Arts within her inner world, she dedicated herself to the chosen three arts from the main six that would enhance her abilities for the upcoming tournament.

The fatigue from the intense activities was alleviated by a mere hour of sleep spent with Yun Che, who bestowed upon her the Fully Rested Perk. Though brief, that night's rest left her feeling completely revitalized, ready to face whatever challenges lay ahead.


Unbeknownst to Cang Yue, her temporary absence provided Yun Che with easy access to the inner world's training room alongside Retsu, Mio and Nemu. Having neglected his bending training, Yun Che seized this opportunity to resume his practice. Meanwhile, Retsu and Mio were diligently working to master the Rasengan and Rasenshuriken, aiming to infuse additional elements into these powerful techniques.

Not to be left behind, Nemu was focused on advancing her Haki training. Her ultimate goal was to master the basic stage before delving into the intricacies of Eagle Vision. The inner world training room has now become a hub of concentrated effort and determination as each of them pursued their individual paths of self-improvement.


The door to Cang Yue's room swung open, revealing Xue Ling, her loyal personal guard, donned in the regal attire befitting her new role as the Grand Imperial Protector of the Imperial Family. Despite her elevated position, Xue Ling chose to retain her post as Cang Yue's guardian, showcasing unwavering loyalty.

With a calming tone, Xue Ling spoke, "Yue'er, someone has come to see you."

Sighing, Cang Yue responded, "Is it from the three sects again? Just send them away." She covered herself with the bedcovers, showing clear disinterest. The persistent attempts by the sects to win her favor had become a tiresome routine, and she was in no mood to entertain them, except for Yun Che's occasional visits.

"No, Yue'er," Xue Ling replied, pulling the blanket off. Undeterred, Cang Yue covered herself again. "Our guest claims to be your sworn sister."

Startled, Cang Yue's eyes widened, and she peeked out from her makeshift sanctuary. "Who is it?"

Xue Ling sighed, somewhat relieved to see Cang Yue returning to her confident self. "You have two esteemed guests: Fairy Chu Yueli and her sister, Fairy Chu Yuechan of the Frozen Cloud Asgard. Shall I send them away?"

"Sister Yuechan?" Cang Yue leaped from her bed, excitement coursing through her. "Yes, just give me a few moments to freshen up."

"Really? You're the Blue Moon Princess of the Blue Wind Empire, act like one! Go and take a bath already!" Xue Ling chided like an older sister, prompting Cang Yue to make faces before rushing to prepare herself. Despite being the Blue Moon Princess, she hadn't seen Chu Yuechan or Little Fairy (as Yun Che nicknamed her) in a while, and the prospect excited her.

As the two Chu sisters from the Frozen Cloud Asgard entered the Imperial Garden, they seemed to emanate an ethereal aura, turning the garden into an Edenic paradise. Male servants jostled to catch glimpses of the divine visitors, while female servants eyed them with a mix of admiration and jealousy. A brave servant mustered the courage to bring refreshments, expecting to be dismissed as customary for disciples of the Frozen Cloud Asgard. However, both sisters graciously accepted, bowing in gratitude and dispelling the rumors of their disciples' cold and distant nature with their warm but aloof auras.

"Nee-san, what if Princess Cang Yue doesn't take a liking to me? What if she thinks I'm here to recruit her? You've seen how she dislikes the other great sects, and maybe she'll feel the same about our sect. Then, 'he' might dislike me too." Chu Yueli twiddled with her fingers, her warm aura radiating to her surroundings, betraying her inner turmoil.

Chu Yueli arrived with the genuine intention of befriending Cang Yue. However, her ulterior motive was to glean more information about her master. Aware that if Cang Yue discovered this hidden agenda, she might perceive Chu Yueli as someone merely using her to get closer to Mihawk. To avoid such a situation, Chu Yueli sought to genuinely build a friendship with Cang Yue, hoping that the princess would feel comfortable enough to share her thoughts and experiences.

"Li'er, you're thinking too much. What happened to my calm and composed Chu Yueli?" Little Fairy responded with a stern tone.

Chu Yueli, upon hearing her sister's words, made a conscious effort to calm herself down. Her new heart responded to her wish, somehow forcefully helping her regain composure. Her aura instantly returned to normal. Little Fairy sighed, recalling her own struggles in getting her new heart under control. She needed Yun Che to be around for her heart to function properly, a fact that both bewildered and intrigued her. This new heart responded to emotions and desires, granting its owner immense power, but also presenting the risk of spiraling out of control. It was a double-edged weapon, capable of unlocking inner potential or causing one's demise if mishandled.

Moreover, the new heart seemed to resonate with Yun Che. Just as her sister sought his alternate self, just like she found herself drawn to his original self as well.

Cang Yue exits from the Imperial Palace, with Xue Ling in tow, interrupted their conversation. Following Cang Yue's request, Xue Ling left her before proceeding with her palace duties as she was indeed using her as a reason not to fulfill her new role. After attaining the status of Grand Imperial Protector or High Protector, Xue Ling's time with Cang Yue had gradually diminished. Perhaps revoking her current status would return her to being Cang Yue's sole protector.

"Sister Yuechan!" Cang Yue shouted, clad in her Imperial Princess attire, as she ran towards Little Fairy, who was enjoying refreshments with her sister. The moment Little Fairy heard her voice, she rose from the garden table with an expression of pure happiness. Acting less like a princess, Cang Yue jumped and hugged Little Fairy, tears streaming down her eyes. Chu Yueli softened her gaze, witnessing someone her sister genuinely cared about.

"Sister Yue, look at how much you've grown." Little Fairy hugged Cang Yue tightly, clearly missing her sworn sister greatly. Little Fairy sensed a change in Cang Yue's aura since they last met in New Moon City. It was as if Cang Yue had shed the cocoon of a little girl and emerged as a great woman.

"I missed you," Cang Yue finally spoke between sobs.

"You two know each other?" Chu Yueli asked with curiosity, recognizing that Cang Yue held significant importance to her sister.

Little Fairy rubbed Cang Yue's head before smiling warmly. "Yes, we met during my cultivation trip to New Moon City. She's a great friend to me."

Witnessing her sister's genuine care for someone else, Chu Yueli smiled but also felt a stinging feeling in her chest. Was she feeling jealous? "Nee-san, for you to care about others, you really have changed," Chu Yueli thought.

Little Fairy's beautiful silver eyes turned towards her sister as she spoke, "Sister Yue has been watching my back since then. You can say we're sworn sisters. I owe her my life."

"I see…" Chu Yueli smiled at their connection but couldn't shake the feeling of jealousy.

"But, you're still my beloved little sister, Yueli." Little Fairy patted her sister's head, and Chu Yueli leaned into the gesture, her thoughts beginning to settle. "Muuu… I don't mind. For you to find a friend for yourself is considered a great honor."

"Especially when she's the Blue Moon Princess herself," Little Fairy added with a soft tone.

"Muuuu…. Please… I am just Cang Yue to you two." Cang Yue refused to use her status with them. Turning towards Chu Yueli, she bowed, "Don't worry, Sister Yueli. A sister of Sister Yuechan is my sister as well."

"Thank you for seeing me as such, Sister Yue," Chu Yueli responded, feeling a sense of ease settling in. She immediately shook off her feelings of jealousy, realizing her sister cared for Cang Yue in the same way she did. Somehow, all the negative thoughts within her instantly disappeared.

"Sister Yue, can you hear me?" Little Fairy spoke through her mind, using the Tenteikura technique to connect their thoughts. Modified by Yun Che to utilize haki, it allowed her to link her mind with Cang Yue own haki.

"Yes, I've come to grasp good control of this technique," Cang Yue smiled.

"I see. Is Rascal and Retsu in the palace with you?" Little Fairy inquired about the whereabouts of Yun Che and Retsu. The two important people she had been dying to meet again.

"He's on his morning training right now. I think Kon and Retsu-chan are with him," Cang Yue replied. She wanted to mention Mio but Little Fairy doesn't know her yet.

"I see… No wonder I didn't sense him," Little Fairy retracted her haki smiled as her rascal was keeping her morning training routine, even though she was not around to pull his ear anymore. With it, Little Fairy cut the connection before she sat down on the garden chair.

After settling down, Cang Yue asked the two sisters, "So, what brings you here?"

Little Fairy was the first to talk. "I just wanted to visit you since you finally arrived at the Imperial City after your scenic route from New Moon City. But I think my sister here has a few questions for you."

Chu Yueli somehow got nervous as her sister went straight to the point. She fake coughs to compose herself before she begins "Just if you don't mind, Sister Yue… Are the rumors true?"

"What rumors…?" Cang Yue tilted her head in confusion.

Chu Yueli paused for a moment and spoke, "About you being the great swordsman's disciple?"

"Yes… it is true," Cang Yue replied, suspicious but noticing Little Fairy's expression and Chu Yueli's fidgeting body language.

Suddenly, she understood what was going on and grinned to herself. "Muuu… Yun Che, you sly fox. You even stole Fairy of the Frozen Glass's heart, huh?" Cang Yue mused as she used Chu Yueli's alternate name.

"Is he here?" Chu Yueli asked with a hopeful expression, her blush betraying her calm.

Cang Yue smiled as she spoke, "No, actually… he won't bother with something like this. He said it's not worth his time, but I appreciate he took the time to see my father."

"I see…." Her disappointment was quite obvious before she regained her composure. "I am sorry to ask something of you regarding your master. I wish to gather information about him so our sect will be aware not to offend such a power in the future. A man of that power might be a potential calamity if we were to tread on dangerous ground." Chu Yueli spoke with a firm tone but couldn't hide her blush.

Seeing this, Cang Yue grinned as she connected the dots. "I can tell you more about him if you want. Anything you ask, as long as you won't ask me to have him come here."

Chu Yueli fake coughed as she nodded with a beautiful smile. "I see… Thank you for being willing to comply with my request." As she smiled, Cang Yue could see Chu Yueli's eyes were glittering as a light blush covers her cheeks.

"It's the least I could do…." Cang Yue grinned before she leaned in and whispered, "Ufuuu… You like him, am I right?"

Chu Yueli stammered, instantly blushing hard.

Cang Yue was somewhat bewildered. Chu Yueli didn't just like him; she loved him. As for the younger Chu sister, she was easily readable from their first meeting. Now, she was stammering all over the place. Lost her composure as the Fairy of Frozen Glass because of him. "…No.. no…. no… that's absurd…. An Asgardian like me… No, we can't … we aren't allowed to."

"Mouuu… you're cute for denying it, Sister Yueli. You're much easier to read. Besides, Master told me all about you in the tomb of the Moon Empress. I can tell if someone is really in love." Cang Yue teased, enjoying the revelation about Chu Yueli's feelings and comparing it to Xue Ling's curiosity. It added a new layer of amusement to her interactions.

The moment she heard that forbidden word, Chu Yueli blushed hard once more. Little Fairy observed Cang Yue, who responded by poking her tongue out and rubbing behind her head. Little Fairy sighed, recognizing that Cang Yue had truly embraced Retsu's teasing tendencies. She conjured a thin ice barrier around them so people won't find out and spoke out loud, "You're in love, Li'er."

"Uffuuu… I never thought the famous Chu Yueli is in love with my master. You're easier to read than common girls," Cang Yue teased again, causing Chu Yueli to blush like a schoolgirl despite being younger than Little Fairy at the moment. She subconsciously released a very warm and soothing aura, resembling a fairy – dreamy and absolutely beautiful.

"Right? She's that easy," Little Fairy smiled.

"Nee-san!!!!" Chu Yueli shouted despite blushing hard. She composed herself once more, taking a while to regain her composure. However, she continued to blush radiantly, even her aura reflecting her feelings. Compared to her elder sister, she had less control over this new heart of hers. Maybe she needed to learn more about controlling it after this.

"Ufuuu, don't worry… Your secret is safe with me. Master won't tell me if I couldn't keep one secret," Cang Yue grinned.

Chu Yueli was unable to say anything, but she wouldn't deny her feelings when it came to that person. This feeling of 'love' was somehow troublesome, but she couldn't deny that it brought her happiness the more she thought about it.

"Sister Yuechan, she's cute when she's in love." Cang Yue nudged before Little Fairy sweetly smiled as she sipped her tea. "We are bound to our sect rules, but I won't stop her from attaining the happiness that she deserves."

Then, her aura darkened as she spoke with a sinister smile, one that even made Cang Yue uneasy. "Besides, I have a good grasp of who that man actually is…"

"Ehee…. He might be in trouble if he meets you again…" Cang Yue sweatdropped.


Somewhere in the hidden world's training zone, a young man sneezed as he felt his days were numbered.


Chu Yueli drank some of the tea to calm herself down. Then, she spoke while twiddling her fingers, "… I heard another rumor that a man resembling him showed up in yesterday's Youngsters Hunting Festival."

The moment she heard about such a rumor yesterday, she immediately set off from the inn she was staying at, followed by her sister, to the Youngsters Hunting Festival. However, he was already gone since it had been hours since the rumors had been circulating, so she came for nothing again. Moreover, she found out one thing—something about him carrying the Heaven's Child.

Today, she found out that Heaven's Child is a five-year-old Earth Profound Realm girl. Even she was entirely shocked, as a five-year-old at the First Level Earth Profound Realm is indeed a rare talent—a child blessed by the heavens itself. And that child is close to someone who resembles him. Imagining him with a child somehow hurt her heart, as it meant he already had someone he called a wife. But, she believed that it was only someone who resembled him but not him.

"I don't know much about it." Cang Yue avoided her gaze as she admitted she was the center of yesterday's storm.

But, Chu Yueli pressed on. "Rumor has it that he was carrying a little girl with him. I wanted to find more, but I didn't find anything. I was hoping you could tell me more."

"I see…" Cang Yue had a very crazy idea. "So, he did go to the festival."

"He did… then, that rumored man who resembles him was him all along? Then, the rumored Heaven's Child….. " Chu Yueli stops her words with widened eyes as her fears had come true. Little Fairy was somehow curious by this as she too wondered about this Heaven's Child they heard all day yesterday.

But, Cang Yue was merciless, and she dropped the bomb. "It's probably his daughter…"

Chu Yueli was unable to believe this. "D…D…Daughter?!" Chu Yueli exclaimed while widening her eyes, and Little Fairy spat out her tea. "He has a wife?!"

It was partly true and Cang Yue knew of this but she wasn't sure Little Fairy knew about it...

The man she had fallen for had a wife and child all along. She was stunned for a moment and unable to process things. Even her aura instantly burst out and somehow froze the seating she was on.

Not only her, but even her elder sister burst out as well, shouting internally towards Cang Yue, "Sis... sister... Yue! Rascal had a daughter?! Who's the mother?!?"

The odd part about this was Little Fairy was more curious about who is mother was instead of an explanation. If the mother was Retsu, it was odd, as Retsu still had her Primordial Yin. It meant someone else bore him a child. Cang Yue realized the dire situation she caused the Chu sisters and instantly calmed them down, but Chu Yueli was already disconnected from reality. She replied to Little Fairy's message. "No… sister Yuechan… The daughter is me in disguise. It was me all along. My cultivation is indeed the First Level of Earth Profound Realm."

"That child, was you? The Heaven's Child? How?" Little Fairy was shocked. If this is true, then Cang Yue might possess an art that can alter her age at will. She can make herself immortal by reverting to another age. Such a heaven-defying art.

"It's something I gained from the Moon Empress's Legacy that allows me to cultivate a very special art. It's a long story, I'll explain it to you some other time," Cang Yue explained with a grin on her face.

"I see... it's better for you to explain things to Yueli… I think she lost her marbles," Little Fairy spoke as she pointed towards the lifeless Chu Yueli who murmured heaven knows what.

"He has a wife…. What am I doing…. Why does this hurt so much... Who is that child… who is the wife…" Chu Yueli murmured as her eyes turned lifeless.

"Li'er… Calm down…." Little Fairy spoke, and Chu Yueli instantly responded, her heart forcing her to calm down. Gathering her thoughts, she could now process what she heard just now.

"I… I am sorry… I …. I just…" Chu Yueli felt like she was utterly stumped after hearing that the man she fell for had a wife and daughter. Before she could dwell in her own despair again, Cang Yue's next statement earned her attention. "Sister Yueli, that Heaven's Child…. she's adopted…"

"Adopted?" This caught Chu Yueli's attention.

Cang Yue pretended to be sad as she conveyed the back story Yun Che prepared for Nezuko should her father ask her. But since Chu Yueli asked first, she's the first one to hear this story. He told her that this story was based on the story of the real Nezuko in his realm. "Her family was slaughtered by demons in the snowy mountains. When Master was cultivating there, he found her almost frozen to death as she was the only survivor. Master couldn't leave her, so he gave her family a proper burial and took her under his care. He has been raising her ever since."

Cang Yue heard the version of Nezuko who lost her father at an early age and lost her mother and siblings to a cruel demon, with only her and her brother as survivors. At the same time, she herself had turned into a demon, and her brother fought tooth and nail just to revert her back into a human. To think that Nezuko of his world held a very deep and sad past.

"She…." Chu Yueli widened her eyes as she never knew this and understood the pain of losing a family. She had her older sister while this adopted daughter of Mihawk had no one. Somehow, she wanted to get to know this girl deeply, understand her, so she could insert herself into her life.

"She grew up only having him as her only family. She sees him as a father. When Master took me in, she had me like an older sister she never had. She is a nice girl who needs a mother in her life." Cang Yue spoke with genuine sadness as she too sympathized with the version of Nezuko from Yun Che's realm and inserted a bit about herself in the story to make it convincing.

"That's one convincing story," Little Fairy remarked through their mental link.

"Part of it is true. Yun Che based it on a version of that girl in his realm. That story came from her. I only use some parts as a backstory for my alternate self should people want to know about her," Cang Yue explained, and Little Fairy nodded in understanding.

"I don't know… I am sorry," Chu Yueli expressed her sadness. If she had her ice heart, this story wouldn't even faze her.

Cang Yue grinned, changing the somber mood around them. "Mouu… You're kind of overreacting. He comes by sometimes to drop his daughter here and have me look after her."

Hearing this, Chu Yueli perked up as she wanted to get to know this daughter of his. "I see… Where is she?"

"She is kind of sleeping right now since a lot happened yesterday. Tell you what, stay here until noon. I need someone to look after her as I need to finish the palace matters. So, can I ask a favor from you two to look after her for today? Please?" Cang Yue clasped her hands together, requesting their help in taking care of that 'child' later. If people find out that the fairies of the Frozen Cloud Asgard are running an errand of taking care of a child, their minds will flip.

Seeking assistance from the formidable Frozen Cloud Asgard was often likened to inviting trouble, especially when the request targeted the leader of the Frozen Fairies and her equally powerful sister. The reputation of the Asgard alone was enough to make most tread carefully in their dealings. However, the current situation wasn't about intentionally causing turmoil or settling grudges instead, it revolved around the personal ties one had with those members of the Asgard.

This request wasn't about evading potential difficulties but rather attending to the needs of a specific person. It unfolded as a unique task, deviating from the typical cultivation favors, presenting an uncommon challenge in the realm of cultivators - babysitting.

"Technically, looking after you?" Little Fairy sent her remark mentally towards Cang Yue before giving her a sheepish smile.

"Ufuu… Asking two Fairies of the Frozen Cloud Asgard to take care of a child might be an adventurous sight," Cang Yue replied with a grin.

"Taking care of Mihawk's daughter… Even if she's adopted, she is still his daughter. If I can show her my good side, maybe I can…" Chu Yueli expressed internally, somehow pumped up by this. Somehow, a maternal instinct was awakened inside her.

"Yes… you can lend her to me, I mean to us," Chu Yueli stammered, and both Cang Yue and Little Fairy looked at each other. At least someone's excited to look after Nezuko.

"I am sure she's happy. She only has master as her father figure… Maybe it's about time she needs a mother figure?" Cang Yue spoke with a sly smile, and Chu Yueli's blushing reaction was kind of obvious.

"Sister Yue, you'll kill her if you go on any more…" Little Fairy spoke, and her sister blushed even more.

"Ehee… I couldn't resist it…" Cang Yue grinned, and Little Fairy sighed; it seemed like Retsu's teasing might have rubbed off on Cang Yue at some point.

"Can I really have her for today?" Chu Yueli asked, and Cang Yue nodded with a smile. "Yes… Just come by before noon, and I'll introduce you… I am sure master won't mind."

Since Yun Che and the others might take the whole day, she might use Nezuko again to spend time with the Chu sisters for today.


"She said before noon," Chu Yueli mused, the passage of time seemingly sluggish as they lingered in the Imperial Garden. The morning had stretched endlessly after their conversation with Cang Yue, who had to attend to palace matters, leaving the Chu sisters to await the appointed time.

Curious, Little Fairy queried to herself, "Rascal, what have you done to my sister?" There was a sigh in her words, a mix of exasperation for what he did to her and gratitude to her rascal for saving her life.

"Yueli… You seem a bit agitated all of a sudden." Little Fairy remarked with a serene tone, finding amusement in her sister's unexpected restlessness. The transformation in Chu Yueli, once the formidable Fairy of The Frozen Glass, struck her as intriguing. Little Fairy couldn't help but reflect on the mystery of how her sister managed to maintain an air of composed composure in public, only to reveal a more vulnerable side in private moments.

Chu Yueli, twirling a strand of hair nervously, finally spoke her mind. "Well, sister Yue said it's Mihawk's adopted daughter... Maybe it's good training for me before I become her… mother..." The last part was almost a whisper, a secret thought she hadn't intended to share.

Caught off guard, Little Fairy sought clarification, "Did you say something...?" Her sister's stammered response only deepened the mystery, leaving her wondering about the profound changes her sister had undergone since the life-altering events.

Before she could unravel the threads of her sister's thoughts, Chu Yueli felt a gentle tug on her dress. Turning around, she encountered an unexpected sight – a five-year-old girl adorned in an oversized pink kimono with a hemp leaf pattern, complete with a large brown haori and a checkered obi. The girl's long black hair, tinged with a hint of fuchsia at the ends, framed her delicate features. Her pink eyes sparkled, and a flower hairpin adorned her head. Oddly, she nibbled on a small bamboo piece, secured with a pink strap behind her head.

"How…how adorable…" Chu Yueli was taken aback, captivated by the enchanting gaze of those pink eyes that seemed to peer into her very soul. "To think that he has such a beautiful daughter... She's truly a sight to behold."

Little Fairy's eyes widened in realization. So, this was the child form that Cang Yue mentioned—a form that could maintain the innocence of childhood while wielding the strength of an adult. A truly extraordinary and heaven-defying art!

"What is your name, little one?" Chu Yueli inquired gently as she knelt down to get a closer look at the girl.

The child remained silent but handed over a letter containing a message from Cang Yue, explaining that she needed someone to care for her while she attended palace matters. The letter emphasized the importance of returning the little girl by the end of the day. Chu Yueli turned the letter over and found three letters neatly inscribed on it.

Reading the letters, Chu Yueli pronounced, "Nezuko," to which the child nodded in confirmation.

"Little one, is your father the man with the big sword?" Chu Yueli questioned, earning a moment of confusion followed by a nod from the child. A spark of excitement lit up Chu Yueli's eyes as she realized that this adorable girl was indeed the daughter of none other than Mihawk himself, fitting the description of the Heavenly Child that had become the talk of the Imperial City.

Little Fairy linked her haki to Cang Yue, or more precisely, to the child herself. "Sister Yue? Is that you?"

Cang Yue looked at her and nodded. "Yes… this is my Yin Lunar Body Mode. A technique tailored to me by the Moon Empress. I can transform myself into an alternate body form where I can freely control my age depending on how much Moon Energy I absorb. Yun Che said that I can become any age from a five-year-old child to a thirty-year-old woman anytime I wish."

"Tailored to you?" Little Fairy raised her brow in confusion.

"It's a long story. Think of it as a fortuitous encounter for me. A technique that even my ancestor failed to cultivate. It belonged to her, and Yun Che claimed it back for me from the tomb." Cang Yue explained.

"And brought my sister back to me. I owe that rascal my whole life. If it weren't for him, she would have been lost, and she'd be resting without a grave." Little Fairy smiled, recognizing the precious treasure she now had before her. She was willing to do anything to protect her little sister.

"Onee-san, should we return to the sect with her?" Chu Yueli offered, aware that they had been absent for three days. It was time to return and offer an explanation to the Asgard Mistress.

"Yes… She would love a trip to the Frozen Cloud Asgard." Little Fairy nodded, and Cang Yue agreed. With that, Chu Yueli cradled Cang Yue's Nezuko form in her arms, and the two Chu sisters took off, leaving behind a trail of warm snow.


At the imposing main gate of the Frozen Cloud Asgard, two ethereally beautiful disciples stood as silent guardians, watching over the entrance like vigilant protectors of the sect. Their attention was drawn to two descending figures, and upon recognizing them, they bowed respectfully. "We greet Fairy Chu Yuechan. We greet Fairy Chu Yueli."

Acknowledging their greeting with a nod, Little Fairy gestured for them to rise. "It's all right. I assume everything is well within the sect?"

"E…everything is well," stammered the guardian disciples, pleasantly surprised that the usually aloof Fairy Chu Yuechan was inquiring about their well-being. Their curiosity then shifted towards the child in her sister's arms. "Fairy Chu Yueli, this is… she is…?"

"She is a guest," Chu Yueli replied succinctly, leaving no room for further inquiry.

Understanding, the guardian disciples nodded. "I see… Shall we inform the Asgard Mistress of your arrival?"

"There's no need. We can see her ourselves." With that, Little Fairy and Chu Yueli took flight, traversing the vast expanse of the Frozen Cloud Asgard. As they departed from the swirling snowstorm, Cang Yue's eyes widened at the breathtaking beauty that unfolded before her.

Cang Yue had always harbored a desire to visit the Frozen Cloud Asgard, a sect known for its reclusive nature and composed entirely of women. Today, her wish was granted.

Frozen Cloud Asgard, a haven exclusive to women, revealed itself as a realm of ethereal beauty, adorned with icy Chinese ancient structures. Delicate cold flowers bloomed, adding frost-kissed elegance to the surroundings. The architectural designs mirrored traditional Chinese aesthetics, blending strength and grace seamlessly.

Within this enchanting domain, the women of Frozen Cloud Asgard radiated like the sun against the cold landscape. Their presence infused a unique warmth into the surroundings, celebrating the strength and resilience of women amidst the serene beauty of icy blossoms and ancient structures.

Chu Yueli couldn't help but express her concern to the child in her arms. "Little one, aren't you cold?" Despite the extreme cold, the child, in her Nezuko form, showed no signs of discomfort. Chu Yueli marveled at her resilience. "Incredible. Even in this extreme cold, she doesn't show any sign of discomfort. What kind of body does she possess? Is this why she can live in the snowy mountains at such a young age?"

As they soared through the Frozen Cloud Asgard, Little Fairy initiated a mental conversation with Cang Yue through their link. "Did you coat your body with haki, sister Yue?"

"No, my Yin Lunar Body is an extremely powerful Yin body. It naturally resists cold. If I use my original body, Haki might be my best bet to resist the cold," Cang Yue replied.

"We take years to get used to the cold, and you just use that body of yours. I admit I am quite envious of your gains, especially since you awakened your Conqueror's Haki," Little Fairy admitted, a hint of envy lacing her words. She had only been away for a few months, and Cang Yue had made significant progress, both in strength and aura. The meek New Moon Profound Palace disciple she once knew had transformed into a formidable woman.

"Ehee.. Don't be…. It took me weeks to complete its cultivation. Do you believe me that this body is still not complete yet? Despite all the powers I've gained, I barely scratch the surface of this body. As for Conqueror's haki, I barely understood its usage," Cang Yue humbly responded.

"We all have our special powers. This new heart of mine is also a blessing from the rascal," Little Fairy revealed, a smile playing on her lips.

"Same goes for my body. It's all from him. I barely did anything at all. He risked it all for me," Cang Yue expressed her gratitude, reminiscing about the time Yun Che had entered her life. Without him, she might still be a meek disciple constantly pursued by Murong Ye.

"He even rescued Yueli and gave us both powerful cultivation just so we sisters could be together," Little Fairy added, acknowledging the debt they owed to Yun Che. Her sister might be unaware, but she too owed her life to him.

"Ufuu…. Someone's in love with him," Cang Yue teased, sensing the undercurrents of affection.

"Aren't we all?" Little Fairy smiled, referring to all three of them. Yet, she knew her sister harbored a deeper connection with Yun Che's alternate self.

"I can't deny that but…" Cang Yue's thoughts drifted. "I wonder what would happen if Sister Yueli were to find out? He can't keep this from her forever."

Little Fairy sighed, a shared concern etched on her features. "I don't know. I am sure the rascal didn't mean for Yueli to fall for him." As she recalled Yueli's story about how Mihawk had ejected her from the tomb of the Moon Empress to save her life, she was certain Yun Che's actions were driven solely by the intent to preserve Yueli's life. To Yueli, it meant more than a mere act of rescue; his selfless act had likely become a catalyst for her developing feelings towards his alternate persona. While Yun Che might not have deliberately orchestrated this, Little Fairy couldn't shake the worry about what might happen when her sister discovers the truth about him.

"Let's just see where fate takes us," Cang Yue suggested, and Little Fairy agreed. It was too soon for her sister to know the truth. Rather than revealing Mihawk's identity, it was better for Chu Yueli to discover the reality herself.


Frozen Cloud Asgard unfolds across six distinct realms, with its sole entrance situated in the vast southern expanse. These expansive territories each stretch over 200 kilometers, creating a secluded and expansive domain. Navigating through the southern sector, exclusively reserved for outer disciples, is the only way to reach the central administration area. The eastern and western realms are designated for inner disciples, while the northern area is exclusively reserved for high-ranking disciples.

Among these six areas, the forbidden section stands as a mysterious sanctuary, shrouded in secrecy and accessible only to the Asgard Mistress and the Seven Fairies. This exclusive region serves as the training ground for the sect's current pearl, and it houses the forbidden tablet of the Asgard itself. The forbidden section is also the prime courtyard for the Seven Fairies and harbors a concealed secret entrance—an escape route to be used in times of calamity.

Nestled in the heart of Frozen Cloud Asgard is the central administration area, where the Palace of Snow and Ice serves as the residence of the Asgard Mistress. This central hub doubles as the venue for inter-sect competitions, injecting a dynamic element into the sect's governance and activities.

According to Little Fairy, the Asgard boasts nearly fifty thousand outer disciples, twenty thousand inner disciples comprising Spirit Profound Realm practitioners, and an additional five thousand high-ranked disciples attaining Earth Profound Realm. The abundance of beautiful, cold, and proud women, numbering seventy-five thousand, may seem like a blessing to men. However, surrounded by such an overwhelming female presence, it could also be perceived as a peculiar form of punishment.

Both Little Fairy and Chu Yueli landed on the Fairy's Courtyard central stage within the Palace of Snow and Ice. Chu Yueli gently placed Cang Yue on the central stage, allowing her to take a moment's rest after their hour-long journey covering seven hundred kilometers. Despite the distance and cold conditions, Chu Yueli was impressed with Nezuko's prowess. Not only was she unaffected by the extreme cold, but she also displayed remarkable resistance to high-speed travel, even encouraging Chu Yueli to go faster, which she happily complied with.

"Sister Yuechan! Sister Yueli!" The arrival of two other fairies drew the attention of the Chu sisters. Feng Hanxue and Feng Hanyue, the enchanting twins, graced the central stage. Their beauty rivaled the winter moonlight, radiating warmth that defied the sect's reputation for "icy proudness."

In the sacred halls of Frozen Cloud Asgard, Feng Hanxue and Feng Hanyue brought a breath of fresh air, their personalities akin to a gentle breeze amidst the frosty ambiance. The juxtaposition of their amiable nature against the sect's stoic reputation added a touch of warmth to the serene and icy landscape.

"Hanyue? Hanxue?" Little Fairy spoke, acting as the guardian of these two naïve fairies.

"We've been looking for you two for days now. Muu… we wanted to see more of those new arts of yours. Please show us," Feng Hanxue practically begged, despite Little Fairy mentioning that it wasn't teachable.

The former sighed before speaking. "I promised to show you later."

"You two, what did I mention about bothering my sister?" Chu Yueli scolded them. Cang Yue widened her eyes as the Chu Yueli she saw back at the palace was different from the one before her now. She was firmer and stricter compared to before.

"We're sorry." The twins bowed to her, but the moment they saw Cang Yue, confusion painted her features. Their eyes widened in excitement before Feng Hanxue spoke out loud. "Eh, Sister Yueli… who is that behind your leg?"

The moment they spotted Cang Yue's sparkling pink eyes, they squealed in excitement.

"So cute!!!" Feng Hanxue and Feng Hanyue exclaimed while patting the small Nezuko's head.

"Sister Yueli, who is this child? Where did you find her? Why is she wearing oversized clothes? Can we play with her?" Feng Hanyue spoke as she began playing with the child or more likely, Cang Yue herself. Amused, she decided to humor them by playing along.

"Please let us play with her! Is she our new disciple? Can we be her masters? Please…" Feng Hanxue spoke this time.

"You two… Please don't bother Nezuko. I am sure she isn't comfortable being…." Chu Yueli stopped her words when she saw Nezuko patting the twins' heads, causing them to melt like owners to their puppies. Chu Yueli didn't even know what to say in this moment.

"You're enjoying this, aren't you?" Little Fairy sweatdropped as she spoke to Cang Yue through her link.

"Yup! These two are amusing." Cang Yue sounded as if she was effortlessly controlling the twins to her whims. The seven fairies she knew and heard about seemed kind of exaggerated in comparison.

"Her name is Nezuko?" Feng Hanyue widened her eyes before holding Cang Yue's Nezuko's hands and excitedly spoke, "Little Nezuko, I am big sister Hanyue… this is big sister Hanxue. Do you want to play with us?"

Cang Yue nodded before humoring the twins by playing along again.

"You two…" Chu Yueli couldn't help but feel jealous. She might need to carefully choose her words to bond with Nezuko, but these two just met her, and now they were acting like sisters. Then a thought crossed her mind – if Nezuko liked them, she might choose them as her mother figure. Something Chu Yueli wouldn't allow.

She was about to scold them again before Little Fairy's voice shook her up. "Li'er… you need to understand that a child needs to have fun with others as well. You can't keep her to your side at all times."

"Onee-san… Yes…" Chu Yueli spoke with a low tone, but Little Fairy could see that she was trying her best to hold herself back from snatching Nezuko back from the twins. She admitted that somehow her little sister had become a tad bit possessive when it comes to Nezuko. Seeing how tightly she held her during their flight, she could imagine how possessive she might become once she became a real mother one day.

"Just watch over her… I am sure Nezuko doesn't want to be separated from you." Little Fairy spoke, and soon, Cang Yue ran towards Chu Yueli and played hide and seek with the twins, hiding behind her robes. This moment delighted Chu Yueli as she blushed despite showing a cold demeanor right now.

"Sister Yuechan, nice to see you back so soon."

Little Fairy turned to see her fellow sister Murong Qianxue. Murong Qianxue's beauty is a mesmerizing portrait of grace and allure. Her black hair cascades down, reaching beyond her waist, a glossy curtain that frames her enchanting features. A slender waist, reminiscent of a willow's elegance, marks the starting point of a body line that curves with the fluidity of water, leading gracefully to ample buttocks subtly concealed by her snow attire.

Her snowy skin, tenderly pink and flawless like glossy resin, adds an ethereal touch to her captivating appearance. The mere thought of Murong Qianxue's charming scenery invites endless reverie, as her beauty is nothing short of enchanting. Adorned in the snow robes of Frozen Cloud Asgard, slightly constrained yet revealing, her chest area stands proudly, leaving little to the imagination about the bountiful allure that lies beneath the snowy garment.

Murong Qianxue's presence is a captivating blend of elegance and allure, her beauty akin to a captivating snowfall—serene, alluring, and impossible to look away from. In the realm of Frozen Cloud Asgard, she stands as a vision of enchantment, leaving those who behold her lost in the dreamlike charm of her captivating form.

"Sister Qianxue." Little Fairy greeted another fellow fairy sister.

Murong Qianxue raised both of her beautiful eyebrows, as it was the first time she saw a child so beautiful in her eyes. "A child? Why did Sister Yueli bring a child to our sect? Is she a new recruit?" Murong Qianxue wondered, taken aback by the fact that the recruit was indeed very young.

She was later joined by two more Frozen Cloud Asgard high disciples, none other than Jun Lianqie and Mu Lanyi. They had returned yesterday after failing to secure the Heaven's Child and had to come back to the sect empty-handed.

Mu Lanyi tried to forget yesterday's incident, but the moment she saw Cang Yue, who was cradled by Chu Yueli much to the twins' dismay, she widened her eyes. "Sister Lianqie… that child looks familiar…"

Her mind finally clicked as she remembered. "Sister!! It's her!!"

Jun Lianqie pondered for a moment before her mind triggered as well. She widened her eyes as the memory of yesterday's hunting games was fresh in her mind. The child that her father had taken away. "It's… her… Lanyi, find a profound assessing stone now." Mu Lanyi nodded before she took off into the palace to look for a profound assessing stone. She wanted to know whether yesterday was a dream or not.

"Sister Yueli, where did you find this child?" Jun Lianqie asked as she approached Chu Yueli with haste. The latter subconsciously held Cang Yue tightly.

"She… She's in the care of Princess Cang Yue. I only brought her here to watch her for a day." Chu Yueli replied.

"What is her name?" She prodded, as she didn't know Heaven's Child's name. Seeing the child up close, she couldn't help but blush at how cute this child is.

"Nezuko," Chu Yueli replied.

Jun Lianqie nodded before turning towards the other fairies. "Sisters, this is the child we saw yesterday back in the Youngster Hunting Festival. She was the one who defeated a Peak Spirit Profound Realm Forest Tiger."

"This little one is the Heaven's Child?" Murong Qianxue spoke, as she too had heard the rumors from the scouts.

"It's impossible, she's only a child." Feng Hanxue and Feng Hanyue chimed in. The little one they were playing with was somehow a formidable child? This alone shocked them to the core, as the story seemed entirely unbelievable.

"Then, her strength must be…." Murong Qianxue didn't even finish her words before the grand figure of the Asgard herself descended from above. Cang Yue was instantly shocked by how beautiful this blue-haired woman was.

"What's all this commotion?" The rest of the fairies turned around only to see the Asgard Mistress, Gong Yuxian, approaching the gathering of the seven fairies, who were making quite a ruckus about a child.

"Asgard Mistress…" The fairies greeted her. Gong Yuxian saw Cang Yue's Nezuko form being cradled by Chu Yueli, and she widened her eyes as she asked, "A child… Who is this child? Why in the world are you bringing an outsider into our Asgard? You do know outsiders aren't allowed in here."

"Eeep… this woman is scary," Cang Yue spoke internally, feeling the intimidating gaze of the Asgard Mistress fixated on her just for being there.

"Mother… Outsider she might be, but she's only a child. I brought her here, and it is my responsibility," Chu Yueli spoke assertively, holding Nezuko close to her.

"It is mine as well, as I came here with her," Little Fairy added, standing firmly beside her sister. Gong Yuxian widened her beautiful eyes, surprised by the uncharacteristic determination displayed by the usually composed Chu sisters. Before she could voice her thoughts, Mu Lanyi approached, carrying a Profound Assessing Stone in her hands.

"Sister Lianqie, I brought the assessing stone," Mu Lanyi announced, bowing respectfully to the Asgard Mistress. "I greet the Asgard Mistress."

Observing this, Gong Yuxian assumed they were here to assess the child and wondered about the reason. A small child like this didn't seem to have any noteworthy cultivation. She questioned, "Why are you assessing a child? It's not like her cultivation is high enough to be considered good."

"Asgard Mistress, have you heard about the rumor from the Imperial City? The one that mentions a heavenly talent emerged from yesterday's hunting festival?" Mu Lanyi asked.

"Heavenly talent? What in the world are you talking about?" The Asgard Mistress inquired, finding the concept absurd, clearly hadn't heard about the news about the Heaven's Child.

"We found a heavenly talent during the Youngster's Hunting Festival. Many sects vied to get her, but her father brought her away before they could take her. He even disregarded both Lanyi and me," Jun Lianqi explained, recalling the intense stare she received from the man. Those yellow eyes of his seemed strangely familiar.

The other fairies were entirely surprised, as most families would gladly give their daughters away to become a disciple of Frozen Cloud Asgard, ensuring a safe future for them, even if they never saw them again. For someone to refuse to part with their daughter was indeed a rare sight.

"Sister Yueli, how did you get her to follow you? Is her father fine with it?" Mu Lanyi asked Chu Yueli.

"He… I…" Chu Yueli was speechless, not anticipating this interrogation. She had essentially taken Nezuko because Cang Yue allowed it. As for the father…

"Little one, can you put your hand on this stone…?" Jun Lianqie softly spoke, and Cang Yue complied. Since the secret was out, she decided to play along. As she placed her hand on the stone, the result mirrored the previous day, with the stone glowing and changing color based on the detected cultivation. When it settled on a particular color, the fairies, excluding Chu Yuechan, Chu Yueli, Mu Lanyi, and Jun Lianqi, were entirely surprised.

The stone's glow came to a halt at a level that left everyone baffled. "Heavens…" The other fairies and Gong Yuxian were speechless. Jun Lianqie and Mu Lanyi smiled, realizing that they hadn't returned home empty-handed after all.

"Yesterday wasn't a dream. This child truly is a blessing from the heavens," Jun Lianqie declared, confirming that the small girl in Chu Yueli's arms was indeed the Heavenly Child.

"First level Earth Profound Realm?!? Are my eyes deceiving me?" Gong Yuxian widened her eyes, alternating her gaze between the orb and the child.

"A five-year-old at the First Level Earth Profound Realm?" The twins exclaimed, struggling to believe what they were witnessing.

"Yueli… How did you get her? You didn't kidnap her, right?" Mu Lanyi inquired.

"I… No… I…" Chu Yueli was at a loss for words, unable to reveal the true identity of Nezuko's father.

"Let's recruit this child… Her future will be even better if we cultivate her here…" Jun Lianqie suggested. Many were left in awe as they contemplated Nezuko's cultivation, or rather, Cang Yue's true cultivation. Training her here might even pave the way for her to achieve Sovereign Profound Realm in a few years.

At the mention of recruiting Nezuko, Chu Yueli subconsciously tightened her hold on the child. Having lost Xia Qingyue as her disciple before, she was unwilling to let go of Nezuko, even if she wasn't officially a disciple but the daughter of Mihawk himself.

Gong Yuxian saw this as an opportunity to elevate the sect to greater heights. With Xia Qingyue and now this mysterious child, she could consolidate all sect resources to develop these extraordinary talents.

"I shall personally train this child along with Qingyue…" Gong Yuxian slowly approached Cang Yue's Nezuko form, attempting to touch her. However, Nezuko squirmed towards Chu Yueli, hugging her like a child clinging to her mother for dear life. Cang Yue continued to play along, and Chu Yueli genuinely believed in the authenticity of her childish act. In a rare act of defiance, she resisted the Asgard Mistress's plans, prioritizing her bond with Nezuko.

"Mother… please... You're scaring her…." Chu Yueli instinctively moved back from Gong Yuxian, leaving the other fairies bewildered. She refused to surrender Nezuko, openly defying the Asgard Mistress in an act of rebellion.

"Are you disobeying me, Yueli?" Gong Yuxian's aura intensified, her body glowing as she confronted the blatant act of defiance.

"I must… I am not risking bringing calamity to our sect if we choose to harbor this child here. You don't know who you're messing with," Chu Yueli boldly proclaimed. Nezuko's presence had granted her the strength to resist the Asgard Mistress. While she still respected Gong Yuxian as a mother figure, she refused to compromise her principles.

"I have to agree with her as well." Little Fairy chimed in, standing steadfastly by her sister's side. Her priority was protecting both her sister and Cang Yue. While the idea of welcoming Cang Yue into the sect was tempting, there were times when her true form would be revealed, risking exposure of the heavenly art she was cultivating.

"You as well, Chan'er? Since when did you two become this unfilial?" Gong Yuxian demanded an explanation, but neither of them showed any signs of backing down. The other fairies were utterly surprised to witness the Chu sisters openly defying the Asgard Mistress, their revered mother figure.

Chu Yueli gently set Nezuko down before bowing in apology. "I am sorry, Mother. I have to go against you in the matter of harboring Nezuko here because I know the child's father, and he's not someone we can afford to offend."

"You know her father? Yueli, are you this child's…. When did this happen?!" Gong Yuxian assumed the worst, her expression showing a mix of shock and disbelief.

"No! It's not like that. This child is under the care of Princess Cang Yue by her master, who is the child's father. I am only doing her a favor by looking after her for a day." Chu Yueli blushed, denying everything. Losing her primordial yin back at the Moon Empress's tomb would have left her vulnerable to such accusations. Grateful that she still possessed it, she felt a pang of regret at not being able to embrace Nezuko as her own. Nezuko's pink eyes and black hair with fuchsia ends were clear giveaways.

"Princess Cang Yue's master? Don't tell me…" Mu Lanyi's face suddenly turned dreadful.

"Yes… The Strongest Swordsman of The Blue Wind Empire – Dracule Mihawk." Chu Yueli spoke out loud. Her words instantly triggered fear in the fairies' hearts. The child in front of them right now is his daughter. One wrong move, and he could easily decimate the Frozen Cloud Asgard. Then, the rumors from a few days ago came. If he could kill the grand elder of the Xiao Sect with ease and defeat the Grand Sect Leader without much effort, what difference could they make?

"She's that swordsman's daughter?" Murong Qianxue widened her beautiful eyes in shock.

"That man we met yesterday, it was him?!" Jun Lianqie and Mu Lanyi suddenly felt a sense of dread. The person they tried to stop yesterday was Dracule Mihawk himself. It was a miracle he didn't attack them for attempting to take his daughter. Well, they didn't even try before he disappeared alongside his daughter, but the mere thought of facing him filled them with dread. Chu Yueli sighed under her breath; she had spent weeks locating him, only to miss him when she arrived at the city. Still, seeing and holding his adopted daughter was currently enough for her. For these two to have actually met him yesterday could be considered lucky or not.

Gong Yuxian gritted her teeth. How could a Peak Sky Profound Realm swordmaster defeat the two most formidable powers in this empire and make the other great sects submit before him? The Asgard against a lone swordsman might sound odd, but it might be the calamity that awaits them.

"Hnn…. His combat abilities are on par with that of a Sovereign Profound Realm master. Are you sure you wish to offend such a power, dear mother?" Chu Yueli dropped the bomb, having heard of his strength from the man himself. It sounded absurd, but she was there when he defeated that Tyrant Profound Realm monster. She can vouch for him.

"That swordsman? That's impossible; he was only in the Peak Sky Profound Realm." Gong Yuxian doubted.

"Mother…. What if he breaks through after that time? He probably cultivated just enough to get into the tomb, and now his powers have increased even more. If this is true, even if the whole empire united against him, we wouldn't be able to defeat him even if we wanted to. Who knows what will happen if it involves his own child?" Chu Yueli's revelation was supported by Little Fairy, who knew her rascal quite well. If he was serious, he could decimate the great sects with ease.

"Oh my… I never knew Yun Che's Mihawk persona really scares them this much." Cang Yue thought. If he can make the three sects submit then, there's no difference with the Frozen Cloud Asgard.

The atmosphere around them suddenly surrounds them in dread. In other words, Nezuko is a ticking time bomb should they harboured her here. A thought crossed Gong Yuxian's mind when she looked at the child once more causing Cang Yue to hold Chu Yueli's leg whether to play with her or she was somehow scared of Gong Yuxian.

"Then, how in the world does this child trust you so much?" Gong Yuxian asked a question that piqued the curiosity of the other fairies.

Chu Yueli exchanged a glance with her sister, who simply nodded. Recognizing that lying wouldn't serve her well, she chose her words carefully. "I can't lie to you, Mother. I mentioned before that I somehow knew her father. More accurately, I have met him."

Gong Yuxian raised her beautiful eyebrows in doubt. "Since when did this happen? If you know him well, this might be a blessing. You are even friends with the princess herself, who is his direct disciple." She saw an opportunity in this situation. If Nezuko saw Chu Yueli as a mother figure, it would be a valid reason for her to join the Frozen Cloud Asgard as a disciple. Additionally, Chu Yueli could act as her master, directly overseeing her cultivation. Moreover, the sect would be under the protection of the swordsman himself.

Chu Yueli felt her fate being arranged for her. "Uhhh… you could say it was a fortuitous encounter... I had an accident while cultivating, and I met his daughter and Princess Cang Yue at that time. He helped me recover and attain this…"

Chu Yueli concocted a story about her early meeting with Cang Yue, despite having only met her that morning. Her earlier sneak-out remained undisclosed, and she needed to justify bringing Nezuko to the sect. As for the Heavenly God's Spiritual Veins, she needed a cover story before revealing their existence, or her mother would pry everything from her.

"Heavens! Heavenly God's Spiritual Veins?!? Aside from Qingyue and Chan'er, our sect is blessed by another?"

"How envious! It means both Chu sisters are blessed by the heavens?" The other fairies exclaimed, oblivious to the fact that they were blessed by the same man.

"How lucky..." Feng Hanxue and Feng Hanyue echoed in unison. An idea sparked in their minds – befriending Nezuko might lead the swordsman to unlock their profound veins as well. They could become the big sisters she always wanted.

"Then, this child…" Gong Yuxian approached Nezuko, easing her aura to avoid frightening the little one. Cang Yue also eased up and played along in a form of respect to Gong Yuxian. The little Nezuko bowed her little head. Gong Yuxian took the opportunity to scan the child's profound veins and widen her eyes. Although she couldn't detect the evolved form of the profound veins, they bore striking similarities to the Heavenly God's Profound Veins.

"As expected, her as well… What kind of existence is her father?" Gong Yuxian mused internally as she observed Cang Yue's cultivation and the opened profound veins. She sighed, acknowledging Cang Yue's immense talent, but there was no way they could retain her in the Asgard. Fearful of offending the formidable swordsman and their concealed Great Asgard Mistress, currently in seclusion and unable to contend with him, they had to tread carefully.

"Huaaa… that was close… I forgot to have Yuyun disable my cultivation before coming here. This Gong Yuxian is really a scary person." Cang Yue muttered to herself, realizing the potential danger but somehow behind that stern look, there's a vulnerability that she's hiding.

Chu Yueli seized the moment to plead with Gong Yuxian. "Mother… just let me take care of her. I promise she'll only be here for the rest of the day."

"Eeep…" Cang Yue was startled by Gong Yuxian's intense gaze. The Asgard Mistress sighed, realizing the risk of harboring such a heaven-defying talent. Turning around, she walked back to the palace. "Fine, just for a day. She is under your responsibility. I won't risk calamity should something happen to her. It's a shame we couldn't keep such talent."

The other fairies glanced at Gong Yuxian's retreating figure before turning their attention back to Cang Yue's Nezuko form. The child held unparalleled potential, yet circumstances dictated that she couldn't stay. Silent wishes were made, hoping that Chu Yueli could convince Nezuko's father to accept their offer to have her sent to the Asgard. However, if her father alone could train her to be this powerful, disrupting that momentum would be unwise.

Little Fairy sighed before commenting, "*Sigh… Sister Yue, your strength really caused a big trouble right now."

"I was teased for the whole day yesterday about it… Maybe I should have sealed it before coming here. Looks like hiding it might be too late." Cang Yue replied, rubbing her small head. Now that everything was settled, she could ask Little Fairy for suggestions on their tour of the Frozen Cloud Asgard.

Despite all that, both of them wondered where on the Blue Pole Star Yun Che was right now.

Mmmmmm Mmmmm mmmm - Nezuko (Probably)

Nora_Danishcreators' thoughts