
Rebirth Bound to the Cold-Blooded CEO

I will be posting this story on RoyalRoad.com Reborn with memories of her past life, Emma Roberts is determined to rewrite her fate and seek revenge on those who betrayed her. Entangled with the ruthless and enigmatic CEO Logan Black, Emma navigates a world filled with intense passion, dark secrets, and strategic power plays. As she transforms from a weak pawn to a powerful and independent woman, Emma and Logan's relationship evolves into a potent alliance, making them an unstoppable force. Together, they face their enemies head-on, driven by love, desire, and a shared thirst for justice. This is a tale of rebirth, revenge, and a powerful couple defying the odds to claim their destiny.

Joel_Blyden · Urban
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44 Chs

Chapter 23: A Love Letter for Logan

Chapter 23: A Love Letter for Logan

Emma Roberts sat in her dorm room, a mischievous smile tugging at her lips. She had anticipated Samantha Green's reaction perfectly. The moment she decided to use the unfinished love letter, she knew it would create ripples.

Samantha Green, watching Emma from afar, smirked coldly. She had thought Emma might have finally grown a spine this time, but it turned out she was still the same pathetic girl. Pretending to be dignified, huh? Samantha's eyes gleamed as she stealthily pulled out her phone and snapped a picture of Emma. She quietly retreated from the room, eager to put her plan into action.

Back in her own room, Samantha had no intention of studying. Instead, she immediately sent a message to Logan Black.

Logan Black was the heir to the prestigious Black family, a man who seemed untouchable to ordinary people. Yet, Samantha had his private number and could enter his residence, the opulent Black Mansion, whenever she pleased. She thrilled at the thought of one day becoming the lady of the mansion, the envy of everyone who knew about her connection with Logan.

Even Emma, that good-for-nothing girl, had captured Logan's attention. There was no reason Samantha couldn't do the same. After all, Logan had always treated her differently. She had access to his home, his private number, and he even helped her family during tough times.

Blushing with excitement, Samantha sent Logan a message. Her confidence soared. It was only a matter of time before Logan was hers.

"Mr. Black, I heard you and Emma had a fight. Are you alright? Don't worry about her. I just checked on her, and she seems fine."

She attached the photo she had taken of Emma. In the picture, the love letter was clearly visible. Logan's sharp eyes would undoubtedly notice it was addressed to Ethan Walker, showing Emma's relentless pursuit of him.

Samantha needed Logan to despise Emma, ensuring there was no chance of reconciliation.

Meanwhile, in Emma's dorm room, after Samantha left, Emma resumed her studies but felt an uneasy sensation that she had forgotten something. She glanced at the corner of her desk and noticed a draft of a love letter she had written to Ethan Walker but never sent.

Just as she remembered how Samantha had used this very letter against her in the past life, creating chaos when her relationship with Logan was at its worst. The letter had been the final straw that led Logan to drag her back from school, causing a scandal. Rumors had spread like wildfire, claiming she was abducted by loan sharks and even forced into degrading situations.

Though circumstances were slightly different in this life, the outcome wouldn't be much better. Especially since she had just sworn her loyalty to Logan. If he thought she was deceiving him, the consequences would be dire.

Realizing the potential fallout, Emma picked up the letter and twirled a pen in her hand, a cunning smile forming on her lips. Fortunately, the letter was only a draft and didn't specify the recipient. So, why couldn't it be addressed to Logan instead?

Emma took out her phone, snapped a picture of the letter, and sent it to Logan, adding a heart emoji for good measure.

In her message, she wrote:

"I wrote this for you, Logan. I hope it makes you smile."

Emma's pulse quickened as she waited for Logan's response, her mind racing with the possible outcomes. She needed to act fast and stay ahead of Samantha's schemes.

Logan, on the other hand, received the message while in the middle of a meeting. His phone buzzed, and he glanced at it, seeing the message from Emma. His expression remained unreadable, but those close to him noticed a brief flicker of emotion in his eyes.

Logan excused himself from the meeting and stepped outside to read the message more carefully. He looked at the picture of the love letter and the heart emoji, his mind processing Emma's intentions. The timing seemed suspiciously perfect, especially after their recent argument.

As he contemplated the situation, Logan couldn't help but admire Emma's cleverness. She was playing a dangerous game, but he found himself intrigued by her boldness.

He texted back:

"You surprise me, Emma. I look forward to discussing this in person."

Emma read Logan's reply, her heart pounding. She had successfully diverted the immediate danger, but the real challenge lay ahead. She needed to keep Logan's trust while navigating the treacherous waters created by Samantha's schemes.

The following days were a blur of strategic maneuvers. Emma maintained her composure, attending classes and interacting with Logan's staff as usual. Behind the scenes, she prepared for every possible contingency, ensuring she had an escape plan ready if things went south.

Logan, too, was making his moves. He arranged a surprise dinner for Emma, determined to understand her true intentions. He couldn't afford to have anyone close to him be untrustworthy, especially not someone he had grown to care for.

On the night of the dinner, Logan picked Emma up, their interactions guarded yet charged with underlying tension. They drove in silence, the air thick with unspoken words. Emma could feel Logan's gaze on her, scrutinizing her every move.

At the restaurant, they were escorted to a private room, away from prying eyes. Logan ordered their favorite dishes, the ambiance both intimate and intense.

Once they were settled, Logan leaned forward, his eyes piercing into Emma's. "So, Emma, tell me about this letter. What made you write it?"

Emma took a deep breath, her mind racing for the right words. "Logan, I've been thinking a lot about us, about everything we've been through. That letter was my way of expressing my feelings, my commitment to you."

Logan studied her, his expression unreadable. "And what about Ethan Walker?"

Emma's heart skipped a beat. "Ethan is my past, Logan. You are my present and my future. I won't let anyone come between us."

Logan's gaze softened slightly. "You're playing a dangerous game, Emma. But I can see you're sincere. Just remember, trust is everything to me."

Emma nodded, feeling a surge of relief. "I understand, Logan. I won't let you down."

The rest of the evening passed in a tense but hopeful atmosphere. Emma knew she had to be careful, but she also felt a renewed sense of determination. She would outmaneuver Samantha, gain Logan's complete trust, and secure her place in his life.

As they left the restaurant, Logan took Emma's hand, a silent promise passing between them. They would face whatever challenges lay ahead together, bound by their shared struggles and growing bond.

Back in her room that night, Emma felt a mix of exhaustion and triumph. She had taken a significant step in securing her future, but the battle was far from over. She needed to stay vigilant, to anticipate Samantha's next move and counter it effectively.

With a deep breath, Emma settled into bed, her mind already planning her next steps. She was in this for the long haul, ready to fight for her place by Logan's side. No matter what obstacles came her way, she would overcome them. She was no longer the naïve girl who could be easily manipulated. She was a force to be reckoned with, and she was just getting started.