
Rebirth in a rom com world!

After death of Tenjo Yuuta , the god granted him only one wish . Despite of Op powers he asked for his favourite waifu in the new world nothing else. Since his good deeds were overwhelming, god granted him more than anything he could ever had asked for, of course granted the waifu(s) too. A/N: I am just migrating this novel from novel section to fanfic section .

Svneighter · Anime & Comics
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52 Chs

Unexpected guests!

There were four people in total who were newly added inside and after I heard the heartbeat of other 7 people's leaping out , I knew that the 4 invaders were completely in dominating position.

I took a heighten position to peek inside and saw what I expected . Everyone else except Miyuki was lying on the ground with their hands tied.

I didn't saw the faces completely but I knew only Hori san and Ishikawa kun were slightly injured , with bruises on their face.

'Hori san might have tried to attack them'. I concluded as I knew the fierce personality of Hori san .

The four invaders were professionals as they weren't making any unnecessary noise at all and the way they were checking their surroundings only told that they were no local gang members.

'Isn's Horimiya supposed to be family friendly romocom anime?' I sighed .

[First , your presence made many changes . Second, this is the real life where you won't only see good things]

'Anyway, lift my speed limiter'. I said and lunged toward the window from which I was peeking earlier.

'Activate Stealth'

3rd person POV:

Izumi , after activating stealth jumped inside the house with speed equal to bullet and made his way cautiously to the first man standing with a glock near the hostages and chopped the vital spot on the neck to make him uncouncious .

Before other could see him fall, Izumi made way to the other two who were guarding the door and standing near Miyuki instantly.

After using the identical trick he slashed his hand behind the others two too.




All the three except the one who was looking like leader ,standing near the door , fell on the ground almost at the same time .

Everyone's face went pale in shock and the most frightened one was the boss whose phone fell from his hand and he pulled out his desert eagle.

"Who the fuck is there, sh-show yourself.."He said while sweating terrifyingly.

He was aiming in the air to figure out who made the unexpected entry. The way he was handling the gun showed that this wasn't new for him.

Since the whole situation happened in 8 seconds, Izumi used his remaining two second to grab the gun standing in front and lifted it at the exact moment when his figure appeared.


The leader already shot when Izumi grabbed his gun but since he already lifted it , the bullet only made a hole in the ceiling.

Izumi face was looking frightening as he was pissed for some reasons after he entered the beach house. He saw something which wasn't visible from outside. He clutched the pistol in his hand until it was reshaped .

Everyone who was lying down on the ground had a shock expression which can surpass the face of a person who saw a ghost suddenly .

They had various kinds of thoughts about the situation but no one has a tiniest bit of idea that how Izumi crushed a gun with his one bare hand that easily .

The boss didn't wasted time to think about the feeling of death he was experiencing and punched his free hand, directly toward Izumi abdomen.

Izumi didn't blocked it and let him punch .

The leader was by no mean an ameture , so just after getting the powerful back lash like he hit a metal wall, he realised one thing:

'I am done for'. He thought with his fear breaking its limit .

"Now it's my turn". Izumi said with the coldest expression he could ever have, before punching his left hand on the boss's same spot on which he punched Izumi before, but the reaction and impact was polar opposite.

The boss flew toward the wall and spit a mouthful of blood after crashing on the wall .

The wall behind him broke on the impact, which added more shocking points to others who were watching the scene with their non blinking amazed eyes.

Izumi POV:

I punched him with limiter that's why he was alive but my anger was taking over me .

The only thing which I didn't saw before sneaking inside was the tears which was overflowing from Miyuki's eyes .

"Get up shithead." I said and picked the baldy who was most probably the leader of this group, by his collar.

"Please w-*cough* wait..I am not *cough* the one who planned it. Please let me go". He said while coughing spit mixed with blood.

"You made her cry , do you think I will let it go".I said and gripped his whole face with my hand and smashed his head again in the wall.

"Please forgiv-" he wanted to say something but I was really pissed to let him say anything.

I pulled his head and threw it toward the ground only to smash it on my raised knee.

I heard his bone of his nose and upper jaw cracking with his teeth falling on the ground.

Blood was dripping ,with his face being total messed up.

He fell on his knee and before I can release my another attack , he lost his consciousness.

"He was real soft for being a gangster". I sighed as my anger subdued a little after watching the weak performance .

"IZUMMMIIII" Miyuki dashed toward me and hugged me tightly.

She was crying with tears spilling out uncontrollably. My anger started to boil up again after I saw her scared and crying like this but I wanted to calm her down first befor i could beat him again.

"It's okay, I am here". I said while rubbing her back to ease her sore emotions.

Everyone else stood up and approached toward us slowly with glad look mixed with slight frighteness.

"Miyuki please don't cry like this, everything is fine now . " I was doing my best to calm her down with my hands shaking slightly.

I didn't knew why, but my heart darkens whenever I see Miyuki crying .

I helped everyone to untie their ropes before I sat down on the chair with Miyuki on my lap while hugging her gently.

Yuuki and Yoshida san also has tears in their eyes due to the things they faced.

Hori san was really admirable at this moment as she never wiped a tear and even hugged Yuuki and Yoshida san to make them calm down.

I gave a smile to Hori san , on which she nodded in understanding, but a slight bit of fear was also visible in those eyes.

"You guys okay? " I asked everyone after some minutes .

"Yeah, but are you the one who handled those men?" Ishikawa kun asked while pointing toward the uncouncious guards, lying down lifelessly.

"Ah we will talk about it later. First Miyuki can your dad organise someone to drive us back in the morning?" I asked Miyuki while wiping her last bit of tears.

She nodded and pointed toward her phone lying on the ground.

"Okay , now you guys wai-" I was about to stand up when Miyuki grabbed my shirt tightly and shook her head.

My heart melted at her cutness .

"Don't worry I am just right here. " I said while patting her head gently.

She stared at me with puppy eyes before standing up.

I gave her water and took her phone. I got out of the house and called her father .

I gave him vague explanation about how we got attacked and we boys took care of it somehow.

He was super panic and said he is coming himself . I tried to stop him but that really didn't reached to his ears . I told him that Miyuki is okay but right now she won't be able to talk .

"Ah Hori san , can I have a moment?" I called Hori san to talk privately after I disconnected the call.

"Can you tell me what happened ?" I asked her as at the moment she was the only one who was most composed .

"They actually entered just after the moment we came inside from the store. I tried to fight them but it was my foolishness to think I could win. After beating me and Tooru they tied all of us except Miyuki. The bald boss, made her sit on the chair but didn't said anything, like what he wanted or-" She was about to continue when I interrupted her.

"Did he touched Miyuki?" I asked anxiously with anger rising inside .

"No he just threatened her while pointing guns toward us but never touched her." She said .

"Okay now please rest , I know you are also stressed out by the situation. But don't worry now, I am here and I promise that no one will touch you guys .". I said with a smile and saw the glad look in her eyes. She nodded and got back to the others .

I was leaning on the wall facing the beach, thinking about various things when Miyuki approached me slowly.

I felt her arms around my waist and her body on my back.

"I am sorry for leaving you ". I said as my urgency of completing the quest led this much things to happen .

"It's not your fault Izumi, so please don't blame yourself. I am happy that you came to save us and save me again ". She whispered .

I was about to reply her when we all heard the boss waking up.


The boss coughed and all the boys along with Hori san stood with their guards up , covering Yuuki and Yoshida san who were on the verge on tears again .

I turned and held Miyuki's hand whose face lost its colour all of sudden.

"Mo-MONSTERR" He screamed and was about to fall on his back again when I swifted my feets toward him, after I released her hand.

"If you close your eyes once again, I will make sure to make that permanent, remembered that". I said after I bent to match his eye level.

His face went pale and eyes shot open in fear.

"Now I will ask you questions and you will answer obidietly. If you tried to play tricks then ...." He nodded before even I completed my sentence.

"Who sent you and who was your target". I asked but I already knew the answer of later half .

"We are an illegal organisation who works for those who can afford us. Our organization is international, so I don't know who the main head is . My order was to kidnap Shiba Miyuki and brought her to our Japan branch, which is right now is sothern town, building 4a, behind the abandoned Luminous factory site. I don't know the reason for abduction ,my superior gave me the order so he might know about it. This is my phone and here is his number.If I talk in this voice so he might suspect, if you can give me 10 minutes then..." He was about to continue in his hoarse voice when I raised my hand.

He closed his eyes in fret but despite of hitting him , I slapped his bald head softly.

"Good job. Now rest until police arrives." I said before knocking him down.

'So this is more messed up than I thought huh'. I sighed as while thinking about my next move.