
Rebirth: I am The Daughter Of The Female Lead From A Tragedy Novel!

At the age of fourteen, Evelyn met with a tragic ending only to learn that she was the daughter of the female lead. Her mother, Amelia Wilson, suffered through various entanglements with her father, Daniel Wright before running away pregnant. In the end, her mother died, and her father killed himself after revenge. Waking up at the age of five, she learned that she was given a second change, and knowing her mother's murder was premeditated, she was in a search to find her father to protect the woman she held dear.

ShinSungmi · Urban
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149 Chs

Teach A Lesson

Fighting with a five year old wasn't included in her long list of what she wished to do, but situations were inevitable. Evelyn was in pain. However, her determination imprinted in her mind that giving up wasn't an option.

She had to teach this rude brat a lesson!

"Evelyn, what are you doing?"

When that loud voice of her nanny fell, Evelyn stiffened, and the rude brat took his as opportunity to slap her nose to push her way. The pain instantly brought tears to her eyes, her hand grabbing on her nose.

Her nanny rushed over to her, and holding the ice-cream with one of her hand, she helped up little Eve using her other hand. While glaring at the boy, Evelyn slapped her clothes to get the sand off of her.

Bruises and scratches sat on both of their faces, remaining as signs from the battle they tediously fought. Their hair were a mess, resembling a bird's neat, and the once neat clothing was nowhere to be seen, covered in creases and sand.

Before her nanny could open her mouth, little Eve spoke, "Nanny, hold on to my ice-cream for a minute. I will teach this brat a lesson in two minutes. He should learn to respect the elders."

Also, she had a feeling he inflicted more damage on her comparatively.

She had to settle the differences.

"Edgar, are you up to mischief again?"

Hearing that disapproving and stern voice got the five year old Edgar to stiffen. He immediately dusted off the remnants of the sand from his clothes and cleared his throat. After that, he threw a quick glare at Evelyn before turning back and bearing an innocent countenance.

"I didn't do anything. I promise," he answered— a little too hastily.

Surprised flashed through Evelyn's eyes when she saw the familiar blue eyed man. What a series of coincidences in a matter of two days! Following him was Steven.

"Liar," she mumbled, pouting her lips and scrunching her nose.

Steven's eyes widened for a second before he smiled and said, "Little Eve, you are here too. Were you two playing together?"

"No, he hit me," she accused, pointing her finger at him and expressing a dissatisfaction.

"Edgar?" enunciated Daniel, giving the child a side-eye.

Edgar huffed and defended, "She hit me too."

"You did it first. You attacked me with that ball of yours," she argued.

"That was an accident. What you did was on purpose," he pointed out.

"That's because you didn't apologize to me."

This made the boy tilt his head in confusion and say, "I didn't? But I did though. Could it be that you didn't hear it or are you just lying?"

Evelyn was flabbergasted.

This boy was straight up making up falsity and then blaming it on her. He truly made her want to beat him more.

"I am not lying!" she exclaimed, frustrated. "You are the liar."

"Don't lie just because you don't want to get in trouble, liar. Ask my friends. I am telling the truth, right?"

At that, his eyes fell on his friends, and all of them nodded their heads out of nervousness.

What kind of child was it?

Evelyn turned to her nanny, staring at her in desperation and pulled on to her pants, before voicing out, "Nanny, I didn't lie, really."

One of the things that scared her the most was false accusations made against her. Due to them, she had been punished a plenty in her last life, and her hands involuntarily trembled at the thought of it.

Jenny noticed the fear in the girl's eyes and reached out her hand to pat on top of her head. Then, she said, "Of course, I believe in my little Eve. Now, eat up your ice-cream before it melts."

Jenny then handed her the cone. Evelyn licked the sweet and cold cream, feeling the joy spread through her at the taste.

"What a crybaby!"

Edgar shook his head in disappointment.

"Beating up a girl and then lying— we have a lot to talk about you being a bully, right?" Daniel said nonchalantly.

But that was enough for the five year old to freeze. He didn't dare turn back. Instead, he glared at little Eve who gave him a toothy grin in return.

"I will deal with you next time," he threatened.

"Do you need me to lock you in the house, Edgar?" asked Daniel.

Looking back at the man, he whined, "Danny, you can't do this in the public!? What will happen to my reputation?"

Catching that name, her eyes widened, and Evelyn muttered, "D-Danny?"