
Rebirth in a rom com world!

After death of Tenjo Yuuta , the god granted him only one wish . Despite of Op powers he asked for his favourite waifu in the new world nothing else. Since his good deeds were overwhelming, god granted him more than anything he could ever had asked for, of course granted the waifu(s) too. A/N: I am just migrating this novel from novel section to fanfic section .

Svneighter · Anime & Comics
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52 Chs


I knew police and Miyuki's dad , will arrive very shortly so we planned out what we gonna tell them about the assault and the whole thing happened. All things were same except that I was present with others the whole time .

"Whatever we tell them, eventually they will know the truth, either from these men or from that crushed gun. " Ishikawa kun said with a sigh.

This was the fact which I already knew, as I really didn't had any skill to do anything about it .

"Well I will take it, whatever happens, just for now this story will do. " I said as we decided to go with group surprise attack of all boys on the gang members , will convince the officers most likely for now.

"You saved our life, so please tell us whatever happens , atleast I can guarantee for myself that I will help you Miyamura kun". Yanagi sad with a kind smile.

"If you have confessed with that face, then maybe .." I said while glancing at Yuuki with a smug.

"MIYAMURA BAKA BAKA BAKA". Yuuki punched my chest in the cutest way .

I really saw her as my little sister that's why I always called her using her first name.

Everyone smiled and the mood relaxed a bit.

Police siren ,was picked by my ears and I informed everyone. The gang members were tied together without consciouness.

Everyone became amazed again with my extraordinary senses as the police car actually arrived after 5 minutes I told them about it.

I narrated the story with the help of others and handed over the culprits.

"There are various things I want to know and Izumi kun , I guess you will answer them for me, but right now you guys should relax . Someone will help you to go back home."The chief said after he observed the whole situation.

'He is really sharp'. I thought as without much interrogation he already knew that I had a major role in the whole situation.

I nodded before the medic team came inside. The medic team checked each of us thoroughly and except for Hori san and Ishikawa kun, every one was perfectly fine , only the mental shock was still alive in their minds.

Miyuki didn't had any injury but she barely spoke any word which was making me worried continuously. She never left my side .

Some officers were still guarding the area when ,several black cars arrived .

Mr . Shiba ,along with several bodyguards got off those luxurious cars which made me think .. 'Is he really only a businessman?'

"Miyuki .." He dashed toward us and hugged his daughter with a glad look in his eyes.

The guards were scattered in the surroundings, like the officers and a woman probably the secretary of Mr.Shiba approached the officer in charge to ask about the case.

I gave the father - daughter some space and informed Hori san and others about them.

"So our beach trip ends like this huh." Iura said but by no means he had any regrets in his eyes . He was really scared before so he wanted to return home , whether he says or not.

We packed our bags and Yanagi kun gave the van keys to one of the bodyguard and all of them sat in a limousine , except for me and Miyuki as Mr. Shiba already told us to sit with him .

I also wanted to be with Miyuki when her condition was like this , so after informing others, me and Miyuki sat inside the mercedes where Mr. Shiba was already seated.

"Izumi kun, first of all I am really thankful for saving my daughter once again. I don't know how I can repay your kindness but please ask me for anything even my life is on the line , I will fulfill it." He said with a slight bow , without any hesitation.

Miyuki was silent all the time leaning toward me with her eyes closed and hand connected with mine.

"You don't have to say that much.My friends and especially Miyuki are the people ,I genuinely care for so it was natural for me to help them... Anyway do you know who were they and why they attacked us?" I asked in suspicioun as I wasn't sure about the origin related to all this ruckus.

His face went pale but he tried his best to not show any change in his expression .

"Business rivalry. There are several companies who doesn't want me to rise up without getting tainted myself in the corruption tar". He said with a serious face but I knew he was lying becuase his impulse dilated when he spoke.

"But what I have read , you are in cargo and docks business who deals with international trade . And beside you there is only one organization who deals on this massive level of trade affairs so there isn't that much of competition". I said completely ignoring the glares I was recieving from the secretary through the side mirror.

"Ah, small companies are now emerging who wants to eliminate the biggest rival first and various things, you won't understand now Izumi kun". He said with more serious expression with a little bit of anger hidden behind those words.

Miyuki clutched my shirt with her brows frowned because of her father's tone. I patted her hand to make her eased up.

"Izumi kun, I am completely sure after this incident that you are not a regular high schooler but I will advice you to not interfere in this matter anymore". The secretary coughed a little to distract Mr. Shiba's growing empulsion ,but it didn't reached him.

"Oh , so should I take it as a threat Mr , Shiba?" I asked with a smug face as I really don't give a fuck about his warning at all.

He didn't said anything just glared at me furiously .

"DAD...why are you behaving like this." Miyuki flared up and responded to those stares with more intensity.

"Ah, Miyuki I am sorry , I just want Izumi kun to be safe. I am sorry Izumi kun if you have took it in the wrong way." He apologized with his angered expression retired down.

"It's okay , I know what you meant and don't worry I won't pry in this anymore ." I said and leaned back on the seat with Miyuki in my embrace.

'This sure is fishy'.

[You have lots of notifications]

'Save them for now, I am sleepy at the moment'. I thought before dozing off .


After returning back home , the first thing I did was to make the dead worried lady inside my house, calm down.

Mom got the news about this incident befoe we departed from the beach as officers called every families about this whole scenario. Naturally mom was worried and called dad in a rush. Since I knew about her nature, I already texted dad about our situation and assured him about my safety .

It took me an hour to make her believe that I was fine from top to bottom, however she only said one thing in the end:

"You are grounded until I call it off, understood?" She said with tears in her eyes.

"Hai hai." I agreed as i knew this was the best way to make her feel relaxed about me.

'Well I have various things to riddle out'. I thought before drifting back to my room.

"Now show me those notification". I said as soon I sat on the bed , with a smile bloomed on my face.


[Lover's Quest]

[Save your classmates ]

[Status: Completed]

[Reward : 1. 500 coins ]

2. 100 exp ]

3. Tears of red phoenix (x5) - rank A ]

[Critical hit x 4]

[Reward : 200 coins , 40 exp]


[Shadow stealth]

[Level up!]

[New level : 2]

[Effect: User can erase their presence from surroundings for 15 second.]

(Note: Those with high perception and intelligence can detect the shadow stealth at current level.)

"Hoh, my first skill which upgraded. Not bad and this tears of phoenix, is It what I am assuming?" I asked Darbi as I had a vague idea about what it could be.

[The tears of the red phoenix, can heal any type of injury and regenerated each and every part of a living being until they are alive. One drop can only be used for one being.]

"Nice, now I can be more reckless" .

[Is it really something you should decide about -_-]

"I am just kidding." I said while rubbing my cheek in embarrassment as I really meant what I said.

[You really meant that]

" Ahem, now let's see whats this organisation about". I said and stood up .

I created a mirror software of my computer, with the help of the knowledge I have gained with hackers hub and the books I have read until now.

This mirrored system is actually my own pc but it has a seperate entity. I can switch between the original one and duplicate one with my accord.

The mirrored one has no sign of my original system, and the duplicate one has its own fake UUID . With this no one could in this world could track me down.

"Now let's start". I crunched my fingers and started my research.

After about an hour I concluded three things.

First ,the baldy was right . The organisation is named Syther which deals illegally and works on international level. There wasn't an official site obviously, only the scattered piece of news from different companies and news channel confirmed about their presence.

Second, Mr. Shiba is actually working for Japanese government . The import export of automobile accessories is just a facade. And the original business he deals is to export weaponry and other necessities to the undercover agents scattered in the whole world . This information took more time than the previous one.

Third, this attack wasn't related to japanese branch of Syther organisation, rather this order came from higher ups probably those who reside in different nation.

'I guess I will visit this Japan branch soon'. I thought after I sorted out the whole scenario.