
Rebirth: Counterterrorism in America

"Reborn for Family: Taken" - Joining CTU in "Counterterrorism 24/7," pursued by Jason Bourne from "The Bourne Identity," cooperating with Ethan Hunt from "Mission: Impossible," blending elements of "Rainbow Six" and "Call of Duty," navigating the realms of movies and games, I am Steve Owen. THIS HISTORY BELONGS TO THE ORIGINAL AUTHOR THIS IS A TRANSLATION

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Chapter 24: Jack Bauer

Inside the van, the camera was still rolling, broadcasting the entire scene live, but Jack Bauer didn't care. He turned his gaze to the cameraman and the lighting assistant inside the van, who quickly raised their hands to indicate they had nothing to do with the situation.

The media surrounding them consciously avoided Jack Bauer's gaze. Many veteran journalists knew he was a tough nut to crack.

Bauer had made quite a name for himself in counter-terrorism, causing several major incidents, but he was still in charge, now leading the Los Angeles CTU branch. Striking a journalist was really nothing to him. Unlike other departments, CTU didn't care about media opinions. In matters of national security, everything else was trivial.

"Who are you?"

The sudden unfamiliar voice made Owen tense up, fearing the terrorists might use hostages as leverage. Fortunately, the conversation that followed eased his worries.

"I'm Jack Bauer from CTU. I'll be in full command of the operation from now on."

Owen felt a surreal connection, finding himself directly in communication with Jack Bauer.

This feeling was entirely different from when he first learned of CTU's existence. Owen thought of the various plots in "24": nuclear threats, virus outbreaks, presidential assassinations, kidnappings of foreign diplomats. Everywhere they went, no incident was minor. Owen suddenly felt the world he lived in was incredibly dangerous.

While Owen was still processing the information, McClane grabbed the walkie-talkie, desperately shouting, "I don't care about CTU or whatever! Why do they know my identity? What's going on?"

Jack Bauer paused before responding, "A journalist tapped into our walkie-talkie channel and broadcasted what he heard on TV. We have him under control now."

McClane, visibly agitated, cursed the journalist, CTU, and even the LAPD.

Worried McClane might destroy the walkie-talkie in his rage, Owen quickly took it back, "McClane is a bit upset. The terrorists are using his wife as leverage. We've managed to bluff our way through for now, but it's not a long-term solution. We want to rescue the hostages and his wife, but we need your help."

"What's your plan?"

"Well... My plan is..."

Owen laid out his idea, improvised on the spot due to the sudden turn of events.

"The terrorists want the bonds in the vault. So, we'll rob the vault and use the bonds to exchange for the hostages. That way, we both have what the other wants. It's a risky move, but even if we can't get all hostages back, at least we can save McClane's wife."

After a pause, Bauer seemed to tacitly agree, then asked, "How do you need us to cooperate?"

"Provide the vault's location, cut their surveillance, and we'll need sniper support. McClane and I will handle the vault; you monitor the hostages. Once the trade is done or if they harm the hostages, the snipers intervene."

Owen made his request, confident in CTU's technological capabilities, which often involved satellite manipulation. Cutting surveillance should be simple for them.

"Surveillance was cut before our conversation. The vault's location, give me a moment..."

The command vehicle had a detailed blueprint of the building. Jack Bauer quickly found the vault's location.

"It's on the 18th floor, west side. We'll proceed with your plan. I'll have the assault team ready. The communication channel is shared with the sniper team. I'll enter the building later to check on the hostages. We'll be in touch."

The group quickly finalized their action plan and began preparations. Owen also briefly communicated with Bob from the sniper team.

In the stairwell, they ran swiftly. With the surveillance down, they moved unimpeded, finally able to sprint through the building.

In the room, Hans also received a report from the surveillance team. The late disconnection of surveillance was unexpected, and he was unaware of the change in command outside.

"Hans, haha, I've opened the vault. I told you I'm the best. Don't you want to come and see? There's more than just what we want inside, there are surprises too."

A voice laughed triumphantly over the walkie-talkie. Hans smiled; the vault was their true goal. Hans wasn't just any terrorist; he was after the money.

Let the police, journalists, and hostages go to hell, along with those annoying "mice." Compared to the vault, nothing else mattered.

"You guys, come with me to the vault. Bring her along. Alex, you're in charge here for now." Hans, with a few delighted subordinates, headed towards the elevator, not forgetting to bring Holly, the hostage.

Upon reaching the 18th floor, Hans entered the vault just in time to see a young black man with glasses stuffing money into travel bags, with two bags already full by the door.

The newcomer greeted them warmly, bumping shoulders.

Those who followed Hans into the vault were stunned by the sight of so much money, something they had never seen in their lives. Seeing the neatly stacked bonds and cash drove them into a frenzy.

Hans's men, even forgetting about the hostage, rushed into the sea of money, kissing and hugging it, stuffing every pocket with cash.

Standing at the doorway, Hans watched his frenzied subordinates and the money with uncontrollable joy.

The vault held not only the anticipated half-billion dollars in bonds but also at least fifty million in cash, neatly arranged. This heist was proving more lucrative than a bank robbery.

Among those present, only Holly remained relatively composed. She had never seen so much money, but as a hostage, it meant nothing to her.

Noticing the bombs and detonators prepared on a table outside the vault, Holly couldn't help asking, "Are you going to blow this place up?"

"Of course. When someone steals fifty dollars, nobody cares. When someone steals five hundred million, the whole world comes after him. I'll blow this place up, so no one knows how much I took."

"You're despicable."

"Haha, I'll take that as a compliment," Hans said, brimming with pride.